Topic: Simple Abortion Question
nadius's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:21 PM

I find it interesting
that the same people
who would try a woman
for murder if she has
an abortion have no
problem sending a
19-year-old kid over
to Iraq to die.

Show me where I have ever mentioned any views at all on a on a war that we were all lied to about.

KerryO's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:23 PM

We live in a country full of double standards. Pro-Choice, yeah right. What suprises me is how many people support the womans right to murder a child while at the same time being completely against enforcing the death penalty on convicted murders. The only light I can see at the end of this tunnel is that every time the supreme court has to see an abortion case before it, abortion gets one step closer to being illegal. And when that happens and it will one day, then those that continue to have abortions can be tryed as the murders they are.

Well sir, I see according to your profile that you smoke. Did you know that if you father a child, it runs a much greater risk of spontaneous aborting? Are we to assume that your support of justice for an embryo would extend to the unborn being able to have the government sue you on their behalf for negligence that allowed harm to come it?

And if you did convict a woman of murder for having an abortion, do you favor the death penalty for her? Would you yourself like to throw the switch?

-Kerry O.

First, let me say to you that while my ex was pregnant I didn't smoke, for the same reasons that you decide to outline. It does cause health risks to an unborn child. I, unlike these Pro-Choice or Abortion addvicates, took responsibility for MY actions and the possible risk to OUR son.

Wrong. Read it again-- your smoking _before_ conception rolls the dice _against_ the embryo/fetus. Forgetting the spontaneous abortion issue vis-a-vis smoking, for someone like yourself who engages in risky behaviour that you know from decades of research _is_ risky behaviour to then preach absolutionist personal responsibility is engaging in the same game of double standards you decry.

Second, If the laws on abortion are changed and it IS made illegal, than I WOULD be more than happy to throw the switch.

I'm not surprised. But let's really go for broke-- would you even go as far to say 'an eye for an eye' and have the woman publically drawn and quartered for undergoing an illegal D&C?

Woman as well as men have to take the responsibility for their actions. I've read comments about women not having control of a mans penis, this true. They do however have the same right as a man to say no, to keep their clothes on and their legs shut, or be willing to accept the responsibilities of their actions. To me it is no different than a man walking into a drug store and killing the clerk. We would expect that man to take responsiblity and punishment for his actions, would we not?

No, because non-procreational sex with the expectation that the contraception is not going to fail is not the same as someone walking into a liquor store with a gun. And because this particular facet of reality holds no 'shadow' for you in that your body is never going to go through pregnancy, with all its attendant risks, it's far to easy for you to take the Puritan role. One thing is for sure, YOU will never die from complications from childbirth.

You might want to keep that in mind before vicariously throwing the proverbial switch.

-Kerry O.

mnhiker's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:23 PM
If you are a conservative
and are against this war,
then you are the exception
rather than the rule.

nadius's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:39 PM
Edited by nadius on Sat 01/26/08 08:58 PM
Here is what I believe,

That we have a right to know when were are getting screwed and why?

That we should take resopnsibilities for our actions.

That some of us will believe anything they are told(KerryO).

That abortion is an option out of taking responsibilities for our actions.

That if we convict someone beyond a reasonable doubt, by a jury of their peers, to die that we should get r' done.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:52 PM
Can any one else hear the 'Battle hymn of the Republic"?laugh

nadius's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:56 PM

Can any one else hear the 'Battle hymn of the Republic"?laugh

I can go on and on.laugh

nuenjins's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:18 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure?

Maybe you choose poorly? I'm in my kids lives everyday and I'm not married to or dating their mother. Generalizations are generally false.

You are right, generalization are generally false so stop making them for potential mothers who decide not to have a baby.

NOT to have a baby. You mean kill an existing one. Makes it easier when you can't hear him or her scream in terror and pain doesn't it? drinker


Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:24 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure?

Maybe you choose poorly? I'm in my kids lives everyday and I'm not married to or dating their mother. Generalizations are generally false.

You are right, generalization are generally false so stop making them for potential mothers who decide not to have a baby.

NOT to have a baby. You mean kill an existing one. Makes it easier when you can't hear him or her scream in terror and pain doesn't it? drinker



LauraLynn08's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:26 PM

Mental and physical reprocusions to an abortion. My ex aborted our first pregnancy at the request of her mother. To this day she has had no medical problems as a result, nor has she shown any remorse for the abortion. And yes we do talk all the time, in case your wondering. As far as child support goes it is the womans choice to bring it up in court, this is true. It is not her choice to prosecute him, that responsibility is taken by the state.

If the woman request for him to not be prosecuted, most of the time he will not be prosecuted. yes in some cases the state will take over, but it relies on the statement of the mother to an extent.

I am sorry that your child was aborted, and it is a shame that you have had to live with that for so long. I am truly sorry for that. But just because your ex did not have any does not mean that they don't exsist. Everyone is different, everyone handles things differently, every woman's body is different. Most of the women I know who have had them (4 total) have had severe emotional issues their whole lives, and one has terrible physical issues from it.

Abortion is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Again though it is not ours to make for everyone, only ourselves.

Chazster's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:26 PM

It was just an honest question! I keep hearing in the news about that marine who killed that woman who was pregnant and how he will be charged with double murder. Scott Peterson got it as well.

Logic doesn't add up.

There is no logic here????...........Lacy Peterson was about to have the baby, Connor was his name....would have lived outside of his mother's womb.........That is why it was double murder...

Well, the baby was not born yet and thus not a living human being. As long as the baby has not been born, in an abortionist standpoint, it is not a living human being. There are other pregnant women who have either been beaten or killed, very early in term, and the men were charged with murder/double murder as well.

How can an abortionist honestly say that the men should be charged with double murder when the child, in their eyes, isn't a living human being yet?

No, because even pro abortionists believe that there is a certain stage where you can no longer have an abortion. What you are trying to say is almost like saying if your mother had a C section that you were never actually born. If the baby is still in the womb but able to survive outside of it then I would believe it to be alive. There is a difference between a fetus.. which has organs and can actually move.. and pre-fetus when it is just a multitude of cells multiplying.

no photo
Sun 01/27/08 03:05 AM
Star Sailor ..... You made the statement that our court system gives out a double murder penalty to those who kill a pregnant woman. That is not always so .... it differs from state to state.

For example, do you remember the Ohio policeman Bobby Cutts who was charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend last year? The news reporter emphasized that the reason Cutts was being charged with double murder was because Ohio has an Unborn Victims' law. The TV journalist emphasized that not every state has that law. Therefore, in some states, the fetus/unborn baby is not considered a person and double murder does not apply.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:33 AM
It is still a woman's body regardless to your wanting to make it more. She has the choice. Once children can be carried and birthed by men then they to will know the joy and pain involved. Until then, a woman has a right to chose to bring a life into the world or not

You are absolutely right, a woman DOES have the right to choose wether or not to bring a child into this world. Here-in lies the misunderstanding. If the woman (or the man that will run away if the woman becomes pregnant) does not want to bring a baby into this world, then you should be CHOOSING to not have sex in the first place.

Pregnancy is the NATURAL result of sexual activity; it is what you have sex for.

Now, for those that will argue for the instance of rape, I am sorry, but in my opinion, it is simply another issue to bring against the rapist, although I can definitely understand and sympathise the resent and even hatred some might feel towards delivering the child.

And for those that argue for the case of imminent death for the mother, I am sorry, but you chose to have sex, then you need to be prepared for the consequences of that action.

About the ONLY time I can possibly think of condoning an abortion would be if it was able to be proven beyond a doubt, that the child would be born dead anyway.

But generally speaking, it all boils down to when the woman (or man) should be making their choice, which is BEFORE a pregnancy occurs, not after.

KerryO's photo
Sun 01/27/08 07:27 AM

Here is what I believe,

That we have a right to know when were are getting screwed and why?

That we should take resopnsibilities for our actions.

That some of us will believe anything they are told(KerryO).

That abortion is an option out of taking responsibilities for our actions.

That if we convict someone beyond a reasonable doubt, by a jury of their peers, to die that we should get r' done.

And if the DNA evidence absolutely exonerates them? BTW, thank science, a collective group of people who, like myself, _do_ question everything (your ad hominem attack aside) for discovering the principles that make the tools that enhance life possible.

They have a saying where I'm from: "Wish in one hand and poop in the other and see which fills up first." Given your extremist views and your inablility to defend them past ideology and a wish for revenge, I rather think the former is the more likely outcome for the form of frontier justice that you espouse becoming the law of the land.

And I don't think you're doing your cause any big favors by using a depiction of Uncle Sam and conflating it with sodomizing enemies. Saber-rattling is often a bluff that gets called, especially when you push someone up against a wall at the point of a sword.

-Kerry O.

DaveKoonce's photo
Sun 01/27/08 09:12 AM
Edited by DaveKoonce on Sun 01/27/08 09:13 AM
I have a question to add to your question. If someone kills the fetus or unborn child other than a doctor doing an abortion is it still murder? This assumes the pregnant woman lives thru some sort of assualt. If the answer is yes someone please explain to me when doctors became exempt to the law of the land. If the answer is no please explain how two counts of murder can be charged.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 09:32 AM
I think there is a lot
of inconsistency when
it comes to life-and-death
issues in this country.

I believe the medical
establishment makes
abortion seem like the
only option.

There are other options,
for instance, adoption.

Yet if a doctor, like
Dr. Kevorkian, helps
someone to die, it is
against the law.

If a woman is killed
by someone, she is
pregnant, and the
fetus dies, that
person can be charged
with double homicide.

A lot of Republicans
consider themselves
'pro-life', yet they
have no qualms sending
an 18 or 19-year old
kid to his death in Iraq.

I realize not all Republicans
may feel this way, yet this
is the majority thinking.

Be consistent. If you value
all life, you cannot be for one
and against the other.

LauraLynn08's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:25 PM

Pregnancy is the NATURAL result of sexual activity; it is what you have sex for.

Only if you abide by a Judeau (sp) Christian belief system.

Again here we go with pushing your value and belief system (I am speaking about the part that says "it is what you have sex for" so when you argue with me, it is clearly stated what i was refering to)

There are hundreds of other religions that sex is an act of love, not an act of pro-creation. It is seen as a right and a privledge and an honor, not a responsibility to populate the earth.

nadius's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:25 PM

Mental and physical reprocusions to an abortion. My ex aborted our first pregnancy at the request of her mother. To this day she has had no medical problems as a result, nor has she shown any remorse for the abortion. And yes we do talk all the time, in case your wondering. As far as child support goes it is the womans choice to bring it up in court, this is true. It is not her choice to prosecute him, that responsibility is taken by the state.

If the woman request for him to not be prosecuted, most of the time he will not be prosecuted. yes in some cases the state will take over, but it relies on the statement of the mother to an extent.

I am sorry that your child was aborted, and it is a shame that you have had to live with that for so long. I am truly sorry for that. But just because your ex did not have any does not mean that they don't exsist. Everyone is different, everyone handles things differently, every woman's body is different. Most of the women I know who have had them (4 total) have had severe emotional issues their whole lives, and one has terrible physical issues from it.

Abortion is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Again though it is not ours to make for everyone, only ourselves.

Thanx for the simpathy vote dear, but no thanx. I have no problem with dealing with my own demons.

LauraLynn08's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:32 PM

It is still a woman's body regardless to your wanting to make it more. She has the choice. Once children can be carried and birthed by men then they to will know the joy and pain involved. Until then, a woman has a right to chose to bring a life into the world or not

You are absolutely right, a woman DOES have the right to choose wether or not to bring a child into this world. Here-in lies the misunderstanding. If the woman (or the man that will run away if the woman becomes pregnant) does not want to bring a baby into this world, then you should be CHOOSING to not have sex in the first place.

Pregnancy is the NATURAL result of sexual activity; it is what you have sex for.

Now, for those that will argue for the instance of rape, I am sorry, but in my opinion, it is simply another issue to bring against the rapist, although I can definitely understand and sympathise the resent and even hatred some might feel towards delivering the child.

And for those that argue for the case of imminent death for the mother, I am sorry, but you chose to have sex, then you need to be prepared for the consequences of that action.

About the ONLY time I can possibly think of condoning an abortion would be if it was able to be proven beyond a doubt, that the child would be born dead anyway.

But generally speaking, it all boils down to when the woman (or man) should be making their choice, which is BEFORE a pregnancy occurs, not after.

So if a woman is raped she should raise the child? You won't even give her the morning after pill, which by the way most pregnancies happen 24-48 hours after sex and what the morning after pill does is prevent a pregnancy and not abort one, just so you all have your facts straight on this now.

These argument simply go back to my previous statements that again certain men have been emasculated and now want total control of women to get back at the woman who did them wrong.

It's a good thing people in congress don't listen to the ravings of lunatics.

LauraLynn08's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:42 PM

I have a question to add to your question. If someone kills the fetus or unborn child other than a doctor doing an abortion is it still murder? This assumes the pregnant woman lives thru some sort of assualt. If the answer is yes someone please explain to me when doctors became exempt to the law of the land. If the answer is no please explain how two counts of murder can be charged.

Because doctors that perform abortions don't randomly go around and randomly pick pregnant women to abort children from, papers are signed by the mother that she wants the proceedure.

There have been cases where pregnant women were abducted by women who couldn't have children and the baby was delivered by very barbaric tactics and the mother was dead and the baby was still alive. There was a case in Ravenna Ohio in about 1999 or 2000, the father got the baby back, however his wife was buried in a shallow grave. This is the oposite as what you were eluding to, but the same therory.

LauraLynn08's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:45 PM

Mental and physical reprocusions to an abortion. My ex aborted our first pregnancy at the request of her mother. To this day she has had no medical problems as a result, nor has she shown any remorse for the abortion. And yes we do talk all the time, in case your wondering. As far as child support goes it is the womans choice to bring it up in court, this is true. It is not her choice to prosecute him, that responsibility is taken by the state.

If the woman request for him to not be prosecuted, most of the time he will not be prosecuted. yes in some cases the state will take over, but it relies on the statement of the mother to an extent.

I am sorry that your child was aborted, and it is a shame that you have had to live with that for so long. I am truly sorry for that. But just because your ex did not have any does not mean that they don't exsist. Everyone is different, everyone handles things differently, every woman's body is different. Most of the women I know who have had them (4 total) have had severe emotional issues their whole lives, and one has terrible physical issues from it.

Abortion is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Again though it is not ours to make for everyone, only ourselves.

Thanx for the simpathy vote dear, but no thanx. I have no problem with dealing with my own demons.

Wow, I was sincere about that, it's ashame your anger envelopes you so.