Topic: Pre approved Cheating
FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:48 PM
Why not just skip marriage alltogether, it is a ideaology that fails in every aspect. True love is true love, leave it alone and don't bring paper into it.

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:51 PM

Ladies, it was a lighthearted statement......I do actually know the difference between cheating and "open marriages". I am a PSO, fo Pete's sake. I hear things that would knock your socks off. Open marriage may not but cheating, however it really shouldn't even be considered a marriage, either. It makes marriage a meaningless committment. Save marriage for those who want to committ only to one person.....foresaking all others 'til death do them part. If you can't call gay unions a marriage, you shouldn't call "open marriages" a marriage. Doing so makes makes that marriage an abomination. Why don't they rename open marriages " revolving door unions" ?huh huh huh huh

What is a PSO?

I personally would not do it but I think it should be up to every couple to define marriage. I would actually call a gay union a marriage as well. I just think that people should have the freedom to define their own lives in a way that works for them. If two people love each other and both have an adventurous nature, I don't see anything wrong with them indulging their appetites as long as no one gets hurt. different strokes for different folks, I say.

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:52 PM

Why not just skip marriage alltogether, it is a ideaology that fails in every aspect. True love is true love, leave it alone and don't bring paper into it.

really it is because of things like health insurance and taxes and property rights..that is the main reason to legally marry.

Plus some people love that big party.

lily38's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:52 PM
If people honored the sacrement of marriage as it was intended, in its purest form, there'd be no need to discuss abolishing marriage altogether. The "revolvers" and cheaters, liars, abusers......they are the factors that make marriage a useless waste of paper.

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:54 PM

If people honored the sacrement of marriage as it was intended, in its purest form, there'd be no need to discuss abolishing marriage altogether. The "revolvers" and cheaters, liars, abusers......they are the factors that make marriage a useless waste of paper.

Ok - I am not a religious person so to me, marriage is more of a legal contract than a sacrament. It is more about taxes and property and stuff.

You don't need marriage for anything else, really. You can have sex, kids, whatever without ever getting married. But health insurance - no way!

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:55 PM

If people honored the sacrement of marriage as it was intended, in its purest form, there'd be no need to discuss abolishing marriage altogether. The "revolvers" and cheaters, liars, abusers......they are the factors that make marriage a useless waste of paper.

I didn't say abolish it. I was just stating my opinion on the matter, I personally don't believe it works in more than one way. Marriage leads to arguments over petty things and eventual offspring that will be around this, in order for it to work it would have to be free of any paper at all. In my eye's there is no reason to have to buy a ring to show my "love" for another person, I figure if the intent is behind the words there is absolutely no reason to "prove" it to you or anyone else.

lily38's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:08 PM
I have lived in sin, been married, had children out of wedlock...I have lived a non-traditional, non-religious life for the most part. I even have sex from time to time, just to prevent the build-up of cobwebs. However, I leave indiscriminant sex, consentual sex behind when I take my maritial vows......otherwise, getting married would be a joke....

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:10 PM

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:11 PM

I have lived in sin, been married, had children out of wedlock...I have lived a non-traditional, non-religious life for the most part. I even have sex from time to time, just to prevent the build-up of cobwebs. However, I leave indiscriminant sex, consentual sex behind when I take my maritial vows......otherwise, getting married would be a joke....

all I am saying is that it depends what you promise. Some couples who love each other enjoy the excitement of another person in their bedroom sometimes. I don't think that should mean they have no right to be married. I don't see what the big deal is. Sex is sex. It means nothing. As long as you don't give your heart to anyone else I don't see what the problem is.

Like I said, I would not want this, but I know people who do and I don't judge them. I would certainly never tell them that their marriage is a joke. That's just mean.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:12 PM
**The thoughts and opinions of FearandLoathing are the property of Duane and are not necassarily shared by anyone else, or their dog for that matter**

Again it was my opinion.

lily38's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:15 PM
I remember the part in the maritail vows that say, "foresaking all others".......but, hey, if you want to write your own to include "foresaking all others except those we choose to indulge in open sex with"...then, HEY!....Guess they're covered.

I can slow it down for you, Yellow, if you like.......:wink:

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:17 PM

I remember the part in the maritail vows that say, "foresaking all others".......but, hey, if you want to write your own to include "foresaking all others except those we choose to indulge in open sex with"...then, HEY!....Guess they're covered.

I can slow it down for you, Yellow, if you like.......:wink:

well, foresaking in terms of the heart, clearly. But if a husband and wife want to share a chick once in a while, who is to say anything. Who do they hurt? I guess I wonder why you care so much what other people do?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:18 PM

I remember the part in the maritail vows that say, "foresaking all others".......but, hey, if you want to write your own to include "foresaking all others except those we choose to indulge in open sex with"...then, HEY!....Guess they're covered.

I can slow it down for you, Yellow, if you like.......:wink:

and I have done what to you?

all I have said is don't judge and condemn just because you beliefs don't agree with others. everyone has a right to their opinions just like you do

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:20 PM

I remember the part in the maritail vows that say, "foresaking all others".......but, hey, if you want to write your own to include "foresaking all others except those we choose to indulge in open sex with"...then, HEY!....Guess they're covered.

I can slow it down for you, Yellow, if you like.......:wink:

and I have done what to you?

all I have said is don't judge and condemn just because you beliefs don't agree with others. everyone has a right to their opinions just like you do

see, here's the thing - I thought adults had the right to do as they see fit in their own bedrooms. As long as they don't hurt anyone, why do people care?

I get confused, rose!

lily38's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:21 PM
To each his own....just don't call it "marriage" it something else....that is what bothers me.......

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:21 PM

I remember the part in the maritail vows that say, "foresaking all others".......but, hey, if you want to write your own to include "foresaking all others except those we choose to indulge in open sex with"...then, HEY!....Guess they're covered.

I can slow it down for you, Yellow, if you like.......:wink:

and I have done what to you?

all I have said is don't judge and condemn just because you beliefs don't agree with others. everyone has a right to their opinions just like you do

see, here's the thing - I thought adults had the right to do as they see fit in their own bedrooms. As long as they don't hurt anyone, why do people care?

I get confused, rose!

i thought that too but i guess not. am i still in america?

not sure what i did to her but oh well ohwell

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:23 PM

To each his own....just don't call it "marriage" it something else....that is what bothers me.......

well...then YOU don't call it a marriage. that's your choice. everyone else has a right to call it what they want. but it's not to each his own from what you are saying. you have a right to your opinion and others have a right to theirs

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:28 PM

To each his own....just don't call it "marriage" it something else....that is what bothers me.......

I think that is what the license says, It is a legal concept, not a religious one.

lily38's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:28 PM
I am trying to simplify what I am saying, but it is proving futile.........Do whatever you want....go climb in a big pile and drizzle honey over your bad selves....just don't call it a "holy union of open love".....don't confuse f*cking with committment and right to expression of "free love". Save it for Woodstock. Let marriage be what it was intended, and how. Let those of us who still believe in the sanctity of marriage be able to retain it as it is intended.....

hikerchick's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:29 PM
Rose, if I ever get married again, I am giving you to my husband for Valentine's Day!