Is Jesus God?
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Sun 03/14/10 08:57 AM
On the one hand, 'the Jesus myth theory'. On the other hand, 'jesus the son of god'. Lots of conjectures on both sides, but neither delivering ANY proof of existence, ... or non-existence. The only way 'jesus' could be tangibly associated to 'god', is through the non deductibility theorem. No one can prove for sure that 'jesus' existed, and no one can prove that he didn't exist. Just as it is for 'god'. The fable of 'jesus son of god', inside of the fable of god, touched, inspired, moved, and mesmerized many, but in the end, it lives only in the great void of 'MAN MADE MYTHS'. |
there is nothing in the Constitution about a separation of church and state. All it says is that Congress shall make no laws regarding the establishment of church or denying such either the concept of separation of church and state comes from a letter that Jefferson wrote after he was president I love facts... ![]() For those whom cherish all the facts: '... The phrase "separation of church and state" became a definitive part of Establishment Clause jurisprudence in Reynolds v. U.S. (1879), where the court examined Jefferson's involvement with the amendment and concluded that his interpretation was "almost an authoritative declaration" of its meaning...'. '... Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other.[1] The term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise...'. |
who cares? I do... it's my livelihood, thanks for not caring. The issue is real and shouldn't be belittled. But for the host to bring everything back to the President of the country, with an evident 'hidden agenda', demonstrates that it is he, using your very real issue as 'bait' (sorry for the pun) in his gratuitous hate campaign, WHOM DOESN'T CARE!!! That's a fair point for you to make and I appreciate you making it for my understanding. However, (and I speak humbly to you) it's not your job to clarify his statements, is it? You are quite right, I wasn't answering in lieu of the poster you are addressing. Sorry for the confusion. |
who cares? I do... it's my livelihood, thanks for not caring. The issue is real and shouldn't be belittled. But for the host to bring everything back to the President of the country, with an evident 'hidden agenda', demonstrates that it is he, using your very real issue as 'bait' (sorry for the pun) in his gratuitous hate campaign, WHOM DOESN'T CARE!!! |
Not only fishing but also home grown food.Since the government can't regulate this type of food it came be suspect to terrorism tampering and thus can't be trusted.No more growing your own food in your garden.It must have a Government stamp on it before you can eat it.I posted a second link that talks about the home grown food. We only got three more years of Obama!By the time he is done with us we are going to be locked in some Government run white room,chained to a chair feeding us baby food. Thomas3474, I understand your 'fundamentalist christian' dogma you adhere to, dictates that you and your 'comrades' show DISGUST and HATE for the current President of the United States. I understand that it is the 'party line', and that you must obey and uphold it, in order to remain a comrade yourself. But aren't you starting to scrape the bottom of the 'revolt prone' barrel with this call for INDIGNATION against President Obama??? I mean we got it, you have no freedom in the matter, you must obide by your dogma, and blame President Obama for 'bad weather'! But apart from your comrades, do you really expect to 'indignate' a large proportion of the population with such a petty, personal and unfounded blaming and hateful game!?!?! |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
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Fri 03/12/10 01:11 PM
The Malley article sheds lights, without laying blame. It clearly establishes that peace WAS NOT POSSIBLE from the C.D. 2000 Israli 'unofficial' proposal. Wasn't trying to mislead or anything - just nothing new there. I don't really find anything objectionable in the Malley article and I recognize that it is 2010. Just sad that peace was not made in 2000. It is not so much an issue of blame. I only refer to the CD 2000 effort to demonstrate that the Israelis have offered repeatedly many serious concessions and made sincere efforts at peace. However, despite their efforts - and there is nothing to indicate that they are not good faith efforts - their attempts have been rejected and met with rockets rather than negotiation. The 'unofficial' offers made by Israel at C.D. 2000 were clearly and understandably unacceptable by Arafat. It is incorrect to suggest that peace was possible, and that Arafat simply said NO!!! In essence, the so-called 'efforts in good faith' from the Israeli unofficial offer of C.D. 2000, comprised a broken up Palestinian territory, butchered UP with ISRAELI BY-PASS ROADS and CHECKPOINTS, seriously impeding FREE TRAVEL by Palestinians THROUGHOUT THEIR PROPOSED NATION !!! How could anyone on the Israeli side have made sense out of 'AN ISRAEL CONTROLLED 'sovereign' Palestinian State' ??? To keep insisting 10 years later that this was a SERIOUS OFFER FOR PEACE, MADE IN GOOD FAITH!!! ... is neither fair, nor credible. At the 'Tabat Summit' of 2001, the 'oxymoron' of the Israeli proposal was even recognized by Israel!!! Israel was made to understand that their C.D. 2000 proposal was a NON-STARTER. They therefore agreed to remove the "temporarily Israeli controlled" areas from the C.D. 2000 proposal (the unacceptable conditions), ... and the Palestinian side ACCEPTED THIS AS A BASIS FOR FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS ... ON THE SPOT!!! ... However, Prime Minister Ehud Barak DID NOT CONDUCT FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS AT THAT TIME; and the talks ENDED WITHOUT AN AGREEMENT. So if we were consistent with your view that 'Palestinians' refused peace in 2000 for perfectly understandable reasons, Israel refused peace in 2001 for no reason at all!!! Fortunately, the Malley article moves beyond laying blame, and proposes that each step made in this complex and fragile conflict, is a necessary lesson for all sides, on the way to achieving REAL PEACE BETWEEN TWO SOVEREIGN NATIONS. |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
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Fri 03/12/10 06:19 AM
I know. I read the article. I still believe that the Israelis made an incredible and generous offer at Camp David in 2000. The Palestinians missed a real genuine opportunity for peace and a very reasonable beginning to their own homeland a decade ago and once again initiated violence instead. This of course only frustrated the process of peacemaking, deepened Israeli doubts about the prospects of future negotiations, led to the building of the separation barrier and bolstered Israeli resolve not to accept any future deal which would leave them vulnerable to additional attacks. ![]() here is a quote from "On June 15, during his final meeting with Clinton before Camp David, Arafat set forth his case: Barak had not implemented prior agreements, there had been no progress in the negotiations, and the prime minister was holding all the cards. The only conceivable outcome of going to a summit, he told Secretary Albright, was to have everything explode in the President's face. If there is no summit, at least there will still be hope. The summit is our last card, Arafat said—do you really want to burn it? In the end, Arafat went to Camp David, for not to do so would have been to incur America's anger; but he went intent more on surviving than on benefiting from it." In other words, Arafat was unable to see the forest for the trees and make the leap to the end game....or he just didn't like the end game. Either way ultimately he was unable to benefit from CD 2000 opportunities and this is why other participants like Dennis Ross (The Missing Peace) and Clinton among many other have said that Arafat just wasn't up to it. Once again - Here is what Arafat turned down: "Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to withdraw from 97 percent of the West Bank and 100 percent of the Gaza Strip. In addition, he agreed to dismantle 63 isolated settlements. In exchange for the 5 percent annexation of the West Bank, Israel would increase the size of the Gaza territory by roughly a third. Barak also made previously unthinkable concessions on Jerusalem, agreeing that Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state. The Palestinians would maintain control over their holy places and have "religious sovereignty" over the Temple Mount. According to U.S. peace negotiator Dennis Ross, Israel offered to create a Palestinian state that was contiguous, and not a series of cantons. Even in the case of the Gaza Strip, which must be physically separate from the West Bank unless Israel were to be cut into non-contiguous pieces, a solution was devised whereby an overland highway would connect the two parts of the Palestinian state without any Israeli checkpoints or interference. The proposal also addressed the refugee issue, guaranteeing them the right of return to the Palestinian state and reparations from a $30 billion international fund that would be collected to compensate them. Israel also agreed to give the Palestinians access to water desalinated in its territory. Arafat was asked to agree to Israeli sovereignty over the parts of the Western Wall religiously significant to Jews (i.e., not the entire Temple Mount), and three early warning stations in the Jordan valley, which Israel would withdraw from after six years. Most important, however, Arafat was expected to agree that the conflict was over at the end of the negotiations. This was the true deal breaker. Arafat was not willing to end the conflict. "For him to end the conflict is to end himself," said Ross. The prevailing view of the Camp David/White House negotiations - that Israel offered generous concessions, and that Yasser Arafat rejected them to pursue the intifada that began in September 2000 - prevailed for more than a year. To counter the perception that Arafat was the obstacle to peace, the Palestinians and their supporters then began to suggest a variety of excuses for why Arafat failed to say "yes" to a proposal that would have established a Palestinian state. The truth is that if the Palestinians were dissatisfied with any part of the Israeli proposal, all they had to do was offer a counterproposal. They never did." (from You have selected parts of the article which serve your point, and you are quoting them out of context. That doesn't help the discussion we are having here. I told you it was an unbiased article. As such, it reports on all sides of the dispute without filters. Of course, anyone could take a piece here and there to suit their agenda. But the point of the article is much more enlightening than the old 'it's their fault' trick, which serves no one in the end. C.D. 2000 was never an opportunity. Clinton pushed the issue of a summit, much like Bush has recently, because they were both at the end of their presidential terms. The timing was not right, and Israel pushed a loaded hand in front of Arafat. The scenario was set, and Arafat was invariably going to be caught in a 'catch-22'!!! Damned if he did, and damned ...! We're in 2010!!! 2000 in this conflict is ancient history. If Israel was SOOOO ready to make peace then, how come the whole international community, whom saw through the icing, are opposing Israel insistence to keep reaching in on the territories, and developing dwellings in Jerusalem BEFORE arriving at a genuine accord? 'Good faith', and genuine trust between 2 nations is a pre-condition to a genuine accord, and a long lasting co-existence of a 2 nation state. The blaming game is over. Real work, and 'good faith' are the only game in town from this point on. |
| (03-11) 17:32 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- The federal court that touched off a furor in 2002 by declaring the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance to be an unconstitutional endorsement of religion took another look at the issue Thursday and said the phrase invokes patriotism, not religious faith. The daily schoolroom ritual is not a prayer, but instead "a recognition of our founders' political philosophy that a power greater than the government gives the people their inalienable rights," said the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco in a 2-1 ruling. "Thus, the pledge is an endorsement of our form of government, not of religion or any particular sect." The dissenting judge, Stephen Reinhardt, said statements by members of Congress who added "under God" to the pledge in 1954 show conclusively that it was intended to "indoctrinate our nation's children with a state-held religious belief." In a separate ruling, the same panel upheld the use of the national motto, "In God We Trust," on coins and currency. The language is patriotic and ceremonial, not religious, the court said. Reinhardt reluctantly joined the 3-0 decision, saying he was bound by the court's newly established precedent in the pledge case. Atheist sued Both suits were filed by Michael Newdow, a Sacramento atheist who has brought numerous challenges to government-sponsored religious invocations. He said he would appeal the rulings to the full appellate court and the U.S. Supreme Court, but was not optimistic. The rulings sent two messages, Newdow said: "To be a real American, you believe in God, and the judiciary unfortunately sometimes can't be trusted to uphold our constitutional rights when you're a disenfranchised minority." Former Justice Department lawyer Gregory Katsas, who represented the Bush administration in the pledge case when the court heard it in 2007, heard a different message: that "one nation, under God" suggests a government that "is limited and bound to respect individual rights." Swift reaction Newdow first challenged the Pledge of Allegiance in 2000 on behalf of his daughter, a student in a Sacramento-area elementary school. The appeals court ruled in June 2002 that the addition of "under God" was religiously motivated and sent "a message to nonbelievers that they are outsiders," in violation of the constitutional separation of church and state. Congress reacted furiously, passing a resolution with virtually no dissenting votes that denounced the decision. The court put its ruling on hold until the case reached the Supreme Court, which sidestepped the constitutional issue and ruled that Newdow could not represent his daughter's interests because her mother had legal custody. Newdow then refiled the suit on behalf of the parent of a kindergartner in the Sacramento suburb of Rio Linda. He won the first round before a federal judge in 2005, but a new appeals court panel issued a 193-page ruling Thursday upholding the pledge. Pledge isn't prayer In the majority opinion, Judge Carlos Bea acknowledged that "the words 'under God' have religious significance," but said they do not "convert the pledge into a prayer." The 1954 law that added those words at the height of the Cold War was meant to convey the idea of a limited government, "in stark contrast to the unlimited power exercised by communist forms of government," said Bea, joined by Judge Dorothy Nelson. "Congress' ostensible and predominant purpose was to inspire patriotism." Reinhardt, a member of the 2002 panel that found the language unconstitutional, said Thursday's majority ignored overwhelming evidence of religious motivation by the 1954 Congress. He cited statements by numerous lawmakers denouncing atheistic communism and declaring a belief in God to be part of the American way of life. Reinhardt also pointed to President Dwight Eisenhower's signing statement that millions of schoolchildren would now proclaim "the dedication of our nation and its people to the Almighty." During the same period, Reinhardt said, Congress adopted "In God We Trust" as the national motto, ordered it inscribed on paper money and established an annual National Prayer Breakfast. By inserting religious language into the pledge, Reinhardt said, "we abandoned our historic principle that secular matters were for the state and matters of faith were for the church." What's your point 'thomas'??? It is still unconstitutional if you imply any relation or endordsement of the 'christian faith'. Patriotism OK! Christian, or religious faith NO! |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
These sources are discussed in my refernce above. Actually the 2000 Camp David was a missed opportunity. I recommend you read article. It does not conclude that C.D. 2000 was a missed opportunity. It doesn't lay blame either. Instead, it presents C.D 2000 as an essential stepping stone, on the way to a true 'shared state' mature agreement between two nations. |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
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Thu 03/11/10 05:36 PM
Israel really is independent and has a long history of acting independently. Their first priority is to their citizens just as the United States first priority are U.S. citizens. If, as you say, their first priority were the citizens of Israel (safety, welfare and prosperity), they would engage in good faith, in 'shared nation' peace talks with Palestinian authorities, rather than expanding into the territories. As I wrote earlier, regardless of the different agenda of the authorities, that's where the 'US Locomotive' is going!!! It would be in the best interest of the citizens, that their governing heads pay attention to the 'Locomotive'. Israel has a long history of good faith negotiations and peacemaking with their neighbors. If the Palestinians stop terrorist activities there is no reason why there would not be peace now and in the future. If the Palestinians had accepted the deal offered by Israel at Camp David in 2000 then there could have been a lasting peace on that basis starting a decade ago. The situation is far more complex and nuanced than this 'Israel the good' and 'Palestine the bad'. It may win you a public relations contest in the US, but that is not where a 'good faith' long lasting peace deal will ever take place. The Camp David 2000 saga is not an instance which showed Israel's 'good faith'. If you wish to 'balance accounts', I propose you read this most unbiased article which avoids the simplistic blaming games, and demonizing tricks. Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors By Hussein Agha, Robert Malley Let us know what you think of that account. |
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Thu 03/11/10 04:09 PM
That being said, I'll ask that you please refrain from making impertinent threats. It's against forum rules. YOU SLANDERED AND INSULTED ME DIRECTLY....YOU ARE WELL AWARE I AM A REPUBLICAN........... YOUR SLANDER AND ATTACKING IS AGAINST FORUM RULES........... WHICH YOU ARE WELL AWARE OF, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO ME.....YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU ARE IMMUNE TO SUCH FORUM RULES............... I SERVE BALONEY SANDWICHES TO THOSE WHO SEEM TO TAKE DELIGHT IN SUCH 'BALONEY'.............AS CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS SEEM TO PARTAKE OF.........AND I CERTAINLY AM NOT REFERRING TO MYSELF..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If that is the case '... YOU SLANDERED AND INSULTED ME DIRECTLY.... YOU ARE WELL AWARE I AM A REPUBLICAN...' ... you have been slandering and insulting personally every single non-christian, liberal, democrat, christian whom do not share your fundamentalist dogma, 'non-US-citizens', etc. Heck, I might be exaggerating, but If your disingenuous accusation had any founding, you have been insulting just about anyone and everyone whom is NOT YOU!!! Exaggerating maybe, ... because you love your evangelical preachers, and of course 'president-george-w-bush', . ... BUT NOT EXAGGERATING BY MUCH!!! Now, I invite us to get back on topic. |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
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Thu 03/11/10 03:55 PM
Israel really is independent and has a long history of acting independently. Their first priority is to their citizens just as the United States first priority are U.S. citizens. If, as you say, their first priority were the citizens of Israel (safety, welfare and prosperity), they would engage in good faith, in 'shared nation' peace talks with Palestinian authorities, rather than expanding into the territories. As I wrote earlier, regardless of the different agenda of the authorities, that's where the 'US Locomotive' is going!!! It would be in the best interest of the citizens, that their governing heads pay attention to the 'Locomotive'. |
Can somebody please....
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Thu 03/11/10 03:43 PM
love him or hate him, he's the most involved actor in world poverty and other charities and travels first hand to impoverished areas. brad pitt's probably second now that MJ's gone. i'd love to see everyone that's whining about him match his efforts or at best quit watching movies since all of hollywood are liberal nazis...and these are O'reilly's words. He is not an actor, but Christian Evangelist, FRANKLIN GRAHAM'S (SON OF EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM) his SAMARTIAN PURSE organization/fund cannot even be closely matched by the left wing liberal, full of hate phoney actors......... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _____________________________________________________________________ «... Sean Penn helps out in Haiti!!! While many stars were busy appearing on the Hope for Haiti Now telethon (which raised more than $57 million), Sean Penn was actually in Haiti. Penn arrived on the scene on Thursday accompanied by 11 doctors and a U.S. businesswoman with whom he has established a private Haitian relief organization, reports AP. Penn brought 1,000 water filters that were distributed to villages outside Port-au-Prince. He spent part of Friday meeting with aid groups and hospitals. "The idea of us being here is to make sure the aid gets to them," he said. When asked by Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera on his Geraldo At Large show last night about the aftermath of the earthquake, Penn said, "It's horror." Penn told Geraldo that the "military is doing the most extraordinary job." And he said the "positive reporting, reporting of positive actions by the United States ... I can say has been unbelievable, unbelievable - and meant and felt." But, he said, "the mission is so centered on Port Au Prince that some of the other areas, the epicenter areas, are being underserviced. It's just a complicated situation. But I think it has to be continually reported that Port Au Prince is not all of the issue. Port Au Prince still has major emergencies – infections, communicable diseases, concern." He added, "People are dying by the thousands a day." ____________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE RIGHT LADY 'LINDYY', PENN IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A «... LEFT WING LIBERAL, FULL OF HATE PHONY ACTOR...» !!! Nothing to compare to your «... RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, FULL OF HATE PHONY PREACHER...» though!!! Maybe Penn should run for president against «... RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, FULL OF HATE PHONY HOCKEY MOM PALIN...» !!! That would teach him a lesson in humility!!! I mean he would never make it, 'cause I know you and your friends would all vote (and that's a lot of votes ;)) for the 'FULL OF HATE PHONY HOCKEY MOM'!!! I KNOW A GOOD PSYCHIATRIST................... Oh, excuse me ever so are not a Christian................ Cannot for the life of me figure out what the Reverend Franklin Graham and the Reverend Billy Graham ever did to you....... BUT LIKE IT OR NOT, AND I KNOW THE 'NOT' APPLIES TO YOUR MINDSET......THE SAMARATINS PURSE HAS DONE MORE THAN ANY godforsake liberal, communist, marxist penn will ever be capable of sorry Charlie...........I KNOW THAT BURSTS YOUR LITTLE BUBBLE OF PENN.........SUCH IS LIFE IN THE HATE FACTORY ............ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Off-topic: this is 'political, current news and events' forum, not a 'CHRISTIAN SPECIFIC AND EXCLUSIVE' forum. In the free world, someone whom doesn't share your personal beliefs, doesn't become a '... godforsake liberal, communist, marxist...' as you wrote. You do not know Sean Pen, and as you wrote about your chrisitian friend, '... I Cannot for the life of me figure out what Sean Penn ever did to you...' to deserve such vile hatred from you. In any event, it is most counterproductive to harbor such negative and hateful emotions. Personal insults: While I understand you know a good PSYCHIATRIST, could you please keep your insinuating PERSONAL insults along with your psychiatrist for yourself. Decidedly Lady 'lindyy', you appear to have no intention of respecting the simplest rules of this forum. |
Republican flunkies have jacked National debt and deficits, contrary to republican 'dogma'. DON'T YOU EVER AGAIN REFER TO ME AS A REPUBLICAN FLUNKIE........... SAVE YOUR INSIDIOUS INSULTS FOR PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY. Dear Lady 'lindyy', The comment was not aimed at you personally, but in general to republican administrations. With respect to term 'flunkie', not that I have to explain it, but it pertains to the administrations in question; they 'flunked' miserably in respecting their sacred promise of fiscal conservatism: low deficits and reducing the National debt. That being said, I'll ask that you please refrain from making impertinent threats. It's against forum rules. Furthermore, unless you were elected RULER-IN-CHIEF of the WORLD WIDE WEB, I suggest you refrain from making personal insults to people, simply because they happen to live in a country that is not your own. It is most uncivilized, and again, it is against the forum rules. Freedom of speech is a privilege afforded in a very large proportion of the Western World. I have read several comments from you, in capital letters, where you remind the whole WWW of your 'freedom of speech' privileges. Have the decency of respecting the same privileges when it comes to others. I still serve my famous BALONEY SANDWICHES............ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On that last comment, I am surprised to find that I am in total agreement with you. You are very consistent at serving baloney, as you say. But why would you say that about yourself, is beyond me. |
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Thu 03/11/10 03:07 PM
Republican flunkies have jacked National debt and deficits, contrary to republican 'dogma'. DON'T YOU EVER AGAIN REFER TO ME AS A REPUBLICAN FLUNKIE........... SAVE YOUR INSIDIOUS INSULTS FOR PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY. Dear Lady 'lindyy', The comment was not aimed at you personally, but in general to republican administrations. With respect to term 'flunkie', not that I have to explain it, but it pertains to the administrations in question; they 'flunked' miserably in respecting their sacred promise of fiscal conservatism: low deficits and reducing the National debt. That being said, I'll ask that you please refrain from making impertinent threats. It's against forum rules. Furthermore, unless you were elected RULER-IN-CHIEF of the WORLD WIDE WEB, I suggest you refrain from making personal insults to people, simply because they happen to live in a country that is not your own. It is most uncivilized, and again, it is against the forum rules. Freedom of speech is a privilege afforded in a very large proportion of the Western World. I have read several comments from you, in capital letters, where you remind the whole WWW of your 'freedom of speech' privileges. Have the decency of respecting the same privileges when it comes to others. |
Can somebody please....
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Thu 03/11/10 11:49 AM
love him or hate him, he's the most involved actor in world poverty and other charities and travels first hand to impoverished areas. brad pitt's probably second now that MJ's gone. i'd love to see everyone that's whining about him match his efforts or at best quit watching movies since all of hollywood are liberal nazis...and these are O'reilly's words. He is not an actor, but Christian Evangelist, FRANKLIN GRAHAM'S (SON OF EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM) his SAMARTIAN PURSE organization/fund cannot even be closely matched by the left wing liberal, full of hate phoney actors......... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _____________________________________________________________________ «... Sean Penn helps out in Haiti!!! While many stars were busy appearing on the Hope for Haiti Now telethon (which raised more than $57 million), Sean Penn was actually in Haiti. Penn arrived on the scene on Thursday accompanied by 11 doctors and a U.S. businesswoman with whom he has established a private Haitian relief organization, reports AP. Penn brought 1,000 water filters that were distributed to villages outside Port-au-Prince. He spent part of Friday meeting with aid groups and hospitals. "The idea of us being here is to make sure the aid gets to them," he said. When asked by Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera on his Geraldo At Large show last night about the aftermath of the earthquake, Penn said, "It's horror." Penn told Geraldo that the "military is doing the most extraordinary job." And he said the "positive reporting, reporting of positive actions by the United States ... I can say has been unbelievable, unbelievable - and meant and felt." But, he said, "the mission is so centered on Port Au Prince that some of the other areas, the epicenter areas, are being underserviced. It's just a complicated situation. But I think it has to be continually reported that Port Au Prince is not all of the issue. Port Au Prince still has major emergencies – infections, communicable diseases, concern." He added, "People are dying by the thousands a day." ____________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE RIGHT LADY 'LINDYY', PENN IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A «... LEFT WING LIBERAL, FULL OF HATE PHONY ACTOR...» !!! Nothing to compare to your «... RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, FULL OF HATE PHONY PREACHER...» though!!! Maybe Penn should run for president against «... RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, FULL OF HATE PHONY HOCKEY MOM PALIN...» !!! That would teach him a lesson in humility!!! I mean he would never make it, 'cause I know you and your friends would all vote (and that's a lot of votes ;)) for the 'FULL OF HATE PHONY HOCKEY MOM'!!! |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
Israel, in case no one has noticed, is an INDEPENDENT NATION with its own interests to protect. It is also the ONLY democracy in the MIddle East and a constant reminder to the Arab 'world' of what IS possible and of what the Arab 'world' has failed to provide for its own people. And a schmuck like Joe Biden is gonna be sent there to tell them what to do by the little manchild who sits in the Big Boy chair now ... ? THAT's the real insult ... Everyone knows that!!! An independent nation, Israel is! Much like a train wagon is independent, so is Israel. And much like a train wagon, whether it likes it or not, thinks differently or not, has 'its own' interests or not, IT ONLY GOES WHERE THE LOCOMOTIVE, WITH ALL ITS 'POWER' AND 'MEANS', PULLS IT!!! Should the locomotive disengage, the little INDEPENDENT wagon would lose ALL its connections to 'means', and would become an INDEPENDENT shooting duck!!! Israel is an independent Nation. Everyone knows that! |
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Thu 03/11/10 09:15 AM
At some point, even they have to realize that the blame Bush dogma isn't going to persuade people any longer.. Economics isn't religion!!! Republican flunkies have jacked National debt and deficits, contrary to republican 'dogma'. Also, the Democrat administrations have faired in the exact opposite direction of the imposed GOP 'dogma'. 'W' reign has been no exception. As a matter of fact, he has established new records in the field of blowing the roof on both deficit, and National debt. Since taking office, Obama has succeeded to stabilize the inherited mess. Contrary to GOP 'dogma', economic indicators don't lie. But GOP fans are not concerned with facts and numbers. Religious dogma, fear, generalities, and calumnies are so much 'simpler'. Demonizing a President whom is turning things around from what everyone agreed was the biggest mess since the great depression, can only be described as dogmatic. ... and dogma always looses against facts and numbers!!! The GOP seems to be more interested in preaching than governing. Spreading fear, sky rocket deficits and debts, confused generalities, unfounded attacks, but never any sign of accountability!!! So let the GOP PREACH, and the democrats GOVERN!!! Lower deficits and debt have only gotten corrected by democrat administrations in the past half century. You're concerned about historically high debt?!?!?! Switch party allegiance!!! P.S.: The 'he's a muslim' approach hasn't worked. The 'not born here' hasn't worked. The 'socialist' mud sling hasn't worked. So now the dogmatic fear tactic (GOP fans believe 'believe' in fear tactics: you know the good old 'god fearing' BS) IS NONE OTHER THAN THE OLD AND RELIABLE 'HITLER's GHOST!!! What's the relation with President Obama!?!?!? None!!! But facts, pertinence and reality are but a profound annoyance to the 'Dogmatic' GOP preaching ones. |
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Mon 03/08/10 05:11 PM
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin -- who has gone to great lengths to hype the supposed dangers of a big government takeover of American health care -- admitted over the weekend that she used to get her treatment in Canada's single-payer system. "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?" The irony, one guesses, is that Palin now views Canada's health care system as revolting: with its government-run administration and 'death-panel'-like rationing. Clearly, however, she and her family once found it more alluring than, at the very least, the coverage available in rural Alaska. Up to the age of six, Palin lived in a remote town near the closest Canadian city, Whitehorse. Officials at several hospitals in that area declined to give out information on patient visits. ![]() ![]() alright me understand the point. If I am held accountable for the things my parents did...then i might as well give up and my son would be in even more trouble ![]() From a speech she gave in front of a Calgary, Alberta crowd (that's in Canada) on SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH!!! The original report was done by the Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper, and published Sunday, March 8th. That's yesterday for the article, and 2 days ago for the speech. No need to go back to her childhood, she provides fresh and contemporary adult pearls of lack of judgment and inadequacy for higher office everyday!!! That's what the person pretending to the highest office of the most powerful nation in the world (scary thought) is being judged upon. Not what her parents did when she was 6. It's her telling the whole world about it last Saturday that is mesmerizing. |
In the opinion of most politicians, people are basically sheep to be led - nothing more, nothing less. They'll never admit it openly, but they all believe that the electorate is an annoyance. What they want is a fiefdom they can turn into a kingdom and finally a familial dynasty (e.g., Teddy Kennedy). They consider an educated electorate unnecessary (and adjust school curricula to bring that end about). The ONLY time a politician knows any of us is at that point in the election cycle when they need our vote to keep their personal 'gravy train' on the 'officeholder' track. Other than that, they'd appreciate it very much, thank you, if we'd just push the button next to their name and then disappear for the next 2, 4, or 6 years until they need our vote again. This is why I ignore 'party' label (like 'D', 'R', 'I') and vote based on the principles the particular candiate supposedly supports. I trust nothing, but I still have to vote for someone. To not vote is to throw away whatever 'influence' my single vote has. It's sad that we, supposedly the 'smartest' creatures on this planet, haven't thought of a better way to govern ourselves yet. Vote principle, not party. this seems good on tell me who has these principles? it certainly isn't followers of Glenn Beck or any GOP for that matter But 'markumX', Is it not common knowledge that all 'for life' GOP voters are 'free thinkers', and always vote with their conscience, and always KNOW who the 'best man' is?!?!?! ... and that it is just pure coincidence that the 'best man' always happens to be ... republican!?!?!? |