Say What, Barrack?
Please you two are a couple of the smartest and FAIR dudes on here, if yu cant get along how the hell do expect anyone else to!!!!!!!!!!! I hate all this crap!!!!! Im going to agree with the left because its my party, no im goig to agree with the right because theyre my party,,,, and when it all comes down there are inaccurancies on both parties,,, albeit in my opinion more falsehoods(lies) on the left. but that is neither here nor there. Obama WAS caught in a flagrant lie, and as forge said if he did not know it then he is to inept to hold the post. george may have been inept in believing some intel guys, and that can be disputed at length in other post(and has been). as for the here and now...... the question remains.... WTF!!!!! obama? really, did you not think that people would analize everything you said? so,,,,mnhiker, whats up? are you defending this dude or are you saying wtf also? I guess that is the real question for some. thanks, (and be kind to one another) doc |
Lord this may be the stupidest question ever... This friend keeps telling me this vague story about a scandal that Hillary was involved with (Whitewater???) and her premise is that this other person who was giving testimony died from a "mysterious" heart attack. She is implying that the Clintons had something to do with this death. Money and fund mismangement and sexual misconduct....yes...but anything else?? Sorry shes not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but did I miss something like that???? yep, you missed a lot...... google circle of death around clinton, or circle of friends or something to that effect,,,,, thru out the clintons raise to power and everything that has went on with them , there is a large group of people who have in fact died. the only people who have benefitted from their deaths have been the clintons.... i know i know i know, sounds crazy and that i am some wack o nut job..... but from vince foster to the arkansas police members who have all dies the mysterious person you have described sadly is not by himself.... id look into it. of course maybe from the school library computer, i wouldnt want to be the next body in the 54 body circle of death..... ![]() |
Say What, Barrack?
Liberal Socialist, if the shoe fits wear it and quit whinning. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() gardenforge, I'll make you a deal. I won't call you a right-wing, fascist, Bushwhacking, nutbag if you don't call me a Liberal Socialist. I'm a Moderate, and in case you haven't been taking notes, there is a difference between Moderates and Liberal Socialists. I'm probably a lot more Conservative than you describe me. sounds reasonible,,,,,,,, right? |
Coed bathrooms
well it is the liberal progressive way of thinking.
all of you who said, eeewww, or gross, I hope that you do not consider yourselves liberals....... but hey, if you do, you helped to pass this law!! so deal with it! hahahahaha I am not som crazy republican who is a 'right winger' I do believe you can marry whoever you want, but heaven help the perv that goes into my 13 year olds locker room acting a fool, cuz, believe you me, this dad will be on trial, once again , thank you democrats, take some responsibility!!!!! freakin crazy people!!!!!!!! |
Canadians are people too, and their military has some of if not the best snipers in the world. They have been working with us since the begining of all this 'mess' and have not faltered even after the big mishap in afghanistan.
He has a dog in this hunt just like we do, so, how about giving the canuck a break already. You guys dont dig the war, got it. You havent dug the war, got it. McCain is going to keep us there and draw down in a time(to be determined)when it is conducive for everyone who is immediately effected by it. And there aint nothing wrong with being a supporter of Bush! You dont dig him, cool, got it. get it. doc |
Thanks for the advice and download,
will let you and adj no how it all worked out. d |
I must have missed something, i'll go back and read the thread again. Proof? of what?
good morning fellows, ![]() |
yeah it is built into the laptop, which is a piece of junk acer aspire 3000.
G Bush Shuffle
okay good, glad he danced a little, he is a personable guy, he is real, and you know what he was waiting to meet his sucessor, his times winding down(unfortunately) and he knows and doesnt give a rats ass who saw him shuffling around waisting time for a photo op.
embarassed? wow, you get that easily or something? my opinion as you stated yours is it is a non issue. |
Regime change
oh brother......... i woke up again today? dammit!!!!!!! you woke up again today? many times do you usually wake in one day?... ![]() ![]() today, one to many times. ![]() ![]() according to who?....I for one enjoy your company in this forum.. ![]() thanks i appreciate it, and you're not so bad either ![]() just having a "ptsd" moment ![]() |
G Bush Shuffle
Edited by
Thu 03/06/08 05:40 AM
just because he is the president he is still a human and like all of us humans we all make fools of ourselves at harm no foul... I'm sorry but I disagree, there should be some sort of decorum to go with this title. just my opinion. ![]() for the love of all that is holy, the man was just wasting time in front od the whitehouse talking with reporters (off the record- nothing serious, just bullsh1ttin). some decorum, you mean like sticking to blowjobs and sexual assault? people wonder why our country is so meesed up, the things you people make into huge issues are stupid. lets critique the man doing a shuffle , lets not critique a man for sexually assaulting women. get over it, he is still the president , i know you hate that fact, but really decorum/? come on! |
Regime change
oh brother......... i woke up again today? dammit!!!!!!! you woke up again today? many times do you usually wake in one day?... ![]() ![]() today, one to many times. ![]() ![]() |
Dating Younger
yeah yeah yeah, kids are a blessing from god, but yor getting old man and dont want to have anymore, so flipping tell her that.
hey lady your cool and everything, but you want kids and I do not. dont want to deprive you so, Im cutting the ties. hopefully you find some great guy that wants to knock you up and everything will be fine. if not, then, well, dont know what to tell you, except I can be with you anymore.... now tell the truth, she was killing you wasnt she old man? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hi, yeahh so my laptop has one of those mic thigs. its been working just fine until the other day.
I thought that my modem was a slow piece of junk and went out and bought an external 56k us robotics fax modem to use. i guess the key word is fax modem, not the voice modem that is in my computer already. well since installing it, my mic will not work on yahoo or skype or anything. please, help , im getting ready to blow this up!!!!! |
its been awhile since laughter has brought a tear to my eye, thanks man.
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Best Joke In Ireland
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Cheating Whore!!
ouch, that had to sting a little.
If you have children..
I have a daughter that is a 13 year old perfect angel.
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wow, ive seen some good stuff and some really bad advice on here, kneeling on rice and cans of beans being just a couple.
On the other hand though, communication, communication, communication. Talking to kids is like talking to anyone else, when you talk down to them, or portray this attitude of superiority then it all goes down hill from there. If he's the jock/smart kids at school he's filling his 'oats' as it were, he see's himself as being a leader at school and with his friends, and is doing nothing but trying to show you right now that he thinks you guys are equals. I would just talk to the kid, the way you would talk to an adult, blunt honest, and two way conversation. letting him know that yes he's growing up and soon mommy wont be needed at all, you understand that but in the mean time theres you and him, and he needs to find away to deal with that reality. about the dipping, yeah I got popped by my dad, eat the cann for a first offense, buti dont think thats cool. but you could ask him to see how big a dip he can put in, encourage a biger and bigger and bigger one. at some point he will turn green, the room will spin and he'll start sweatin' its a beautiful site. just do it every time you think he has a can on him, i promise he wont dip in front of you anymore. |