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Tue 02/23/10 02:26 PM
The pervert Michael Jackson didn't get this much airtime and he was screwin' kids. never proven or admitted,,, a bit different than tiger Payoffs to families to STFU about the rapes is admission of guilt as I see it. Just like the Catholic Priests that rape kids. Pay enough out and it all goes away. sounds like guilty until proven innocent to me,,,,,but to each their own And I suppose OJ is innocent as well. This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides. Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person. WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into. A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!! Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame??? How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!! Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives. Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections. Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse. Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS, ... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial. The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum. The man is the world's greatest golfer. In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks. Just like your private lives are none of other people's business, ... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL, ... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD. This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society. Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!! If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness. As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...' If I were black, you wouldn't claim racism. Your opinion is yours. However, you know nothing about me and you are ranting you ASSumptions. Take yer BS elsewhere, dud! Now, now, now 'willing'... In need of special attention!!! This post was not addressed to 'one' person in particular, and so definitely not YOU in particular !!! It is clearly addressing a social mental virus where people think they can throw any number of unfounded and calumnious accusations, in people's backs, without ever having to be accountable for such cowardly and bestial acts. On your comment: '... If I were black, you wouldn't claim racism...'!!! Isn't that priceless!!! You are administering yourself an 'ad hominem' blow. Anyhow, allow me to play along: '... If you were black...', I would definitely find your comments bigoted and narrow minded, and depending on the degree of darkness of your skin tone, maybe even racist!!! As for your comment about 'ASSumptions', I suppose you can now enjoy the irony of it all, ... and who knows, possibly could you follow your own profound advice, and '... TAKE YER BS ELSEWHERE, DUD!...' |
The pervert Michael Jackson didn't get this much airtime and he was screwin' kids. never proven or admitted,,, a bit different than tiger Payoffs to families to STFU about the rapes is admission of guilt as I see it. Just like the Catholic Priests that rape kids. Pay enough out and it all goes away. sounds like guilty until proven innocent to me,,,,,but to each their own And I suppose OJ is innocent as well. This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides. Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person. WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into. A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!! Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame??? How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!! Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives. Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections. Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse. Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS, ... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial. The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum. The man is the world's greatest golfer. In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks. Just like your private lives are none of other people's business, ... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL, ... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD. This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society. Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!! If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness. As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...' Vol... It is sickening to watch, huh? You bet 'dragoness'! |
Why fear God?
Edited by
Tue 02/23/10 01:11 PM
ITs all a matter of perspective,, obviously. I dont believe in punishment so much as I do real consequences to real choices. I stated in another Haiti thread that I feel it would be pompous to ASSUME what happened in Haiti was punishment. It could be many things and only God really knows. Sometimes great tragedy or tragic situations in the flesh are spiritually uplifting. If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment. We all have a purpose and we all will die, its unpreventable. The point is in the impact our lives make while we are here, and sometimes the impact our death makes can be substantial as well. I dont believe when I die it will be some personal punishment, I think it will be an invitation to a paradise I can hardly imagine. I believe those children of the flood, and in Haiti, are in a paradise that far surpasses the mortal life they had and so I see those natural events as serving a divine purpose. I cant reiterate enough however, that I attribute and believe these choices are in the strict DOMAIN of God and do NOT believe any man is God or has ANY iminent right to decide when life begins or ends. That is exactly what makes this 'domain of 'god' mentality dangerous for the human race. When one considers the fable of the flood, or the recent Haïti tragedy, some sort of 'domain of 'god' 'just' phenomenons! ... this same person has to agree with Pope Pius XII, whom felt that he had no right to intervene in 'god's will, when faced with questions about the unraveling of the WWII holocaust during his pontifical reign!!! A very twisted way of making mass murdering, a sort of acceptable concept when conveniently 'handled' by an imaginary 'god'. it can be dangerous , I Agree. I think it is simple to give domain over life and death to God. In doing so, I cannot stand by and have no stance when I see HUMANS dictating life and death of others. I dont know much about Pope or his opinions, I think he possibly has put himself in the place of God but that is a discussion for another thread. Perhaps he DID have some special communication with God pertaining to the matter,, I dont really know. It is Gods will, life and death, but that does not mean we are to be apathetic to mans actions towards implementing life and death. It is not mans place, whatever his title. Pope Pius XII's view was exactly the same as the one you expressed about the 'flood fable' and the 'Haïti tragedy'. You wrote: '... If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment...' Since Pope Pius couldn't do anything to stop the WWII, he figured as you do, that it was 'his god's will, where one should never be so pretentious as to intervene in 'god's will, and whatever '... lead to death...' through your 'god's will, '... is not punishment...' but a blessing!!! Who would want to stop 'god's blessings!?!?!? This is a perfect example of a mental construct through faith!!! As long as it remains in the personal domain of one's faith, there is no problem. However, when you apply this mental construct to 'real life' situations, it always ends-up either causing, or collaborating to cause the worst human atrocities. I agree, with you and not the Pope. When I speak of Gods will, I am referring strictly to NATURAL occurrences. Those things created or done by MAN are within mans control and should be things that man is held accountable for. Well 'msharmony', that puts you argument in total and absolute contradiction with most of your christian fellowship. They view 'defending' their god' through war as their personal 'DUTY TO THEIR GOD'!!! Something THEIR GOD WILLED THEM TO ENGAGE IN. IN THE NAME OF GOD!!! THEY STILL CLAIM!!! Right up to our most contemporary 'W', waging a holy war against the 'axis of evil'!!! With that faithful mental construct, Pope Pius was correctly figuring (according to YOUR FAITH) that his 'god' was gloriously calling his 'Jewish' cousins to heaven EARLY!!! Like you 'msharmony', Pius chose to interpret what was happening, not as atrocities, NOT AS PUNISHMENT, but rather, as a blessing!!! It is only long after the genocidal war, that we all woke up to the unnameable consequences of man's religious mental contructs, when applied to reality. Dangerous mental virus, with real atrocious consequences. I dont know about MOST of my christian fellowship but I am quite in agreement that many christians are falsely motivated and falsely lead. I believe that for each one who is , however, there are two or more who do wonderful things in Gods name. The bible can indeed be misused, much like a drug that is created to heal can have quite an opposite affect if misused or abused. No offense to you personally 'msharmony', you are obviously a fair and good person from what can be read in your posts. Furthermore, I don't believe that the good and fair that you are has anything to do with religion. It is just that you are a fair and good fundamentally. That being said, neither you, and much less I, have any say nor control over the wider christian, or multi dogma religious communities out there. When it comes to the religious phenomenon as a whole, and this drug metaphor you brought up, the religious dogma fed to most believers is acting a lot more like some bad '... back alley crack cocaïne...', than any life saving therapy. Like the crime enforcing agencies fighting the 'back alley' charlatans, I strongly believe that reasonable believers such as yourself, are going to have to bring in check the marginal elements of the religion you cherish. If you agree, as you wrote above, that the bible can be misused, than you should defend what you consider to be its integrity, and denounce any pretending christian, whom persists in perverting what you consider to be sacred!!! |
Edited by
Tue 02/23/10 12:45 PM
The pervert Michael Jackson didn't get this much airtime and he was screwin' kids. never proven or admitted,,, a bit different than tiger Payoffs to families to STFU about the rapes is admission of guilt as I see it. Just like the Catholic Priests that rape kids. Pay enough out and it all goes away. sounds like guilty until proven innocent to me,,,,,but to each their own And I suppose OJ is innocent as well. This is the kind of ignorant, bigoted, racist, narrow-minded, and dangerously delusional mental construct that lead to the WWII genocides. Notice, with the exception of the recent mention of Catholic priests, every single examples brought up to justify the opposing camp 'unfounded attacks', happen to involve a darker skin tone person. WTF kind of incurable disease are some folks plagued with. What the heck is this 'monkey court' turning into. A golfer, whom has committed no crime whatsoever, is now being compared and associated to several darker skin toned public figures and some ALLEGED crimes of MURDER and UNDER AGE SEX!!! Hey People!!! Freedom of speech is one thing. But have you no shame??? How can anyone lend credibility to anything said by people whom do just that: SAY ANYTHING!!! Things unfounded, unintelligent, irrational and senseless, written by otherwise intelligent individuals, hide ugly and malevolent motives. Tiger is a decent and upright human being like most of us. And like most of us, he comes with his share of imperfections. Also like millions of other US citizens, males and females, whom project a 'whiter than white image' (thought that expression was appropriate) in their lives, Tiger has had sex with partners other than his spouse. Well, just like those millions of other 'whiter than white' folks, whom are having sex with partners other than their spouses, and from whom we never hear, CAUSE IT'S NONE OF OUR G'DARN BUSINESS, ... the opposing camp must let go of the filth they are generating around this monkey trial. The only evidence gathered here, is evidence of bigotry, racism and narrow-mindedness committed by the spreaders of such on this forum. The man is the world's greatest golfer. In the public domain, that's all he is to us folks. Just like your private lives are none of other people's business, ... jealous that you are of the individual rights, protection and freedoms afforded by the Constitution for ALL, ... well so is Tiger's private life; none of our business PERIOD. This basic instinct and primitive witch hunt has gone way beyond the inescapable rights of freedom of speech we must afford for the insistent bigot and racist sentiments sleeping at the ready in our society. Enough is enough. Tiger is a golfer!!! As for the rest, put a sock in it!!! If some must absolutely 'denounce' adulterers, as some sort of bad habit, at least switch to some 'whiter-than-white' ones. It will at the very least, have the merit of balancing out the bigotry and narrowmindedness. As my 'grampa' use to joke: '... if only those bigots could spread their venom to all, evenly!!!...' |
Why fear God?
Edited by
Tue 02/23/10 09:57 AM
ITs all a matter of perspective,, obviously. I dont believe in punishment so much as I do real consequences to real choices. I stated in another Haiti thread that I feel it would be pompous to ASSUME what happened in Haiti was punishment. It could be many things and only God really knows. Sometimes great tragedy or tragic situations in the flesh are spiritually uplifting. If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment. We all have a purpose and we all will die, its unpreventable. The point is in the impact our lives make while we are here, and sometimes the impact our death makes can be substantial as well. I dont believe when I die it will be some personal punishment, I think it will be an invitation to a paradise I can hardly imagine. I believe those children of the flood, and in Haiti, are in a paradise that far surpasses the mortal life they had and so I see those natural events as serving a divine purpose. I cant reiterate enough however, that I attribute and believe these choices are in the strict DOMAIN of God and do NOT believe any man is God or has ANY iminent right to decide when life begins or ends. That is exactly what makes this 'domain of 'god' mentality dangerous for the human race. When one considers the fable of the flood, or the recent Haïti tragedy, some sort of 'domain of 'god' 'just' phenomenons! ... this same person has to agree with Pope Pius XII, whom felt that he had no right to intervene in 'god's will, when faced with questions about the unraveling of the WWII holocaust during his pontifical reign!!! A very twisted way of making mass murdering, a sort of acceptable concept when conveniently 'handled' by an imaginary 'god'. it can be dangerous , I Agree. I think it is simple to give domain over life and death to God. In doing so, I cannot stand by and have no stance when I see HUMANS dictating life and death of others. I dont know much about Pope or his opinions, I think he possibly has put himself in the place of God but that is a discussion for another thread. Perhaps he DID have some special communication with God pertaining to the matter,, I dont really know. It is Gods will, life and death, but that does not mean we are to be apathetic to mans actions towards implementing life and death. It is not mans place, whatever his title. Pope Pius XII's view was exactly the same as the one you expressed about the 'flood fable' and the 'Haïti tragedy'. You wrote: '... If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment...' Since Pope Pius couldn't do anything to stop the WWII, he figured as you do, that it was 'his god's will, where one should never be so pretentious as to intervene in 'god's will, and whatever '... lead to death...' through your 'god's will, '... is not punishment...' but a blessing!!! Who would want to stop 'god's blessings!?!?!? This is a perfect example of a mental construct through faith!!! As long as it remains in the personal domain of one's faith, there is no problem. However, when you apply this mental construct to 'real life' situations, it always ends-up either causing, or collaborating to cause the worst human atrocities. I agree, with you and not the Pope. When I speak of Gods will, I am referring strictly to NATURAL occurrences. Those things created or done by MAN are within mans control and should be things that man is held accountable for. Well 'msharmony', that puts you argument in total and absolute contradiction with most of your christian fellowship. They view 'defending' their god' through war as their personal 'DUTY TO THEIR GOD'!!! Something THEIR GOD WILLED THEM TO ENGAGE IN. IN THE NAME OF GOD!!! THEY STILL CLAIM!!! Right up to our most contemporary 'W', waging a holy war against the 'axis of evil'!!! With that faithful mental construct, Pope Pius was correctly figuring (according to YOUR FAITH) that his 'god' was gloriously calling his 'Jewish' cousins to heaven EARLY!!! Like you 'msharmony', Pius chose to interpret what was happening, not as atrocities, NOT AS PUNISHMENT, but rather, as a blessing!!! It is only long after the genocidal war, that we all woke up to the unnameable consequences of man's religious mental contructs, when applied to reality. Dangerous mental virus, with real atrocious consequences. |
Why fear God?
Edited by
Tue 02/23/10 09:32 AM
ITs all a matter of perspective,, obviously. I dont believe in punishment so much as I do real consequences to real choices. I stated in another Haiti thread that I feel it would be pompous to ASSUME what happened in Haiti was punishment. It could be many things and only God really knows. Sometimes great tragedy or tragic situations in the flesh are spiritually uplifting. If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment. We all have a purpose and we all will die, its unpreventable. The point is in the impact our lives make while we are here, and sometimes the impact our death makes can be substantial as well. I dont believe when I die it will be some personal punishment, I think it will be an invitation to a paradise I can hardly imagine. I believe those children of the flood, and in Haiti, are in a paradise that far surpasses the mortal life they had and so I see those natural events as serving a divine purpose. I cant reiterate enough however, that I attribute and believe these choices are in the strict DOMAIN of God and do NOT believe any man is God or has ANY iminent right to decide when life begins or ends. That is exactly what makes this 'domain of 'god' mentality dangerous for the human race. When one considers the fable of the flood, or the recent Haïti tragedy, some sort of 'domain of 'god' 'just' phenomenons! ... this same person has to agree with Pope Pius XII, whom felt that he had no right to intervene in 'god's will, when faced with questions about the unraveling of the WWII holocaust during his pontifical reign!!! A very twisted way of making mass murdering, a sort of acceptable concept when conveniently 'handled' by an imaginary 'god'. it can be dangerous , I Agree. I think it is simple to give domain over life and death to God. In doing so, I cannot stand by and have no stance when I see HUMANS dictating life and death of others. I dont know much about Pope or his opinions, I think he possibly has put himself in the place of God but that is a discussion for another thread. Perhaps he DID have some special communication with God pertaining to the matter,, I dont really know. It is Gods will, life and death, but that does not mean we are to be apathetic to mans actions towards implementing life and death. It is not mans place, whatever his title. Pope Pius XII's view was exactly the same as the one you expressed about the 'flood fable' and the 'Haïti tragedy'. You wrote: '... If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment...' Since Pope Pius couldn't do anything to stop the WWII, he figured as you do, that it was 'his god's will, where one should never be so pretentious as to intervene in 'god's will, and whatever '... lead to death...' through your 'god's will, '... is not punishment...' but a blessing!!! Who would want to stop 'god's blessings!?!?!? This is a perfect example of a mental construct through faith!!! As long as it remains in the personal domain of one's faith, there is no problem. However, when you apply this mental construct to 'real life' situations, it always ends-up either causing, or collaborating to cause the worst human atrocities. |
Why fear God?
Edited by
Tue 02/23/10 09:03 AM
ITs all a matter of perspective,, obviously. I dont believe in punishment so much as I do real consequences to real choices. I stated in another Haiti thread that I feel it would be pompous to ASSUME what happened in Haiti was punishment. It could be many things and only God really knows. Sometimes great tragedy or tragic situations in the flesh are spiritually uplifting. If you believe, as I do, that death is not a punishment than things which lead to death are also not punishment. We all have a purpose and we all will die, its unpreventable. The point is in the impact our lives make while we are here, and sometimes the impact our death makes can be substantial as well. I dont believe when I die it will be some personal punishment, I think it will be an invitation to a paradise I can hardly imagine. I believe those children of the flood, and in Haiti, are in a paradise that far surpasses the mortal life they had and so I see those natural events as serving a divine purpose. I cant reiterate enough however, that I attribute and believe these choices are in the strict DOMAIN of God and do NOT believe any man is God or has ANY iminent right to decide when life begins or ends. That is exactly what makes this 'domain of 'god' mentality dangerous for the human race. When one considers the fable of the flood, or the recent Haïti tragedy, some sort of 'domain of 'god' 'just' phenomenons! ... this same person has to agree with Pope Pius XII, whom felt that he had no right to intervene in 'god's will, when faced with questions about the unraveling of the WWII holocaust during his pontifical reign!!! A very twisted way of making mass murdering, a sort of acceptable concept (most of them going to this imaginary heaven, for good conscience) when and only when one truly believes the mass murder is conveniently 'handled' by an imaginary 'god'. |
Why fear God?
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Tue 02/23/10 08:28 AM
Why fear God?
Edited by
Tue 02/23/10 08:28 AM
The assumption that people who 'turn to God' have some vengeful character or are somehow flawed in some special way is a pretty pompous one. But thats just my opinion. Msharmony...it's a simply way to prove what I said .....do you believe that God drowning everyone of the planet including newborn babies was god doing good or god doing evil? .... please choose either good or evil good(just)- if you are referring to the great flood With all due respect to your personal beliefs 'msharmony', I am experiencing a great sense of relief reading your reply to 'funches', knowing that our world is no longer ruled by 'bible believing' individuals. In contemporay terms, that statement of yours ranks right alongside the hysterical comments Pat Robertson made about 'your god' punishing Haïti for 'whatever'. Hopefully, as a race, we have overcome at least in principle, if not totally in practice, the primitive and barbarian 'godly' mentality of the 'flood' fable. That is where 'hope' rests for the human race IMHO: far from those unjust and evil bible fables. |
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Tue 02/23/10 08:44 AM
once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his maker...it's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama... Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. That's a BINGO!!! 'singmesweet'. Out of the 1 000+ public figures committing adultery, some obsessively and compulsively insist on demonizing the 'one' convenient public figure of a slightly different skin tone. Also interesting that those same compulsive 'one track mind hunters' demonized President Clinton on the same adultery 'cross'. He was referred to as the 'first black president' by those same 'obsessive/compulsive color sorters'!!! |
Why fear God?
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Tue 02/23/10 07:53 AM
wow,, basically,, God has given us a code of ethics to live by, when we fall short, we of course offend our brother or sister but we also DISAPPOINT God.....these are the reasons to ask forgiveness and Gods power to forgive is to be awed or feared or whichever semantics one chooses to use... yes, it's not God that we are particularly to fear. It's the consenquences of our actions if our actions do not go along with the laws he has given us. God does not condem anyone, if anything condems anyone it's our own actions and the choices we make in our lives. WOW! 'msharmony' and 'cowboy', ... there is just no end to your mission of defending, explaning, justifying all the illogisms, contradictions and wall-to-wall confusion that that 'god' of yours built into 'his creation'!!! I truly I'm impresssed by your resolve. I never could, nor would I ever want to deal with the impossible job of trying to contain or hoping to straighten out that much 'godly' BS. Wouldn't it be simpler for yourselves to just go on faith, and stop trying to make sense out of stuff that was never meant to make sense??? respectfully, it makes perfect sense to me to ask forgiveness as it does to fear God, or else I would say I didnt understand it Counter-respectfully msharmony, ... that is exactly my point when I speak of your resolve to keep making sense of that which was never intended to make sense. I'm clear this whole 'asking 'god' forgiveness' and 'fearing 'god' thing' makes perfect sense TO YOU. And I respect your right to believe. But this belief you speak of, is a personal construct, and it only makes sense to you, in the perspective of YOUR PERSONAL FAITH; taken ON FAITH by you personally!!! Outside of 'TAKEN ON FAITH', statements such as 'asking forgiveness to your personal 'god', and 'fearing this personal 'god' of yours', makes absolutely no sense. In my humble opinion, the one whom believes, must become responsible in acknowledging this fine line in his exchanges with others; what one personally takes on faith, cannot, and should not be argued as though it automatically made sense in the public domain. By definition, faith and beliefs, making up one's faith, are not founded on facts, nor are they founded on common sense!!! By definition, faith and beliefs MAKE NO SENSE, other than to the ONE whom holds the belief on faith. Non-believers ARE NOT BEING OFFENSIVE in pointing this persisting incoherence. On the contrary, in my opinion, it is the believer whom persists in ignoring and confusing the fine line of personal and public domains, carrying on as though their's were the only position that MADE SENSE, refusing to respect the non-believer's position as equally legitimate to the believer's!!! That, in my view, is the ultimate offense of non-respect toward others!!! Proselytizing, promoting, or otherwise 'pushing' as real one's beliefs onto others without permission, is not the lot of the non-believers or the respectful believer. It is the lot of 'religious' people 'spreading', 'sharing' or 'evangelizing' the word of their 'god' without any regards for those whom do not wish to have that word 'spread' onto them, much less 'shared' or 'evangelized'!!! People wishing to expose themselves to the 'word spreading +' treatment, are free to enter any number of local churches 'spread' throughout the land, or enter in 'one-on-one' exchanges with any believer they encounter on their personal journey. Taking responsibility for each other's legitimate privilege and right to 'believe' AND to 'not believe', is where the real debate should take place. A debate for true peaceful and generous co-existence outside of the 'believe or die' dictate. A debate proposed by the very 'founders' of the US of A, and spelled out in its constitution more than 230 years ago. I bet the founding fathers never imagined that their vision would still be just that, a vision and project yet to be manifested 230 years later. |
Why fear God?
Edited by
Mon 02/22/10 03:51 PM
wow,, basically,, God has given us a code of ethics to live by, when we fall short, we of course offend our brother or sister but we also DISAPPOINT God.....these are the reasons to ask forgiveness and Gods power to forgive is to be awed or feared or whichever semantics one chooses to use... yes, it's not God that we are particularly to fear. It's the consenquences of our actions if our actions do not go along with the laws he has given us. God does not condem anyone, if anything condems anyone it's our own actions and the choices we make in our lives. WOW! 'msharmony' and 'cowboy', ... there is just no end to your mission of defending, explaning, justifying all the illogisms, contradictions and wall-to-wall confusion that that 'god' of yours built into 'his creation'!!! I truly I'm impresssed by your resolve. I never could, nor would I ever want to deal with the impossible job of trying to contain or hoping to straighten out that much 'godly' BS. Wouldn't it be simpler for yourselves to just go on faith, and stop trying to make sense out of stuff that was never meant to make sense??? |
Edited by
Mon 02/22/10 03:22 PM
once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his maker...it's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama... As usual 'Giocamo', the logic of your comments is mostly... ...'homemade'! Suggesting, in some twisted manner, that a man having sex with other women, should somehow be ridden of all love and affection towards his children, and thus, ... should he show love and affection towards his kids in public, AUTOMATICALLY MAKE'S HIM A PHONY?!?!?!? ... that is rather suspect logic!!! Or might it be even more twisted than that... ... such a person 'might be' allowed to show love and affection for his kids IN PRIVATE, but for your sake, ... NOT IN PUBLIC !?!?!?! ... then all would be good!?!?!? ... and who is the hypocrite again?!?!?! |
Why fear God?
quote from Cowboy Someone does not need to ask for forgiveness to recieve love from God, quote form Cowboy But very true he loves you unconditionally when you ask for forgiveness Cowboy ...you are a walking contradiction lol funches you are funny. I've already corrected you once on this. I did not use correct punctuation, "When you ask for forgiveness" was the start of a different sentence. Already showed you this in previouse posts. -------------- But very true he loves you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness, truely meening it and repent from whatever it is you're asking forgiveness of, you will be forgiven and it will be like you never did it in the first place. ----------------- the entire statement of which you are trying to quote from. And you can see here "But very true he love you unconditionally" is one statement, should have been followed by a comma, then the "If you ask for forgiveness, truely meening it, and repent of whatever it is you're asking forgiveness of, you will be forgiven" 'cowboy', don't take this the wrong way - you're a good man, there is no doubt about that - but you would be doing yourself, your 'god' and the whole fellowship of fundamentalist christians you belong to, a huge favor, ... if you were to learn, and practice avoiding sinking beyond the point of no return in your discussions. It's not fun for any of us to witness you sink to such low grounds everytime. Retire and regroup. You'll only come back stronger in the next round!!! |
Edited by
Sat 02/20/10 09:43 PM
what I think of Tiger Woods...cannot be posted on this site...or...in any other public forum...also...that " heartfelt "...apology...was anything but...when it comes straight from the heart...from deep within...you don't need teleprompters or notes...just look your wife and mother right in the eye...and...let the passion...and...the tears...flow honestly...with genuine conviction...he's a fuggin' scumbag... Tiger Woods is a 'GOLFER'!!! Uses a stick, swings, hits, follows-through, and sinks balls in the fewer hits possible. What the heck is wrong with this society of ours, where we would expect A GOLFER to behave as though he were the second coming of Christ. '****in scumbag' you say!!! You mean, just like millions of other american sticks, committing adultery every day, everywhere in the US of A, never having to give public account of their deed?!?!?! The double standard is a pathetic joke on all of us. If we as a people weren't such hypocrites, Tiger Woods would simply be the great golfer that he is, and the rest would be between him, his wife, and his family members. |
Why fear God?
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Sat 02/20/10 04:24 PM
i don't think God wants you to fear fear him, its more of a respect. Do you fear your parents...no you respect them and don't want to disappoint them. I don't fear God, but I have a respect for him and don't want to displease him...after all it's the least i can do for the one who created me..right exactly, it boils down to fear of disappointing God and doing as we're not suppose to. And that goes into the fear of what God can and will do to the ones that don't do his will but there own will in there life. How can you ever disappoint god? He loves you unconditionally. The only judge of you will be... YOU! You can disappoint God by murdering, stealing, lieing, and many others. Mainly breaking any one of the 10 commandments. But very true he loves you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness, truely meening it and repent from whatever it is you're asking forgiveness of, you will be forgiven and it will be like you never did it in the first place. Can't be 'cowboy' !!! You can't keep having it both ways!!! It's unconditional or it's not. Even 'god' doesn't agree with you here! lol that would make the 10 commandments irrelevant and they would be useless. We are all children of God. And if your child disowned you and said you weren't their perent would you not just disown them from your life? Or if your child kept stealing from you would you not tell that child not to come around? And many others, these examples are just the most apparent. Slow down there 'cowboy'!!! You can't have both ways!!! You wrote a beauty here, with an affirmation, and its correlate contradiction in one straight and simple low word count sentence: "... But very true he loves you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness..." Unconditional means no conditions: NO 'IF's ALLOWED!!! That's what I meant when I suggested your own 'god', perfect as he is, couldn't possibly agree with the contradiction you are proposing about his own divine nature. oh great we have another person that loves to play word games and misquote what you say. Since the meaning of what i said passed you up let me reward it just a little around the "IF" statement. But very true he loves you unconditionally when you ask for forgiveness, truely meening it and repent from whatever it is you're asking forgiveness of, you will be forgiven and it will be like you never did it in the first place 'cowboy', I don't misquote, and I sure didn't misquote you. I copy pasted YOUR words. As for the meaning, it would appear that your own meaning is 'passing YOU up', as you so colorfully stated above. Finally, I am not playing word games with you my friend. You on the other hand, take huge liberties with the english language. 'IF' since you insist for a more thorough explanation, IMPLIES A CONDITION!!! Now, I'll write this very slowly: there cannot be a condition in anything UNCONDITIONAL!!! Thus the closing statements: 'YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!', and 'EVEN YOUR GOD COULDN'T AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ONE!!!' |
Why fear God?
i don't think God wants you to fear fear him, its more of a respect. Do you fear your parents...no you respect them and don't want to disappoint them. I don't fear God, but I have a respect for him and don't want to displease him...after all it's the least i can do for the one who created me..right exactly, it boils down to fear of disappointing God and doing as we're not suppose to. And that goes into the fear of what God can and will do to the ones that don't do his will but there own will in there life. How can you ever disappoint god? He loves you unconditionally. The only judge of you will be... YOU! You can disappoint God by murdering, stealing, lieing, and many others. Mainly breaking any one of the 10 commandments. But very true he loves you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness, truely meening it and repent from whatever it is you're asking forgiveness of, you will be forgiven and it will be like you never did it in the first place. Can't be 'cowboy' !!! You can't keep having it both ways!!! It's unconditional or it's not. Even 'god' doesn't agree with you here! lol that would make the 10 commandments irrelevant and they would be useless. We are all children of God. And if your child disowned you and said you weren't their perent would you not just disown them from your life? Or if your child kept stealing from you would you not tell that child not to come around? And many others, these examples are just the most apparent. Slow down there 'cowboy'!!! You can't have both ways!!! You wrote a beauty here, with an affirmation, and its correlate contradiction in one straight and simple low word count sentence: "... But very true he loves you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness..." Unconditional means no conditions: NO 'IF's ALLOWED!!! That's what I meant when I suggested your own 'god', perfect as he is, couldn't possibly agree with the contradiction you are proposing about his own divine nature. |
Why fear God?
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Sat 02/20/10 01:55 PM
well we all have the right to our own opinions, and beliefs. I don't argue, or go back and forth, tit for tat. So long is you have researched your beliefs and are comfortable in your choice. I for one have and I am.. Well '4974', looks like you have just engaged in an argument with those whom argue!!! Arguing and counter arguing, or going 'tit for tat' is what debating, and these forums are all about '4974'. This is a place where, contrary to what you 'argued' in your post above, ... arguing and counter-arguing, following certain rules of civility and avoiding personal attacks, IS EXACTLY WHAT THERE IS TO DO. So, to your legitimate argument 'don't argue', I repectfully counter-argue, ... on the contrary, this is a place designed FOR civil arguments!!! No this is not a place for debating most of the time. This is a place to whine usually.. What you have concieved is an Oxymoron. A place where people say." Mom he touched me, quit it, Mom!!!" see childish Tit for tat will always bring out the unconcerned only looking to see how irrating he can be to his brother then the other calls out for the calvary. We need to stand on our own 2 feet and grow up on this forumn and be adults most of the time. Then a Debate will be worthwhile, challenging and informative to all....Blessings...Miles Respectfully disagreeing with you here 'Miles'. This is always a place meant FOR debating. We could define the nature and type of debates that take place on these very 'FORUMS', but it sure is a general debating 'place'. From your comment above, and I might be wrong here, but it appears to me that you limit debating to its more formal formats such as: Parliamentary, Mace, Public, Classical, Lincoln-Douglas (good old high school format) and many other formal styles I forget. But there are informal styles of debating as well. And the online debates, such as the ones found on these very forums are very much part of the informal debating format. Now you may not appreciate the 'informal' types of debating. It is true that informal debates are filled with 'flaming', and other forms of 'local tavern' type argumentation, consisting primarily of assertions and vague and unsupported opinions, but it is all very much within the informal debating fair. Furthermore, to expect the 'debating forums' of a dating site to be structured, disciplined and educational, as you appeared to wish for in your previous comment, is expecting a tad much of this place. Expecting something rigorous and orderly out of an intened random and informal context; now that would be the oxymoron you were pointing at earlier. '... Thank you Mr.Moderator, I see my time is up...', ... now wouldn't that be special!!! |
Why fear God?
i don't think God wants you to fear fear him, its more of a respect. Do you fear your parents...no you respect them and don't want to disappoint them. I don't fear God, but I have a respect for him and don't want to displease him...after all it's the least i can do for the one who created me..right exactly, it boils down to fear of disappointing God and doing as we're not suppose to. And that goes into the fear of what God can and will do to the ones that don't do his will but there own will in there life. How can you ever disappoint god? He loves you unconditionally. The only judge of you will be... YOU! You can disappoint God by murdering, stealing, lieing, and many others. Mainly breaking any one of the 10 commandments. But very true he loves you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness, truely meening it and repent from whatever it is you're asking forgiveness of, you will be forgiven and it will be like you never did it in the first place. Can't be 'cowboy' !!! You can't keep having it both ways!!! It's unconditional or it's not. Even 'god' doesn't agree with you here! |
Why fear God?
Edited by
Sat 02/20/10 09:27 AM
well we all have the right to our own opinions, and beliefs. I don't argue, or go back and forth, tit for tat. So long is you have researched your beliefs and are comfortable in your choice. I for one have and I am.. Well '4974', looks like you have just engaged in an argument with those whom argue!!! Arguing and counter arguing, or going 'tit for tat' is what debating, and these forums are all about '4974'. This is a place where, contrary to what you 'argued' in your post above, ... arguing and counter-arguing, following certain rules of civility and avoiding personal attacks, IS EXACTLY WHAT THERE IS TO DO. So, to your legitimate argument 'don't argue', I repectfully counter-argue, ... on the contrary, this is a place designed FOR civil arguments!!! |