Community > Posts By > voileazur

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Mon 03/22/10 07:32 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 03/22/10 07:33 AM


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Mon 03/22/10 07:32 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 03/22/10 07:34 AM

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Mon 03/22/10 07:32 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 03/22/10 07:34 AM

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Mon 03/22/10 07:32 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 03/22/10 07:36 AM

God Help Us All...After this I refuse to call Barry Sorento Hussain Obama President He has stuck a Knife in the Heart of America As Deep As any Radical Muslim......I now call Obama`s Presidency Jihad Against the American People

OK 'random X',

Are you serious about what you are writing here: you no longer respect the democracy of this land???

Are you seriously accusing the President of the USA to be running a 'Jihad like' threat against the people of the USA???

Is that really what you think???

Are you then going to follow through with actions consistent with this line of thought???

Let us all know, because if that is the case, YOU represent an official threat to the USA and its head of state, and all Americans, witnesses to this fact, have a duty to report you as a potential threat.

So what is it 'randomX', are you serious??? Or are you just talking 'Rambo tihs'!!!

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 01:56 PM

I read the whole article by Malley but I find myself more
in agreement with the "rebuttal". Ross has his opinion but
focuses more on the things which can objectively be stated
such as what exactly was offered and what was the reaction.
Whereas Malley and Agha attempt to divine what was the
unknowable thought process of the participants.

In this sense, the Malley and Agha article is speculation
and in my opinion Malley and Agha do not adequately
describe the failings of the PA side and especially Arafat.

Not familiar with B'Tselem but Finkelstein is terrible. I
have read him and heard him speak and I agree with the ADL
assessment of Finkelstein.

"Norman Finkelstein: An Obsessive Anti-Zionist Shows his Stripes
By Abraham H. Foxman
National Director of the Anti-Defamation League

Posted: October 31, 2005

Like some of the more extreme Palestinian ideologues whose cause he has made his own, Norman Finkelstein has built his career on two things: an obsessive, vitriolic hatred of Zionism and Israel, and a penchant for distorting the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Unlike his compatriots in Ramallah and Jenin, however, Finkelstein uses his academic credentials and proficiency with scholarly forms to cast as "research findings" what would otherwise be recognized as propagandist bunk.

It is the sign of a true obsessive that he sees the subject of his obsession everywhere. For Finkelstein, everything he sees is filtered through the prism of his anti-Israel animus, with results that would be merely absurd were they not so often used to incite hatred against Israel and undermine efforts to diminish anti-Semitism in the world."

I also agree that neither side is innocent. But closing of border
crossings and checkpoints are not comparable to bus bombings and
rocket fire at civilians.

So it is not equivalent.

The ADL?!?!?! Abraham H. Foxman!!!

Are you sure you want to go there!?!?!

The very organization and its 'mainman', whom BILL O'Reilly referred to in the following manner:

'... the Anti-Defamation League an 'extremist group ' and its national director [Abraham "The Claw" Foxman,] a 'nut... '

Now I am not a fan of neither O'Reilly nor Fox, but I have to admit that is a comment with which I agree.

I'll make a deal with you 's1lowhand', regroup and READ enough on B'Tselem and Finkelstein FIRSTHAND, and with an open mind, and come back with your findings.

If you do that, I promise to 'hold fire' on the WELL KNOWN and most public destructive criticism on the 'defamation league' and Mr. Foxman (you read right, defamation league!!!).

Firsthand - open mind, FAIR!!!

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 09:10 AM

meh, neither side is innocent and neither side is in the right and all I see is hyperbolic ideologues spouting half truths and propaganda for either side

if you take a side for either then you are supporting murder and persecution whether its Israel or Palestinian Hamas/Hezbollah

I say we stand back and let em fight it out amongst themselves and may the best man/jew/muslim win

NO FAVORED SIDES! That could sum up the objective view taken by Malley, B'Tselem, and Finkelstein.

As for the...

'... let 'em fight it out, and may the best man ... win...',

... I would suggest, in keeping with taking no sides, rewording the '..let 'em fight it out...' with the following variation :

'... let 'em TALK it THROUGH, ... AND MAY THEY BOTH (ALL) WIN!!!...'

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 08:18 AM
Edited by voileazur on Sat 03/20/10 08:20 AM



- End of slavery
- Women's voting right
- Civil rights battles

Must all have been BAD BILLS, 'cause they all went through hell before landing!!!

Anyone suggesting today we should...

... take away women's voting rights!?!?!?

... go back to slavery (maybe white slavery for balance!?!?)

... or go back to segregated everything!?!?!?

Real Change is always met with Real Resistance.

Obama promised Real Change, and promising to provide 30 million + people with health coverage is met with Real Resistance!!!

At the end of the day, after all the resistance will have voiced and accounted for (years of fun and excitement), I doubt very much that the enlightening Constitution of the USA would argue against justice and fairness for ALL of the 'WE THE PEOPLE'!!!

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Sat 03/20/10 07:53 AM
Edited by voileazur on Sat 03/20/10 08:03 AM

And I am saying that the Malley article is fine but is
somewhat biased in that it omits failings on the PA
side as discussed in the rebuttal article above. It's
nuanced to the point of finessing serious errors on the
PA side of the table. Even so, when you read Malley's
views it is obvious as in my quote from the article that
Arafat did little to promote peace at Camp David in any
case even though we may never know exactly why.

That is a complete reversal of what's on record. I can not conceive that you might be suggesting that 'Ross's' account would be unbiased, while Malley's would be biased.

Ross's unilaterally blasts and blames Arafat, while unilaterally glorifying Barak!!!

Obviously you haven't read the Malley/Agha article!!!

If you had read ALL of it, you would have found attribution of faults to the three main participants: US, Israel and Palestine (part 5).

Furthermore, you couldn't possibly be saying this if had read Malley/Agha's reply to 'Gidi Grinstein' account.

No mention of any fault committed by Barak in Ross's account, except for this totally juvenile spin doctor statement:

'... Did Prime Minister Barak make mistakes in his tactics, his negotiating priorities, and his treatment of Arafat? Absolutely. Did the American side make mistakes in its packaging and presentation of ideas? Absolutely. Are Prime Minister Barak and President Clinton responsible for the failure to conclude a deal? Absolutely not...'

Diplomacy 101: theRe is ABSOLUTELY no way in hell, you can make mistakes in tactics, negotiating priorities AND TREATMENT OF PRINCIPAL COUNTER PARTICIPANT,


In your attempt to reverse the bias on Malley/Agha, you are only intensifying the Ross's ridiculous public relation spinning at blaming Arafat for the failing of the WHOLE PEACE PROCESS!!!

Now, you would have been correct to mention that Malley doesn't lay BLAME on any party for the failing of the talks, contrary to Ross's insisting bias to do so.

If C.D. 2000 taught us anything valuable, it is precisely that we must all move beyond the 'blaming' game, if we are committed to achieving a just peace, perceived as such by both parties.

I don't mind if you try to persuade me. I am actually a
very open-minded, free thinking, non-dogmatic kind of guy.

Well, I'll take at your word, and trust what you say.

In so doing, I invite you to consider the following:

1) read the Malley/Agha's premise and full article, with the open mind I trust you have:

'... In accounts of what happened at the July 2000 Camp David summit and the following months of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, we often hear about Ehud Barak's unprecedented offer and Yasser Arafat's uncompromising no. Israel is said to have made a historic, generous proposal, which the Palestinians, once again seizing the opportunity to miss an opportunity, turned down. In short, the failure to reach a final agreement is attributed, without notable dissent, to Yasser Arafat.

As orthodoxies go, this is a dangerous one. For it has larger ripple effects. Broader conclusions take hold. That there is no peace partner is one. That there is no possible end to the conflict with Arafat is another.

For a process of such complexity, the diagnosis is remarkably shallow. It ignores history, the dynamics of the negotiations, and the relationships among the three parties. In so doing, it fails to capture why what so many viewed as a generous Israeli offer, the Palestinians viewed as neither generous, nor Israeli, nor, indeed, as an offer. Worse, it acts as a harmful constraint on American policy by offering up a single, convenient culprit—Arafat—rather than a more nuanced and realistic analysis...'

(Introduction to their article:

2) Familiarize yourself with the brilliant, rigorous and unbiased
works of B'Tselem: 'The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ( )

It acts as a powerful observer and defender of democracy, human rights and International Law. It is documenting ALL violations against democracy, human rights and International Law, regardless of its originators. NO SPIN IN SITE!!!

3) Finally, I strongly recommend you read Norman G. Finkelstein's account of 'Ross's' spinning work of the C.D. 2000. And while you're there, take time to familiarize tourself with 'Finkelstein's' work. I trust you will be impressed by his intelligence and courage in truly defending the integrity and dignity of the Holocaust. He dedicated his whole life in denouncing the 'fraud, falsification, plagiarism, and nonsense' about the holocaust, done by people of his own camp strictly with the intent of exploiting and profiting from the sacred event.

IMHO, this string of neutral observers and objective critics: Malley, B'Tselem, and Finkelstein, serve an open minded process for a Universal solution, as opposed to a self-serving one, regardless of the one that it serves!


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Fri 03/19/10 05:19 PM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 03/19/10 05:20 PM

No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done.

He is not doing a good job in my opinion. He has solved nothing and inflamed the situation more. In Los Angeles alone 1 in 10 houses are in foreclosure, the deterioration of our economy continues, and his grasp of international politics is seriously lacking. Obama is a one man train wreck!

On top of that his recent interview on Fox was nothing more than him spouting about his health care reform rather than answering questions real Americans have for him about the issue. He is such a total waste of Taxpayer dollars! And to think he has his finger on our nuclear trigger!

Took good note of your 'warning':

'... No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done!!!...'

But reading the paragraph which followed your 'warning', dealing with YOUR 'opinions' on the President, it would appear that for those whom choose to 'BASH' Obama, 'ONE-LINER ANSWERS' and 'NO REASON' at all will do just fine!!!

Enjoy your 'wonderland' ride.

In the meantime, since Obama took office, what the rest of the world uses as economic indicators, ALL POINT UP!!!
(since you don't appear to bother much with back-up info, I didn't think it necessary to post any myself).
But the indicators are there for everyone to confirm the 'springing back' from the bottom of the 'Bush' barrel.

To name a few relevant areas of progress:

Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush)

Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush)

Debt growth slowed drastically (since Bush)

Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush)

As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office.

If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing.

To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!!

Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS.

'... It's the numbers stupid!!!...' to paraphrase a 'Clintonian' era piece of wisdom!!! And the numbers do not agree with your beliefs and convictions!!!

OK You asked for it:

You said:

Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush)

Really? By WHO's numbers? We are in a depression. The GNP does not reflect industry NOT JOBS lost overseas. The numbers reflecting the GNP are based on financial flow and not real product output.

Also the unemployment figures do not take into account disability OR welfare recipients who ARE unemployed. The real numbers are a to higher when you take these two groups into account alone not to mention all of the "Homeless and Hungry" losers.

Now you said:

Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush)

OH REALLY NOW? Are you sure? Are you? By who's numbers again?

The deficit has GROWN or have you been listening to the news and I don't watch TV thank you! BBC nuff said!

And why is everyone freaked out about Obama's health care? Well, where are we going to get the 1.7 Trillion (can you count that high!) dollars on top of the 2 plus some odd trillion dollar deficit we are in already?

And I am tossing one liners? Where did you learn economics? Do you even have any idea how convoluted and unnecessarily complicated our tax structure is?

You said:

Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush)

Who are you kidding? Industries are still leaving the country and China is pounding our manufacturing and our Agriculture. What city are you living in because Los Angeles alone is projecting 5% percent more over the course of this year alone by current trend projections unemployment because of the loss of businesses. Employment in government does not count because government produces NOTHING! They just administrate.

You said:

As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office.

I am not even going to acknowledge this little bit of blindness! You have no grasp of the break down of popular opinion world wide. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize? BID Fing deal? Who hasn't? Bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia? He is an Butt Kisser! Can't call him a 'Brown Noser' because it wouldn't show!

You said:

If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing.

To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!!

That is such an ad hominum attack and the most passive aggressive thing I have seen yet. You call tossing a band aid on a bleeding ulcer progress? I said it before and I will say it again, had Obama made congress face the music of their lack of financial responsibility in the first place instead of TARP and all his other give aways and "Social Programs" I would have respected him. Instead he just came off like a repeat of Bill Clinton! Moving on!

You said:

Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS.

Did you even watch the interview? Seriously! Obama spoke like a bulldozer about how good his plan was and how we need it but not once did he answer any questions. he just pulled a political misdirection on everyone.

So now here we are! At least Msharmony has class when she speaks. Msharmony, this is for you!!! flowerforyou drinker :banana:

Voileazur, you stepped on a land mine laying out in plain site.tongue2

I was getting this thread rolling. I didn't want to have to qualify a host of reasons because it would have taken forever to type it all and no one would read this thread.

So are we still friends???spock

Of course we're still friends!!!

And from one friend to another: let me just say that you truly are all over the place!!!

... not necessarily a bad thing ... drinker

no photo
Fri 03/19/10 11:01 AM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 03/19/10 11:22 AM

No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done.

He is not doing a good job in my opinion. He has solved nothing and inflamed the situation more. In Los Angeles alone 1 in 10 houses are in foreclosure, the deterioration of our economy continues, and his grasp of international politics is seriously lacking. Obama is a one man train wreck!

On top of that his recent interview on Fox was nothing more than him spouting about his health care reform rather than answering questions real Americans have for him about the issue. He is such a total waste of Taxpayer dollars! And to think he has his finger on our nuclear trigger!

Took good note of your 'warning':

'... No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done!!!...'

But reading the paragraph which followed your 'warning', dealing with YOUR 'opinions' on the President, it would appear that for those whom choose to 'BASH' Obama, 'ONE-LINER ANSWERS' and 'NO REASON' at all will do just fine!!!

Enjoy your 'wonderland' ride.

In the meantime, since Obama took office, what the rest of the world uses as economic indicators, ALL POINT UP!!!
(since you don't appear to bother much with back-up info, I didn't think it necessary to post any myself).
But the indicators are there for everyone to confirm the 'springing back' from the bottom of the 'Bush' barrel.

To name a few relevant areas of progress:

Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush)

Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush)

Debt growth slowed drastically (since Bush)

Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush)

As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office.

If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing.

To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!!

Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS.

'... It's the numbers stupid!!!...' to paraphrase a 'Clintonian' era piece of wisdom!!! And the numbers do not agree with your beliefs and convictions!!!

no photo
Fri 03/19/10 10:17 AM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 03/19/10 10:44 AM

You are the one who keeps saying that it was "Arafat's fault".

Ross makes an accurate description of the Israeli offer
and said that Arafat rejected that offer.

Malley seems to discuss a lot of his interpretations of the
reasoning behind the parties positions which is fine but that
is largely speculation and can never be determined as it relates
to what might have been in the mind of the parties - or not.

Ross states clearly the offer and the response.

I don't see any big disagreement between Malley and Ross.
Malley just omits some discussion of various PA mistakes.

As I recall, you did not like my quote from Malley either.


"On June 15, during his final meeting with Clinton before Camp David, Arafat set forth his case: Barak had not implemented prior agreements, there had been no progress in the negotiations, and the prime minister was holding all the cards. The only conceivable outcome of going to a summit, he told Secretary Albright, was to have everything explode in the President's face. If there is no summit, at least there will still be hope. The summit is our last card, Arafat said—do you really want to burn it? In the end, Arafat went to Camp David, for not to do so would have been to incur America's anger; but he went intent more on surviving than on benefiting from it."

- Hussein Agha and Robert Malley

In other words, Arafat was unable to see the forest for the trees
and make the leap to the end game....or he just didn't like the end
game. Either way ultimately he was unable to benefit from CD 2000
opportunities and this is why other participants like Dennis Ross
(The Missing Peace) and Clinton among many other have said that
Arafat just wasn't up to it.

Two could play this misleading game of 'out-of-context' quotes, though I as a rule, I choose to refrain from it. Malley reports reports what was said without filters.

If you enjoy picking from the buffet, only that which you like, don't come with your 'editorial spins' expecting to be taken seriously. Heck , Ross is still spinning the 9 year old story today. That is a serious biased agenda. Imagine, He too would have been quoted in history books as Savior Clinton's right hand man!!!

I twice provided the link to the Malley/Agha article. For anyone in good faith, the important differences in accounts and conclusions of the event, between Ross's and Malley/Agha do not require your's or Ross's, or anyone else bias editorial spinning. It generously stands on its own merit.

I said that the Malley/Agha's view was nuanced where Ross's isn't. I also said that the Malley/Agha perspective point to a solution, which helps orient today's talks, whereas the Ross account simple isolated a culprit of the C.D. 2000 talks.

We can all learn something from the progress and failures listed in Malley/Agha's account to build peace today, unlike Ross's account, which simply would have us all believe that it was useless to deal with Arafat.
Well, god or Allah bless his soul, Arafat is no longer with us. Ross's biased account was irrelevant then, and is 'dead' today.

The Malley/Agha's account on the other hand is still very much, in its nuanced wisdom, very pertinent in understanding the far right abortion tactic of the current aborted round of 'Mitchell' talks, which were planned to take place this week.

Now, I said that I clearly didn't expect you would agree with the more nuanced and objective Malley/Agha account and conclusion. But this exchange doesn't only concern you 's1owhand'!!!

Let the unbiased read the Malley/Agha and Ross articles, and let the verdict fall.

The whole free world has spoken against Israel's handful of hardliners (Not Israel as whole, just their far right fundamentalist hardliners).
I have a feeling unbiased posters here would end up reflecting the same overwhelming proportion of people finding that there is
'... quite a bit of sand in the hardliners gears...'

Again 's1owhand', I am definitely not trying to sway you. I am very clear you have your personal view on this matter,

... and that you ABSOLUTELY agree with yourself!!! :)

no photo
Fri 03/19/10 08:48 AM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 03/19/10 08:48 AM

While Race and Gender are easily identified and worn on the outside, I imagine the task of identifying someones race or gender would be much simpler than identifying religious belief.

And as such, when it's revealed, the reactions sometimes can be as stark as they are upsetting if one has to endure end products of such revelations.

Many years ago, my sister had a friend who ran a small business. When her old computers died and ate all her records, she was frantic for someone who knew old computers and had the parts to get them going long enough to retrieve information that was easily 100 times worth the old hardware.

To me, it was no big deal. Just for giggles, I took the CompTIA test to become A+ certified without even looking at a study guide. I aced the test, BTW. I got her up and going again, and because she was a friend of my sisters' wasn't going to charge her anything. I told her to just pay me what it was worth to her.

Over the period of the next couple of years, she'd call from time to time for advice on keeping her old hardware running. We're talking DOS 3.3 systems here. I never charged her for that and every once in awhile I'd run into her at the local Wal_Mart.

One of those times, the topic turned to politics and religion. I knew she was somewhat conservative, but I thought she was open-minded. She brought up the topic of gays and Pat Robertson, and I said I thought Pat Robertson was wrong to be cutting on gays. She asked something to the effect that wasn't I good Christian who believed in biblical proscriptions against homosexuals. I said, "No, I'm not a believer."

Wow. It was like a light switch was flipped. She treated me like I was Satan Himself.

After my Dad died, she came with my sister to the public auction of his possessions. She wouldn't even look at me, much less talk to me.

Some members of my own extended family have disowned me or think I've been somehow corrupted. See, THAT is the sort of thing religion can sometimes do.

-Kerry O.

I am sorry to hear it,, truly. I know religion can go poorly sometimes.

I dont agree with lifestyles alternative to heterosexual, yet my brother is gay. I am a christian, yet my husbands family were atheists.

I dont believe I will ever meet the person who will be perfect so I dont insist anyone be perfect for me to love and accept them. My brother and my husbands family are some of the warmest folks I know and I would never treat them differently than they treat me. That is also the way religion can go sometimes.

Again folks, it is christian fundamentalism, an all other forms of religious 'fundamentalisms', that is at the heart of all evil; the 'we're absolutely right, an you're absolutely wrong' attitude of fundamentalists.

The MSharmony(S) of the christian world will never be a problem or a threat to anyone. You msharmony, and christians like you, give christianity a good name.

But while your group of christians might represent a majority, the fundamentalists, the most vocal and 'loud' fringe of 'pseudo-christians', are doing all the damage and leaving christianity looking like the most closed-minded, backwards, and divisive institution known to man.

Until the majority of sane christians realize this, and work systematically to restore integrity to their institution by denouncing the fundamentalists and destructive ways, christianity will remain perceived as the hypocritical evil bully of the planetary back yard!

I completely understand and respect what you are saying , but I wish to ask you one sincere question, human being to human being,,and that is...

As a christian,,what suggestion(s) would you make as to how I can personally or individually affect how the 'world' views christianity. If you could give one SPECIFIC example, I would be grateful because I would like people to understand that Christ and Faith are not about hypocrisy....

I will be sincere with you msharmony, and suggest that you know exactly what is hypocritical in the 'pseudo-christian' discourse.

Look for the different forms these 'pseudo-christian-fundamentalists' 'wars' will take in forcing 'change' on everything that isn't in 'their image' of what's right!!! That is divisiveness, and ...


... from one whom doesn't necessarily share your beliefs, but agrees that whatever defines Jesus Christ, HYPOCRISY and DIVISIVENESS were never attributes of his reported character and ingrained values!!!

Oh here we go again. sad I keep asking you where are these dangerous radical Christians at???You keep saying over and over that these radical Christians groups or people are out there and they are a very big problem for society and other Christian groups.You know something,I think people worrying about getting killed by a radical Christian is probably the last thing in the world on their mind.So please post a news story(I think we would prefer something not 25 years old),article,something anything that can back up your theory that modern day radical Christians are a threat to the general public and Christian church.Because what you are saying is nothing but complete non sense.

You really want to know who is a threat to the general public and to Christians?Radical Muslims and radical Atheist.I think between the Atheist burning down churches,and the Muslims calling for death to all Christians that would be a pretty good start.A short history lesson for you....

....The high-church atheists assert that religion causes war, but Day proves otherwise. He shows that over the past 232 years, 671,070 American soldiers have died in 17 wars, of which only one-half of one percent can reasonably be attributed to religion. This amounts to the deaths of 14 soldiers per year. Turning next to the Encyclopedia of Wars compiled by C. Phillips and A. Axelrod, Day examines 1,763 wars fought from 2325 B.C. to modern times. Of these wars, only 123 can reasonably be attributed to religion -- 6.92 percent of those recorded. Since half of these religious wars were waged by Muslims, this means that, apart from Islam, the world's religions are responsible for only 3.35 percent of all wars. "The historical evidence is conclusive," Day concludes. "Religion is not a primary cause of war."

Here is yet another glimpse of how Day uses facts to confute the "unholy trinity." Whereas Dawkins declares that atheists have the highest regard for works of art and architecture and not one of them in the world who would "bulldoze" places like Mecca, Chartres, or York Min­ster, Day replies with staggering evidence that atheists are far more likely than theists to destroy the landmarks of civilization, as when they razed 41,000 of the 48,000 churches in Russia, and 7,000 of the monasteries in Tibet.

Although Day is an evangelical, he is remarkably sympathetic to Catholics, who are usually the chief targets of atheists. Day scoffs at the way Dawkins, in the space of a couple of pages, dismisses the 3,000-page Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas: He says that Dawkins waved "a dead chicken over the keyboard" and tried to make readers believe he had "seriously considered" the Sum­ma and found it "wanting." Day also thinks it unfair that the Spanish Inquisition is ballyhooed as the high point of human wickedness. He points out that the Great Leap Forward and the Holocaust, both caused by atheists, resulted in 43 million and 6 million deaths respectively, whereas the Spanish Inquisition resulted in 3,230 deaths in three and a half centuries. And then, in the single year of 1936, Spanish atheists murdered 6,832 members of the Catholic clergy -- "more than twice the number of the victims of 345 years of inquisition." Summing up, Day reveals that 52 atheist rulers in the 20th century, from 1917 to 2007, were responsible for a body count of around 148 million dead -- "three times more than all the human beings killed by war, civil war and individual crime in the entire 20th century." And so it turns out that "the average atheist crime against humanity" is "18.3 million percent worse than the very worst depredation committed by Christians." To support these powerful refutations, Day offers footnotes on virtually every page.


Look up hypocrisy and divisiveness in the old Webster, in a christ-like perspective.

Then read the comments you have posted above.

In my view, they are a perfect example of 'pseudo-christian-fundamentalist-radical-conflict-seekers': the perfect manifestation of the ...

... 'I am absolutely right (I have MY god on my side), and you're absolutely wrong ('cause you don't agree with ME and MY god)!!!'

If you still don't get it, ... don't bother replying. There would be nothing I, or anyone else could add to address such state of absolutism.

no photo
Fri 03/19/10 08:04 AM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 03/19/10 08:22 AM

What is going on is that the Palestinians are trying to pre-judge the talks before they ever begin towards a pre-1967 border particularly in Jerusalem. Israel on the other hand sees Jerusalem as their undividable capital which they can develop as it best suits the population. In any case, it would be astounding if anyone (let alone a U.S. official) was surprised that Israel was planning to allow some more construction in Jerusalem!

Your comments are most subjective and unilaterally defend a failing minority position carried by far right Isreali fundamentalists, and defended by 'Bibi' in the Knesset, whom will never accept any compromise such as the 'two-state solution' which is now the only 'good faith' attitude, for any possible peace talks in town!!!

The Palestinians need to cease all violence and return to the negotiating table unconditionally. The Israelis have already stopped virtually all real settlement activity years ago and have been pulling back unilaterally from Gaza and areas of the West Bank. So all the the crying about "settlements" borders on frivolous. The Israelis are not colonizing the West Bank and Gaza. They are merely working towards defensible borders at this point.

'frivolous'!!! The far right fringe is most dishonestly toying with the most sensitive settlement, at the heart of any possible peace agreement.

'... The Israelis are not colonizing the West Bank and Gaza...', they're doing far worse than that, THEY'RE COLONIZING THE PROPOSED SECTION OF PALESTINIAN JERUSALEM, AT THE CORE OF A TWO-STATE PEACE SOLUTION !!!

If the Palestinians don't wish to negotiate then we should just leave them alone and wait until the violence completely stops and both sides are eagerly willing to participate. But no one in the U.S. government was even the slightest bit surprised that Israel announced they were planning to continue development and construction in neighborhoods of Jersusalem. So their outrage rightfully appears fake.

The above paragraph is totally unfounded. As we stand, and for the past couple decades, it is the Israeli government (through its far right fringes) whom have clearly demonstrated their refusal to 'negotiate'!!!

As long as Nathanyaou or any other leading coalition of the Knesset, keep supporting the religiously dogmatic and delusional positions of its far right fringes, it is Israel as whole that is persistently showing bad faith by derailing and refusing to come back to a 'two-state' peace talk process.


As I said before, Israel has already made several completely viable
and U.S./Quartet supported Two-State solution proposals. These real
efforts have been rejected by the Palestinians. Their inexplicable
and self-defeating rejection of the incredibly generous offers at
Camp David and Taba were the most egregious and revealing missed
opportunities according to U.S. chief negotiator David Ross.

=-=-=-=-= snippet =-=-=-=-=

"ROSS: The ideas were presented on December 23 by the president, and they basically said the following: On borders, there would be about a 5 percent annexation in the West Bank for the Israelis and a 2 percent swap. So there would be a net 97 percent of the territory that would go to the Palestinians.

On Jerusalem, the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capitol of the Palestinian state.

On the issue of refugees, there would be a right of return for the refugees to their own state, not to Israel, but there would also be a fund of $30 billion internationally that would be put together for either compensation or to cover repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation costs.

And when it came to security, there would be a international presence, in place of the Israelis, in the Jordan Valley.

These were ideas that were comprehensive, unprecedented, stretched very far, represented a culmination of an effort in our best judgment as to what each side could accept after thousands of hours of debate, discussion with each side.

BARNES: Now, Palestinian officials say to this day that Arafat said yes.

ROSS: Arafat came to the White House on January 2. Met with the president, and I was there in the Oval Office. He said yes, and then he added reservations that basically meant he rejected every single one of the things he was supposed to give.

HUME: What was he supposed to give?

ROSS: He supposed to give, on Jerusalem, the idea that there would be for the Israelis sovereignty over the Western Wall, which would cover the areas that are of religious significance to Israel. He rejected that."

=-=-=-=-= snippet =-=-=-=-=

Contrary to your assertion, it is currently the Palestinians who
are placing pre-conditions on returning to the bargaining table.
The Israelis have no such pre-conditions. They may never agree to
the Camp David 2000 offer anymore but certainly they will consider
a large part of it...

Unfortunately since Gaza has been taken over by Hamas and the PA
is unwilling to return unconditionally to the bargaining table,
the Israelis are put back in the position of having to negotiate
with themselves over what they can accept as a solution now after
they have already given up the West Bank and Gaza.


And, the PA has no ability to assure any security to Israel, Hamas
has no intention of assuring any security to Israel, the PA has a
long history of refusing outrageously generous offers, Hamas has a
long history of 911 style attacks as their method of dialogue.


Israel seems to be happy with a Two-State solution as long as the
new state is de-militarized and cannot attack Israel. They want to
keep a united Jerusalem as their capital - perhaps sharing some
limited sovereignty over Islamic religious sites. The Israelis also
want to not have rockets launched randomly at their towns or have
their buses, schools, cafes, marketplaces or gatherings bombed
- that should not be a deal breaker.

So I say, let the Palestinians start living their lives without
violence towards Israel (or each other) in 100% of Gaza and the 95%
of the West Bank that they already govern. This is essentially
already their state. Live peacefully and thrive and make it a place
where people will want to actually live and raise a family. Voila!
Instant state. Two-state solution accomplished. Don't attack Israel
and they won't attack you and checkpoints won't be needed anymore
after a while. Iran and Hezbollah won't like it but they don't live

You seem to unable to take into account that there are other versions of the C.D. 2000 and TABA rounds than that of your friend Ross.

Ross & Malley were part of the same negotiating team for the US. Their accounts of the situation io general and their conclusions in particular, are drastically different.

Ross concludes with little nuance, '...It's all Arafat's fault!!!...'

... while Malley, provides a much more nuanced account, concluding that the preparation leading up to C.D. 2000 and the talks themselves, were a comedy of errors on all sides.

Clinton's ego, on the eve of leaving office, just wanted an agreement such that history would remember HIM as the 'savior' who came to Jerusalem!!!

Barak too was at the end of his term, and was presssured by his buddy Clinton to make an offer, ... any offer!!! to Arafat.

Well, Barak not wanting to let his buddy down, made a unofficial 'ridiculous offer', cantons, checkpoints, fragmented territories, and and an Israel sovereign Palestinian Capital!!!

Arafat in the meantime, was never in the loop. True he didn't counter offer. As anyone with a brain whom hasn't been included in pre-negotiation; wasn't made privy to what was going to be served, knows better than to irresponsibly jump into hasty counter proposals.

If Arafat made a mistake, it was to present himself to what was is referred to as a negotiating trap!!! Elementary Watson.

I don't expect you 's1owhand', to agree to any of Malley's account. You're bias position is much too conveniently served by Ross's.

Beyond Ross's, Malley's, 's1owhand' and 'voileazur's opinions ans positions on the matter, it remains to be acknowledged, that two US negotiators prepare, attend and comment on exactly the same events, with radically different views.

Moreover, the free world agrees with the Malley acount: enough with the under the table games, and let's settle this once and for all, in a fair, cards on the table manner!!!

By the way, 9 years later, Ross, in his latest book, claims that the Israelo-Palestinian crisis is no longer the most pressing issue facing that part of the world, that it is rather the Iranian crisis to which we should all pay attention!?!?!?

If Ross's bias isn't clear to you 's1lowhand', it is clear to the rest of the world. And that is the encouraging light at the end of the tunnel.

For anyone interested in a US made, different angle on this discussion, do take the time to read the following article on the Malley account of the C.D. 2000.

Excessive use of 'laughing emoticons' are an obvious metaphor for 'excessive sweat under the armpits' 's1lowhand'!!!
Maybe you are only interested in your position on this question, and of course, we are all entitled to that.
But a question remains:

'... isn't your position, and that shared by Israel's far right, the exact element that is in the way of any possible peace in this conflict!?!?! ...'

It is wisely said that true peace can only become possible when both sides stop making one another wrong!!!

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 05:00 PM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 03/18/10 05:05 PM

I judge and will continue to judge people by their actions and the bible says I am not wrong in doing so.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."Luke 6:37

"He who is without sin throw the first stone"-Luke 7:8-9.

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."Mathew 7:5

I disagree.

If people want to be more like Jesus they will always reject sin.Sin was never accepted under Jesus and was to be always overcome with good.Jesus did accept people as they were but he also told them to "Sin no more".Christians who are unrepentant sinners and want to keep sinning only do the church and other harm.God and Jesus both spoke about how it is twice as bad for a person to know the bible and Sin as apposed to someone who doesn't know the bible and sin.

Romans "We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[a] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

21So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin."

So Paul wasn't a Christian is what you are telling me.....hmmmm

Again I disagree


I am impressed and humbled by your authenticity and transparency.

I was tempted to reply to 'thomas's post, but after reading the manner in which you addressed it, I was wordless. That's an event in itself!

And if msharmony is reading this, we can tie this very interesting thread of 'isaac_dede' to the exchange we were having earlier about 'sane' christians needing to take on the restoring of christianity's integrity by standing up with compassion, love and intelligence, as 'isaac_dede' is showing here, to the conscious and unconscious hypocrisy of some, which has dislodged the essence and focus of a 'Christ-like' inspired life!

Hat's off to you 'Isaac-dede'!

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 01:26 PM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 03/18/10 01:37 PM

While Race and Gender are easily identified and worn on the outside, I imagine the task of identifying someones race or gender would be much simpler than identifying religious belief.

And as such, when it's revealed, the reactions sometimes can be as stark as they are upsetting if one has to endure end products of such revelations.

Many years ago, my sister had a friend who ran a small business. When her old computers died and ate all her records, she was frantic for someone who knew old computers and had the parts to get them going long enough to retrieve information that was easily 100 times worth the old hardware.

To me, it was no big deal. Just for giggles, I took the CompTIA test to become A+ certified without even looking at a study guide. I aced the test, BTW. I got her up and going again, and because she was a friend of my sisters' wasn't going to charge her anything. I told her to just pay me what it was worth to her.

Over the period of the next couple of years, she'd call from time to time for advice on keeping her old hardware running. We're talking DOS 3.3 systems here. I never charged her for that and every once in awhile I'd run into her at the local Wal_Mart.

One of those times, the topic turned to politics and religion. I knew she was somewhat conservative, but I thought she was open-minded. She brought up the topic of gays and Pat Robertson, and I said I thought Pat Robertson was wrong to be cutting on gays. She asked something to the effect that wasn't I good Christian who believed in biblical proscriptions against homosexuals. I said, "No, I'm not a believer."

Wow. It was like a light switch was flipped. She treated me like I was Satan Himself.

After my Dad died, she came with my sister to the public auction of his possessions. She wouldn't even look at me, much less talk to me.

Some members of my own extended family have disowned me or think I've been somehow corrupted. See, THAT is the sort of thing religion can sometimes do.

-Kerry O.

I am sorry to hear it,, truly. I know religion can go poorly sometimes.

I dont agree with lifestyles alternative to heterosexual, yet my brother is gay. I am a christian, yet my husbands family were atheists.

I dont believe I will ever meet the person who will be perfect so I dont insist anyone be perfect for me to love and accept them. My brother and my husbands family are some of the warmest folks I know and I would never treat them differently than they treat me. That is also the way religion can go sometimes.

Again folks, it is christian fundamentalism, an all other forms of religious 'fundamentalisms', that is at the heart of all evil; the 'we're absolutely right, an you're absolutely wrong' attitude of fundamentalists.

The MSharmony(S) of the christian world will never be a problem or a threat to anyone. You msharmony, and christians like you, give christianity a good name.

But while your group of christians might represent a majority, the fundamentalists, the most vocal and 'loud' fringe of 'pseudo-christians', are doing all the damage and leaving christianity looking like the most closed-minded, backwards, and divisive institution known to man.

Until the majority of sane christians realize this, and work systematically to restore integrity to their institution by denouncing the fundamentalists and destructive ways, christianity will remain perceived as the hypocritical evil bully of the planetary back yard!

I completely understand and respect what you are saying , but I wish to ask you one sincere question, human being to human being,,and that is...

As a christian,,what suggestion(s) would you make as to how I can personally or individually affect how the 'world' views christianity. If you could give one SPECIFIC example, I would be grateful because I would like people to understand that Christ and Faith are not about hypocrisy....

I will be sincere with you msharmony, and suggest that you know exactly what is hypocritical in the 'pseudo-christian' discourse.

Look for the different forms these 'pseudo-christian-fundamentalists' 'wars' will take in forcing 'change' on everything that isn't in 'their image' of what's right!!! That is divisiveness, and ...


... from one whom doesn't necessarily share your beliefs, but agrees that whatever defines Jesus Christ, HYPOCRISY and DIVISIVENESS were never attributes of his reported character and ingrained values!!!

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 09:32 AM

While Race and Gender are easily identified and worn on the outside, I imagine the task of identifying someones race or gender would be much simpler than identifying religious belief.

And as such, when it's revealed, the reactions sometimes can be as stark as they are upsetting if one has to endure end products of such revelations.

Many years ago, my sister had a friend who ran a small business. When her old computers died and ate all her records, she was frantic for someone who knew old computers and had the parts to get them going long enough to retrieve information that was easily 100 times worth the old hardware.

To me, it was no big deal. Just for giggles, I took the CompTIA test to become A+ certified without even looking at a study guide. I aced the test, BTW. I got her up and going again, and because she was a friend of my sisters' wasn't going to charge her anything. I told her to just pay me what it was worth to her.

Over the period of the next couple of years, she'd call from time to time for advice on keeping her old hardware running. We're talking DOS 3.3 systems here. I never charged her for that and every once in awhile I'd run into her at the local Wal_Mart.

One of those times, the topic turned to politics and religion. I knew she was somewhat conservative, but I thought she was open-minded. She brought up the topic of gays and Pat Robertson, and I said I thought Pat Robertson was wrong to be cutting on gays. She asked something to the effect that wasn't I good Christian who believed in biblical proscriptions against homosexuals. I said, "No, I'm not a believer."

Wow. It was like a light switch was flipped. She treated me like I was Satan Himself.

After my Dad died, she came with my sister to the public auction of his possessions. She wouldn't even look at me, much less talk to me.

Some members of my own extended family have disowned me or think I've been somehow corrupted. See, THAT is the sort of thing religion can sometimes do.

-Kerry O.

I am sorry to hear it,, truly. I know religion can go poorly sometimes.

I dont agree with lifestyles alternative to heterosexual, yet my brother is gay. I am a christian, yet my husbands family were atheists.

I dont believe I will ever meet the person who will be perfect so I dont insist anyone be perfect for me to love and accept them. My brother and my husbands family are some of the warmest folks I know and I would never treat them differently than they treat me. That is also the way religion can go sometimes.

Again folks, it is christian fundamentalism, an all other forms of religious 'fundamentalisms', that is at the heart of all evil; the 'we're absolutely right, an you're absolutely wrong' attitude of fundamentalists.

The MSharmony(S) of the christian world will never be a problem or a threat to anyone. You msharmony, and christians like you, give christianity a good name.

But while your group of christians might represent a majority, the fundamentalists, the most vocal and 'loud' fringe of 'pseudo-christians', are doing all the damage and leaving christianity looking like the most closed-minded, backwards, and divisive institution known to man.

Until the majority of sane christians realize this, and work systematically to restore integrity to their institution by denouncing the fundamentalists and destructive ways, christianity will remain perceived as the hypocritical evil bully of the planetary back yard!

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 09:01 AM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 03/18/10 09:12 AM

WASHINGTON -- The White House is raising the stakes with Israel, calling it an "insult" and an "affront" that the Jewish nation would continue plans to build 1,600 new apartments during a construction freeze aimed at re-igniting peace talks with Palestinians.

Palestinians have not sought as part of their capital the area of northeast Jerusalem where the Jewish settlement of Ramat Shlomo resides, but the decision to announce construction plans just as Vice President Joe Biden was visiting the region led to strained meetings that continues past his return.

Biden expressed his displeasure by showing up late to a dinner with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to issue a statement of condemnation.

On Sunday, President Obama's chief political adviser David Axelrod told ABC's "This Week" that the move undermines the fragile effort to bring peace to the troubled region and called the timing of the announcement "very destructive."

Axelrod would not say what has been discussed in diplomatic talks but suggested the decision by Israel was "calculated to undermine" peace talks with the Palestinians. He added that because Israel is a special ally to the United States "for just that very reason that was not the right way to behave."

But White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Netanyahu's apology on Sunday was a "good start" to rebuild trust, but more needs to be done.

"I think what would be an even better start is coming to the table with constructive ideas for constructive and trustful dialogue about moving the peace process forward," Gibbs said.

"There's no doubt that events like last week weaken the trust that's needed for both sides to come together and have honest discussions about peace in the Middle East. So there's no doubt that that was not a bright spot for the Israeli government."

The State Department on Friday outlined what was described as a stern 45-minute call by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the prime minister. The unusually tough dressing down reportedly took Netanyahu by surprise. On Sunday he announced plans to set up a committee to review processes to ensure an embarrassment like the one with Biden doesn't happen again.

Though Netanyahu had not included East Jerusalem in an earlier decision to halt construction for 10 months, the Jerusalem District Planning and Building committee canceled two meetings scheduled for this week after Clinton's call, Haaretz newspaper reported Sunday.

Full Story.............

This is wrong on so many levels. One Israel is one of our major allies. This President has made it a point to piss off most of our allies since taking office. Israel is in a shitty situation. They are on a continent where no one wants them there and are constantly under threat of attack from the many Islamic countries that border them and even by countries that doin't like Iran.

Then to keep a fellow head of state waiting out of protest shows exactly the lack of class and the extreme arrogance that this administration has. They should be ashamed of themselves.

What is going on is that the Palestinians are trying to pre-judge the talks before they ever begin towards a pre-1967 border particularly in Jerusalem. Israel on the other hand sees Jerusalem as their undividable capital which they can develop as it best suits the population. In any case, it would be astounding if anyone (let alone a U.S. official) was surprised that Israel was planning to allow some more construction in Jerusalem!

Your comments are most subjective and unilaterally defend a failing minority position carried by far right Isreali fundamentalists, and defended by 'Bibi' in the Knesset, whom will never accept any compromise such as the 'two-state solution' which is now the only 'good faith' attitude, for any possible peace talks in town!!!

Free world allies , including the USA and Canada, along with B'Tselem: 'The Israeli information center for human rights in the occupied territories', and a majority of Israelis, denounce this dogmatic position held by the dogmatic far right, and which you express in your posts.

Without saying so honestly, a far right fringe of the Israeli camp, is dead set against a two-state solution, which comprises an Israeli Jerusalem, and a Palestinian Jerusalem, among other fundamental factors, and is doing everything it can to undermine and derail any talks which carries at its core, a two-state solution.

This latest 'surprise announce' of Jerusalem settlements expansion, is nothing other than a premeditated act, and a serious 'bad faith' move on the part of the annoying far right camp.

It succeeded AGAIN, in derailing planned peace talks, which George Mitchell, the President's special envoy, had been planning for months.

This 'territory expansion announcement' tactic from the far right Israeli camp is the farthest thing from surprising, as Nathanyaou allegedly claimed (didn't know!!! is a blatant lie!). It is has been a trademark signature of the Israel's far right for the past two decades.

The hypocritical 'coup' has been perpetrated to Secretary of State Jim Baker, under Bush sr, Madeleine Albright, under Bill Clinton, and again under Condoleeza rice, under Bush son, coincidentally occurring on the eve of resuming peace talks every single time.

Much like the christian fundamentalist fringe is representing a serious liability to the GOP in particular, and the USA as a whole, the fundamentalist (uncompromising) far right and dogmatic minority in Israel has most definitely become a serious liability to Israel as whole.

It's high time that the Knesset realize that the USA, and a 'two-state' nation peace agreement, are far more important to the safe and prosperous future of Israeli people, than the religiously dogmatic and delusional positions of its far right fringes.

The Palestinians need to cease all violence and return to the negotiating table unconditionally. The Israelis have already stopped virtually all real settlement activity years ago and have been pulling back unilaterally from Gaza and areas of the West Bank. So all the the crying about "settlements" borders on frivolous. The Israelis are not colonizing the West Bank and Gaza. They are merely working towards defensible borders at this point.

'frivolous'!!! The far right fringe is most dishonestly toying with the most sensitive settlement, at the heart of any possible peace agreement.

'... The Israelis are not colonizing the West Bank and Gaza...', they're doing far worse than that, THEY'RE COLONIZING THE PROPOSED SECTION OF PALESTINIAN JERUSALEM, AT THE CORE OF A TWO-STATE PEACE SOLUTION !!!

If the Palestinians don't wish to negotiate then we should just leave them alone and wait until the violence completely stops and both sides are eagerly willing to participate. But no one in the U.S. government was even the slightest bit surprised that Israel announced they were planning to continue development and construction in neighborhoods of Jersusalem. So their outrage rightfully appears fake.

The above paragraph is totally unfounded. As we stand, and for the past couple decades, it is the Israeli government (through its far right fringes) whom have clearly demonstrated their refusal to 'negotiate'!!!

As long as Nathanyaou or any other leading coalition of the Knesset, keep supporting the religiously dogmatic and delusional positions of its far right fringes, it is Israel as whole that is persistently showing bad faith by derailing and refusing to come back to a 'two-state' peace talk process.

no photo
Wed 03/17/10 01:12 PM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 03/17/10 01:15 PM

A New England Journal of Medicine survey of doctors is speculation?

The answers from a well conducted survey, are exactly that: 'answers from a well conducted survey'.

But there is a reality gap between 'saying what one might do, given 'xyz'' (first degree threat), and 'actually DOING IT!' (acting on threat).

That being said, 29% of doctors are pissed ever since they've heard from their 'pharma' and 'Big Ins. Co.' that their bonuses would be drastically reduced should the reform go through!!!

Now, in the event that they carried out their 'spoiled rotten' threat, it would in itself, accomplish a significant restructuring of the health care system right there.

Those 'greedy' health practitioners, motivated only by obscene revenue, would make room within weeks, for 'vocation' driven health practitioners, whom would still be earning stellar incomes when compared to the average 'Jack'; incomes they fully deserve.

So will they leave??? ... cannot be treated as fact in any way shape or form so far, and matters little in the long run.

The only fact which this article delivers, is that hours or days from passing the health reform legislation, the 'fat cats' whom stand to get trimmed from the process, are raising the 'fear mongering noise' to 'stellar' levels!!!

To be expected!!!

no photo
Wed 03/17/10 12:28 PM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 03/17/10 12:28 PM

WASHINGTON – Buyers, beware: President Barack Obama says his health care overhaul will lower premiums by double digits, but check the fine print.

Premiums are likely to keep going up even if the health care bill passes, experts say. If cost controls work as advertised, annual increases would level off with time. But don't look for a rollback. Instead, the main reason premiums would be more affordable is that new government tax credits would help cover the cost for millions of people.

Listening to Obama pitch his plan, you might not realize that's how it works.

Visiting a Cleveland suburb this week, the president described how individuals and small businesses will be able to buy coverage in a new kind of health insurance marketplace, gaining the same strength in numbers that federal employees have.

"You'll be able to buy in, or a small business will be able to buy into this pool," Obama said. "And that will lower rates, it's estimated, by up to 14 to 20 percent over what you're currently getting. That's money out of pocket."

And that's not all.

Obama asked his audience for a show of hands from people with employer-provided coverage, what most Americans have.

"Your employer, it's estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent," said the president, "which means they could give you a raise."

A White House press spokesman later said the president misspoke; he had meant to say annual premiums would drop by $3,000.
It could be a long wait.

"There's no question premiums are still going to keep going up," said Larry Levitt of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a research clearinghouse on the health care system. "There are pieces of reform that will hopefully keep them from going up as fast. But it would be miraculous if premiums actually went down relative to where they are today."

The statistics Obama based his claims on come from two sources. In both cases, the caveats got left out.

A report for the Business Roundtable, an association of big company CEOs, was the source for the claim that employers could save $3,000 per worker on health care costs, the White House said.

Issued in November, the report looked generally at proposals that Democrats were considering to curb health care costs, concluding they had the potential to significantly reduce future increases.
But the analysis didn't consider specific legislation, much less the final language being tweaked this week. It's unclear to what degree the bill that the House is expected to vote on within days would reduce costs for employers.

An analysis by the Congressional Budget Office of earlier Senate legislation suggested savings could be fairly modest.
It found that large employers would see premium savings of at most 3 percent compared with what their costs would have been without the legislation. That would be more like a few hundred dollars instead of several thousand.

The claim that people buying coverage individually would save 14 percent to 20 percent comes from the same budget office report, prepared in November for Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind. But the presidential sound bite fails to convey the full picture.

The budget office concluded that premiums for people buying their own coverage would go up by an average of 10 percent to 13 percent, compared with the levels they'd reach without the legislation. That's mainly because policies in the individual insurance market would provide more comprehensive benefits than they do today.

For most households, those added costs would be more than offset by the tax credits provided under the bill, and they would pay significantly less than they have to now.

The premium reduction of 14 percent to 20 percent that Obama cites would apply only to a portion of the people buying coverage on their own — those who decide they want to keep the skimpier kinds of policies available today.

Their costs would go down because more young people would be joining the risk pool and because insurance company overhead costs would be lower in the more efficient system Obama wants to create.

The president usually alludes to that distinction in his health care stump speech, saying the savings would accrue to those people who continue to buy "comparable" coverage to what they have today.
But many of his listeners may not pick up on it.

"People are likely to not buy the same low-value policies they are buying now," said health economist Len Nichols of George Mason University. "If they did buy the same value plans ... the premium would be lower than it is now. This makes the White House statement true. But is it possibly misleading for some people? Sure."

The heading of this thread is misspelled...

... it should read 'FEAR check', not fact check!

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 04:23 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 03/15/10 04:26 PM

Most of the energy of the last administration was about retaining the power to retain power. Of course, if you fear intelligent people as many Americans are now trained, what chance do we have of ever doing anything right. If anything right ever happens Americans begin smelling the proximity of elitists. The conservative book-of-the-month instructs them how to handle these cases - deny, deny, deny. And if intelligent thought persists try this:

1. fantasize
2. spread fear over the fantasy
3. smear intelligent people
4. repeat

And that's the formula of every successful Republican since Bob Dole's defeat.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

... and, the bill being on its final straight, the most 'powerful lobbies' around are sparing no expense in
... spreading fear,
... spreading fantasies,
... smearing intelligent people,
all of it ON HYPER DRIVE, in a last ditch attempt to maintain their fiefdom!!!

1 2 4 6 7 8 9 24 25