cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:13 PM
I applied for cigar holder.figured with all the Clintonites I had a

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:10 PM
thanx for sharing!!:thumbsup:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:06 PM

thankyou all for sharing flowerforyou

feelin a little bit brighter

Cool.Listen to the "Chipmunk Christmas Album"makes me laugh and its fun to share a bit of my childhood with my kids.:)

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:03 PM

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:50 PM

I think Gio likes pie.

Any pie...

There is one pie I will NOT eat..pitchfork sick

Can we say mincemeat? sick
...although, I hear it is moist and juicy! bigsmile


That's the one!!:banana:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:40 PM

the stress,. over indulgence ,..the traffic,.the crowds,..

teaches the youngest ones how to want " more " stuff,..they don`t need

why can`t we just do winter without Xmas ???

How about just not doing the bad stuff and still having a holiday?

I`ve always wondered why they called it a holiday,.I work for the post office -- it`s no holiday,.it`s just alot more work

My Dad worked for the post office and with all the cards,fliers,catalogues he had to carry during the season I'm surprised he didn't hate Christmas also.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:35 PM
I take a sedative so no worries.drinks

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:20 PM

America was born in 1776.If your ancestors were here in 1776 then you can legally say you have always been a American.

I'm a naturalized citizen and I've been American all my life.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:08 PM

kids can't help it

the suspense is just too much for em

I peeked when I was a kid and my parents got mad and took all the presents I saw back and my Christmas was ruined. I never peeked again

That's awful.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:08 PM
my sister used to do the same thing and then tell us what we were getting for Christmas.My parents hid a stereo at the next door neighbors and when they snuck it in Christmas night she was down there peeking and ruined the surprise.I hate people who shake gifts too.Some people just can't handle the suspense.
Me,I love it.
Anyway the boys probally wanted to see how many gifts they got lol

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 05:53 PM

I think Gio likes pie.

Any pie...

There is one pie I will NOT eat..pitchfork sick

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:56 AM

Been beat up and battered round
Been sent up, and Ive been shot down
Youre the best thing that Ive ever found
Handle me with care

Reputations changeable
Situations tolerable
Baby, youre adorable
Handle me with care

Im so tired of being lonely
I still have some love to give
Wont you show me that you really care

Everybodys got somebody to lean on
Put your body next to mine, and dream on

Ive been fobbed off, and Ive been fooled
Ive been robbed and ridiculed
In day care centers and night schools
Handle me with care

Been stuck in airports, terrorized
Sent to meetings, hypnotized
Overexposed, commercialized
Hand me with care



Ive been uptight and made a mess
But Ill clean it up myself, I guess
Oh, the sweet smell of success
Handle me with care

The traveling wilburys!!great stuff.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:48 AM

Yes well history will be kind to BUSH for his efforts to make the world a safer place to live for all people. History will also show the LIBS for the bummer they are when those same people become oppressed because LIBS didn't really want them to be free...LIBS just want to control everything...secular humanistly speaking that is...ehem. History will say how they "Vietnamed" the war on terror. hmmm...big happenings in India where terrorists are attacking ... emboldened by LIB govts. who have no backbone.

So much for the commies who call themselves "independants." That's another joke. Minnesota...the laughing stock of the country. they go for star power not brains in that state.

How's that twiddledumm Al Franken...trying to steal an election. He's about as popular as his dumb azz "free" radio show was. Talk about an arrogant idiot??? Well we will have alot of fun watching the LIB commies make fools of themesleves in the next two years. Won't we now? :wink: laugh :wink:

And i thought Archie Bunker was a made up character.Hate isn't pretty.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:35 AM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Sat 11/29/08 09:38 AM
My son had a doll when he was young.Loved it to death.Outgrew it.I think lil children could careless what they play with or have on their bodies.It's the parents who freak out and thrust gender roles upon kids.
I agree with moondark that people are not raised to be gay.How absurd.No parent I know would put their kid through the agony of dealing with ignorant,judgemental people.
I do have trouble with gay animals though as a male in rutting season will f@#$k anything that moves.JMO

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:23 AM

christmas is a holiday based on sun-worship.the death and rising (ressurection) of the sun-god (horus,tammuz) who has been personified based on the astrological movement of the sun.

christmas has nothing to do with a cute and cuddly baby Messiah born in a manger as is depicted. It is not true folks. There were no 3 wisemen people, they were magicians. when they finally found the messiah it was 2 years later and He lived in a house. The Messiah was near or about 2 years old when the magicians found Him. That's why king herod had all the babies that was 2 years old killed hoping that he would kill the future King.

research the origins of christmas and see if there is any Biblical Scripture to support this holiday.

Yamin.... Beleive me, True Christians are AWARE of all this.....

but it does not and should not keep True Christians ...


let's say a couple has a son born on a pagan holiday...

does that mean the parents of that child ....

CAN'T celebrate their son's birthday on that day....

simply because it is known as a pagan holiday to others ?

(and yes Yamin, Christians are WELL AWARE that dec 25 is not Jesus's actual birth date..but we choose to celebrate his birthday on christmas anyway...

cause it is not about a certain day anyway.....

it's about celebrating the fact that our Lord and Saviour WAS BORN on earth..

and DID Dwell among us....

and came to Save Us...

and we now REJOICE that our God Loved us that much........

and we celebrate..not only on Chrsitmas...

but EVERYDAY....

cause we LOVE Our Lord God!!!

Wow so If I want to celebrate it on Halloween with pumkins and witches with the savior in the manger.. And 3 witches come to honor thier new found king. With sorcery being done to people as they come up to look at the baby who has little red Horns.

it is okay because I love my Savior. It does not matter how we worship him.

It is that we do worship him.

And if I want to fly away on a broomstick to get home he is proud of me.

He is love.

Why all the silly things of the bible.

They do not mean anything because my savior did away with the law.

We are Free Free to do as we please.

Every man doing what is right in his own eyes is what Chr-stianity is about now.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

It is OBVIOUS that you haven't the Foggiest of what True Christianity is About, Miles.

For one..christians do NOT believe in doing away with the law ....we are just not under the LETTER of the law....but now under Grace.

And We still keep God's law, out of of our LOVE for God.


Show me what is the Letter of the Law in scripture.. Shalom...Miles

If you plan on living in the Kingdom under the Messiah's Rulership, I suggest you seriously start reading your christian Bible and stop listening to the wolves in sheep clothing who will only lead you onto the path of destruction. Read it for yourself. You will be surprise to learn what the church is not revealing.

Satan can quote scripture .For all I know you speak for him.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:19 PM
I'm simply Smashing :banana:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:16 PM

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:11 PM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Fri 11/28/08 06:15 PM
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

Ted and Bills excellent adventure

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:10 PM

Anyone know where I can find some episodes online? I don't have cable and my son loves watching it!!

I used to nab those at goodwill.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:09 PM
I hate men but not a lesbian..waving shades rofl

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