Community > Posts By > Autumn_queen
Kid Pics on profiles?
personally now, looking at what all of what some of the actual parents
had to say, I think I change my mind about the pic thing. I imagined myself as a parent, and ya know, I'd probably do the same thing. Well, at least until they were in middle school, but hey, thats just my thing. LOL. BTW, just so ya'll know, I'm really sorry if I came off as judgmental, or if I seemed like i was calling you a bad parent, because i would never do that EVER. unless I knew them personally, and trust me I do know some BAD parents. (the kind you call child services about) SOOOOO in conclusion: Bless you and your kin. And a safe,loving journey for your kids. |
sympathy for alec
I'm crossing my fingers for you lulu, i wish me and my mom were like
that, but now we get along. ARG my dad just told me yesterday how he gets through the week just to see me on saturdays! Now, this would totally make me feel special except for the fact that he knows that pretty soon I am moving across the country and after that will be my slow decline into a family life, so its actually kind of scary.... wait...i already posted this, I know, but after he just said that to me I think all reality just escaped him!!! *sigh* If you dont mind me asking you Lulu (or anybody who went through it) How was your um.."breaking off your parents" transition like? (god i hate being a daddys princess, it loses all charm in your child-bearing years!) |
Kids can learn from their parents mistakes though....
And believe me both my parents have made plenty for me, I think I could write a book. |
sympathy for alec
As a future parent and someones offspring..
I'm curious to know..... How does it feel to be rejected by your children? Not like estranged...or like they truly hate you...I mean like those phases kids go through where they just really need space from their parents. Like Ireland ignoring her dad. |
hmmmm.....laaaarva :P |
its not like its a daily diet thing for me :P |
i like my redmeat BLOODY!!!!
i dont need to add sauce :P |
What is the oddest thing you have ever BBQed?
my gramps BBQed a bee's nest, but we didnt eat it, we just torched the hive they built in our BBQ,lol. |
i prefer a nice inbetween...i like to call it........"chugal"
and some days....when i am a bit frisky......i like to re-christen it...... "freap" But seriously, a date is a special it should be okay to throw a few extra bucks in it. |
Kid Pics on profiles?
does the mother of your children have your permission to have the pics up, and do you have your kids permission to have the pics up? Wierd, and maybe senseless question, but I'm curious. |
My sister has a half sister somewhere. she never met her though, I hope
she finds her soon. I didnt get really close to my brothwer and sister that I dont live with til I was older. I am super close to that family now. Their Mom's name is missy, so now I call her "missy-mommy" She absolutely LOVES it! and my youngest sister i share my mom with, we look like TWINS. Family is awesome, regardless of percentage of blood, hehe. |
I think generally they are a good idea, but if i was approached with one
I might get upset at first. |
Hey parents!!
Just many of you guys have children who have half siblings? How does that affect your family? I have 3 siblings from my mom and 2 from my dad. So i have ALL half siblings. Three cheers for broken and re-glued homes! hehe. |
a sad sad sad blonde story
thats cute....
but I actually have a blonde half sister,lol, and we have 2 different Moms, hehe. |
Kid Pics on profiles?
Why is it my fault that some people are bad parents? Im..sorry I guess? I wont let it happenm again? |
Kid Pics on profiles?
Im just saying perhaps the people of the website have a responsibility
in this case. |
Kid Pics on profiles?
I mean about people who put pics of there kids up, and are the ones who
go around meeting whoever they can in real life from the internet, needless to say this resulted in one of my friends becoming molested by her moms "dates" on many occasions. |
Kid Pics on profiles?
I meant for the website maintainers to see who was a smart parent,lol.
Hamster Names
Dr. hubblez?
silly names rock, or super serious,lol |
Kid Pics on profiles?
Hmm, you post an excellent point.
BUT what about people who arent as smart as you? Youn know there are some dumb people who arent careful with who they let in there children's lives, and how can you screen for bad parents on a website? |