Topic: Pre approved Cheating
yashafox_F4X1's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:20 PM
People can do whatever they want. That's the freedom we're given. I think God's viewpoint doesn't change, though. And I don't mean to be judgemental. I think everyone on JSH is a great person and I know for a fact that God loves us all, no matter what we think or do. I, unfortunately, can tell you this from experience.

no photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:33 PM

I would say that "THEY" CAN'T REALLY BE IN-LOVE WITH EACH OTHER if thats what THEY want!

You can love more than one person I am sure. I see nothing wrong with a man having more than one wife or a woman having more than one husband. What about group marriage? It happens in other societies... africa. A man has three or four wives and many children. They think nothing of it. They love and take care of each other.

It depends on the society.

Well THERE'S the CAYCH,,,lol
WE as any Society together in life growing and sharing and learning as one.
WE the USA have long founded thoughts of traditons and values that our on grand parents lived and done....SO, WE carry on the values that WE (THINK) feel are good or with-in moral values we RESPECT.
Other countries I HAVE NOT GROWN UP IN, to judge their lives there.
People have let them selves become so confused over what they do or want or think ,,,that MANY have become lost in even really knowing WHAT THEY SHOULD DO or BE or ACT?
Thus, Bi-sexuals, the term is easy to say but to explain what THEY feel???
I have no idea.
To like BOTH sexes is to WHAT??
Right or wrong?
Man should not mate with man, nor women with women...
THAT STATEMENT has been written for decades, but yet WE as a Society of free spirited individuals have found it something that needed to be changed< why...

Why don't we just throw away ANY and ALL morals and values and just live naked and in communes and sleep with everyone and anyone whenever we want to?

You said you can't understand WHY people LOOK or JUDGE others for their ways or lifes values,,,,
Because w/o all of US keeping each other in SOME FORM of equals WE would be at a loss as a working society of contenued growth.
WE would have massive murders and rapes and children attacked the old killed and the youth ruled...and a place where I for one would weather die than to live in..
So WE are TAUGHT and RAISED to LIVE as MOST people have through generations...:heart:

Was that to deep???? lolbigsmile :wink:

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:49 PM

I would say that "THEY" CAN'T REALLY BE IN-LOVE WITH EACH OTHER if thats what THEY want!

You can love more than one person I am sure. I see nothing wrong with a man having more than one wife or a woman having more than one husband. What about group marriage? It happens in other societies... africa. A man has three or four wives and many children. They think nothing of it. They love and take care of each other.

It depends on the society.

Well THERE'S the CAYCH,,,lol
WE as any Society together in life growing and sharing and learning as one.
WE the USA have long founded thoughts of traditons and values that our on grand parents lived and done....SO, WE carry on the values that WE (THINK) feel are good or with-in moral values we RESPECT.
Other countries I HAVE NOT GROWN UP IN, to judge their lives there.
People have let them selves become so confused over what they do or want or think ,,,that MANY have become lost in even really knowing WHAT THEY SHOULD DO or BE or ACT?
Thus, Bi-sexuals, the term is easy to say but to explain what THEY feel???
I have no idea.
To like BOTH sexes is to WHAT??
Right or wrong?
Man should not mate with man, nor women with women...
THAT STATEMENT has been written for decades, but yet WE as a Society of free spirited individuals have found it something that needed to be changed< why...

Why don't we just throw away ANY and ALL morals and values and just live naked and in communes and sleep with everyone and anyone whenever we want to?

You said you can't understand WHY people LOOK or JUDGE others for their ways or lifes values,,,,
Because w/o all of US keeping each other in SOME FORM of equals WE would be at a loss as a working society of contenued growth.
WE would have massive murders and rapes and children attacked the old killed and the youth ruled...and a place where I for one would weather die than to live in..
So WE are TAUGHT and RAISED to LIVE as MOST people have through generations...:heart:

Was that to deep???? lolbigsmile :wink:

accepting people who are different from you and don't hurt anyone is going to lead to rape and murder?

Wow. Who knew?

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:50 PM
terry, i personally feel a bisexual is one who loves MORE truly...because they love a person for WHO they are and not what sex.

i've been in open relationships, and they don't bother me a bit. i'm not in the least long as there is honesty, i'm happy.

not sure i could do that in a marriage, though...

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:50 PM

People can do whatever they want. That's the freedom we're given. I think God's viewpoint doesn't change, though. And I don't mean to be judgemental. I think everyone on JSH is a great person and I know for a fact that God loves us all, no matter what we think or do. I, unfortunately, can tell you this from experience.

I respect you for holding your beliefs so dear to you and for living by them. It just is not fair to expect everyone else to live by your beliefs, and obviously, you don't.

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:53 PM
Bisexuals have twice as many chances for dates.

None of my instructors ever preapproved cheating.

DestinysDream's photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:00 PM
Part of love for me is the monogomous relationship.

I have never cheated. I will never cheat even with permision. Sex to me is something very special and intimate. It is the ultimate act of love I can give or receive. I will never destroy or lessen that beauty. Never.

If you are a swinger, that's fine for you but this is how I feel.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:02 PM

Part of love for me is the monogomous relationship.

I have never cheated. I will never cheat even with permision. Sex to me is something very special and intimate. It is the ultimate act of love I can give or receive. I will never destroy or lessen that beauty. Never.

If you are a swinger, that's fine for you but this is how I feel.

ah - that's fine for you - that is the key.

I agree with you for the most part. I don't want an open relationship; it wouldn't work for me.

but others- whatever floats their boat.

I think a lot of people feel the way you do, that is why the strong reactions. They just can't imagine it, I guess.

no photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:19 PM
accepting people who are different from you and don't hurt anyone is going to lead to rape and murder?

Wow. Who knew?

:heart: acceptance is just a matter of agreement in thoughts,
or to look over how you feel to an issue to show your ok with it.

With any CHANGE comes new problems, the murder I seen in that was living in that enviroment of OPEN THOUGHT and OPEN VALUES,
after years of it happening.

We now have two women raising their adopted boy, (or girl)
or two men raising their Girl(or boy)?
THAT has come about by CHANGE, personally I don't feel that a child grown in that family CAN look at the older values as THEIR WAY to live,,,because THEY were NOT raised in it, to even KNOW IT?

WE as a society KEEP trying to find SOMETHING ELSE....AS what WE ARE,,,because WE WANT to be DIFFERENT!
Not so much as its ANYTHING they really have a true LOVE for or ABOUT,,,,but just to put THEM in their own little spotlight for VIEWING... THEN,,,when someone speaks NEGITIVE to them of THEIR choices in living,,,THEY WANT to wonder WHY?
So THEY not others,,,THEY live to BRING THE EYES and minds INTO
THEIR LIVES,,,,its a fight in ones mind to always have if YOU don't like who you FEEL YOU ARE.
And anyone can live act do whatever they want to...BUT HEY,,,DON'T ASK OPINION and YOU will NEVER get one from me?

And OMG,,life will always keep going forward, but we have to LEARN from the wrongs and to try and show others what problems WE have seen and
You will live yours as you seem fit and I mine.
But to LOOK at a total change in the old style of family value,
is to lose the growing and learning EYES and MINDS of OUR future children to grow in a culture WE AS A SOCIETY have NOT WITNESSED YET??? So WE won't know until THEY ALL GROW and live and plan families...KIND-OF like lab rats except their children THAT ARE BEING PUT INTO THAT EXPERIMENT.????
So change will ALWAYS come with its own problems...and in 15 years you will know,,,I don't know if I'll still be here..
But debates about life and change,,,,it GOOD....ALWAYS..:heart:

no photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:39 PM
To like BOTH sexes is to WHAT??

Maybe they just like orgasms. laugh

starryeyed346's photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:54 PM

DestinysDream's photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:55 PM


LOL! Can you boil that down to a yes or no on this cheating thing? laugh laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:38 AM

marriage is so much more than just sex.

for those that are Christian, this set-up probably wouldn't work out...

for those that aren't, marriage is often a tying of financial selves wrapped up in friendship. a way to have and raise provide for them and each other...

some people have the man lead in a marriage...others have the woman do so...others have perfect partnerships. each of these is a valid set-up...

if an open relationship doesn't appeal to you, don't have one.

omg...someone FINALLY gets it. open relationships have a different mind set. just because YOU don't get it doesn't make it wrong. I've tried a 3some and it wasn't for me, but I'm not closed minded enough to think it's wrong for others.

cheating is DIFFERENT...hello mcfly

thanks lulu

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:41 AM
again...just because it's not for you or you don't understand it...doesn't mean it wrong.

not everyone thinks the same

i don't agree with what everyone does but that doesn't make it wrong.

if you don't like it..don't do it. plain and simple.

have your opinion and voice it but telling people it's flat out wrong is judgemental and unless you are 100% perfect then don't throw stones

Single_Rob's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:43 AM
I like chocolate cake

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:50 AM
is there anyone here that is perfect and without flaws or "sin"

didn't think so. let's be mature and not judge.

opinions are great and believing strongly in them is great but face it...not everyone has the same beliefs and i wouldn't want to live somewhere I couldn't have my own beliefs.

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 03/16/08 03:25 AM
each to there own and its not for me to judge another person for what they do or dont do...but on a personnel note after been raised in a loving family where my parents stuck together threw the good and bad, and seeing my mum been cared for by my dad in her last days...i want that kind of commitment on all levels..otherwise its not worth the bother to me

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/16/08 03:26 AM

each to there own and its not for me to judge another person for what they do or dont do...but on a personnel note after been raised in a loving family where my parents stuck together threw the good and bad, and seeing my mum been cared for by my dad in her last days...i want that kind of commitment on all levels..otherwise its not worth the bother to me

I agree with you and that's what I want. my whole point is not to say others are wrong for their beliefs

turtle poop btw laugh

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 03/16/08 03:30 AM
lol turtle poop humperdinkel..or was it hinkderikle or hander...oh i give up lollaugh laugh laugh :tongue:

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/16/08 03:30 AM

lol turtle poop humperdinkel..or was it hinkderikle or hander...oh i give up lollaugh laugh laugh :tongue:

laugh i can't remember and can't find the thread now