Topic: So is Obama doing a good job???? | |
No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done.
He is not doing a good job in my opinion. He has solved nothing and inflamed the situation more. In Los Angeles alone 1 in 10 houses are in foreclosure, the deterioration of our economy continues, and his grasp of international politics is seriously lacking. Obama is a one man train wreck! On top of that his recent interview on Fox was nothing more than him spouting about his health care reform rather than answering questions real Americans have for him about the issue. He is such a total waste of Taxpayer dollars! And to think he has his finger on our nuclear trigger! |
I believe he is doing a good job. The 'reason' being that I believe he is consistent with the ideas he ran on to get elected. From the numbers at
OF 500 'promises' OBama has made in his first 400 days or so, he has managed 96. That is about 20% during the first 25% of his term,, which seems to be a pretty steady , strong, and impressive(to me anyhow) record of accomplishment. Where I live, he has been part of the assistance programs which help nevadans stay in their homes, he has been a part of the bill which has stopped credit card companies from ripping me off with interest rates, and he has stopped a nuclear waste dump from landing in our back yard. I am still glad I voted for him,,, |
No, I do not think he has done a good job. He ran on the spending habits of Bush (among other things) and has wasted more tax money than anyone in history.
He promised real energy reform but has done more damage than good (he promised to give away to the world our solar technology instead of using it as a vehicle to create jobs). The promises on other forms of clean energy were all broken. He seems to have no financial understanding of the damage the drop in the US dollar is causing. I think he may cause the US to literally go bankrupt. Perhaps he is counting on the financial damage to increase federal power. His long term damage to the Manned Space program went against everything he promised them to get elected. His promises to close Guantanamo and try the terrorists on US soil in civil courts showed no knowledge of the consequences but luckily is being stopped by others who are educating him on the foolishness and impracticality of the idea. He is prepared to violate the intent of the constitution in order to get a flawed health bill into place which will cost US taxpayers huge amounts of money while solving few of it's problems. The insurance companies will benefit while the taxpayer will not. BTW, I am not a Republican. I think both parties have major flaws and do not represent the best interest of the American people. |
"Is Obama doing a good job?" ... why, SURE he is ... IF, by 'good job', you mean 'Is Obama succeeding at destroying our Constitutional republic and the relationship between the people and the government?', well, damn straight he's doing a good job. If, on the other hand, you mean 'Is Obama doing a good job at making our country a better place and improving the opportunities presented to its citizens?', well, hell, son, what are you gonna believe: What he and his supporters tell you, or your lyin' eyes? Hell NO!, he's not doing a good job.
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Fri 03/19/10 10:48 AM
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the economic stimulus, includes nearly $17 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy, including $5 billion to weatherize low-income homes; $3.1 billion for state energy programs; $2 billion for advanced battery manufacturing grants to encourage production of plug-in hybrid and electric cars; and $3.2 billion for energy efficiency and conservation block grants. There's also $6 billion in the stimulus to modernize the nation's electricity grid; as well as hundreds of millions for research into renewable energy technologies like biomass and geothermal. And it includes more than $6 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy investors. Together with renewable tax credits, the White House estimates that will result in $100 billion in private investment in renewable energy projects. " and "Obama "supports congressional efforts to add at least one additional Space Shuttle flight to fly a valuable mission and to keep the workforce engaged. He will work to ensure there is adequate funding to support that additional flight so that it does not interfere with developing the Shuttle's successor......But Obama has done what he said he would do — supported the launch and provided money for it. On Aug. 11, 2009, NASA moved the ball forward by naming the crew for the mission. We consider this a Promise Kept." I think presidential 'promises' are only good indicators of INTENT as no president really can just MAKE things happen alone, there are two houses full of politicians who must work with him to get things done or against him to stop things from getting done. But I commend OBAMA for following through on his intentions, even amidst dissent and adversity.,,and (as the numbers indicate) he is pretty successful(so far). |
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Fri 03/19/10 11:22 AM
No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done. He is not doing a good job in my opinion. He has solved nothing and inflamed the situation more. In Los Angeles alone 1 in 10 houses are in foreclosure, the deterioration of our economy continues, and his grasp of international politics is seriously lacking. Obama is a one man train wreck! On top of that his recent interview on Fox was nothing more than him spouting about his health care reform rather than answering questions real Americans have for him about the issue. He is such a total waste of Taxpayer dollars! And to think he has his finger on our nuclear trigger! Took good note of your 'warning': '... No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done!!!...' But reading the paragraph which followed your 'warning', dealing with YOUR 'opinions' on the President, it would appear that for those whom choose to 'BASH' Obama, 'ONE-LINER ANSWERS' and 'NO REASON' at all will do just fine!!! Enjoy your 'wonderland' ride. In the meantime, since Obama took office, what the rest of the world uses as economic indicators, ALL POINT UP!!! (since you don't appear to bother much with back-up info, I didn't think it necessary to post any myself). But the indicators are there for everyone to confirm the 'springing back' from the bottom of the 'Bush' barrel. To name a few relevant areas of progress: Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush) Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush) Debt growth slowed drastically (since Bush) Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush) As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office. If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing. To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!! Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS. '... It's the numbers stupid!!!...' to paraphrase a 'Clintonian' era piece of wisdom!!! And the numbers do not agree with your beliefs and convictions!!! |
from The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the economic stimulus, includes nearly $17 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy, including $5 billion to weatherize low-income homes; $3.1 billion for state energy programs; $2 billion for advanced battery manufacturing grants to encourage production of plug-in hybrid and electric cars; and $3.2 billion for energy efficiency and conservation block grants. There's also $6 billion in the stimulus to modernize the nation's electricity grid; as well as hundreds of millions for research into renewable energy technologies like biomass and geothermal. And it includes more than $6 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy investors. Together with renewable tax credits, the White House estimates that will result in $100 billion in private investment in renewable energy projects. " and "Obama "supports congressional efforts to add at least one additional Space Shuttle flight to fly a valuable mission and to keep the workforce engaged. He will work to ensure there is adequate funding to support that additional flight so that it does not interfere with developing the Shuttle's successor......But Obama has done what he said he would do — supported the launch and provided money for it. On Aug. 11, 2009, NASA moved the ball forward by naming the crew for the mission. We consider this a Promise Kept." I think presidential 'promises' are only good indicators of INTENT as no president really can just MAKE things happen alone, there are two houses full of politicians who must work with him to get things done or against him to stop things from getting done. But I commend OBAMA for following through on his intentions, even amidst dissent and adversity.,,and (as the numbers indicate) he is pretty successful(so far). With all due respect, the billions spent on "... (insulating) low income housing, paying poor people's light bills, and similar have nothing to do with the energy problem and in fact make it worse. The major promises made in coal and nuclear energy programs to wean us off foreign oil did not happen as promised. The recently funded solar technology was promised to be "given to the world" (that means China) which results in the US funding research to improve China's economy, not ours. The "battery technology" grants may provide some help to GM in their quest to produce an electric car ... now that we own GM. The White House "estimates" of the impact are based on no facts at all. The "promises kept" comment about NASA is absurd beyond belief. Houston alone is looking at laying off about ten thousand people in the industry and one more shuttle mission is not the continuation of the manned program. The ONLY hope for NASA manned spaceflight to continue in the foreseeable future is if congress overrules Obama which they are talking seriously about doing. |
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Fri 03/19/10 11:29 AM
From John Stossel:
Promise #6: No Tax Increase on Families Making Under $250,000 “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase - not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes,” Obama said in a September 2008 town hall meeting in Dover. Reality: In his first year in office, he proposed Cap and Trade, which would be a fat tax on everyone. He increased the cigarette tax by 159 percent, and now we have that proposed tax on fancy health care benefits. During the campaign, he criticized John McCain for just suggesting that. “My opponent can't make that pledge [not to raise taxes] and here’s why: for the first time in American history, John McCain wants to tax your health care benefits," he said in the same speech. But now it's Obama who wants to tax health plans: “This reform will charge insurance companies a fee for their most expensive policies,” he said in his health care address to Congress. Promise #5: Ban Earmarks "We are going to ban all earmarks,” Obama said at a press conference on January 6, 2009. Reality: The first spending bill he signed had over 9,000 earmarks. Promise #4: I Won't Force Americans To Buy Insurance During the campaign, Obama attacked Hillary Clinton: "She believes we have to force people who don’t have insurance,” he said in a primary debate in January 2008. Reality: This September, he told Congress: “Under my plan, individuals will be required to carry basic health insurance.” Promise #3: Health care negotiations will be on C-SPAN Obama promised at least eight times that "we’re going to do all the negotiations on C-SPAN, So the American people will be able to watch.” Reality: They haven’t been there. Promise #2: Putting bills online Obama promised “When there’s a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you the public will have five days to look online, and find out what’s in it before I sign it.” Reality: He broke that promise when he singed his first bill, the Fair Pay Act. He's broken it since, for instance on the Credit Card Bill of Rights and an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Promise #1: Cutting spending On the campaign trail, Obama promised to cut spending several times. In the second presidential debate, he said that “actually, I am cutting more than I’m spending. So it will be a net spending cut.” Reality: Spending increased 2 TRILLION dollars -- more than any year in history. |
No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done. He is not doing a good job in my opinion. He has solved nothing and inflamed the situation more. In Los Angeles alone 1 in 10 houses are in foreclosure, the deterioration of our economy continues, and his grasp of international politics is seriously lacking. Obama is a one man train wreck! On top of that his recent interview on Fox was nothing more than him spouting about his health care reform rather than answering questions real Americans have for him about the issue. He is such a total waste of Taxpayer dollars! And to think he has his finger on our nuclear trigger! Took good note of your 'warning': '... No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done!!!...' But reading the paragraph which followed your 'warning', dealing with YOUR 'opinions' on the President, it would appear that for those whom choose to 'BASH' Obama, 'ONE-LINER ANSWERS' and 'NO REASON' at all will do just fine!!! Enjoy your 'wonderland' ride. In the meantime, since Obama took office, what the rest of the world uses as economic indicators, ALL POINT UP!!! (since you don't appear to bother much with back-up info, I didn't think it necessary to post any myself). But the indicators are there for everyone to confirm the 'springing back' from the bottom of the 'Bush' barrel. To name a few relevant areas of progress: Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush) Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush) Debt growth slowed drastically (since Bush) Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush) As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office. If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing. To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!! Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS. '... It's the numbers stupid!!!...' to paraphrase a 'Clintonian' era piece of wisdom!!! And the numbers do not agree with your beliefs and convictions!!! OK You asked for it: You said: Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush) Really? By WHO's numbers? We are in a depression. The GNP does not reflect industry NOT JOBS lost overseas. The numbers reflecting the GNP are based on financial flow and not real product output. Also the unemployment figures do not take into account disability OR welfare recipients who ARE unemployed. The real numbers are a to higher when you take these two groups into account alone not to mention all of the "Homeless and Hungry" losers. Now you said: Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush) OH REALLY NOW? Are you sure? Are you? By who's numbers again? The deficit has GROWN or have you been listening to the news and I don't watch TV thank you! BBC nuff said! And why is everyone freaked out about Obama's health care? Well, where are we going to get the 1.7 Trillion (can you count that high!) dollars on top of the 2 plus some odd trillion dollar deficit we are in already? And I am tossing one liners? Where did you learn economics? Do you even have any idea how convoluted and unnecessarily complicated our tax structure is? You said: Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush) Who are you kidding? Industries are still leaving the country and China is pounding our manufacturing and our Agriculture. What city are you living in because Los Angeles alone is projecting 5% percent more over the course of this year alone by current trend projections unemployment because of the loss of businesses. Employment in government does not count because government produces NOTHING! They just administrate. You said: As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office. I am not even going to acknowledge this little bit of blindness! You have no grasp of the break down of popular opinion world wide. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize? BID Fing deal? Who hasn't? Bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia? He is an Butt Kisser! Can't call him a 'Brown Noser' because it wouldn't show! You said: If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing. To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!! That is such an ad hominum attack and the most passive aggressive thing I have seen yet. You call tossing a band aid on a bleeding ulcer progress? I said it before and I will say it again, had Obama made congress face the music of their lack of financial responsibility in the first place instead of TARP and all his other give aways and "Social Programs" I would have respected him. Instead he just came off like a repeat of Bill Clinton! Moving on! You said: Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS. Did you even watch the interview? Seriously! Obama spoke like a bulldozer about how good his plan was and how we need it but not once did he answer any questions. he just pulled a political misdirection on everyone. So now here we are! At least Msharmony has class when she speaks. Msharmony, this is for you!!! Voileazur, you stepped on a land mine laying out in plain site. I was getting this thread rolling. I didn't want to have to qualify a host of reasons because it would have taken forever to type it all and no one would read this thread. So are we still friends??? |
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Fri 03/19/10 05:20 PM
No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done. He is not doing a good job in my opinion. He has solved nothing and inflamed the situation more. In Los Angeles alone 1 in 10 houses are in foreclosure, the deterioration of our economy continues, and his grasp of international politics is seriously lacking. Obama is a one man train wreck! On top of that his recent interview on Fox was nothing more than him spouting about his health care reform rather than answering questions real Americans have for him about the issue. He is such a total waste of Taxpayer dollars! And to think he has his finger on our nuclear trigger! Took good note of your 'warning': '... No one liner answers here. Better have a good reason you can put here to extole the good Obama has done!!!...' But reading the paragraph which followed your 'warning', dealing with YOUR 'opinions' on the President, it would appear that for those whom choose to 'BASH' Obama, 'ONE-LINER ANSWERS' and 'NO REASON' at all will do just fine!!! Enjoy your 'wonderland' ride. In the meantime, since Obama took office, what the rest of the world uses as economic indicators, ALL POINT UP!!! (since you don't appear to bother much with back-up info, I didn't think it necessary to post any myself). But the indicators are there for everyone to confirm the 'springing back' from the bottom of the 'Bush' barrel. To name a few relevant areas of progress: Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush) Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush) Debt growth slowed drastically (since Bush) Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush) As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office. If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing. To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!! Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS. '... It's the numbers stupid!!!...' to paraphrase a 'Clintonian' era piece of wisdom!!! And the numbers do not agree with your beliefs and convictions!!! OK You asked for it: You said: Avoided a predicted depression, AND out of recession (GNP upward since Bush) Really? By WHO's numbers? We are in a depression. The GNP does not reflect industry NOT JOBS lost overseas. The numbers reflecting the GNP are based on financial flow and not real product output. Also the unemployment figures do not take into account disability OR welfare recipients who ARE unemployed. The real numbers are a to higher when you take these two groups into account alone not to mention all of the "Homeless and Hungry" losers. Now you said: Deficit growth slowed drastically (since Bush) OH REALLY NOW? Are you sure? Are you? By who's numbers again? The deficit has GROWN or have you been listening to the news and I don't watch TV thank you! BBC nuff said! And why is everyone freaked out about Obama's health care? Well, where are we going to get the 1.7 Trillion (can you count that high!) dollars on top of the 2 plus some odd trillion dollar deficit we are in already? And I am tossing one liners? Where did you learn economics? Do you even have any idea how convoluted and unnecessarily complicated our tax structure is? You said: Employment trends reversed (coming down vs climbing, since Bush) Who are you kidding? Industries are still leaving the country and China is pounding our manufacturing and our Agriculture. What city are you living in because Los Angeles alone is projecting 5% percent more over the course of this year alone by current trend projections unemployment because of the loss of businesses. Employment in government does not count because government produces NOTHING! They just administrate. You said: As for your comment of Obama's 'lack of grasp of International Politics' goes, where have you been?!?!?! The international community sure doesn't agree with you. Maybe you meant Bush!?!?! It sure applied to him. But you have not to worry about that, Bush is no longer in office. I am not even going to acknowledge this little bit of blindness! You have no grasp of the break down of popular opinion world wide. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize? BID Fing deal? Who hasn't? Bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia? He is an Butt Kisser! Can't call him a 'Brown Noser' because it wouldn't show! You said: If you're not happy with the rate of progress, that's one thing. To be oblivious to the progress that has been achieved in such a short period of time, is nothing short of pathetic. We're not back dancing on rooftops yet, and there is still hard work ahead, but we are out the 'dark hole', and that is definitely PROGRESS!!! That is such an ad hominum attack and the most passive aggressive thing I have seen yet. You call tossing a band aid on a bleeding ulcer progress? I said it before and I will say it again, had Obama made congress face the music of their lack of financial responsibility in the first place instead of TARP and all his other give aways and "Social Programs" I would have respected him. Instead he just came off like a repeat of Bill Clinton! Moving on! You said: Fox will never 'spin' enough BS, to 'outfox' the NUMBERS. Did you even watch the interview? Seriously! Obama spoke like a bulldozer about how good his plan was and how we need it but not once did he answer any questions. he just pulled a political misdirection on everyone. So now here we are! At least Msharmony has class when she speaks. Msharmony, this is for you!!! Voileazur, you stepped on a land mine laying out in plain site. I was getting this thread rolling. I didn't want to have to qualify a host of reasons because it would have taken forever to type it all and no one would read this thread. So are we still friends??? Of course we're still friends!!! And from one friend to another: let me just say that you truly are all over the place!!! ... not necessarily a bad thing ... |
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Fri 03/19/10 08:50 PM
Yeah I know! There is so much to the big picture and Obama is only a part of it but his part is pivotal in its own ways. Instead of fixing what we got he wants to add more and more and more to it like past politicians. The Fed is private bankers acting under the auspices of federal authority and using that to jack us blind and Obama could do something about that but does he really have the balls? My bet is he is getting kickbacks of some kind behind the scenes to play good little puppet. Just forcing congress to address our debt would be a really good start instead of tossing other people's money around so freely.
I agree on a need for immigration reform but open door migration and the porous border have to stop. Is it going to take New York getting Nuked to get it through people's heads we have a much more serious problem at hand? These are my reasons why I think New York will get it. 1, the Middle East associate it with a huge Jewish presence. 2, It is viewed as the hub of our economy. 3, The death toll alone with just a Hiroshima class Kiloton bomb would score death in the millions, 4, it would leave our leadership alive to be scared and our congress would suddenly become potentially "willing to negotiate" with whoever did it for fear of a second bomb in their minds. 5, There would be some fu**ed up survivors spreading stories of terror through out the Eastern Sea Board. 6, Nuking New York would finish what Al-Quieda set out to do and stab the Big Apple. 7, the resulting pollution would not only nail New Jersey but several states in the area not to mention the damage to the fishing grounds in the area. How can anyone think of Obama's policies as doing us any real favors? Why not uphold at least some of the constitutional standards we already have instead of trying to rewrite the law behind our backs? Yes I hate Obama! I hate that liar something fierce. I just hope he does not let a nuke go off in our country. That will potentially cause a civil war among us if he does not retaliate in kind quickly! Let me see, We could unleash nuclear havoc in the infected areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan with nice environmentally friendly nonpolluting Neutron Bombs! Then Tehran,. If Saudi Arabia or Yemen open their mouths they would get one too just to remind them we don't like nukes being used on us and if used on us we will retaliate. Come to think of it if we get nuked N Korea should get it to the point of being wiped off of the map just because. China and Russia would keep their mouths shut and sit back because they don't want to loose everything over us retaliating for such a heinous attack. Honestly, Obama has no balls or backbone for a real conflict. Since the war is not on our ground any more what does he care? Oh, how about the TSA? Has that improved? Hell no. A lot of the people screening passengers are power tripping bugie arrogant backwards dill holes the way they treat people. Some of them get off on making people wait to screen us. Worst is that most of them working LAX are black. I have seen a Hispanic or two and an Asian or two but most of the people at the gates are black. In Sacramento I seen more white TSA agents than at LAX and that is saying a lot. It actually got more anal with Obama as president. Air travel sucks. Worst yet if I was going to sneak a nuke in I would come through Mexico on a truck with a butt load of Illegal immigrants. A few days NY goes boom. the big picture, our whole government has left our azzes in the wind! So where is all the racial equality in the government's hiring practices? |