Community > Posts By > ShadowEagle

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/20/07 10:02 PM
Bush look kinda cute as a hand puppet for children. But, then again i
don't the mother's hitting me for scaring their children.

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/20/07 09:32 PM
Principle I
Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under
international law is responsible therefore and liable to punishment.

Principle II
The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which
constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person
who committed the act from responsibility under international law.

Principle III
The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime
under international law acted as Head of State or responsible government
official does not relieve him from responsibility under international

Principle IV
The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a
superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international
law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.

Principle V
Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to
a fair trial on the facts and law.

Principle VI
The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under
international law:

(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression
or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment
of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
(b) War Crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not
limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation of slave labor or for
any other purpose of the civilian population of or in occupied
territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the
Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton
destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified
by military necessity.
(c) Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts
done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political,
racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such
persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any
crime against peace or any war crime.

[edit] Principle VII
Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a
crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under
international law

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/20/07 09:15 PM
Okay people i guess i am gonna have to bring in some bigger ammo here.

Can't you people open your eyes and realize that you have be
Betrayed,Lied to and most of all responsible for the guilt and shame
that this President has brought upon this great Nation of Ours. What has
war done for us, Let's see war has brought great suffering to people in
a distant land and threatens to engage the world in a perpetual conflict
that no one can win. Bush’s policy of aggressive militarism will lead
only to increasing misery and diversion of the world’s resources to the
military industrial complex that even "President Eisenhower" warned
Americans to control.

Our great nation is being torn apart for war and war profits. The people
of the world are dismayed at the American people for giving over to
militarism by conquering and occupying Iraq. Our own country was once
occupied by a foreign army and mercenary soldiers. The people of the
fledgling United States fought the occupiers by shooting at them from
fields, behind trees, bridges and trees. We consider the resistance of
the Minutemen insurgents patriotic. But the British Throne occupiers
called Washington’s army traitors to the foreign installed government of
George IV.
Now in Iraq, people with rifles are fighting an occupying army equipped
with tanks, helicopters gun ships, bombers and rockets that kill people
to enforce the foreign installed government of George II.

Every one knows that this hideous war is America’s reaction to 9/11. All
Americans remember the feelings of shock and horror they felt on that
fateful day. Those feelings were overtaken by rage, patriotism, and a
demand for victims' justice and revenge for this evil deed.

So, what did our government do they retalliated with a full Hammer
American military might was pounded on the people of Iraq who had
nothing to do with 9/11.

Now, Bring your attention to this and don't take it as a joke. Cause
what you about to read was actual truth taken from one of the 9/11
hearings. The Federal Government held 9/11 hearings and found no link
between Iraq and 9/11. Saudi Arabian dissidents are accused of plotting
9/11. That tragedy was used to justify the turning Iraq into a state of

The 9/11 Commission asked everything but the right question, “Who makes
the terrorist enemies for Americans?" This question is so important I am
going to ask it three times. For if the American people can answer that
question honestly we can turn the future from becoming a bottomless
military nightmare of unending war and restricted freedom to becoming a
time of Peace and Hope.

So you want to know that answer don't you. The one who made terrorist
for American are the "Export Weapon Industry".

Secondly, Executive Branch of the United States Government that
authorizes the distribution of military weapons beyond the U.S. borders.
The military-industrial complex created the terrorist enemies by
distributing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons to
dictators like the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega. They
shipped weapons to power factions lead by people like Osama bin Laden
and brutal thugs like the Contras. All around the world, people have
been killed and maimed and had their lives destroyed by weapons that
were made in the United States and exported for financial gain. From
Central and South America to Asia and Africa poor and defenseless people
have been slaughtered by arms made for profit in the USA. America is not
alone in the arms profiteering business. Great Britain, France, China,
Russia, all Permanent Member Nation States of the UN Security Council,
are among the greatest exporters of military weapons that cause great
suffering to the people of the world. This practice of exporting weapons
is immoral and wrong.

and, last The answer is the American People made enemies for themselves
by allowing their government to distribute hundreds of billions of
dollars of weapons around the world, paid for by their tax dollars. It
is a time for major change.
When elected President I pledge to restore the honor of the people of
the United States in the eyes of the people of the world. On the day I
am inaugurated, I will sign an order as Commander in Chief of the United
States Armed Forces that the United States military not transfer or
cooperate in the sale of weapons to any other nation. I will work to
enact legislation banning the export of military arms from the United
States. I will speak at the United Nations and propose a worldwide ban
on the export of weapons. If international organizations can outlaw
whaling to save marine mammals and ban the ivory trade to save
elephants, they can ban the export weapons trade that results in the
slaughter of human beings. This is not much to ask of the United
Nations. It is time for the people of the world to keep the military
industrial complex from destroying any hope of peace for humanity.
When I am elected, the path of peace and hope will be open. I am taking
a stand of conscience here and now. I stand strong and with all my might
I will call out. “Americans offer the world peace. Americans offer the
world peace. …

America should be taking the Nuremberg Principles to heart. Those
precious principles were formulated after World War II to protect the
people of the world from wars of aggression. The Nuremberg Principles
are written on the bricks of a wall of civilization. That wall stands
between human beings and hundreds of millions of historical corpses,
victims of war of aggression. Articles VI and VII of the Nuremberg
Principles make it a "crime against peace and a crime against humanity
to conspire to engage in, wage or be complicit in the waging of a war of
aggression.” The Iraq War is illegal under International Law. Bush
deceived us all by calling his war of aggression a preemptive war.

The Iraq War was sold with lies and deceptions so it is evil in nature.
The Iraq War is illegal under international law. I stand firm on this
point of conscience now.
Here is my stand of conscience and my written promise to the American
people. I am going to sign this now and hold it up for the people of the
world to see. I will show that America offers peace to the world.

Now, since this war has happened we no longer have a privacy life
whether you know it or not....

Federal agents can track every word you say on a phone now and trace
every keystroke of your computer or use of an ATM or credit card. The
Homeland Security Agency could easily implement a system that tracks the
location of you every moment of your life. It seems like a 1984
nightmare, but look how it works against innocent people today. Just ask
Ted Kennedy. He asks with justifiable rage ‘Where is this thing going?”
The freedom of the people is being threatened to protect people from
terrorist enemies that the export weapons industry created.
and, what are we doing well you be the judge of that...

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:24 PM
how low the jews populations is the majority getting federal aide and
food stamps are jews.

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/20/07 01:36 AM
Gee whiz and Good Golly Ms> Molly if you ever did a head count the
majority of the people in the world trafe center who were killed weren't
jews. The ones that were either disregarded the warning as a joke or
relied on this great country of ours to prevent it from happening.
Adventure begings obviously yours never began cause it already finished.
Closed minded idiots.

ShadowEagle's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:26 PM
9/10/2001 I work as a Armed Guard for Armored Car Division.

I was inside of a Computer store on 37th. and 5th ave Compusa.

The Premier Of Israel came into the store not with the regular Secret
Service that the U.S Embassy provides. He has a special group known as
the Musaad with him ( Secret Police). They asked me if i was Jewish and
i asked them why they needed to know. So I played stupid and said:
"Yes". They told me not to come to work tomorrow. I asked them
why...They said Trust me you don't want to be around the area at all.

So you want to know what i think.

Remember the Alleged Ringleader of the Hijackers Mohamed Atta....An
elite US military program also had Mohamed Atta and the other alleged
ringleaders under surveillance for years before September 11th, and
identified them as members of an al-Qaeda "Brooklyn Cell" plotting an
attack in the United States. One year before 9/11, military superiors
forced the "Able Danger" team to standdown and destroy the evidence they
had gathered. This revelation makes mincemeat of The 9/11 Commission
Report and the official FBI timeline of the alleged hijackers'
movements. The whistleblowers have been placed under a gag order and
subjected to harrassment by the Pengtagon.

The US government drilled responses to every aspect of the September
11th events long in advance, and even held rehearsals for hijacked
planes hitting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. On the morning
of September 11th itself, the US military conducted a set of related
wargames that were prepared long in advance of that date, and had been
re-scheduled from their original date in October. By "coincidence,"
several of these wargames mimicked the entire plot of the 9/11 events,
including the scenario of multiple hijackings of civilian planes, planes
crashing into important government buildings, and a major terrorist
attack on New York City requiring high-level emergency management. The
behavior of US military authorities that morning, from Bush down, the
routes chosen by the diverted flights and the failed air defense
response to the unfolding plot do not suggest mere incompetence, but
rather indicate a treasonous design by people in charge of the military.
Were the wargames of September 11th the means by which the plot was
carried out and covered up?

As the day dawns over the East Coast on September 11th, 2001, the US
Strategic Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska is
on full alert, busily dispatching warplanes around North America in a
rehearsal for Armaggedon.

Stratcom directs the US nuclear arsenal. A number of interrelated
air-defense wargames are underway around the country, under the overall
umbrella of Global Guardian. This is the designation for the annual
combined exercises run by Stratcom in conjunction with the US Space
Command and NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command. The man
officially in charge of Global Guardian is Admiral Richard Mies,
Stratcom's commander-in-chief.

The crash-bombings of New York City and Washington unfold starting at
around 8:15 am, when Flight 11 out of Boston ceases communications with
ground stations and diverts radically from its planned route. The
often-contradictory official accounts are more or less in agreement that
the diversions of Flight 175 and Flight 77 began about 27 and 41 minutes
later, respectively.

Ample evidence gathered from mainstream news sources and compiled by
Thompson in the new timeline entries indicates that the wargames served
to confuse and stymie air defense response to the simultaneous
crash-bombings. Although Thompson avoids conclusions and merely presents
a long series of verifiable facts, confusion appears to have been the
exact result intended by at least some of the wargame planners. This was
already a central thesis of Mike Rupperts's 2004 book Crossing the
Rubicon (click here for a summary), but Thompson's timeline update adds
new pieces to the puzzle.

Thompson cites multiple reports (see 8:30 am) indicating that Global
Guardian is normally held in October, and that the run-through in 2001
was in fact originally scheduled for late October and then re-scheduled
for early September at some point after March 2001. Who made that
scheduling decision? That may be the most crucial question of all in
determining the criminal culpability for 9/11 among US officials.

In the period after March 2001, military planners discussed various
possible exercises that would have involved hijacking simulations,
including live-fly (FTX) exercises using real planes with actors playing
passengers. It is known that the idea of rehearsing air defense against
a hijacked plane aimed at the Pentagon was at least temporarily
considered in April 2001 and postponed. Meanwhile, the planners of
Amalgam Virgo II were discussing a simulation for simultaneous
hijackings of passenger planes out of Utah and Vancouver, with military
people and FBI agents acting in the roles of passengers and hijackers.
As of spring 2001, Amalgam Virgo II was scheduled for July 2002.

The idea was hardly new. A mass casualty (MASCAL) exercise of the
Pentagon's command and emergency services, using the scenario of a plane
hitting the building, had already been conducted by hundreds of
personnel at the Pentagon in October 2000. Two clinics at the Pentagon
rehearsed the same script in May 2001.

All this activity, combined with the many past precedents of kamikaze
attack attempts using civilian planes, completely demolish the lie
frequently propagated by Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld that "no
one could have imagined" simultaneous hijackings or planes used as
weapons against buildings. (See "Bush, Rice and the Genoa Warning")

But a more ominous question obviously presents itself: Were any of these
hijacking scenarios under discussion that spring finally incorporated
into the scripts for the wargames of September 2001?

The story of Global Guardian and the breakfast activities of its
director Mies has long been in the public domain, published on military
news sites and the Omaha press among other venues. But until recently
the vast-but-scattershot investigations of the last four years by the
hundreds of 9/11 researchers working cooperatively via the Internet had
missed these snippets.

As the timeline relates, Mies was having breakfast on the morning of
9/11 with a group of business leaders, as part of a charity event hosted
by Offutt Air Force Base and sponsored by Warren Buffett, the
second-richest man in the United States. We have no way of knowing what
communications Mies was receiving about the crisis that began at 8:15,
but soon after 8:46 am, the entire party would have learned that a plane
had crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Mies
remained with the civilians until after they all heard that the second
WTC Tower had also been hit. (The second crash occurred at 9:03 am.)
Based on the new timeline entries, it is apparently only then that Mies
went to his command post, and that Global Guardian and related wargames
were suspended.

Mies thus joins the growing list of men in key positions at the top of
the US military chain of command who managed to absent themselves from
any decision-making capacity during the opening hour of the 9/11
crash-bombings. That list includes:

George W. Bush, who asked his staff chief Andrew Card for no
clarification on the whispered message that "America is under attack"
(9:05), but instead remained seated, listening to children read in a
classroom, until around 9:16; and whose large White House entourage
remained in the Florida school until 9:34.

Gen. Richard Myers, the acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
who says he heard about the first crash, thought it was an accident,
went into a Senate meeting, and only became aware of the second crash
just a few minutes before the Pentagon was hit at 9:37.

Donald Rumsfeld, who was sought for an hour by the Pentagon command
center and first appeared there at around 10:30 am, according to The
9/11 Commission Report.

Gen. Montague Winfield, head of the National Military Command Center at
the Pentagon, who on the evening of Sept. 10th arranged to be replaced
on his scheduled shift the next morning for the two hours starting at
8:30 am by his rookie deputy, Capt.Charles Leidig (since promoted to

(See "AWOL Chain of Command")

Is all of this attributable to nonchalance? At what point are we allowed
to discern a pattern in the behavior of the men who topped the military
chain of command and who were responsible for responding to the
unfolding events?

Rumsfeld's case is particularly flagrant, given that he had signed off
on a June 1, 2001 Pentagon order that for the first time inserted the
Secretary of Defense into the chain of response for issuing military
intercept orders for errant planes. His story is that he reacted to news
of the first and second WTC crashes by continuing his routine morning
briefings, and that after the Pentagon was hit (at 9:37 or 9:41 am,
depending on which official timeline one prefers), he decided to assist
in rescue efforts instead of taking his place at the command center.

The official story of 9/11 holds that four passenger planes were
diverted and that none of them were intercepted for reconnaissance and
response, which constitutes a massive and unprecedented failure of
standard operating procedures. The story of how and why that happened
has changed repeatedly since 9/11, and no official has ever been held
accountable for the failures. On the contrary, many of the key figures
involved received promotions, among them Myers, who was confirmed in
that position soon after 9/11, and Gen. Ralph Eberhart, the NORAD
director who was appointed to head the new Northern Command (since

During the last four years we have seen a plethora of contradicting
timelines and testimonies presented by NORAD, the US Air Force (in its
official history Air War Over America), the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), press reports citing official sources, and,
finally, The 9/11 Commission Report. Each of these versions of what
happened on 9/11 was upheld in its turn for months or years without
revision. The contradictions mean that at least some of the responsible
officials must have been promoting falsehoods, but again, no move has
been made to hold anyone accountable for that.

Already in the first year after 9/11, when next to nothing was known
about the exercises, researchers skeptical of the official story
developed the hypothesis that wargames could have been used as the
device to subvert standard operating procedures and allow the attacks to
proceed unmolested. A wargame pretext can allow false-flag attacks to be
rehearsed or prepared without arousing suspicion; and divert resources
or block communication lines on Day X. After the fact, the idea that the
wargames were subverted by Arab hijackers with inside information (or a
lot of luck!) might serve as a military-fiasco story (read: piece of
wishful thinking) that engenders embarrassment and silence among that
vast majority of US military people who were not involved in any
conscious wrong-doing or facilitation of the 9/11 events.

Hard evidence for the hypothesis first began surfacing in August 2002,
when it was revealed that the CIA had scheduled an evacuation drill at
the National Reconnaissance Office on the morning of Sept. 11, based on
the script of an "errant plane" hitting the NRO headquarters. The drill
was cancelled when the real-world events began, and most of the NRO
staff, who control the military-intelligence establishment's
surveillance satellites, were sent home. One man who helped plan the
drill, John Fulton, actually put it on his resume as an example of his

The Kean Commmission hearings occasionally touched upon past exercises
(also compiled, to far more devastating effect, in Thompson's new
timeline), but entirely avoided the issue of the wargames on Sept. 11
itself. These were finally mentioned in a single note to The 9/11
Commission Report (Chapter 1, Note 116). This acknowledged only a "cold
war"-style exercise, and was based entirely on a brief quote from
Eberhart. He claimed that the exercises enhanced air defense response,
an incredible statement given the failures to intercept. While quoting
Eberhart that "it took about 30 seconds" to make the adjustment from the
wargames to the ongoing real-world situation, the note significantly
avoids specifying the time when the wargames were suspended.

The known NORAD wargames of 9/11, which were apparently incorporated
into the larger framework of Global Guardian, include Northern Guardian,
Vigilant Guardian and Vigilant Warrior. The most innocent-seeming of
these, Northern Guardian was announced in advance and dispatched air
force assets to the Arctic Circle in response to the Russian maneuvers
also scheduled for that day. (The NORAD press release of 9/9/01 is still

However, Vigilant Guardian appears to have scripted simulated attacks
within the continental United States. NORAD personnel in Rome, New York
who received first reports of hijackings within NORAD'S Northeastern
sector, including Col. Robert K. Marr and Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, are
reported to have asked if this was "real world or exercise." This
implies that the scenarios for the wargames on September 11 were
strikingly similar to the actual attacks that unfolded that morning--as
was the supposedly unrelated CIA/NRO exercise.

How much strain can a "coincidence hypothesis" sustain before it becomes

As reported by the wire service Newhouse News (1/25/02):

At 8:40, Deskins noticed senior technician Jeremy Powell waving his
hand. Boston Center was on the line, he said. It had a hijacked

"It must be part of the exercise," Deskins thought.

At first, everybody did. Then Deskins saw the glowing direct phone line
to the Federal Aviation Administration.

On the phone she heard the voice of a military liaison for the FAA's
Boston Center.

"I have a hijacked aircraft," he told her.

Six minutes later, at 8:46, the wargames were still causing confusion,
apparently in the form of a craft (or at least a radar-blip) thought to
be heading for JFK Airport in Queens: "Deskins ran to a nearby office
and phoned 1st Air Force Chief Public Affairs Officer Major Don Arias in
Florida. She said NEADS had a hijacked plane no, not the simulation
likely heading for JFK."

So much for Eberhart's "30 seconds" to adjust to real-world events.
Again, the new supporting evidence provided by Thompson suggests that no
move was made to suspend the wargames until well after the second crash
at 9:03 am, by which time the worst of the attacks had occurred and the
Pentagon flight was well under way.

The use of "injects" (phantom blips projected onto radar screens
electronically) is a technique employed to test the defending side in
air defense exercises (Toronto Star, 12/09/01, see 9:00 am). The US
military has over the decades developed many counter-command and
counter-control techniques for jamming and confusing enemy radar
installations, as well as stealth technologies. Did the wargames also
use such techniques against the FAA, as a test of its response to
potential hijackings? If such an element was scripted into the wargames,
military units likely would have had child's play in causing confusion
among unsuspecting air traffic controllers.

A lengthy passage in The 9/11 Commission Report describes one case of
confusion at the FAA: the false information, propagated well after 9 am,
that Flight 11 had not crashed into the first Tower at 8:46, but was in
fact still alive and proceeding south over New Jersey. The Commission
says this caused the FAA to request fighters from Langley Air Force Base
in Virginia to fly towards New Jersey instead of to Washington, where
Flight 77 was headed.

The report says the Commission was unable to reconstruct how this
information entered the FAA system and leaves things at that, without
noting that of necessity, fighters can only be vectored to a known
location, i.e. the "Phantom 11" flight must have corresponded to an
actual unknown blip on the FAA radar that was not caused by any of the
other hijacked flights, and was therefore either a real aircraft or an

Let us recall that FAA head Jane Garvey and Richard Clarke, among
others, testified to at least 11 different suspected hijackings at
various points during the crash-bombings. With so many assets diverted
to wargames, only eight jets were left for a total of four possible
interceptions (since they are dispatched in pairs). The number of jets
kept ready exclusively for such emergency services had been reduced
earlier that year.

Response would have been further complicated by the presence of radar
blind-spots after the FAA began dismantling certain primary radar
installations in 1999, which means that there were areas where Flights
11, 77 and 93 would have been temporarily invisible, after their
transponders stopped broadcasting. It is more than curious that both
Flight 11 and Flight 93 took long detours away from their supposed
targets, during which they passed through such areas.

Reconstructing what really happened among civilian air traffic
controllers may be impossible. An invaluable store of evidence--tapes of
recollections by the air traffic controllers in Long Island who handled
the two New York crash flights, taken on the afternoon of Sept. 11--was
destroyed in an intimidating fashion by a federal official (New York
Times, 5/6/04).

Vigilant Warrior, the most mysterious wargame of all, is mentioned only
in a direct quote attributed to Myers by former counterterrorism chief
Richard Clarke in his 2004 book, Against All Enemies. The NORAD wargame
denomination "Warrior" specifically indicates a "live-fly" exercise
(Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon, 2004, citing NORAD spokesperson Don
Arias, who lost his brother on Sept. 11). The contrast of Vigilant
Guardian to Vigilant Warrior not only suggests related exercises, but a
red team and a blue team paired as enemies. It has led many researchers
to speculate whether one or more of the actual 9/11 crash flights was
scripted into a "warrior" scenario that suddenly turned "real."

In the timeline, Thompson covers Vigilant Warrior as follows:

9:28 a.m.: Myers Updates Clarke Videoconference on Fighter Response
Counterterrorism "tsar" Richard Clarke, directing a video conference
with top officials, asks Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman Richard
Myers, "I assume NORAD has scrambled fighters and AWACS. How many?
Where?" Myers replies, "Not a pretty picture, ****. We are in the middle
of Vigilant Warrior, a NORAD exercise, but ... Otis has launched two
birds toward New York. Langley is trying to get two up now [toward
Washington]. The AWACS are at Tinker and not on alert." Vigilant Warrior
may be a mistaken reference to the on-going war game Vigilant Guardian.

Thompson's last comment is unwarranted. Note that the ellipsus after
Myers's statement, "We are in the middle of Vigilant Warrior, a NORAD
exercise, but ..." occurs in the original of Clarke's book, the
publication of which was delayed for months due to a prolonged vetting
process by the CIA and White House. This indicates a redaction by the
CIA or White House censors.

What did Myers tell Clarke about Vigilant Warrior that the censors did
not want us to know?

This is one of the most sensitive passages in Clarke's book, and it is
hard to believe it was not among the most scrutinized. Would the censors
have allowed such a mistake to be published, with all its implications
for the official story? Clarke's precise statement of the time in the
same passage (9:28 am) is unusual in the book, and suggests extreme care
about this point.

This is not surprising, because Clarke must have been aware that the
passage contradicts Myers's own accounts of what he was doing at 9:28
am. According to Clarke, Myers is surrounded by generals and colonels at
a video conference; according to Myers, he would have just been leaving
his meeting with Senator Max Cleland and learning about the second WTC
crash for the first time.

In March 2005, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) gained a confused but
revealing admission from Gen. Myers when he testified to the Armed
Services Committee (alongside Rumsfeld) that NORAD was holding at least
four different exercises on the day. "But they were two CPXs" or
command-post exercises (not involving actual planes), he hastened to
add. A moment later, two exercises turned into three, then four: "There
was one Department of Justice exercise that didn't have anything to do
with the other three; and there was an actual operation ongoing because
there was some Russian bomber activity up near Alaska..." The
"operation" refers to Northern Guardian, as an actual response to the
Russian maneuvers. That leaves three other exercises, and Myers clearly
evades the question of whether one of these involved live-fly aircraft
simulating attacks within the lower 48 states.

Myers then hopped away from the question without explaining what any of
these exercises were actually doing.

(The "Department of Justice exercise" may be a reference to Tripod II, a
simulation of a biowarfare attack on New York City due to be held at
Pier 92 on Sept. 12. After the evacuation of WTC Building 7, Pier 92 was
instead used as the mayor's command center for the emergency.)

As Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter moved to block her, McKinney pressed
on. Myers resorted to echoing Eberhart's claim that the wargames
actually enhanced defense response:

CMK: Let me ask you this, then: who was in charge of managing those

DH: General, why don't you give the best answer that you can here in a
short a period of time and we'll - the gentlelady wants to get a written
answer anyway, and then we can move on to other folks.

RM: The important thing to realize is that North American Aerospace
Defense Command was responsible. These are command post exercises; what
that means is that all the battle positions that are normally not filled
are indeed filled; so it was an easy transition from an exercise into a
real world situation. It actually enhanced the response; otherwise, it
would take somewhere between 30 minutes and a couple of hours to fill
those positions, those battle stations, with the right staff officers.

CMK: Mr. Chairman, begging your indulgence, was September Eleventh
declared a National Security Special Event day?

RM: I have to look back; I do not know. Do you mean after the fact, or

CMK: No. Because of the activities going on that had been scheduled at
the United Nations that day.

RM: I'd have to go back and check. I don't know.

McKinney pursued the Secret Service angle because she was aware that
under the conditions of a National Security Special Event (which might
have been declared in advance due to the convening of the General
Assembly in New York), the Secret Service takes on extraordinary
executive powers that supercede those of military authorities.

Myers appears to pass the buck to Eberhart, head of NORAD, but makes no
mention of Global Guardian and the larger framework of exercises
headquartered out of Offutt Air Force Base. This may be an incendiary
point because Offutt was, of course, the place where George W. Bush and
his entourage went after they finally took off from Florida. It seems
like a logical destination during a crisis (or a coup d'etat), because
Stratcom is well-secured and commands the nuclear arsenal. But before
proceeding there, Bush also stopped at Barksdale Air Force Base,
Louisiana, a further important node within the Global Guardian exercise.
This trail also seems to lead back to the wargames.

While at Offutt, Bush held the teleconference with his war cabinet that
decided on the guilt of Osama Bin Ladin and the global doctrine of a war
on terror to be formulated at his speech that evening after returning to
the White House. **** Cheney, Rumsfeld, CIA Director George Tenet,
Clarke, Rice and other principals were patched in as Bush sat, with
Andrew Card on one side and Admiral Mies on the other
As long as Myers himself mentioned an apparently related exercise not
under the direct purview of NORAD, we should note that the Army was also
conducting an exercise in the New York area, at Fort Monmouth Army Base
in New Jersey, about 50 miles from the World Trade Center. Timely Alert
II scripted a possible biochemical attack on the base, which was
therefore closed to outsiders starting at 9 am. Thompson summarizes as

Soon after 9 a.m., the exercise director tells a group of participating
volunteers that a hijacked plane has crashed into the World Trade
Center. The participants pretend to be upset, believing this is just
part of the simulation. When they see the live televised footage of the
WTC attacks, some people at the base think it is an elaborate training
video to accompany the exercise. One worker tells a fire department
training officer: "You really outdid yourself this time." Interestingly,
the follow-up exercise held in July 2002 (Timely Alert III) does
incorporate simulated television news reports to give participants the
impression that the emergency is real.

Perhaps it is significant that Fort Monmouth is the headquarters of the
Army's Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), which among its
duties handles the communications channels for the Secret Service.

The base is also home to the 754th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company,
headed on Sept. 11 by Capt. Richard J. Spanard. A newsletter of his
college society, Beta Tau, innocently reveals that he was at the WTC
that morning: "On the morning of September 11, he was enjoying breakfast
at a deli 50 feet from the World Trade Center twin towers when the first
plane hit. General hysteria inundated the deli. Spanard decided that he
and the three soldiers with him should move to number 7 World Trade
Center, where they had a scheduled meeting." Wonder what that meeting
was about? (Thanks to John Horne's WTC 7 page for the catch.)

Spanard's unit was deployed to Ground Zero soon after - charged with
finding and clearing any possible explosives in the rubble.

And that is the tip of the iceberg to date. How many different scenarios
did the combined wargames rehearse on that day, and who wrote them? Who
was aware of which parts? How many elements of the actual 9/11 scenario
did the wargames of Sept. 11 include in one or another script? (Who can
still believe that the inclusion of such elements was entirely
coincidental? Especially given the countless stories of attack
foreknowledge and forewarnings, which we have not covered here.) And who
were the anonymous true "maestros" of the wargames, i.e. the ones who
held command stations while the ostensible commanders-in-chief were busy
dallying elsewhere? The softball (or non-existent) treatment by the 9/11
Commission and other investigations to date of the known principals in
the day's events--Myers, Rumsfeld, Bush, Winfield, Mies, Eberhart, Rice,
Tenet et al., even Clarke--never allowed that such questions were

The wargames appear to have been a dominant factor during the first hour
of the attacks, until their suspension after 9:03. But a simple
circumvention of air defense by wargames confusion does not explain what
happened in the next phase, when the Pentagon was hit despite ample
warning and Flight 93 went down in Pennsylvania. Suffice to say that at
least one central character has yet to be mentioned here: **** Cheney.
And in the case of his activities during the Sept. 11 crash-bombings, we
have direct testimony (once again, ignored by the 9/11 Commission) from
a man who was in the same room during the second phase of the events:
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

For reading that goes into the issues involving Cheney and Mineta's

ShadowEagle's photo
Sat 04/14/07 04:49 AM
It has come to my attention that so many deluded people have decided to
carry out a proganda of conspiracy theories and based on fact that has
been shown by BearandWhiskey with his links Defending the truth of 9/11
against feel-will right-wing liberalist who claim that our country is So
great of a Nation that they simply refuse to believe that the attacks
were incited by the United States Government. The Thread that was
created by Shamrock was a protest in a sense to have me banned for my
public views. But, as he found out that freedom of Speech a
constitutional law that allows freedom of free-will
ideals,thoughts,conspiracies and whatever you can think of as well. That
thread was being attacked based on the unconstitutional attempt to
suppress the thought or the voice of a nation.

Thus, we have Doc at free-will and yet, confused spirit. Contradiction
of one-self doesn't do you justice. At one point you agreed with
Bearandwhiskey about particular views on Henry Kissenger and, then you
return with words of contradiction and you blantantly verbal attack.

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 11:19 PM
Even it i am hated here. Someone had to be bold enough to start the
ball rolling into feeling these peoples minds from lies. And, make them
open-minded to other possibilities. Thus, open a ways for other people
who believe in the same thing i do a way to express their views as well.

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 11:05 PM
I've been criticized and marked as a traitor to my fellow Americans. I
also been called a disgrace to my Uniform. I press on because i feel
that we all been hurt and we need the truth. We have been lied to by our
Government and of course by the media. Because of that little saying: "
The State and Welfare of a Nations needs not to know the truth only what
we tell them because the mass panic that would happen from what they
know would be too much for these stupid civillians to handle".

I feel otherwise we need to know what we are being patriotic towards, we
need to know where our tax dollars are going. We need alot of things
but, first we need the TRUTH....

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 10:49 PM
I'm with bearandwhiskey...

Doc, you think i wanted to believe all the stories and theorectical
conspiracies. At, first I denied it but, one of the biggest botch job we
soldiers had was the Vietnam War.

I served 3 years Intel and i was also an advisor to Signal Corp division
when they were setting up a base in Kandarhar airforce base. I heard
all the pleas and the distrust of the soldiers about this war and i
accused them all of being non-patriotic and traitors to the USA

My eyes were open by many people many sources.... When you start to do
the research you gonna denied it being truth but, if you keep an
open-mind and think of possibilities things of clarity start to hit

You , yourself said that this government has done many things wrong for
a good reason... That's the part i don't agree with. Nothing done wrong
for a good reason. Men and women serving in our military force everyday
just to Protect this Great Country of Ours and they are dying for the
wrong reasons. They have been brainwashed into believing what they are
doing is right. After, all to incited a war sometimes as says the
Government Accetable losses are acceptable in order to gain the support
from the American People and bring their Patriotic support back into the

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 10:38 PM
talkin about an old geezer like me. Like a True Soldier i'm Standing at

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 10:35 PM
morena and songbird are the finest girls i seen with my old man's eyes

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 10:28 PM
Being an Ex-Soldier i agree with the rest of the people this war has
been wrong since it started.

I have a best friend who is a war Correspondent and this is his report.

I had the unique opportunity to interview five US military servicemen
who just got back from Iraq, or in the case of two men, corresponded
with their wives so that I could ask questions of these soldiers by
mail. When the two I corresponded with came back just last week, I was
able to complete the interviews I started several months ago with some
new details on how the war is actually going.

I was shocked and angered when I found out how many of the service men
hate being in Iraq and want nothing to do with rebuilding and policing
the devastated nation. From the conversations I had, many soldiers never
wanted to go over to Iraq and fight, and the ones who had were now
convinced of the awful crime that had been committed against Iraq and
our own troops. I was told very few soldiers now believe in staying in
Iraq, or want to stay in the country and serve any more days.

The following interview was with an enlisted man, but someone very
high up in the enlisted ranks, with over 20 years of military service. I
have promised not to reveal his identity for reasons that he has a
family and has been told not to speak to journalists. He told me the
Army had put a gag order on him while he was home, and told him they
would give him twenty years in prison if he spoke out in any manner
against the US or the government.

I took several weeks to finish this interview because of not being
able to safely be seen with this individual out of his fears of being
caught speaking out.

He asked me to call him USA in all the transcripts of these
interviews. I have followed his wishes and tried to write what he said
in the manner it was said so as not to lose any impact. At times the
interview was very rough and the grammar is not perfect, but I tried to
write this in his voice so that he can tell the world how bad it is in
Iraq. I truly want you to feel what he has experienced in some way if

CFTM-- “How are you today? Resting I hope?”

USA-- “Can’t sleep for sh..t and I have horrible nightmares when I do
sleep. I might be lucky to catch an hour at a time before the nightmares
wake me up. I slept easier in the combat then now that I’m away from
there. Most awful place I’ve ever been or served duty and I didn’t want
to leave my guys. That was the hardest part was leaving the guys I had
been leading around and trying to keep out of trouble and alive.”

CFTM-- “Did you see a lot of your buddies get killed? How did it
affect you?”

USA-- “How the hell do you think it affected me? I saw over 30 of the
men I had to keep safe die, and over 100 get wounded and not come back.
I still don’t know if some of the wounded men made it or not. I was
never told before I came back home.”

CFTM-- “So it really was awful and as bad as some returning troops
have claimed?”

USA-- “It was like a long trip to hell that you knew you might return
from. Of course it is as bad as the soldiers say it is. Hell it’s even
worse if the truth has to come out. It’s a constant nightmare
trying to figure out where the guerillas are going to hit, how to keep
the civilians calm, and also getting enough water and food to eat. That
is one thing the media never really told the Americans about, how bad it
was when our convoys weren’t getting through. We had to go to some Iraqi
people and trade socks and underwear for some food and a little water.”

CFTM-- “You really did get that desperate because I saw it in the
foreign media that the Iraqi civilians had stepped in and fed a whole
bunch of troops that had been days without food.”

USA-- -“Yeah, that ain’t no joke about getting help from the civilians
right after the invasion. We had a pretty good laugh about that and how
the army owed them some money for reimbursement. We would not have
starved probably, but when we got the food from the people it made sure
we could still operate as a functioning unit. It was a near thing that
several guys almost died of dehydration because we ran out of clean
water for a few days.”

CFTM-- “Just keep going, I want to hear more about the hardships the
military and Bush made you go through. I want the American people to
know what a nightmare this war has become and what it’s doing to our
service men over there.”

USA-- “Okay, well I can ***** about the problems like food being short
and water going bad, but I want to tell people about how bad the attacks
on US and coalition forces have gotten in the last month. In the last
two weeks I was there we were attacked at least 20 times a day if you
count all the shots we heard from random sniper or opportunity attacks.
We were losing at least five men a day to injuries and there was at
least one of our unit killed every twenty four hours.”

CFTM-- -“So you were getting one a day killed and at least five
injured? Did you know many of the guys killed?”

USA-- -“That’s a real dumb question to ask me. You know what
my rank is, of course I knew them, I was the head NCO for years in our
unit. I knew most of the guys who died and I held a lot of hands as they
were dying. You tell me that’s not gonna to give you nightmares!”

“I had one guy tell me all he wanted was to see his little daughter;
she was born three days after the war started. He died in the sand
holding my hand and crying because his daughter would never know him.
Tell me that’s right. Where was George Bush when this kid was
gasping for air and spitting his blood on foreign soil?”

CFTM-- -“I talked to you about this the other day. Do you think George
Bush is the wrong man to order troops into battle when he ducked it

USA-- -“That asshole went AWOL and never showed up for duty and then
he has the nerve to take us into two different wars that will be going
on for years. I do not believe he should be president of this country,
he’s a complete idiot and he’s controlled by madmen with a drive for
only profits and getting oil.”

CFTM-- -“I just have to get this straight for the public, you are well
educated are you not? I mean you have had years of leadership training
and schools right? You sound very well informed and aware of the current
lies and manipulations, which I have not found in some other soldiers.”

USA-- -“I have a four year degree in the economics field and I am not
a soldier all the time. I am Reservist who just keeps getting caught on
long duty assignments. Believe it or not I read authors like Noam
Chomsky, Gore Vidal, and Jim Hightower, and went through three copies of
‘Stupid White Men’ by Michael Moore while I was over there. I let people
read parts of Mike’s book and they were irate that Bush had screwed us
so hard. I had parts of ‘Best Democracy Money Can Buy’ mailed to me
because I knew if I had the whole book it would get stolen in a

CFTM-- -“So you might be quite a bit more aware and well informed
about the real reasons for the war that others did not know. I don’t
know of many line soldiers reading Greg Palast or Noam Chomsky.”

USA-- -“I guess you’re right and that might be why I am trying to
speak out and let the Americans know that they are sending us to be
slaughtered. If you don’t mind I am going to cut through all the
niceties and get down to why I am going against every oath I took and
giving you this interview. I am doing it for the guys still over there
and for the ones who are going. If I’m not careful I’ll end up back
there for another six months.”

CFTM-- -“Alright tell me what it was really like and don’t skip the
gory details. I want people to be shocked and offended enough to realize
why you spoke out and what it is doing to our military by sending them
over there with blind flag waving and cheers of false victory”

USA-- -“Well the first thing I would like to thank Bush, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, and Congress for is that nice huge cut they made to Veterans
Benefits as soon as the war started. I am in the Reserves after years of
active duty and now I cannot get PTSD counseling or many medical
benefits I used to take for granted. I knew I would have the benefits
because I was laying my life down for my country. Now my benefits are
cut by around 2/3 and I have to go to either group therapy or pay for a
private counselor out of my own pocket. What happens when someone like
me has been through enormous battle stress and combat fatigue and then
comes home to no counseling?”

“I’ll tell you what is going to happen, he will either kill himself or
take a bunch of people with him. Some of the guys coming back are going
to have gone through the worst time of their lives with their buddies
dying and getting hurt, and then they’ll find out they got screwed out
of any counseling. It is the greatest disservice America is committing
against soldiers who fought for this country and may come back wounded
or horribly scarred. Medical services, school aid to dependents, school
aid for the vets, all slashed to the bare bones; mental health and drug
and alcohol counseling are being eliminated or the waiting lists will be
years long for whatever services manage to survive.”

“That is one thing the American people still have not really caught on
to is the fact that while they were screaming out ‘Support Our Troops’
the current regime makers were the military and veterans out of
almost every social program and non essential service that would make
life easier.”

“Bush really fu..ked us while we were gone. We found out about after
being in the middle of heavy fighting for several weeks. It was one of
the first things I read in Stars and Stripes, and I thought it was a
joke because it was just to hard to believe Congress and our leaders
would screw us that bad while we were fighting and dying.”

CFTM-- -“Glad you brought that up about counseling because I wasn’t
even aware of it. Are you alright to talk about some of the civilian
casualties you witnessed and some of the horrifying images you told me
about when we first started talking?”

USA-- -“I want to talk about some of the children I saw killed for no
reason, maybe it will wake someone up who doesn’t believe it was
happening, or that it was very bad. I can tell you I will never forget
the screams of the wounded or orphaned kids, or the wailing of the
parents who lost their kids. The Iraqis and most Muslims have a very
vocal way of mourning the dead by lamenting and wailing for the dead.
There is no mistaking a mother or father crying out in pain for the loss
of a child. They don’t cry like that unless there has been a death.
Sometimes after a bombing raid or an artillery attack you could here
hundreds of people wiling and weeping.”

“I have several grown children with grand kids about the age of most
of the dead children I saw in Iraq. I also have several kids who are
about half grown and I saw a lot of Iraqi children that age wandering
around in charge of three or four little ones because their parents were

“Let me tell you about the cluster bomb raid we saw wipe out a whole
bunch of little kids. It looked like they had already lost their parents
and were trying to salvage food from a destroyed Iraqi convoy by the
side of the road we were on. The kids were way off to the side about
half a mile away by then when we got the word that the Iraqi column was
going to be hit with cluster bombs and we had to clear the area. We got
on the radio and tried to get the air strike stopped but we were told it
was too late to get it stopped.”

“We could see the body parts flying up into the air after the bombs
hit. It was terrible and we could not do a damn thing but watch it
happen and scream into the radio at the dumb sh.t pilot that was
dropping the bombs. After the strike was over we went to see if there
were any survivors and all we found was bits and pieces of little kids
and here and there an arm or leg you could still identify.”

CFTM-- -“Pretty rough stuff to have to see. Did that kind of thing
happen a lot?”

USA-- -“More than you can imagine until you’ve seen it over and over
again. Man I don’t want to talk about this sh.t anymore. It doesn’t help
to talk about it because it just makes me think about it again. I can’t
even get any counseling without having to pay for it.”

“Let all those people who support our troops in on that nice surprise
that Bush gave us. That’s how much we really mean to Bush, the
Department of Defense and all those other stupid assholes who keep
saying how good we’re doing over there. Let those patriotic morons go
and fight and die for our country. Let them leave their families behind
for months and maybe come back home in a box. I’ll be the first one to
salute them or honor them when they die.”

“It’s just like Nam was in the beginning. I was twelve when my dad got
back and I’ll never forget the pain and agony he lived with the rest of
his life. Its kind of what I feel now, I suppose. I never thought I
would ever serve in some stuff that’s so much like Nam it isn’t funny.
Now I really see what my pop went through, and if I could I would go
back in the past a few months, I would go AWOL or turn conscientious
objector on them, but it’s too late for that now.”

“I damn sure will not go back over there even if they throw me in
Leavenworth. I never could understand how a guy could be a conscientious
objector until what I just went through. I wish more guys would stand up
and tell Bush and the Pentagon they will not fight their war for oil. We
should not have to die for these rich bastards profits and enrichment.”

CFTM-- -“Thank you for taking the risk and talking to me. I know there
will be other soldiers who can’t speak out who will thank you for having
the courage.”

USA-- -“It isn’t about courage it’s a matter of what’s right. This war
is killing the poor or middle class American men and women who went in
the armed forces to have college or some kind of better future. You
don’t see the rich kids joining up or any Senator’s kid dying in Iraq.
It’s us little guys who are dying over there or getting disabled for
life. Where are the leaders that are supposed to be looking out for the
little man? They are elected to look after out interests not the
interests of Cheney and Halliburton, or any of the rest of the fat cats
piling up the profits while the blood of our soldiers flows over their

CFTM-- -“Anything else you want to say to America? Any final thoughts
or words?”

USA-- -“Yeah! Wake up America! Your sons and daughters are dying for
nothing! This war is not about freedom or stopping terrorism. Bring us
home now! We are dying for oil and corporate greed!”

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 10:21 PM
people wanted to see me .... So here i am good luck finding me.

Special Division Spec Ops Mi

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 10:04 PM
Hey Doc you got a picture or do you always hide behind Kanji letters all

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 08:43 PM


Signs Editorial:
Bush Reveals Real Iraq Policy: Mass Slaughter Of Iraq Civilians
Joe Quinn
Signs of the Times

I used to have a little sympathy for those people who were still sitting
on the fence over the justness of the Iraq invasion. I understood that
the US government and mainstream media talking heads made an effort to
imbue their official claims with a semblance of logic and reason, and
that the American public could, to some extent, be forgiven for
sanctioning illegal war and suffering. They were, after all being

Not anymore.

It seems that the years of government double-speak and subtle
manipulation have led the Bush administration to feel confident that the
ability of the average American to think critically has now been
compromised to such an extent that they will easily swallow blatant and
verifiable fantasy.

The Iraq invasion, we were told, was all about protecting the world
against the threat of Saddam's WMDs, yet it was a claim that was
inherently flawed because the logical response was to attempt to prove
or disprove it - either Saddam had WMDs or he didn't. As we all found
out too late, the claim was little more than the product of the minds of
American and British spin doctors. A few more hours in the spin room
however, and they were back on track, but the back-room boys had learned
their lesson, they weren't going to make the mistake of throwing around
allegations that were based on something as empirical, and therefore
provable or disprovable, as the existence or otherwise of WMDs. This
time, it was going to be something much more intangible, like the needs
of the Iraqi people and how much happier they (and the rest of the
world) would be under American style democracy and without the 'tyrant'

This second claim had the potential to fool the American people at least
a little longer than the first, appealing as it did to their
artificially pumped egos as well as their morbid fear of the unknown
i.e. anything outside America's borders. After all, look at how happy
the American people are! But really look, not at the details, but the
broad panacea of American life, such as it is displayed in Hollywood
movies for but one example. Who would not wish such hedonistic revelry
for the whole world? In the end however, it seems that the true
intention of the Bush cabal towards Iraq is, in its nature, so depraved
and far-removed from their claimed altruism, that its face was never
going to take long to manifest.

That face today is seen in:

the fact that 655,000 Iraqi people have been murdered since the
beginning of the invasion, at least 50% by US forces directly.

that 1.6 million Iraqis have fled the country as a result of the
presence of US troops.

that Iraq's health service has disintegrated, with even the most basic
treatments unavailable, and that up to half of the aforementioned
655,000 deaths might have been avoided if proper medical care had been
available. 2,000 doctors and nurses have been killed with 18,000 more
choosing to leave the country in fear of their lives.

the 'Iraqization' of the conflict, where US-sponsored deaths squads
being run out of the Iraqi interior ministry are murdering dozens of
innocent Iraqi civilians daily in an attempt to twist the root cause of
Iraq's problems - the invasion of a sovereign nation by a foreign
aggressor - and create the appearance of an internal 'sectarian'
conflict between rival Iraqi ethnic and religious factions, when no such
serious sectarian strife has ever existed in recent Iraqi history.

the chilling report that the Bush government and its generals are
planning to "penalize Iraq if it fails to stop the violence", violence
for which the Bush government itself is responsible.

Under this last, the US military would launch an assault on the densely
populated neighborhoods of Baghdad, beginning with Sadr City, the home
of some 2 million impoverished Shia and the stronghold of the
anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army militia, that
is, one of the groups representing the will of the Iraqi people.

In layman's terms, this means that the Bush government has decided that
to "win the Iraq war" and "liberate the Iraqi people", it must wage a
wholesale war on the Iraqi people in order to coerce them to accept US
government rule over their country and lives. Those that submit will
live, those that do not, will die. It couldn't be more simple. Iraq has
been destroyed, not liberated.

Here, of course, we are a long way from what "folks back home" believe
is being done by their government in their name. Yet there is no real
reason that such should be the case, because all of the information I
present here is freely available in mainstream publications to the
American and 'Western' populations. If there is one thing lacking, some
piece of data that is preventing many people from fully awakening to the
horror and brutality that is being wrought by their (un)elected
officials, then it is perhaps the hard evidence that not all human
beings are like you and I - not all human beings possess an innate
tendency towards the rejection of mass murder of the innocent. Some of
them actively engage in acts of depravity, and seek out positions of
power from which they can give vent to their deviant natures with

Remembering all I have just said, can you think of anyone, or any group,
that fits this profile?

Take your time.

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 08:31 PM
Welcome to My home State NYC NYc New York!!!!! bababa dada dada Start
spreading the news... i got to share a part of it all .. Neww York New

ShadowEagle's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:14 PM
Four Nuns

Four nuns were standing in line at the gates of heaven. Peter asks the
first if she has ever sinned. "Well, once I looked at a man's penis,"
she said.
"Put some of this holy water on your eyes and you may enter heaven,"
Peter told her.

Peter then asked the second nun if she had ever sinned. "Well, once I
held a man's penis," she replied.

"Put your hand in this holy water and you may enter heaven," he said.

Just then the fourth nun pushed ahead of the third nun. Peter asked her,
"Why did you push ahead in line?"

She said, "Because I want to gargle before she sits in it!"

ShadowEagle's photo
Thu 04/12/07 10:18 PM
Redhead and the Pastor

A male pastor walked into a neighborhood pub to use the restroom.
The place was hopping with music and dancing, until people saw the

As the room quieted down he walked up to the redhead bartender, and
asked her,

"May I please use the restroom?"

The redhead replied, "I really don't think you should."

"Why not?" the pastor asked. "I really need to use a restroom!"

"Well, I don't think you should. There is a statue of a naked woman in
there and she's only covered by a fig leaf!"

"Nonsense," said the pastor, "I'll look the other way!"

So, the bartender showed the clergyman the door at the top of the
stairs, and he proceeded to the restroom.

After a few minutes, he came back out, and the whole place was hopping
with music and dancing again! He went to the bartender and said, "Miss,
I, don't understand. When I came in here, the place was hopping with
music and dancing. Then the room became absolutely quiet. I went to the
restroom, and now the place is hopping again."

"Well, now you're one of us!" said the redhead. "Would you like a drink

"But, I still don't understand," said the puzzled pastor.

"You see," laughed the redhead, "every time the fig leaf is lifted on
the statue, the lights go out in the whole place. Now, how about that

ShadowEagle's photo
Thu 04/12/07 10:17 PM
3 nun's Meet St.Peter's

There was three nuns who died and went to purgatory(between heaven and
hell). Then ST. Peter went up to them and said, "before any of you can
enter heaven you must answer one question".

So ST. Peter went to the first nun and asked, "how long did it take for
God to create the world?" the nun replied, "seven days". So there was
bells ringing and fireworks, and ST. Peter said, "you may now enter

Then ST. Peter ask the second nun, "who were the first man and woman"?
the nun replied, "Adam & Eve". so there was bells ringing and fireworks,
and ST. Peter said, "you may now enter heaven".

Then he asked the third nun, "what was the first thing that Eve said to
Adam?" and the nun said, "oh my that's really hard", then there was
bells ringing and fireworks.


The Atheist

A very religious man lived right next door to an atheist. While the
religious one prayed day in, day out, and was constantly on his knees in
communion with his Lord, the atheist never even looked twice at a
church. However, the atheist's life was good, he had a well-paying job
and a beautiful wife, and his children were healthy and good-natured,
whereas the pious man's job was strenuous and his wages were low, his
wife was getting fatter every day and his kids wouldn't give him the
time of the day. So one day, deep in prayer as usual, he raised his eyes
towards heaven and asked: "Oh God, I honor you every day, I ask your
advice for every problem and confess to you my every sin. Yet my
neighbour, who doesn't even believe in you and certainly never prays,
seems blessed with every happiness, while I go poor and suffer many an
indignity. Why is this?" And a great voice was heard from above: "B E C
A U S E H E D O E S N ' T B O T H E R M E A L L T H E T I M E !"

Lawyers in Heaven

It seems that a devout, good couple was about to get married, but a
tragic car accident ended their lives.
When they got to heaven, they asked St. Peter if he could arrange for
them to be married, saying that it was what they had hoped for in life,
and they still desired wedded union. He thought about it and agreed, but
said they would have to wait.

It was almost one hundred years later when St. Peter sent for them. They
were married in a simple ceremony.

So things went on, for thirty years or so, but they determined, in this
time, that eternity was best not spent together.

They went back to St. Peter, and said, "We thought we would be happy
forever, but now we believe that we have irreconcilable differences. Is
there any way we can get divorced?"

"Are you kidding?" said St. Peter. "It took me a hundred years to get a
priest up here to marry you. I'll never get a lawyer!"

Four Nuns

Four nuns were standing in line at the gates of heaven. Peter asks the
first if she has ever sinned. "Well, once I looked at a man's penis,"
she said.
"Put some of this holy water on your eyes and you may enter heaven,"
Peter told her.

Peter then asked the second nun if she had ever sinned. "Well, once I
held a man's penis," she replied.

"Put your hand in this holy water and you may enter heaven," he said.

Just then the fourth nun pushed ahead of the third nun. Peter asked her,
"Why did you push ahead in line?"

She said, "Because I want to gargle before she sits in it!"


Two Nuns Painting

The head nun told 2 nuns too repaint the nun living quarters but they
would be in deep trouble if they got any paint on their robes.

so nun 1 thought "hey why don't we take all our clothes off and paint
and we won't get in trouble because our robes won't be soiled"

nun 2 said "great" so they started painting and nun 2 made sure the door
was locked so no one came in.

then there was a knock on the door.

nun 2 said "who is it??"

someone answered "blind man"

nun 1 said " it's a blind man let him in he won't see us"

so nun 2 unlocked the door and the man goes, "oh you've got really nice
boobs, anyway i'm here to fix the blinds"!!!!

Religious Family

A 15 year old boy went into the pharmacy to purchase some condoms. He
began looking at the packages, but wasn't sure what size to get so he
asked the pharmacist. The pharmicist got him the right size.

Later that night before dinner at his girlfriend's house her dad said a
rather lengthy prayer. When he was done the kid kept staring down at his
plate. After dinner when the couple was leaving, his girlfriend said, "
Gee, I didn't know you were so religious!"

The boy said, "And I didn't know your dad was a pharmacist!"

God's Holidays
A friend asks God where he's going on holiday this year and God replies,
"Certainly not earth again. I went there about 2 millenia ago, got some
girl pregnant - they haven't stopped talking about it since!"

God and his children
Whenever your kids are out of control, you can take comfort from the
thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to his kids.
After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve.

And the first thing God said to them was: "Don't."

"Don't what?" Adam asked.

"Don't eat the forbidden fruit," said God.

"Forbidden fruit? Really? Where is it?" Adam and Eve both asked, jumping
up and down excitedly.

"It's over there," said God, wondering why he hadn't stopped after
making the elephants.

A few minutes later, God saw the kids having an apple break, and he was
very angry.

"Didn't I tell you not to eat that fruit?" the first parent asked.

"Uh-huh", replied Adam.

"Then why did you do it?" God asked exasperatedly.

"I dunno," Adam answered.

GOD'S PUNISHMENT was that Adam and Eve should have children of their

Thus, the pattern was set, and it has never changed. But there is a
reassurance in this story. If you have persistently and lovingly tried
to give your children wisdom, and they haven't taken it, don't be so
hard on yourself.

If GOD had trouble handling his children, what makes you think it should
be a piece of cake for YOU???


God Meets a Hippie
A hippie dies and goes to the Pearly Gates. St. Peter looks him up, and
says, "I'm sorry, but you'll be going down to Hell." The hippie,
astounded, peers through the gates and sees God walking in the distance.
"God!" he says. "What gives? Remember that time I was tripping on acid?
I saw you, and you said we'd be in Heaven together forever!"

God thought for a minute, then said, "Oh yeah, but I was drunk."

Devil's Fence

The fence between Heaven and Hell fell. The Lord asked the Devil to pay
half the cost of repair.The Devil refused, the Lord said He would sue.

The Devil said " Oh yeah, and where will you find a lawyer?

Devil on the car

Two nuns were driving along one day, when the devil suddenly appeared on
the bonnet / hood of the car.

Nun 1 : Oh Heavens ! What will we do ? How shall we get rid of him ?

Nun 2 : Hmm, I know, show him your cross.

Nun 1 : ( shouts ) GET OFF THE GOD DAMNED CAR !!!!!
