Job Corps
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Thu 03/06/08 04:21 AM
I used to be a youth counselor at a job corps center in the late 90's. dont know how things have changed since then.
The Program is really is pretty good depending on which career path he would chose, but keep this in mind as well, there is no guarentees that he will either complete the course or chose a career that has a lot of options on the 'outside'. They center around education, completing HS diplomas for youth 16-24, who have not received them. In some cases there is the oppertunity to go to a JUCO but those are rare and very competitive. Job corps has a lot of rules and requirements once the student is enrolled. there are searches every time a student comes on a center unescorted, there are lights out times, wake up early etc etc, and absolutely no tolerance for drugs and alcohol. Some centers have an ROTC program as well. there are a lot of different options, but the job corps program is good for what it is. ON THE OTHER hand, whats wrong with joining the army, we take kids and turn them into men, hahahahahahaha.... seriously, we can be a blessing or a curse. its not a bad way to go either. But if your kid has mental worries (specialed) learning disabilities and the such, maybe job corps is for him. you can do a search to read up on all the different things that are offered, just dont let the rose colored glasses they portrait themselves thru cloud your opinions. its a government program, contracted out in some cases to private companies like Minact. anyway, good luck, doc |
Regime change
oh brother......... i woke up again today? dammit!!!!!!!
What mission?? I have a valid concern over his ability to run this country in war time. He is a POW which along with all the honor and consideration comes long standing mental health issues. It is a valid concern. would it not then be valid concern to have someone whose judgement is clouded with past years of protest rallies to lead the country in the time of war? could they handle the responsibility then to protect this country, the menn already in a war, and possible confrontations in the future? or is that not an evalutable concern for the job. there is noway that that could possibly impair their ability to run the whitehouse, could it? oh, and heres a good one, do they know how to use the military, what is their experience in this regard? |
Say What, Barrack?
I don't have to watch the news. I live it and see it everyday. oorah said the hooah. ![]() |
Sad News
The Legal War In Iraq
And thats bad considering how much I hate the Bushies, and distrust all Republicans because of his actions. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() international court, what is the main purpose, can someone tell me their main reason for being, what is their charter. and heres one, are they more lenient than the US laws? or more strict? just floating this out there but i would say less strict. here's what the court deals with and what they do.. " The International Court of Justice acts as a world court. The Court has a dual jurisdiction : it decides, in accordance with international law, disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States (jurisdiction in contentious cases); and it gives advisory opinions on legal questions at the request of the organs of the United Nations or specialized agencies authorized to make such a request (advisory jurisdiction)." as an example with Columbia and Venezuela, Uribe said his government would ask the International Criminal Court to try Chavez for "genocide" for allegedly financing the FARC, the country's main rebel group. He cited a reference to a $300 million Venezuelan payment in documents found in a laptop the Colombians said belonged to Reyes. The court takes on cases that are submitted to it by countries. In the Iraq situation Iraq would have taken their complaints the World Court to have the US tried for engaging in an illegal war if they thought it was an illegal war...or they could bring a case the World Court against the US if the US was staying in Iraq against Iraq's wishes... So kind of based on this premis then, I ask you this. Has someone with the counry of Iraq, who I would say we can all agree are more a vested interest than any other in the world, Has anybody from their country went to the "world court" and said, could you please prosecute them for an "Illegal"war? I dont think ive ever heard anywhere that an iraqihas said anything like that......... isnt it peculiar that in a time when everyone is screaming so loud that they cant seem to see straight, that the most deafening noise of all, in this matter, is the silence from those who would no best- the iraqis. peace to all the tree huggers out there. doc |
Regime change
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Wed 03/05/08 09:22 PM
Nevertheless, the ideal that these wonderful people fight for has any validity for the common well-being of North America or the humanity in general? What is the purpose to go around the world and establish military basis in countries which does not belong to the USA? What is the purpose to generate war and hate in other countries? I admire the soldiers who go out there and fight for this country. But what is the final purpose? who is benefiting out of the war created by this country? Honest and sincere questions that I would like to understand. Sorry for taking so long to respond to this. First question is pretty easy to answer in regards to humanity. this is an anicdotial story about how many people would you let die to save a million people, 1? 2? 5000? The lives already lost that need not be have been from the Iraqi side more so than from the American side. The No BS amounts of mass graves that have been found can lead one to draw the conclusion that more were surely to follow. Saddam Hussien is credited with the conservative estimate of killing more than 1 million people with methods that would make you throw up in your shirt, and some say that the number is more like 2.5... now I can not tell you if that is close to what it really was or way off. And I can only say that what ever the number, it was to many and needed to be stopped. In my opinion more than finding any nuclear bomb. did we stop a crazy man from attaining the near hitler status of the past? I would submit to you that we did, for humanity. Establishing military bases through the world in regions where there are or have the potential to be conflicts of great concern is important to being able to quickly react and help those people in need when and if the situation calls for it. It is better to prepare for something and not need it than to not prepare and find yourself needing it badly. The countries that military bases are at have granted us permission to utilize their lands for this purpose. It is not just for our safety tthat we do this, but they will agree that it is for theirs as well. Military bases in germany helped to end the cold war as we know it by their simple presence(no action ever taken out of Germany against Russia). Bases in Korea have eased the threat of the North Koreans, and some would say China from invading and surely conquering South Korea and possibly Japan. There are others as well but you should get the point. We do not have a military base on a land that we have not gotten permission from or were asked directly. Except maybe Cuba, but we had a base there before Fidel Castro, and now it seems we will have one there after he is gone. The "final purpose"? Freedom to live humanely. There are certain rights that should not be taken away from any humanbeing. The right to breathe being chiefly among them. The right to speak, the right to eat, the right to read, the right to chose for them away of life that will benefit them and their families. When these rights are stripped away, and people are forced to live their lives for the state then surely humanity suffers. Who benefits from the actions of the United States, with regard to these things that you mentioned? It is my opinion that humanity benefits. Who cares if you call it democracy (forced or otherwise) or a republic or hell even a communistic socialistic theocrity, so long as basic humanity and the rights given to all us as humans are not destroyed by it, then yes, human kind benefits from our actions. Yes there are those the world over who profit monetarily, it is the way it is, it is not right to profit on the shoulders of the weak and less fortunate from any group of people or country. Are we or have we been guilty of it, yes. Will we or some other benefit in the future, yes. Does that make it right, no. Does that mean we should stop trying to help because someone scammed some money, no. Some of us do what we do because we believe in it. Others do it for money. Still there are some that would have you do nothing for the money that it would surely bring as well, while others like yourself would do nothing because that is what you truly believe to be the right course. Always seek to know who gains from both, and chose the path that benefits not only you but your fellow humanbeing as well. Doc |
Regime change
aahh yes, that is the question isnt it.
what country has more resources than the US? But can I add to that with out it seeming like I am being a jerk? What country has the people that are willing to do what ours does? Im not asking in a bad way, what the meaning is, is there are other countries in the world that are doing good things, no doubt. But how many of their citizens are willing to take life into their own hands and do what must be done in order to protect the actions of their country? we are a very proud people, too proud some would say, but we the people do it selfishly no matter what the government's reasoning is. doc |
I get misty when i here or see that. ahh shucks....... of course we understand it, hell we live it everyday.
in 1994 a survey was put out to troops regarding the UN presence on American soil, UN Troops, anyway very simple and straight forward survey, crust being, would you if given the order fire on an american citizen? overwhelmingly, the answer was not no, but hell no. live free or die trying as a rapper once said. screaming eagles, all the way baby. hooah! |
Regime change
Nice hit and run piece Miguel, long time no see.
hope all is well with you (present post having nothing to do with that) ![]() |
Regime change
questioning me on my patriotism? ok heres the background. I enlisted in the military in 1990, prior to Saddams invasion of Kuwait. I served until 1998, under both Bush Sr. and Clinton. I re-enlisted in 2003, prior to the war with Iraq. I have voted in every single election since I was eighteen. Yes I know the mayor. I know who sits on the school board. Yes I am politically active, if you couldnt tell from the other post. I have worked as a Youth counselor, among many other things, during the time I wasnt in the army. I am educated and do have a degree. As far as what have I done for my country prior to being shipped out... I guess the same as many, I pay my taxes, I have went to city council meetings, and school board meetings. Have I ever chaired one or been on the board- nope. Will I, you bet, have to start somwhere before I just throw my hat into the race for President. It is my future ambition to become the first prsident with the name Dennis, and when that happens you can truly put your head down and wait, cause its coming. it was ashame to read you were forbidden to vote, someone should stand up and....FIGHT , for your right to do so. ![]() ![]() nice to see that you are one of the minority that talks the talk and walks the walk, my hat off to you sir, and I hope you do become the first president named Dennis (I think you have a great sense of humor, by the way). Non-citizens are prohibited by law from voting and holding the public office beyond local boards or commissions (put a damper on Arnolds political career). Makes sense when you consider what the founding fathers had in mind for your country. I didnt mind...I did enough to do my part for what I believed in. By the way, I dont think you are a terrorist nor do I question your patriotism. It was never my intention to imply as such and I apologize if my words came across that way. Contrary to others opinions, I am neither heartless (more like a bleeding hart), despicable or contemptuous of others who dont think like me. its more than cool Symbelmyne. I think that debate is good, i think that dessention is good, if we all thought the same it would be boring. thanks tho I do appreciate the fact that you can be civil, I am trying myself. Doc |
Edited by
Wed 03/05/08 11:06 AM
Dragoness...... I just looked at your profile to ascertain what your profession is and discovered you are not in the field of mental health in any capacity. So, how can you assess McCain and claim he has a POW complex that will never go away or will partially remain? Do you know him personally? Do you know someone who has intimate knowledge about him? Kriest!!! who doesnt know about PTSD?? Theres only like a billion "psuedo-therapist" on TV all talking about trauma....pleeeeeze. ![]() and the flip side to that is how many people dont get ptsd. its not the flu or aids or anything like that. to assume that every individual gets ptsd is like saying every woman has PMS all the time. or that every man is a sexist because he married a woman and not a man, come on, really, now he's post traumatic? maybe 35 years ago but i thinks hes alright now dont you? with that ladies, I have to say its been rather fun and hope to see you all later, but doc's gotto run. peace to all, im outty DOC |
Regime change
I have some scars wanna see them? its not a glamorous job, absolutely correct. but I am off my ass, i am doing something that will bring about real change. hell saddams dead now isnt he, theres one change that has happened. I dont disagree with you on your points of it being dirty nasty back breaking work reviled by many, just on the substance in which you are trying to claim we , THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the root of everybodies woe's through out the world. take some blame, take some responsibilty, be a leader, stand up and change your country then you will have a leg to stand on when you try and tell me how to change mine. ok, here's my concerned were you about Iraq, Saddam, terrorism before 2001? How compelled were you to go serve your country and "make a change" for the better in Iraq before the "war of terrorism" was declaired? What have you done for your country prior to getting shipped out? Served on any boards, attended any council meetings? Did you know who the mayor of your town was? Did you vote for him/her?Patriotism is way more than waving flags and saying fck the enemy. Even though I was forbbidden to vote, I have been politically active all my adult life, even in your country, I did what I felt was my responsibility to do in my host country and now I do it in my own. questioning me on my patriotism? ok heres the background. I enlisted in the military in 1990, prior to Saddams invasion of Kuwait. I served until 1998, under both Bush Sr. and Clinton. I re-enlisted in 2003, prior to the war with Iraq. I have voted in every single election since I was eighteen. Yes I know the mayor. I know who sits on the school board. Yes I am politically active, if you couldnt tell from the other post. I have worked as a Youth counselor, among many other things, during the time I wasnt in the army. I am educated and do have a degree. As far as what have I done for my country prior to being shipped out... I guess the same as many, I pay my taxes, I have went to city council meetings, and school board meetings. Have I ever chaired one or been on the board- nope. Will I, you bet, have to start somwhere before I just throw my hat into the race for President. It is my future ambition to become the first prsident with the name Dennis, and when that happens you can truly put your head down and wait, cause its coming. it was ashame to read you were forbidden to vote, someone should stand up and....FIGHT , for your right to do so. ![]() ![]() |
The psychological effects of being a pow is a valid concern for a president. He will not show the effects externally but mentally may not be well from it. This is a valid consideration. Vets have alot of long term effects from war and pow have more. If the man was deranged or some sort of manchurian canidate I think that enough years have passed to assertain his mental capabilities. thats all I am saying about it. would it have been a concern, yeah maybe 35 years ago. I think doc has a valid point. I would say that to enter politics requiers a certian bit of insanity...McCain has enough on his political record to use against him without lowering to personal attacks. Loved the Manchurian Candidate...great movie, but Im sticking with the original. The remake was a bit too over done for my tastes. we finally agree. see your coming around. hahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Regime change
well the truth is you can not be 100% sure that you havent or will not shoot and kill innocent civilians and thats something you are going to have to live with as will your commerads..Ive worked with vietnam vets and saw what having done that did to them..I hope you dont end up like them, and if it doesnt bother you...thats even more frightening.
this is one of the most disturbing posts I think I have read...attempting to play with minds using guilt as a tool is disgusting...I don't believe you have ever worked with vets since you only have contempt for them...not compassion.. ![]() you dont know $hit about me. I have contempt for politicians that send out young men and women to die without ever getting their hands dirty. I have contempt for people like you that spend more time attacking people like me because its easier than actually getting off your a$$ to make a change in the system. You wait for people like me to do it, take the credit when it goes right and lay the blame on others when it goes wrong.... Im glad you think this post of mine is disturbing...its supposed to be, killing is not glamorous or "rambo-like". Its ugly, leaves lasting scars and should not be swept under the bed like something messy that needed to be done but shouldnt be talked about... I have some scars wanna see them? its not a glamorous job, absolutely correct. but I am off my ass, i am doing something that will bring about real change. hell saddams dead now isnt he, theres one change that has happened. I dont disagree with you on your points of it being dirty nasty back breaking work reviled by many, just on the substance in which you are trying to claim we , THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the root of everybodies woe's through out the world. take some blame, take some responsibilty, be a leader, stand up and change your country then you will have a leg to stand on when you try and tell me how to change mine. |
I agree with symbel. ![]() I agree also on this one. But I still think although not a bad mark against him being a POW is not a strength more of a concern for us Americans who would be at his whim. We have had enough of being at the whim of a madman with shrub for the last 7 years. ![]() so being a POW is a concern for you because you think it turned him into a flake? any man who survived as he did knows how to overcome tradgedy strife and struggle. I do not agree with some of his politics but I sure as hell wouldnt say that being a POW made me rethink his mental abilities. The psychological effects of being a pow is a valid concern for a president. He will not show the effects externally but mentally may not be well from it. This is a valid consideration. Vets have alot of long term effects from war and pow have more. If the man was deranged or some sort of manchurian canidate I think that enough years have passed to assertain his mental capabilities. thats all I am saying about it. would it have been a concern, yeah maybe 35 years ago. |
Regime change
The Department of Defense has announced plans to move more than 152 tons ofmixed medical and dental supplies and equipment to help the people of theArgentina. The supplies -- enough to fill eight 40-foot trailers -- will besurface shipped from the Defense Logistics Agency Depot in Mechanicsburg, the Argentine city of Buenos Aires for distribution through the AmericanEmbassy. ..News to me...guess the supplies got lost in the mail... or this; Argentina, submerged in its worst political, economic, and institutional crisis in recent history, is seeking $25 billion in financial assistance from the United States and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to address the crisis. 1 Argentina's situation has deteriorated rapidly; people are rioting and attacking politicians in the streets, looting supermarkets and stores, and withdrawing money from banks to buy U.S. dollars. They clearly have lost confidence in their institutions and leaders. ..Well, your information while accurate is outdated and if you will read your own least the people that got screwed took action, I doubt very much Americans would have taken the same stance against their crooked politicians... or maybe this; To compensate for the reduction of social public spending in Argentina, the best the World Bank could do was to disburse $328 million to the Argentine health care, housing and other social sectors from 1985 to 1990, just 15 percent of total outlays to the country for that period. The International Monetary Fund doesn't even extend such loans to the "social sectors," preferring instead to remain institutionally blind to the poverty it helps create and sustain. I said, pimps for politicians...corruption runs deep. Unlike you I dont deny, I dont excuse and I dont turn my back on holding the thieves accountable.... oh theres more where that came from, dont mind taking our money but we scare you?Give me a break, go eat a cheese burger or something. dont mind if I do...we have the best beef in the you know anything about the Nixon's Condor plan? Argentina was supposed to feed the US. American intervention opened the door to the 30 year military regieme here that led to the financial crisis you mentioned above. Thanks for the help America! hahahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() i think i would prefer Texas beef any day, although I hear yours is quite tasty, just dont think I want to suffer the violence for a steak. |
Regime change
Soldiers are victims of this sick agenda of our illustrious leader too. So it is not their fault they were sent to a country that did not do 9/11 nor have anything to do with 9/11 and is not accomplishing the objective which wasn't a feasible objective from get. Not your fault. No blame from me on that one. Soldiers do what they are told with no questioning allowed. So do not feel I am attacking you personally ever for being a soldier. That would not be accurate at all. I will always be honored and proud of the soldiers of our country for putting their lives on the line for this country every day. ![]() I am not a victim of anything, thanks for the flower emocon. I am happy to get up and put on my uniform everyday, knowing when all is said and done I will have helped those who whether by design or otherwise could not would not help them self, EVEN if they are kicking and screaming and biting at me while I do it. I dont take you personally, never have never will you dont know me so why would you do that. what I do take personally is the thought process that leads you to believe that we do no good, in iraq and else where. Do they want us there, yes they do, more than dont anyway. are we rebuilding it for them, yes we are. are we making a difference despite the claims to the contrary, yes we are. I like you dragon, your okay, i think you views are a little messed up but hey no ones perfect, not even me, i know i know i know, hard to believe but its true, Im not. ![]() |
Regime change
Who are you fighting? Where is the other army? Terrorists are civilians...are you shooting at civilians? How can you tell which ones are terrorist? Do they wear brightly colored turbans on their heads for easy identification??? answering your questions in the order you asked. terrorist iraq among other places trick question, but yeah they are civilians, with guns and other such things, have i shot at them or worse, hell yeah. they carry guns, and for the most part yeah they wear identifiable clothing, they want the real civilians to know who they are(wouldnt expect you to know that tho from where you are) Im not indiscriminately going around killing anybody, but thanks for the questions always like to educate when i can. well the truth is you can not be 100% sure that you havent or will not shoot and kill innocent civilians and thats something you are going to have to live with as will your commerads..Ive worked with vietnam vets and saw what having done that did to them..I hope you dont end up like them, and if it doesnt bother you...thats even more frightening. Collateral damage is the name for that and they consider the cause worth the collateral damage ![]() yeah yeah yeah. I fight for you too, your 'right' to be a misinformed person spreading gossip lies and deceit, but its ok. really i dont mind, Im a barbarian terrorist from texas. |
Regime change
Who are you fighting? Where is the other army? Terrorists are civilians...are you shooting at civilians? How can you tell which ones are terrorist? Do they wear brightly colored turbans on their heads for easy identification??? answering your questions in the order you asked. terrorist iraq among other places trick question, but yeah they are civilians, with guns and other such things, have i shot at them or worse, hell yeah. they carry guns, and for the most part yeah they wear identifiable clothing, they want the real civilians to know who they are(wouldnt expect you to know that tho from where you are) Im not indiscriminately going around killing anybody, but thanks for the questions always like to educate when i can. well the truth is you can not be 100% sure that you havent or will not shoot and kill innocent civilians and thats something you are going to have to live with as will your commerads..Ive worked with vietnam vets and saw what having done that did to them..I hope you dont end up like them, and if it doesnt bother you...thats even more frightening. cool, so now I am a terrorist, wonderful to know, think I have a machete laying around somewhere. |