Improving things is my favorite pastime: improving my diet, health, lifestyle, relationship/s, trying to improve society, government, education, science, spiritual community etc.
I hope there are women who share such interests who'll read this. Most people seem to be mainly concerned about receiving love, rather than giving to society. I do want to give and receive love as well, but I think the more mature we are, the more we already feel loved in spirit and the more we're able to give to society. Do I need to improve how I look for a woman companion? |
Where are humanitarians? I want to meet them, esp. women.
I have a lot of humanitarian ambition, but a few years ago I discovered that I cannot maintain my ambition alone. I need a companion. Otherwise, I feel too alone and my efforts start to lose meaning to me. Do any others feel similarly? |
Direct Impact or Effect
| provides pretty good readings.
Love doesn't mean feeling like you can't live without someone. It's not infatuation. It means caring deeply about someone.
I've been infatuated with several women in my life. That wasn't love. I didn't have that feeling much for my girlfriend this past year. But I care for her deeply and I feel that's true love. It seems that she was only infatuated with me though, although she says she loves me, but doesn't want to be with me, at least not yet. |
Naughty or nice?
The only thing not nice is harming anyone. I'm nice.
ISIS is supported by Saudi Arabia, which is supported by the U.S. and Britain. They're trying to get population reduction and increasing profits from the arms race etc.
Can't you edit the title to say Statue instead of Statute?
SHHTF in Turkey ???
The Russians probably want to keep ISIS out of Russia. Saudi Arabia and Turkey seem to be supporting ISIS, as is also Britain and the U.S. After all, ISIS helps stir up trouble, which is good for the arms race.
People do have the right to travel freely anywhere, though few governments recognize this. Nonetheless, people also have the right to be free from attacks by other people.
A solution that comes to mind is to let refugees stay in camps at borders and let them help build up nice cities there, with help from others. When the crisis is over refugees could then move, if desired and if found not to be threats. |
The military hasn't been used for much of anything that benefits society since WW2 or maybe the Korean War. The ruling class just likes to use them for stirring up trouble so they can profit more from the arms race etc.
Many of the suicides appear to be caused by psychotropic drugs and maybe low fat diet and junk food etc. Those bring in the profits for the ruling class too. |
It's not Islamic terrorism. It's ISIS terrorism, which is sponsored by the U.S., Britain and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia spends over 2 billion dollars a year to promote its terrorist version of Islam and the U.S. and Britain don't care. They like it, because they want population reduction and they make lots of money in the arms race.
Maybe most men don't know what they want. It's hard to tell what you want. Do you just want a man who knows what he wants? Are there men in your area who use this site?
I know I want a younger woman companion and I want to do humanitarian stuff and I like to look up science etc online. But I ain't sure what I want in detail. |
Global Warming Is Real
Edited by
Tue 12/01/15 08:05 AM
Global Warming means the average temperature of the entire globe is warming. And the alarmists claim that that's what's happening and that it's due to humans' barely increasing the tiny amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, when CO2 is one of the weakest greenhouse gases.
By diverting people's attention away from all of the other types of real pollution that the 1% is responsible for, which is actually harming humanity and the biosphere, they can keep that up without the rest of us waking up and trying to put a stop to their ill-gotten gains, i.e. profit = greed. There is barely any change, if at all, in the average temperature and precipitation swings. The slight CO2 increase has actually increased the global biomass significantly. If anyone wants to sequester CO2, the way to do it sanely is to use Allan Savory's and Gabe Brown's methods of increasing organic matter in the soil, which greatly improves soil and food crops and livestock production. These are promising means of ending desertification. What alarmists don't want to consider is that conventional thinking about the age of the Earth could be wrong, when objective science is finding that it very likely is, at least regarding the surface features. By surface features I mean the sedimentary rock strata, which are mainly on the continents. Geologists jumped to the conclusion in the 1800s I think that strata were deposited gradually over millions of years. But it's becoming increasingly obvious that that is wrong. The strata were much more likely deposited all at once over a short period of time. Creationists have been the main supporters of such findings, but we need not believe in creation or any kind of religion in order to see the plausibility of these findings. It appears that the Moon or some other body came close to Earth at an unknown time in the past and lost part or all of its mass to the Earth, which formed the Supercontinent, consisting of precambrian granite mostly. Life and humans developed there. Then about 4,400 years ago asteroid impacts occurred, causing all of the craters found on Earth. One of the impacts was large enough to break apart the Supercontinent and cause rapid continental drift. See the "Shock Dynamics" video on Youtube for details The video shows how the continents were pushed apart and how mountains formed, but it doesn't show what happened to the ocean waters. Of course the oceans would have produced huge tsunamis. Before the mountains built up, the tsunamis would have washed over all of the land masses. The tsunamis deposited sediments over several weeks or months about a mile thick in all. And fossils formed as animals and plants were buried in the sediments. This paper gives a persuasive account of how the strata were deposited etc. So, if the rock strata were deposited that recently (and likewise regarding glaciation, as ancient maps show Greenland and Antarctica without any ice etc), then all of the climate data thought to be from before the cataclysm is wrong. The ice age appears to have occurred immediately after the cataclysm and the Earth has been on a slow warming trend ever since. |