Topic: Opinions about 9-11 | |
Who here really truly believves they have seen proof that sept 11 was an
inside job? and where did you get this proof? |
Nothing "inside" about it. Sometimes the most brilliant victories
aren't about about your skill, it's about the enemy's incompetence. The towers collapsed in a perfectly reasonable and scientifically acceptable way. No expert, anywhere in the world, has challenged the way they dropped. Admittedly, the pentagon strike is a little suspicious. But it's quite possible the building has a hidden SAM site or two that nailed the plane before it hit. That's something I'd put into MY military intel departments, and want to keep classified. |
That is a very good possibility.
Wouldn't even take a sam site. Would just require a locker with stingers. |
Opinions about 9/11 just google... Canada U. S. Mexico merger 9/11
conspirecy |
Do you realize how many people would of had to be involved? There is no
way you could convince THAT many people to go along with something so asinine. When has anything LEGIT not been leaked by someone? We can keep us supposedly doing 9-11 a secret but not the false intel on Iraq's WWD programs? Give me a f'n break. Right....missiles hit the what, we did a mass execution of the passengers supposedly on that plane? I'm sorry, I'm not a blind follower of the government but this theory is absurd and sickening. |
^^^^ For those that think it is, BTW.
No. You weren't paying attention. The missiles were protecting the
pentagon- by shooting the plane. Which is a perfectly reasonable possibility for all the unexplainable oddities with the pentagon crash. There's something BIG (from a "laws of physics" stance) about the pentagon strike that contradicts itself. Either the video information is wrong, or something happened that rewrote the anatomy of a plane crash. Nailing the plane with a missile before the crash itself could certainly explain the oddities. Or, for all we know, the plane's fuel tanks blew up before the hit. Or the pentagon has some kind of bizarre sci-fi technology protecting it. Or the plane clipped a very durable object and ruptured before hitting. Or the plane hit the ground before hitting the building (although that one IS impossible- not enough damage in the ground- a hit like that would leave trenches) One way or another, something happened that made that plane crash in a way that no plane should be able to crash. |
No, I got what you were saying and think it's an interesting theroy...I
was reffering to those videos floating around saying missles hit the pentagon. |
well if you believe that 19 cave-dwelling, box-cutter wielding, rag
heads kicked our WHOLE COUNTRIES BUTT, then your probably held up in some kind of bunker, cuzz they have row boats dude. and they have more box-cutters ![]() |
Don't you think if they knew what was going to happen the passengers
would of done something? For all the passengers knew, it was a classic hostage situation over some prisoner exchange. No one on that plane could of known it was a suicide mission and if they had, I guarantee someone would of acted. Would you attack a bank robber if you thought all he wanted was the bank's money? Every hijacking situation prior to that, resulted in most passengers being let free. Which set the precedent for the passenger's mindsets that day. And no I don't live in a bunker, I've seen first hand what you've only read about. |
here is some easy ones
the lies of 911 are starting to come out. 32 sec video of Bush 42 sec video of the "boogie man" 90 sec FOX NEWS video; no plane hit the Pentagon 60 sec CNN NEWS video; no plane hit the Pentagon unanswered questions that some people here do not like to think about. What did Hitler say about telling lies? |
So how can you stand living in a country that does such horrific things?
911 was certainly not the first time this government has been evil.
I remember in school as a young child we learned that the Indians were savages and they attacked and killed innocent whites from Europe. We even learned that they scalped the men, women and children for their ceremonial dances and hung them around their necks. As I got older I learned just the opposite, that our ancestors were the savages, that they gave bounties to other whites for Indian scalps. Those taking the scalps of Indians quickly learned that they could cut them up and claim they killed more. The invaders then changed the bounties for Indian noses, and ears, gosh they were imaginative. If you further study what happened to the Indians at the hands of this government, it would sicken you. They butchered the men, raped the women and in slaved some of the children. And after killing them and taking their land, they marched them to the reservations with in-planted Measles disease in their blankets (kind of like the Tuskegee experiment on the blacks that this government did) to see if it could be used as a future weapon. But to most people that you ask, the Indians were all savages who killed and attacked innocent white people, they don't want to be bothered by the facts and they surly don't want to think that this government would torture people the way they did. Because, after all they said they needed their land and resources. We need to start over. This government of lies, murder, genocide and tyranny needs to go, and I'm referring to both parties. If we don't stand up to these liars and murderers then it will only get worse, just as Hitler's Germany did. Wars don't happen by accident. Economies and depressions don't happen by accident. That is why our government is so secretive, if the people only knew the truth about the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the Criminal Justice System, the Drug War, the pharmaceutical wickedness, the open borders, the failed school system and the true reason for wars, they would be marching to Washington DC today. But maybe, they already know, and just live with the devil they know and have learned to love. |
Ok. So then once can you stand living in a country that does
such horrific things? ^^^It's a simple question. I don't need links or lectures instead of an answer. school taught us of the tragedy that befell the native Americans. Unless you were born in the Jamestown Settlement, I doubt you were taught they were savages. If you were, then blame you schools curriculum. Can you name a single country that doesn't have at least one thing in their past that was a crime against humanity? |
I went to school in Utah and the early settlers in Utah tortured the
Indians. and I dont have to explain anything to you. |
"and I dont have to explain anything to you. "
You seemed so eager to explain yourself in your previous posts...could of fooled me. |
I only share my personal info with those I choose too.
to those of you that claim 'NO cave dwelling...etc' could have done
this. Hello. last I read before 9/11 tragedy O'Bin Ladin had 512 BILLION dollars at his beck and call. let me re-write that BILLION. 512 BILLION dollars can buy a lot of military, technical and statigec help. You keep claiming Caves. I read underground BUNKERS. Big dif between a cave and a bunker. The cave part did not come until AFTER us forces were inserted into Afganistan and started shutting down the bunker complexes. Don't it suck when someone paid attention to what was happening around the world during the times you have been rewriting history. And to the person that sent me hopping around to different web sites. I know something about graphic presentation, movie making and propaganda. For the most part the video clips you sent me to see were very expensive to make. They were professional quality with high quality sound tracks, musical background emotional kick sequences and such. It had the opposite effect of what you were trying to do by sending me there. Just about all of them were PROPAGANDA. With factual pictures delibrately out of focus and the points they were trying to make sharply focused. Claritin D would have been proud. |
well why dont you go here and ask yourself if these 400+ people are
crazy too. then go here, theres no soundtrack on this page and please start answering the over 600 problems with this governments story about 911 becuase it just doesnt add up. or just take this one How and why did building 7 come down when nothing hit it? This has never, ever happened in the history of steel framed buildings. |