Evolution is it a fact?
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Thu 02/05/09 07:24 AM
Voileazur! Great to see you posting again. Your comments were missed! Krimsa, If you have a chance, visit the 'Ken Miller' link I posted above. I'd be very interested to hear your unedited take on it! |
Evolution is it a fact?
Voileazur! Great to see you posting again. Your comments were missed! Krimsa... |
Evolution is it a fact?
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Thu 02/05/09 07:20 AM
'... Evolution: is it fact? ...' Evolution is much better than fact!!! ... IT'S A SCIENTIFIC THEORY!!! In a scientific context, you can't get any more factual than 'scientific theory'. Unlike the general understanding of 'theory' in everyday life which might imply a supposition, an educated hypothesis, a well articulated guess, ... 'scientific theory' implies the rigourous demonstration and explanation of all the isolated tested facts regarding a particular scientific topic. Alone, a fact doesn't explain or 'prove' anything other than that which it demonstrates specifically. Without its 'Evolution scientific theory' context, ... the isolated 'fact' that you found a fossile, ... the isolated 'fact' that you have proven that the #2 human chromosone has fused, .... or that an archeological team has recently (10-12 years) uncovered a 'hotbed' of so-called 'missing links' transitional fossiles, mean very little other than the evidence it reveals. The 'scientific theory' rigourously ties an othewise isolated string of facts together, and allows for scientific 'proof' of much larger scale than that which the isolated 'fact' could ever claim. Somewhere in the 19th century, the scientific community realized and distinguished that they weren't in a competition with religious dogma, and didn't have to establishing irrefutable 'Scientific Laws' to compete with religious dogma; that it wasn't science role to deal in absolute answers of the divine type. Science dropped 'law', and replaced it with 'scientific theory': remaining in the question and scientific inquiry, rather than being syphoned in the domains of the absolute or dogmatic. As a contribution, here is yet another piece to the very interesting video-bibliography provided by BDBC, I invite you to visit the following link: It is a Ken Miller presention at Case Western Reserve University: '... The collapse of Intelligent Design, will the next 'Monkey Trial' be in Ohio? ...? Ken Miller is a Cell Biologist and teacher at Brown Univesity. He wrote 'evolution and god', and not that it should matter, but Miller believes in god, and attends church every Sunday. This not an atheist, or mad anti-religious person, on the contrary. His presentation started with a reverend inviting the guests to join him in a prayer before Miller's presentation. As far as 'reality-checks' in this 'evolution-creationism' staightjacket jousts go, it is a formidable round-up of the most recent scientific as well as judicial (the teaching of 'creationism or I.D.' as been ruled unconstitutional by a Kansas court verdict) facts regarding this question. Miller clearly argues for the debunking of the debate, and makes every attempt to reach for reconciliation of the 'other camp' while making no compromise in distinguishing 'fact' from 'fiction' in this whole debate. |
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Wed 02/04/09 01:29 PM
God has no limitations love and all is possible through him. I was speaking to an athiest....pretty hard core.....He told me if your God is real tell him to sell my truck. I told him well first of all I can pray for your truck to sell but that doesn't mean that it will happen because it's on God's terms not ours. Now I knew that the door could be opened to this man if "God" made this happen. So I did pray for God to show this man that through "HIM" all things are possible. So I get a phone call a few hours later that he sold the truck to the first person that looked. So again a coinsidence....could be.....for feral no....because it totally opened the lines for communication. Now the next part of the story. Same guy a few days later. We were talking and I asked him if he had a Bible. He said he did. Now my teachers hate when I do this...But I do because the Lord so works on people and truly opens their heart when I do. So I told him I want you to go get the Bible and I want you to come back on IM when you have it. He did. I then said ok let me pray....I prayed that the Lord show him what he needs to take any doubt that the Lord is real and wants to show him and help him. So I got done and I told him now let the Bible fall open and I want you to read both pages and tell me what scriptures it is. He did so and said it was Psalm 67 and 69. So I got my Bible and read with him. I wept the whole way through because it was so geared to everything this man was going through at that time. Now he got done and then said to me, "Debbie what have you done", this is really creeping me out. I told him not me love but God. It was so so so right on for exactly what he was going through. So again God showed and they listened. Now in this case there were probably 5 more more things that showed him that God was real. Now he didn't turn his life over to God...But let me tell you one thing...God has his attention. Now the rest is between him and God...The seed was so firmly planted. My god 'feral', I didn't realize it, but I think I might have been the 'victim' of a recent miracle myself. I bought a new snowblower in the fall. I stored the old snowblower in our garage. Last week-end, my wife said to me: 'can't you get rid of that old snowblower in the garage???' I remember tat I thought to myself: 'My god, this thing had bette sell quick!' So I put an add on a web trading site. The first guy that came to see it, bought it!!! and that's not all, After collecting the money and helping the guy load the 'blower' in his pick-up truck, I walked back into house, and sat with my wife in front of the fireplace. She had a photo album sitting by her side, and she said to me, 'you could open this book on any page, and just be amazed!' I picked up the album and opened it randomly, and set my eyes on the open page. Well, believe it or not, I started crying, little tears of joy. There it was, in our 9 month old 'grand daugter's' first photo album, a blow-up of that adorable little face taken a week earlier. Those amazing eyes, and her little nose and that happiness spreading smile of hers... I cracked. And so, if I understand this correctly, ... selling something to the first 'walk-in', and ... shedding a tear after randomly opening a book = ... MIRACLE?!?!?! I got it!!! Thanks 'feral'!!! The whole fundamentalist 'faith' approach is making a lot more sense to me, thanks to you!!! |
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Mon 02/02/09 09:17 AM
Every period will have its share of 'flatearthers'.
'period-flatearthers' refuse reality, and find comforting refuge in fairy tales which constitute for them, an essential 'known' and 'unchangeable' way of viewing life, and the world around them. '... It's the way it is...', because that's what the fairy tale says, and the fairy is the only explanation for the way 'things are' in the eyes of 'period-flatearthers: '... it is what the book says it is, and only what the book says it is, IS !!!... ' The collective human experience, and its 'slow' move onward, will always hold its share of 'period- flatearters' and their unnegotiable resistance to anything 'outside-of-their-book'!!! It is a fact of being human as a race. The bottom line for 'period-flatearthers', is that the 'unknwon' will always constitute a form of disturbance to 'their' estalished order. Of course, the flatearther's sole mission is to maintain the 'order' (of course there is such a thing as 'order' according to them, and it is always their kind of 'order'). The human beings that we all are, will always instinctively seek the orderly way of things, ... the 'known', ... the non-threatening; given the unconsciously reigning 'flight or flight' impulse of our good old 'reptilian brain'!!! The fact that there is a possibility for humans to 'mind-over-matter' this primitive instinct when it is delusionally pushing 'change' on us as though it were some sort of a mortal danger, ... totally escapes 'period-flatearthers'. Obstinate and stubborn resistance of the .period-flatearhter' against the (delusional) treath of the 'unknown', is the only phenomenon explains the transformation of what is otherwise an unbelievable biblical 'fairy-horror tale', ... into 'the word of god' and 'the source of eveything that 'IS'!!! If it is not in the book - according to one 'period-flatearther' at a time (only those whom take the writings litterally) - then it is 'unknown', 'threatening' and therefore must be 'attacked', and 'destroyed' to restore 'order' of the 'known biblical order'. However vocal they may be, persistant 'period-flatearthers' (not JUST resisting, but FANATICALLY resisting to their HOLY death) are a small minority of the population of the planet. No amount of one-on-one dialogue, debate, exchange, or facts will ever change the mind of a true 'period-flatearther'. Their 'order' is strong in the delusional kingdom!!! In the end, much like the 'wisdom' of water against the rock, it is not one drop that will get through the seemingly unpenetrable RESISTANCE of the 'period-flatearther' rock, IT IS TIME!!! In that I trust!!! |
Let us Prey
Dishonest or right on the mark?? I don't see where he said anything about banning religion, thought is sounds great to me, even I don't expect that. I would love to see it banned in public places where some christians like to gather for in your face preaching and condemnation feasts, and only practiced in homes and churches. But I am fully aware that that won't happen any time soon.
Clearly dishonest! And here is why I say that'raiderfan': 'Boo2u' states in he first two sentences of his post that a) that my post had nothing to do with banning religion (right on the mark), and b) the HE even doesn't expect that: 'banning religion'. Then he speaks a personnal preference, and follows it with a comment confirming that it is but a fantasy of his. 'boo2u' very clearly expresses his thoughts and never confuses the state of constitutional affairs, and his personnal opinions and preferences. You on the other hand, alter 'boo2u's statements and lend them a sinister intent to justify some kind of over the top reaction in the name of your faith. It's not serious. It distracts from discussing this issue in a pragmatic and rational manner. And yes I believe it is possible to talk about this subject in a rational manner. If he had said, "won't ever happen because the Bill of rights protects religious freedoms", we're not having this conversation. but this respondent's notion of the future is an America where Religious freedoms are restricted by the state. But the FIRST A. does exactly that. YOU know it. 'boo2u' knows it, and writes so, implicitely in the post you quoted, and very specifically writes that this is not about banning religion. all it will take is enough people who think that way to get into high office or on the courts, and it;ll happen so fast your head will spin.. the fear is that it already happened. and we've got at least four years to stand against that way of thinking. Way over the top. Borderline paranoïa. In the same manner that a fanatical or delusional christian couldn't force the State to impose a christian prayer to all, in public schools, ... a fanatical or delusional atheist couldn't get the State to 'force the pious ones underground'! Come on! Let's get real, and put the demagogical rhetoric aside. if you don't want the president to have a minister speak at his innaguration, take your complaint to him... Tolerance for the judeo-christian CULTURAL fabric makes it such that non-christians treat that event and many others as part of cultural, and not religious tradition. Should force it down their throath as 'religious' preference, you will singlehandedly force a Constitutional challenge!!! Been over that earlier. Seems you are trying to get blood out of a stone. You must have a real strong faith. where will you stand when peoples of faith are driven underground to worship? standing by, feeding them to lions with those that drove them there? Right by your side!!! I would not do it for the christian faith as you might, but I would unconditionnally stand for freedoms 'of' and 'from' religion as garanteed by the Constitution. I would, as all US citizens, stand for the religion-neutral and freedom protection wisdom of the US Constitution. If more people understood it, they would realize that the First Amendment is an inspired and brilliant piece of the Constition which can be credited for the religious-neutral success the US has enjoyed over the past 200+ years. Let's not allow fanatical christians, or non-religious fanatics to confuse the brilliance of a Truly Free Citizen Nation, ... FREE 'of' and 'from' any and religions. |
Let us Prey
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Sat 01/31/09 05:17 PM
You insist that this interpretation upon which you lean so heavily is written in stone. What no of us knows is what case may come down the pike next that overturns the rulings upon which that interpretation is based. That's kind of the beauty of the system. Cases come and go and no scotus rulings are written that cannot be overturned. If this were the 18th century and "sinners in the hands of an angry God" was being preached from the pulpit or if we were in the middle of the spanish inquisition, or if King James was establishing the church of england, you'd easily find me on your side of the arguement.. or did you miss that the first time I said it?? The state of things today is that people want to see Religion quashed in its entirety, the public arena scrubbed clean of any mention of the Spiritual. Men now seek to replace God with Science. the pendulum has swung far enough to the left on this matter. The second ammendment does not provide for people to be protected from religion. Tell you what.. try having this conversation in Downtown Islamabad or Riyad and see how long you keep your head.. literally.. Shifty some more!!! 1) You wrote: You insist that this interpretation upon which you lean so heavily is written in stone. I wrote 'CLOSER TO written in stone' than the 'up-in-the-air' tone you wishfully throw around. Please stop 'shifting' the words I write to your capricious preferences. I might get the impression you are trying to manipulate the debate. 2) You wrote further: The state of things today is that people want to see Religion quashed in its entirety, the public arena scrubbed clean of any mention of the Spiritual. Shifty some more, confusion 'public arena' and 'state' proper. Do you not distinguish the two??? Are there not enough 'public' accessible churches, public parks, street corners, etcetera, to exercise your freedom to preach and proselytize???? It appears most dishonest to me to suggest that some (whomever the ghost 'some' is) dedicate their lives to ridding the PUBLIC place of religion. Some are vigilant to ensuring that the CONSTITUTION OF THE USA is upheld for all citizens of this religious-neutral Nation. Public space is fair game. State space and functions are a different matter. Those are the spaces which the First Amendment deals with. In closing, not that I would ever care to make a big deal of it, or rub your nose in it, but it is the FIRST AMENDMENT we are talking about, not the SECOND as you wrote in the final paragraph of your post!!! I trust you might have read at least once, the F.A. of your Constitution. And would recommend that if you revisited it, you would make amends, and conclude that the state will ultimately protect any citizen of the USA FROM any religion USA!!! I thought we had covered that one a while back. The only reason I mention it, is such that you might appreciate how silly this 'picking in bad faith' can be when people of good faith intend to reach out for a respectful and open minded exchange. |
Let us Prey
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Sat 01/31/09 11:42 AM
Fine, we can argue establishment clause. I wish you'd quit yelling, though. Sparsely using capitals for emphasis could hardly constitute any form of a higher 'written' voice pitch, much less YELLING (emphasis you see!!!) It is rather uncivilized, and a tad bit moralizing to accuse someone in such bad faith. Not conducive for a healthy and forwarding debate. Let me start by clarifying something that seems to be a sticking point with you. When I say "Chrsitian Nation" I mean a nation of Christians, one that is predominated by followers of the Judaeo-Christian faith and/or those brought up in its traditions. As generalizing shortcut go, no one would have picked apart the use of 'nation of christians', as in mostly familiar with the judeo-christian culture. But you wrote a 'christian nation'! Not the same in the contrext of the OP. And all this acrobatic act from a person whom made a big dish out of an 'of' - for' oversight earlier. As loud and vocal as the minority of atheists and secularists might be, there is still an overwhelming majority of folk who acknowledge God as their Creator, at least make an attempt to worship and who do not wish to see their nation transformed into a God-less, atheist cesspool. With all due respect, this paragraph above is presented in a downright condescending and bad faith spirit. You don't come across at all as someone whom could be capable of such ignorance. I don't beleive that one could support that there is a majority of folks whom acknowledge god as THEIR creator. That there might a majority which acknowledges the story of god as a creator maybe, but THEIR creator?!?!?! No pass. And to push this delusional claim that this inexistant 'god-creator' majority would be afraid of a god-less 'atheist' cesspool!!! Come on! This is like the pyromaniac warning people about dangerous upcoming 'infernos'!!! If one keeps adopting such a divisive and condescending attiude, one will end up in a bsrbaric warring cesspool!!! 'Athiest' is just used as a decoy!!! That's the Chritian Nation of which I speak. I didn't mean to suggest that the Federal Government has, by rule or default, declared itself a Christian entity in the way many middle eastern countries declare themselves as Islamic States, for example. That's one. You definitely could have fooled me!!! Two, if the grounds of objection are that the proceedings of the innauguration was an attempt to establish a state religion, it fell far short of doing so. Even since the Warren Court, there have been a number of innaugural ceremonies, and unless I've missed my mark, every one of them has had a Christian Minister give an invocation and yet, No Christian tyrrany in government, no state-established religion, no paddy wagons collecting up drunks on Sunday morning and herding them to church.. Dealt with those 2 points in an earlier post as objectively as I could. 1) your constitution PROHIBITS your state form showing preference!!! however, 2) the average and civilized non-christian, cultural but non practicing christian, and atheist are morally and ethically enlightened enough to show tolerance and wisdom in the name of peacefull and harmonious co-habitation in a judeo-christian cultural environment. You might have overlooked that earlier post of mine. The two examples you give above as the Court Mandated meanings of the "Establishment Clause" are only general interpretations, far from written in stone. Indeed, the issue is still in question. What you say is decided is nothing of the sort. It may be "decided" in minds of the secularists, but it is not "Law". These are two competing interpretations in a culture war that is still ongoing. No one could accuse the average citizen to be unfamiliar with the 'ins' and 'outs' of constitutional law. But legal interpretive clauses are harldly '... only general interpretations', and much closer to 'writen in stone' as the expression goes, than the 'up-in-the-air' state you seem to suggest!!! Interpretive clauses rest on a couple of hundred years of jurisprudence, and are the founding of the Supreme Court judments. Some secularists, atheists, christians, etc, may have personnal wish list about it all, but I fail to see how that should be pertinent in this debate. Secularists want to see all references to 'God' erased en toto from all government monuments, buildings, and so on. They'd like to see government deny even the existence of religion, much like the Communist Soviets. '... much like the communist soviet' '... god-less atheist cess-pool' '... god as our creator' '... christian nation' All this demagoguery in one single post! This is a much too shifty a style for a healthy debate. As I said in my earlier post, 'Since I feel you might hold on to your demagogical viewpoint, I'll wish you good luck with your mission in Congressional land' btw, the phrase is "bye-bye", not 'by by' I was surprised the first time you pulled the 'of' - 'for' bickering. But since I took the care of pointing out that English was a second language for me, your insistence in pointing out insignificant errors of ortograph, is rather telling of a most 'inelegant' style which you seem to favor in addressing 'some' posters. I will keep that in mind should we have the pleasure of exchanging in the future. |
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Sat 01/31/09 07:23 AM
Time out!!! If I could only bring myself to believe one sentence, ONE WORD of your post 'beeorganic', I'd be willing to eternally live with the shame of having mascaraded as a 'right-whatever'. I take it back, there is one sentence in there over which I am torn, and clearly undecided!?!?!? Eventhough the rest 'mirrors' perfectly, I can't bring myself to believe that you could be a HANNITY fan!!! I mean all mirror work aside, the whole Hannity fan thing just doesn't wash out. You can put complete sentences together! Your thoughts, whether one agrees with you or not, are coherent to a certain extent! You are capable of sarcasm!!! It's just a statistical impossibility! Your normal IQ simply washes out everything HANNITY!!! OK you might have been influenced by the dark side, who knows, cultural up-bringing, and the whole affective dependency thing, but not to the extent of being a HANNITY DIE-HARD!!! Please tell me it ain't so 'Sean'?!?!? p.s.: you are aware of mirror I hope!?!?! You mean to tell me that you're really one of my liberal friends in disguise? So your posts were some form of loyalty test for me? I think I understand now. I really hope I passed the liberal litmus test. I renounced that total tard Bush and all Republicans/conservatives already. I've spoken out against any and all things they stand for. Blame them for all current and future woes of the world. What can I do to make you and other of my new liberal buddies believe me? We believed Mayor Maron Barry of Washington D.C. when he said he was set up by re-electing him after he was convicted. We believed and then forgave Bill Clinton when he lied under oath by not removing him from office. I forgive you for lying to me about being a "right-whatever" and being judgemental/hypercritial of my posts. Sean Hannity? That empty suit at FIX news? The parrot that sat on Bush's shoulder? Oh, I get it now . It was just a joke to see how I would react comparing me to that rePUNKblican mouthpiece. Did I react emotionally enough? I need the validation from others like yourself to feel better about myself. "You can put complete sentences together!" "Your thoughts, whether one agrees with you or not, are coherent to a certain extent!" "You are capable of sarcasm!!!" I can't can't apologize enough for above list of my shortcomings. I'm very sorry ! I know (and have seen) may of our fellow liberal friends have a difficult time with spelling and sentence structure here. As not to make them feel sad and inferior I will work on lowering my typing skeells. In the name of fairness and for the sake of equality, I can try also promise to try to make less sense in coherent more often. Can I at least cut and paste really long stories that support my devotion to liberal beliefs to make myself at least appear smarter than I really am? Or really short posts with a ton of emoticons? Once again, I'm really sorry! I just want to fit in and be accepted by my neo-liberal family. My sarcasm is now exclusively reserved for my Repubimicile enemies only. Any neo-conservative, skin head Bush lover better watch out. I will give him/her a strong symbolic verbal thrashing the likes Clarence Thomas has never seen. To show solidarity (like in a union) with my liberal bretheren in the burining desire to fit in, I have just cancelled my MENSA membership in protest. That'll show them to act all smart and stuff. I know as a liberal, I should "know thy enemy", but I haven't been able to find out what Sean Hannity's IQ is yet, maybe someone could help me find out? Please? Pretty please? I've freely admitted that I was under the influence of "the dark side" at one time. I've broken the spell and need... Nay, entitled for other liberals to accept and embrace me as one of their own. Lastly, my real name isn't even close to "Sean". Keeping with my Roman heritage, love of Latin, and my liberal beliefs and sensitivity, I'm changing from my Christian slave name to the Greek name "Rectus Kissius". Kinda like what "Prince" (the pop singer) did changing his name to some kind of symbol. P.S. Obama lied, innocent people in Pakistan died HUMMM! A bit slow on this whole exchange 'bee'! As for the 'Sean' thing, the jig is up! Your slip is showing!!! You definitely are an 'undercover fan'!!! First you wrote in the post above that you trying to find 'Hannity's' IQ?!?!?! MODERATE CONSERVATIVES, ALL LIBERALS, AND INDEPENDENTS KNOW BETTER THAN TO LOOK FOR ANY TRACE OF IQ IN 'HANNITY'!!! Would you look for a warm sandy beach in the North Pole??? (answering in the near future doesn't count!!!) Secondly, and while you won't admit it again, you have changed your name, purposely reversed the latin tail and head it, and simply left your middle name out to maintain your undercover rig going. It is sooooo obvious : Your undercover is blown and your true identity now permeates the public domain: Come out of the closet and reveal yourself to the world as you are 'KISSIUS 'SEAN' RECTUS' !!! |
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Fri 01/30/09 04:59 PM
Sorry to inform you 'beeorganic' that you are missinformed and I fear for this new tack you are pressing up against. I have followed these threads for a while now. In addition, I have kept a close eye on FOX news, because I learned from these threads that FOX was the ONLY fair and balanced source of news in the whole world, ... and I must assure you 'beeorganic', that in spite of some 'unfounded critics' (their source wasn't FOX news), the truth has always prevailed in these threads, and 'bush' is reponsible of nothing!!! The 'right' people, those that have 'FOX' AND 'god' on their side, ESTABLISHED VERY CLEARLY OVER AND ABOVE ALL POSSIBLE (FALSE) INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY, that 'bush' was repsonsible for none of the things that have taken place during his 8 years in office! Not his fault period! According to the 'right' sources (FOX and GOD), it was always something or someone else that was accountable for the unnamable 8 year mess. I heard Clinton was a big part, and Congress, well now there you go! The right people, righteously, point to the tail-end second mandate 2 years of the Democratic Congress as the cause of the 6 previous years of failures. And when that didn't wash, the 'right' people righteously came back to Clinton, such a powerful guy, that he ruled the White House throughout the years Bush occupied it it seems, according to the 'right' people's truth (given that FOX and GOD are on their side). What a Bully this Clinton guy! Poor Bush!!! So, there you have it 'beorganic', whatever 'they' might come up with to blame 'bush', ... 'BUSH HASN'T BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING ON ANY DAY OF HIS ENTIRE LIFE!' So as you say, 'what's good for the geese, is good for the gander'!!! I hope you'll feel relieved that your recent conversion was totally unnecessary, and agree that this 'born again' liberal thread is profoundly obsolete!!! For your own salvation sake, don't spit on the 'right' people 'beorganic', and do come back to the 'right' flock!!! Sorry my unenlightened conservative friend, you are like the one so totally misinformed. FIX news is just the propaganda wing of the rePUKEblincan party. I heard that FIX news was importing poor, pregnant, non-union, illegal aliens to work for them after these desperate women could no longer be exploited in cutting down trees in the Amazon rain forrest. Working 18 hours a day dragging these huge logs out of snake and mosquito infested areas by hand (according to a top secret Red Cross report). I forgot to mention they are starving them too and forced to wear a ball and chain... with no bathroom breaks. I think I saw Sean Hannity waterboarding one of them in background shot during the Glenn Beck show on a youtube clip too. I repectfully submit if that liar Bush wasn't responsible for anything, why is it that like tons and tons of people here say he is? As you say "the truth has always prevailed in these threads". All my fellow liberal minded friends can't be wrong, they posted links to unbiased sources. They are all enlightened, independent, great thinkers. I think the truth here has emerged in regards to that habitual criminal Bush. We all know Bush was nothing more than a two-bit cowboy, dictator puppet who would have taken every single right and liberty from us eventually... unlike the late benevolent humanitarian Sadam Hussien. It was the likes of FIX news who destroyed Mr. Hussien's reputation. He was on the cutting edge of abortion rights. Trying to save the planet from the woes of overpopulation and starvation. On behalf of my narrow minded fellow Americans I would like to apologize to the surviving members of Mr. Hussien's family. Here we go again about Bill Clinton, can't we just move on? I don't mean to whine too much but it's President Obama now. How many times does it have to be said "what a president does in the privacy of the oval is none of our business"? We're just beating a dead horse (my apologies to my PETA friends if that analogy upsets you) talking about him. Next to Obama, Clinton was the greatest president since Jimmy Cater! The only president in recent memory to take the oath of office seriously and literally- "I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me, according to the best of my abilities and understanding...". He was just doing his job and knew the pain I might feel, so he was kinda telling a little white lie to protect and shelter me from the pain like I think every president should do. With Clinton we had peace and prosperity... no blood for oil wars. Why? because Clinton was way smarter than those idiot Rebumblicans like Newt Grungerich in congress. I think like Obama could really learn a thing or two from former president Clinton is all I can say. Nice try to manipulate me to go back to the "dark side". The side of Darth Cheney and the empire. Bush the proverbial "Evil Emperor" is to blame for every single problem in the entire world for the next 100 years (at least). Obama has now become his apprentice. As a "free-thinker", all your biased/doctored FIX news jedi mind clips generated by the most evil jedi of them all (Karl Rove)in the world won't change my mind. Keith Oberman of MSNBC is my Luke Skywalker. I would encourage you to put away all your hates, all your fears brother, and judgemental behavior. Open your mind and heart. That lying, two-faced, thief Bush has clouded your reasoning. Come join us. Renounce your ways like I did and like-minded (open-minded) people will flock all around you, shower you with kind words and emoticons, and receive enough symbolic support to last a lifetime. Please try to pay attention here, I shall show you an example below. Fanta46- Brilliant post! You are the master wordsmith! You're up there with the best! Never have I seen such a stunning display of eloqence combined with brevity. If my life-partner and I ever have children, I would like to name them all "Fanta". BTW- Obama lied, innocent people in Pakistan died. Time out!!! If I could only bring myself to believe one sentence, ONE WORD of your post 'beeorganic', I'd be willing to eternally live with the shame of having mascaraded as a 'right-whatever'. I take it back, there is one sentence in there over which I am torn, and clearly undecided!?!?!? Eventhough the rest 'mirrors' perfectly, I can't bring myself to believe that you could be a HANNITY fan!!! I mean all mirror work aside, the whole Hannity fan thing just doesn't wash out. You can put complete sentences together! Your thoughts, whether one agrees with you or not, are coherent to a certain extent! You are capable of sarcasm!!! It's just a statistical impossibility! Your normal IQ simply washes out everything HANNITY!!! OK you might have been influenced by the dark side, who knows, cultural up-bringing, and the whole affective dependency thing, but not to the extent of being a HANNITY DIE-HARD!!! Please tell me it ain't so 'Sean'?!?!? p.s.: you are aware of mirror I hope!?!?! |
I just feel its always a blame game when all of Washington bears responsibility.....enjoyed your sarcasm though Its been generations in building to what it has become it didnt get there overnight or even eight years... Other than stretching it to '... all of US bear responsiblity...', ... we share the same page 'seakolony' |
Does time truly exist?
Time... I'd like to go back to the relativity of the issue. Sagan said "If a creature existed on the 4th dimension (which is time), it would be able to move in and out of this dimension at will." We as humans, operate on such limited frequency levels, whether thats based on what we can see, what we can hear or even what we can perceive. When it comes to time, its a relative subject, totally. Remeber George Carlins bit about his dog and how it had no perception of time, if he was gone for 5 minutes or 5 days that dog always acted like he thought Mr.Carlin had been gone for a month. String Theorists often speculate on M theory that Time is in fact more like a river, with its ebbs and flows. Myself, time only exists when I'm on the clock at work! Good one 'war', For most of us, that's pretty well where we're '(c)locked in'!!! |
As always!! Here's right back at you my friend! |
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Fri 01/30/09 09:13 AM
Yes why don't we all just buy into media propaganda, subjection, and opinions of the press that never just report the facts but influence the facts with twisted points of view and while we are at why don't we just point out that we were attacked first. We responded and supported that response by a whopping 90% of the people that were led to believe by who (the media)that Iraq was the guilty party oh yes the media.....the media is the crux of all inherent evil so just foolow everything they say as gosepel....allowing them to the public around by the nose, go ahead....its up to you to believe or not believe everything you read and hear....paid for by the politicians in order to sway public view It doesn't matter if we were attacked. The perpetual question by my newly adopted liberal brothers and sisters was always "why"? It was obviously the Cretin and Chief, Bush's fault we were attacked. His fault he didn't listen and try understand them, their diverse culture, and their peace loving nature (like Bill Clinton did). He backed them into a corner where they simply had no choice what-so-ever but to attack us (even though I really think 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by Penis Cheney (*****= synonymous with "Richard" again, just in case the name of that Halliburton lapdog mentioned in the above sentence gets hopefully censored like before, the less I see his name the better)... like the always insightful actor Charlie Sheen. Obama (Mini- me)is just following in the footsteps of (Dr. Evil) Bush now. I'm curious to know how these said politicians pay for these media types. Cash, I would assume. The completely unbiased and totally objective Keith Oberman of MSNBC would NEVER take a penny from anyone or even consider doing anything unethical. I swear, as Al Gore is my witness. So what you are saying that Obama bought the media and subsequently this election? LIES, all LIES... just because the media reported something like a 7 to 1 ratio of favorable stories of Obama versus John McShame means nothing. Besides someone had to fight/counter the propaganda machine of FIX news, the American equivalent of "Pravda". All those doctored videos of the honorable Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The false allegations against the great educator William Ayres. Slanderous and libelous attacks trying to connect Obama with project ACORN. I think like the media (people like Chris Matthews)finally did it's job for once. They helped make history! I for one trust everything Keith Oberman says... America's next Walter Kronkite. Go PETA! Make love not meatloaf! Save the Darter snail! Say no to Escargot! Sheehan/Moore (Michael) in '12! I just found out who the Republicans are picking for the Super Bowl.... the Stealers. No big surprise there. Sorry to inform you 'beeorganic' that you are missinformed and I fear for this new tack you are pressing up against. I have followed these threads for a while now. In addition, I have kept a close eye on FOX news, because I learned from these threads that FOX was the ONLY fair and balanced source of news in the whole world, ... and I must assure you 'beeorganic', that in spite of some 'unfounded critics' (their source wasn't FOX news), the truth has always prevailed in these threads, and 'bush' is reponsible of nothing!!! The 'right' people, those that have 'FOX' AND 'god' on their side, ESTABLISHED VERY CLEARLY OVER AND ABOVE ALL POSSIBLE (FALSE) INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY, that 'bush' was repsonsible for none of the things that have taken place during his 8 years in office! Not his fault period! According to the 'right' sources (FOX and GOD), it was always something or someone else that was accountable for the unnamable 8 year mess. I heard Clinton was a big part, and Congress, well now there you go! The right people, righteously, point to the tail-end second mandate 2 years of the Democratic Congress as the cause of the 6 previous years of failures. And when that didn't wash, the 'right' people righteously came back to Clinton, such a powerful guy, that he ruled the White House throughout the years Bush occupied it it seems, according to the 'right' people's truth (given that FOX and GOD are on their side). What a Bully this Clinton guy! Poor Bush!!! So, there you have it 'beorganic', whatever 'they' might come up with to blame 'bush', ... 'BUSH HASN'T BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING ON ANY DAY OF HIS ENTIRE LIFE!' So as you say, 'what's good for the geese, is good for the gander'!!! I hope you'll feel relieved that your recent conversion was totally unnecessary, and agree that this 'born again' liberal thread is profoundly obsolete!!! For your own salvation sake, don't spit on the 'right' people 'beorganic', and do come back to the 'right' flock!!! |
Does time truly exist?
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Fri 01/30/09 08:19 AM
OK Last try!!! ... or I'll have to ask for research grants!!! The different theories revisiting 'Newtonian Time' are pretty much collected under 'The theory of IMAGINARY TIME', paradoxically the real one !!! Little metaphoric tale for starters: So this is the old ‘clock time’ meets ‘timelessness’ or Imaginary time, at the OK CORRAL!!! But it’s not as simple as the ‘Newtonian Clock Time Dimension’ gunfight draw out! You see in the old Newtonian time dimension, ‘timelessness’ would be a seasoned gun fighting, prairies riding cowboy, with a mean look, and slow burning cig hanging out the corner of his sun dried lips. Well, in the Einsteinian dimension, for most of us, our ‘timeliness’ dualist will seem like a ghost!!! At first, this will give our John Wayne ‘clock time’ homeboy a false sense of security; no big threat with no opponent in front of you. … until ‘clock time’ starts experiencing some violent intestinal reactions as though something was literally ‘shooting him up’ form the inside. A sort of Alien ripping out!!! See!!! You expect your dualist in front of you, ready to shoot him down. Instead, IT comes from inside of you, reconfiguring and destroying every internal organ you’ve got, YOU’RE DEAD IF YOU SHOOT, AND YOU’RE DEAD IF YOU DON’T !!! The moral of this little invented metaphor is : ‘DON’T WEAR A GUN AROUND YOUR BELT IF IT’S ONLY TO END UP SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE GUT!!!’ Let's get down to business: Timelessness or IMAGINARY TIME, paradoxically because it is real (verifiable), but doesn’t in any way shape or form agree with our current conception of time, which of course we ‘know’ to be real, even though it is unverifiable, therefore unreal. Translation: let’s call the imaginary time (real), to grab your attention, because you hold as real, something that is entirely imaginary!!! Focusing on the pillars of the time redimensioning would bring Albert Einstein, of course, who gave us, in his later years, ‘… the past, present, and future allexist simultaneously…’. Einstein's belief in an undivided solid reality was clear to him, so much so that he completely rejected the separation we experience as the moment of now, the infamous ‘CLOCK TIME’. He believed there is no true division between past and future. Most everyone knows that Einstein proved that time is relative, not absolute as Newton claimed. The two most highly recognized physicists since Einstein, Richard Feynman and Stephen Hawking arrived at similar conclusions, and even made dramatic advances toward a timeless perspective of the universe, yet they too were unable to change the temporal mentality ingrained in the mainstream of physics and society. So I don't feel so bad! :) Following Einstein was the colorful and brilliant IMO Richard Feynman. He’s the one who developed the most effective and explanatory interpretation of quantum mechanics known today as 'Sum over Histories'. Just as Einstein's own Relativity Theory led Einstein to reject time, Feynman’s Sum over Histories theory gradually led him to describe time simply as a DIRECTION IN SPACE. Nothing else! What I understand of Feynman’s theory is that it coins the probability of an event, as determined by summing together all the possible histories of that event. SO, what does that mean? Well, taking a particle moving from point A to B, we have to imagine the particle traveling every possible path, curved paths, oscillating paths, squiggly paths, even backward in time and forward in time paths. When all summed up, the vast majority of all these directions add up to zero, and all that remains is the comparably few paths that abide by the laws and forces of nature. Not bad hey!!! While I don't get the whole ‘Sum over Histories’ process, the essentisal point doens't get lost on me. I clearly get that the direction of our ordinary clock time is simply a path in space which is more probable than the more exotic directions time might have taken otherwise. Feynman's summing of all possible histories could very well be described as the first timeless description of a multitude of space-time worlds ALL EXISTING SIMULTANEOUSLY. Now, Stephen Hawking. Got to like this amazing guy. He wrote in ...Cosmology From the Top Down; 'Some people make a great mystery of the multi universe, or the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum theory, but to me, these are just different expressions of the Feynman path integral.' So, having a hard time with the mind reorganization of ‘time’??? Not alone!!! Hawking and James Hartle developed the No Boundary Proposal, a theory which extends other theories such as Sum Over Histories. The no boundary’ proposal is a model of the early universe during the big bang which includes a second reference of time, called Imaginary Time which has no beginning or end. NO BEGINNING! NO END! NO CLOCK NEEDED! In this mode of time we could in fact reach back and touch the original conditions of the early universe, because they still exist in a common time to all moments. Isn’t that amazing just grappling with that thought. Hawking also explains that what we think of as real time, a beginning at the Big Bang, some ten to twenty billion years ago, is incoinceivable in imaginary time where the UNIVERSE SIMPLY EXISTS. Got to love teh guy!!! And back to my opening paradoxical metaphor. People often think from the tag 'imaginary' that this other mode of time isn’t real. Quite the contrary, clock time could be said to be imaginary compared to this ultimate mode of time, since in imaginary time, our clock time is totally indistinguishable from directions in space. GOT THAT!?!?! From his most popular book A Brief History of Time, Hawking provides this word image to picture ‘imaginary time’ : ‘One can picture it in the following way. One can think of ordinary, real, time as a horizontal line. On the left, one has the past, and on the right, the future. But there's another kind of time in the vertical direction. This is called imaginary time, because it is not the kind of time we normally experience. But in a sense, it is just as real, as what we call real time. Of course since the moments of past, present, and future all exist simultaneously in this other mode of time, the duration of each moment of time would seem to be ceaseless and eternal. The existence of the universe in imaginary time doesn’t have a past or a future, instead all times exist in one enormous moment of now-always. Isn’t that amazing, … NOW-ALWAYS!!! Another jewel I want to share with you from Hawking: "The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary." The universe would be completely self-contained and not affected by anything outside itself. It would neither be created nor destroyed. It would just BE according to Hawking's 'Boundary Condition'. According to Hawking the universe doesn’t have a boundary point where it suddenly begins existing. The first moment isn’t any different than the second in respect to existence. Both moments exist forever in imaginary time. It takes very little reasoning to figure out that if the universe exists in an unseen way without beginning or end, at right angles to regular time, then that reference to time is simply more elementary and even more real than ordinary clock time. The term imaginary applies more accurately to our time. Quoting Hawking again: 'This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is really the real time, and that what we call real time is just a figment of our imaginations. In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to spacetime and at which the laws of science break down. But in imaginary time, there are no singularities or boundaries. So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like. If the universe exists in another time reference where conditions are permanent or static, suddenly it doesn't matter that we humans so convincingly observe a beginning to time, since the imaginary time reference applies regardless of our sense of where we are in time. The universe could be said to exist before our clock time began, and after our clock time ends. The past and future exist now-always. Obviously, imaginary time relates directly to existence. Imaginary time relates to the whole, to all that can be imagined. It also easily relates to numbers and ideas and the concepts we think with, which we already sense exist forever. The only reason this can be so disorienting at first is because we have been trained to think inside a frame where we are splitting time into two separate dimensions. We are splitting in two, the more common meaning of the word time. Here, one time dimension is related purely to the existence of each moment, so it is the omni-directional time we exist within. The other time dimension, the time we measure with clocks, is here limited to change phenomenon experienced by human beings, which is necessarily a construction of many moments in the first dimension bound together in some way that creates a second time dimension. Each moment is necessarily a time frame, which is a sort of fixed pattern of matter and space. Somehow those frames or spaces are fused together, creating a false sense that existence is changing and transforming, when change is actually observed only by whatever moves from one time frame to another. That's it for me! I moving to the Imaginary time zone!!! Anyone still there?!?!? Hello!?!?! Anyone?!?!?! human time only be created by "marking the mind" with only "memory" of all things "seen" having a beginning and an ending??? any human that can free itself then from it's own memory, be free of mortal time, and this be called nothing less than immortal??? indeed, it was once spoken, that man was inflicted with a limiter of sight, that seen not that the universe was himself, and seen not that the earth was as likened afer himself, and seen not that the cosmos was itself, and these such things cannot be seen, less the memory be passed away, that as a posion apple taint each thing seen unto surmizings, of immortal things solved with only mortal knowings, once called as knowledge??? IF INFINITE BE INFINITE, AND ALL CAME FROM INFINITE, LESS ONE SEE "HOW" ALL IS INFINITE, SEEING EACH THING THAT BEFALL ONE'S FEET, AND EACH THING THAT IS MET ON THE PATH, IS A MEANING, AND OF GREAT PURPSOE, one knows not what can be seen??? if wisdom be infinite knowing, then one that know wisdom be of infinite knowing, and infinite wisdom cannot just use it's mind, but rather it's awareness, which was FIRST, and without beginning and ending, which be the voice of reason and logic of the heart, when it is connected to itself bypassing the mind, just as einstein and newton??? did the knowings of these past prophets as all are, come from the surmizings of the mind, or by the QUESTIONS FROM THE MIND, ANSWERED BY INNER SELF??? the mind is the student, seeing each thing it observe, and the teacher be the heart, that SCRUTINIZE EACH DETAIL AS HAVING MEANING, UNTO NO IOTA OF DOUBT??? to see NOT a perfect FIRST, is to NOT KNOW HOW TO CREATE A PERFECT??? a child see data thru fear, just as a human son see it's human father first thru fear, being the fear causing to wish to please a idea, but when the two are OF THE SAME KNOWINGS, then there is equality, and only friends, that learned such friendship by speaking to each other in all ways of speech, NOT just good or bad speech, as ALL FIVE VOICES within each, using all voices of self of the teacher, and preacher, and prophet, and elder, and child, by allowing oneself TO HEAR FROM SELF IN ALL THESE SAME VOICES, making the five voices unto now as a sixth, the friend, the destiny of all human man, that carry onto the seventh, the EQUALITY OF ALL DATA, and this carry unto the eighth, the perpetual infinity, the creating of what once only the father could create, which only be as father meaning FIRST CONATINING THE KNOWING TO PASS ALONG TO ANOTHER??? peace '... equality of all data...' ... seems to perfectly match Feyman's 'Sums of all histories' mathematical theorem! Great metaphorical piece 'davidben' ! Love it!!! |
Does time truly exist?
It exists as long as humans keep track of it. You're right 'Mrfang', it exists!!! But that 'clock time' you are referring to, now exists in the form of an illusion according to BOHM, EINSTEIN, FEYMAN, HAWKING and a few others. The interesting part is that it wasn't always so. In Newtonian physics, which shaped our view, time WASN'T AN ILLUSION. It was time as most of us know it: real!!! That our Newtonian concept of time is being 'debunked' in our period, is much like how it must have felt when Galileo shoked the then sensitivities with reoraganizing the planets!!! So agree, the 'clock time' exists, but merely, as a neo cortex, man-made illusion. As for the 'other' borderless, frameless, past-present-futureless time the 'Galileo's' of our day are pointing at, it is still a fabric of man's 'thinking', but not an illusion, ... yet!!! |
Let us Prey
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Fri 01/30/09 07:57 AM
didn't mean to let this drop. been busy.. I'll take you at your word that the 'for/from' fiasco was just a typo. Being that you say French isn't your native language, I gather you're not from the US originally. Not that it's a big deal; everyone came here from somewhere else, even the Indians. Further I gather that your understanding of the constitution didn't occur in a vacuum. someone taught you what it was all about. what you call the 'accepted interpretation' is just one school of thought, one that many Americans whole-heartedly disagree with. It's the idea that it puts forthe a set of obligations that the government must provide to or for the people. the opposing viewpoint, however, sees the constitution as an acknowledgement of natural rights endowed to man by the creator. It protects the citizen from the encroachment of government, indeed protection from an oppressive goverment. protecting the freedom of movement, speech, religion, the freedom to defend oneself against transgressors of all kinds, the freedom from unlawful imprisonment, illegal search and seizure and so on. It's a charter that provides a sets of restrictions on government, not a set of obligations for government to provide to the people. Many hold that the latter, and not the former, is the Framers' Intent. This is my view. With respect to freedom of religion, this essentially means that the state is obligated to refrain from interference in the peoples' religious practices. It does not obligate the goverment to protect people from what could be deemed objectionable religious content. To do so would violate the obligation of the state not to interfere with peoples' religious practices.. it's just that simple. 'raiderfan', You are having this exchange with me against a background of 'PERSONNAL VIEWPOINTS', and I am not. While I would agree that your's is a personal viewpoint, I took great care to offer the speficic articles of your Constitution, together with the interpretive clauses which guide your Supreme Court in their judments!!! That constitutes as much as one can, the objective and effective LAW OF THE LAND. Hardly MY personnal viewpoint. In posting the 'Establishment Clause' of the First Amendment of your Constitution in an earlier post, I expected you to understand that this wasn't my personal viewpoint, and was looking forward to you replying with your personal understing and interpretation of the Establishment Clause, whose Supreme Court Interpretation ... ... PROHIBITS the Establishment of a National religion (By! BY! Christian Nation) and further ... PROHIBITS the State from showing any preference for one religion over another. That would be, let's say totally randomly, christianity over any other religion. That is how for example the Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional, the imposition of the Christian prayer on 'all' students, in public schools (no problem with a personal prayer, but no public prayers). a) because it is not the public school's business to handle matters of religion (the State is non-religious) b) because public schools, extensions of State, cannot be seen to 'prefer' a religion over another within its public school jurisdiction. As for the rest, any preferences shown for the christian religion in matters of State, there are still lots, including the choice of christian speakers whom obviously legitimately speak their faith, those are simply tolerated by THE PEOPLE! That's right, tolerated. Unless there is a judicial process to challenge it, you get to enjoy inside the limits of 'civil tolerance and social grace', all excesses of the State in teasing the 'first amendment'. Ironically though, if you were to push your confusion of personal viewpoints against the constitutional law 'viewpoint', the Supreme Court holding the ultimate viewpoint for the State, you'd find that all tolerance and social grace would quickly disappear, and would be left with only the 'LAW OF YOUR NON-RELIGIOUS LAND' !!! Exit christian speakers at State rallies!!! If I were you, I wouldn't push your 'personnal viewpoint's luck!!! Your personnal viewpoint and mine,may differ from that of the Law of the Land's, but unless you democratically participate to change the 'first amendment' of the Constitution through Congress, IT IS THE LAND OF YOUR LAND that stands, and it stands in disagreement with your personnal viewpoint as of now!!! Since I feel you might hold on to your viewpoint, I'll wish you good luck with your mission in Congressional land. |
Let us Prey
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Fri 01/30/09 07:39 AM
double posting
Let us Prey
Edited by
Fri 01/30/09 07:40 AM
Triple posting (backwards)
Does time truly exist?
Edited by
Fri 01/30/09 06:51 AM
Time is an illusion, it's a mystery... But no worries, guys. In time, we'll have this one figured out as well! Love it 'MahanMahan'!!! I don't get why the first pick was deleted though!?!?!? Perfectly inoffensive, and sooo good!!! And on your opening line, '... Time is an illusion, it's a mystery...' Actually, according to Einstein and friends, the time we consider real: 'CLOCK TIME' (past-present-future in some sort of sequential order), IS the illusion. ... and what most of us consider a mystery, is the REAL THING, no illusion whatsoever! Scientifically verifiable through Feynam's 'Sum over histories' model. But none the less Mystery to us, because we fail to grasp 'all of it' from our mode of 'BEING THOUGHT THROUGH A HUMAN EXCLUSIVE CONCEPT OF TIME'! Can't get there from what we HOLD TO BE HERE as a 'reality' !!! But very much real and freeing for the 'few physicists' whom have transformed their mode of being thought through a completely altered concept of time. They're the Galileo(s) of our 'TIME'!!! |