Community > Posts By > Autumn_queen

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 05:18 PM
What I mean is you all seem to be focusing on one part of my post.

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 05:17 PM
Can you guys please read ALL of my post and then comment?

That would be greatly appreciated.

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 02:54 PM
Well, myspace i diffeent because you can make it private.

and i totally agree with you!

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 02:38 PM
they shouldnt be, because some people (like myself) just don't take very
good pictures. The person can be so yummy, but unless its a profesional
pic with special lighting and instruction, the person looks awesful!


Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 02:36 PM
Well of course you can run into these people anywhere,thats why I gave
that example of my friend :P

On second thought, I soppose small toddlers and babies should be
included also, its just you hardly ever hear of ages 0-3 being
victimized, but its out there.

And my reasons for this is not just due to pedophiles, but also concerns
of the other parent involved, posting pictures on the web and flashing
them to strangers is completely different.

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 02:26 PM
Thats pretty cool your honoring her, my dad gets mad at me when I
complain about it. We went to the buffet one day when i was sopposed to
get my period, and I got my period then and there, and
right at the time i start it i cant eat anything, my tummy is so
bloated! He paid for both of us and needless to say he was quite

I do feel bad about that but what was I sopposed to do?
I tried to explain it to him, but he totally refuses to believe having
your period is basically a medical situation :(


Can you adopt me campfire?

Blessings and love to you and your family.

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 04/19/07 02:14 PM
(I posted this on feedback, but i was told I should put it on here also,
thank God for copy and past!)

Seriously, why do you let people put pictures of their kids up?

It just seems kind of wrong to allow pictures of any minors on your

It also stirs up trouble if they are single parents, what would the
other parent say? What if they got upset?

Also, pedophiles.

"hmmm, she has a good looking kid, I guess i can just get closer to that
women and BAM im in!"

As if that doesnt happen enough without internet dating, and i do know a

Sorry if i sounded a little on the snarky side, but please consider
making this regulatory.

I know people are proud of their kids, and thats great, would they let
them do that on myspace by themselves? LOL

I love the website, by the way!


(though actually, i think if they are babies/small tots it's not too

Autumn_queen's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:12 PM
It just seems to me that if sexual purity is so important, why no ball
or funtion like that for the sons and moms?
Why is it just the girls?
Its a bit shady and wierd, i wouldnt want my dad to hold a symbolic key
to my "chastity belt" and then give it to my husband to own.

but that is just me.

Autumn_queen's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:40 PM
if i was going to do a civil war reanactment, i'd want to try on both
sides different years.

Though when i went up to Tenn. I got a confederate liscence plate at a
truck stop store, cool huh? lol.

and i got a confed flag at the state fair.

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 08:33 PM



Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 07:15 PM
hehe cool, didnt expect that from a guy :)

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 07:10 PM
ever do that durring love-making?

Just curious......

Its a very not-sexy thing, but im sure some people do it.

Would you ever try it?


Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:45 PM

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:39 PM
Who here really truly believves they have seen proof that sept 11 was an
inside job?

and where did you get this proof?

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:36 PM
by the way, i hope i didnt sound rude or disrespectful of your

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:35 PM
Whats with the "Annie Oakly" attitude?

Women and men are pretty much equal when it comes to political thoughts,
I just dont think there have really been any american women i would want
as president. Lots of foriegn countries have awesome female heads of

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:47 AM
A lil quick smack on the butt will probably be okay, plus she is very
young, so im sure it will be no damage.

*Hugs to you and your child*

Autumn_queen's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:27 AM

Autumn_queen's photo
Sun 04/15/07 10:39 AM
um, i dont think any father wants to buy his daughter lingerie, nor does
the daughter probably want him too.

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:56 PM
i like nibbles <3