Topic: Simple Abortion Question | |
some ignorant individuals call the fetus a parasite. it's just repugnant and nauseating to see some people who are "pro-choice". I call it "pro-death" and all of those who are in favor of it are complices of murder, and they should be judge as second degree murderers Some people those people, I sure hope to hell you, all god and judgement, have used condoms each and every time you have entered a vagina and if born to you all your children are scurrying around your feet cause if not, you are a hypocrit my friend and should keep it to yourself. I hope u r there to greet me at the entrance. |
some ignorant individuals call the fetus a parasite. it's just repugnant and nauseating to see some people who are "pro-choice". I call it "pro-death" and all of those who are in favor of it are complices of murder, and they should be judge as second degree murderers Wow, that's the most disturbingly judgmental thing I've read since I've been here. I've never gotten anyone pregnant, nor will I in the future. I have never been involved in any abortion scenario. But, because I'm pro-choice, I'm a murderer. Talk about repugnant and nauseating! Thanks for clearing that up. |
a little baby's life is at stake. The most indefense creature in the world. It's just not moral or ethic (I'm not even talking about christianity) I'm talking of fair simple human common sense.
That little baby don't even have a voice, and for whatever the reason the mother has, it's just not right to kill (I say it double KILL) a little baby regardless any condition which caused the impregnation. Nevertheless, there are many mitigating circumstances that can justify such atrocity, but never and never excuse it at all. |
They always try to use this crap here in the prolifers arena. Partial birth abortions are so rare that if this person saw one it was a chance in a million. Partial birth abortions are used only for cases where the mothers life is in danger. S So you can keep the propaganda bull crap. About 3,000 D&X (partial birth abortions) are performed a year. I have looked and never found a doctor say that there is any medical reason to perform a D&X. In fact, why not just take the kid out and put it in NICU? If the baby is already delivered, why does it need to be killed? How much safer is the mother after the scissors have been inserted into her child's brain? Sounds like a mafia hit, not a medical procedure. And the fact that it happens means that it isn't propaganda. A committee of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) thoroughly studied D&X procedures in 1996. They reported: "A select panel convened by ACOG could identify no circumstances under which this procedure...would be the only option to save the life or preserve the health of the woman." They also determined that "an intact D&X, however, may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman, and only the doctor, in consultation with the patient, based upon the woman's particular circumstances can make this decision." Their statement was approved by the ACOG executive board on 1997-JAN-12 As shown your statistics are way old. Partial birth abortions have been deemed not advantageous, except in extreme circumstances. But on every abortion debate site you will find this same horrid story of a partial birth abortion to make everyone think this is what happens in a first term abortion. I have not said once that the procedure is not horrid. Not once have I described the fetus as a parasite. I do not see it as a great option for a pregnant woman but the choice should be hers to make. Once having one, a woman will not go back for more, I can assure you of that. They have to watch a video of the procedure before having the procedure and take time to be sure. The clinics also give them other options to consider such as adoption. A woman walking into this clinic knows that she is pregnant and knows all about the possible life she may or may not bring into the world. It is not an easy choice for a woman. But you guys out there dipping the old stick in without protection are just as much to blame for the pregnancy. You will bail on the girl and say you can't get along with her and leave her with the child but it is still your responsibility if you did not wear protection during sex. Period. |
a little baby's life is at stake. The most indefense creature in the world. It's just not moral or ethic (I'm not even talking about christianity) I'm talking of fair simple human common sense. That little baby don't even have a voice, and for whatever the reason the mother has, it's just not right to kill (I say it double KILL) a little baby regardless any condition which caused the impregnation. Nevertheless, there are many mitigating circumstances that can justify such atrocity, but never and never excuse it at all. Wow, so enlightened, we are. You have no room for judgement. Make sure all your daliances that result in pregnancy never make it to the abortion clinic and you have done your part. You cannot sit in judgement until you can get pregnant so that ends that. |
I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume. ![]() Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing. ![]() This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure? Maybe you choose poorly? I'm in my kids lives everyday and I'm not married to or dating their mother. Generalizations are generally false. You are right, generalization are generally false so stop making them for potential mothers who decide not to have a baby. You decided when you slept with someone. I think both the man and the woman should keep half of the babies mangled corpse on their mantle as a reminder of what sick, twisted F@#ks they are. ![]() Look, man, we (women) are not the designated controlers of your penises. You choose where to put them and you choose whether to use protection or not. 50 50 I will give you that but guys do not 50 50 the children created. If they decide they do not like the mother any more they move on. Leaving the mother and child to face life on their own. So this makes the mother more responsible for the life of the child. She must choose before the child is here if this is what she wants to do. Keep it in your pants if you don't like abortion or whatever and then there will never be any need for abortions anymore. |
I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume. ![]() Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing. ![]() This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure? Maybe you choose poorly? I'm in my kids lives everyday and I'm not married to or dating their mother. Generalizations are generally false. You are right, generalization are generally false so stop making them for potential mothers who decide not to have a baby. You decided when you slept with someone. I think both the man and the woman should keep half of the babies mangled corpse on their mantle as a reminder of what sick, twisted F@#ks they are. ![]() |
As shown your statistics are way old. As shown where? According to Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, and other sources, it appears that Partial-Birth Abortions are performed 3,000 to 5,000 times annually. (Even those numbers may be low.) Based on published interviews with numerous abortionists, and interviews with Fitzsimmons, the "vast majority" of partial-birth abortions are performed in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on healthy babies of healthy mothers. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services reported 9,865 abortions were performed after 21 weeks gestation for selected states in 1997 the most recent statistic available. Second and third trimester abortions are being performed in the US in large numbers. Let's work together to end partial-birth abortion giving women and unborn children better medical choices. As the above shows, I used the most recent available statistics. Because of HIPAA, you probably won't see any more statistics on this subject. |
i still don't condone the lost of a baby's life. however, i have come to the realization that if a mother comes to such a decision she may be under extreme circumstances, and i think that this decision takes a lot of courage, and brings a lot of pain for her.
i still don't condone the lost of a baby's life. however, i have come to the realization that if a mother comes to such a decision she may be under extreme circumstances, and i think that this decision takes a lot of courage, and brings a lot of pain for her. Amen to that. No woman makes this decision lightly ever. If she happened to make it lightly and undergoes it, it will not be after, I can guarentee you that. Women are very aware that they bring life into this world. |
I consider myself pro-life,
but I will not judge anyone who chooses this procedure. No one has the right to judge someone else if they don't know the circumstances that caused any particular woman to choose abortion. Only God can judge. |
Man! I just stepped in here for a moment thinking I could sneak a fart out without being noticed and look at the crowd in here!
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Now those who are pro-abortion say human life does not begin until birth. Okay, make that point, but then how can you justify our court system giving double murder to those who kill a pregnant woman? I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all. She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus. I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?" She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic. Well first off it's not pro-abortion it is pro-choice, meaning you have the choice. I don't know anyone that runs around trying to convince people to have abortions, or get pregnant constantly so they can have one. Secondly, it is only considered a double murder after the start of the third trimester, as laws stand now, and abortion is only done the first and partially into the second trimester, on a non health related standpoint. So if you murded a pregnant woman in her third trimester if would be murder because you have done so after she has made the choice to be pregnant and carry the child to term. |
Pro-Abortion and Pro-Choice are the same exact thing, by the way. You can't be Anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice and you can't be Pro-Abortion and Anti-Choice. The only thing you can be is Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion. yes you can, I am against abortion FOR ME, but I believe since i do not walk in anyones shoes but my own that i should not infringe my morals and ethics on someone else. by the way your facts are flawed, so until you do some real research on what the laws do and do not say, I suggest that you state things as "in my opinion" or "I thnik" or something like that. |
You guys are not getting the full brunt of what a woman goes through to make these choices as you cannot get pregnant. So to judge for you is easy but not accurate at all. Dragoness -- My position on this has always been that I, as a man, have no business whatsoever telling any woman what to do with her own body. You're right, there is no way a man can fully understand the ramifications of this procedure; and that's why I have always felt it has to be the woman's choice. Thank you lex, I did notice in your earlier post that you are staying nuetral on this. I appreciate your position. When I said men, I just did not list those that are making judgements with no background to go on. Since some men seem to have a problem with it, I surely do hope they are wrapping it up when they have sex to stop from the perpetuation of the problem. If not that maybe some salt peter would do so there won't be any pregnant girls to have abortions, hmmmmmmmm?????? Ugh. Since when is the baby the same thing as the woman's body? This is a separate human life we're talking about, not a decision on whether or not to lose weight or get a tan. "Pro choice" is a pretty term for justifying exactly the opposite: stealing the fact, all choices..from a precious human-being-to-be. Neither do I lack personal connection to the issue. My oldest brother was aborted years before I was would have been nice to know him. And my mom, though she's since healed from the mistake, still greatly regrets that decision. really it's the same? So if you cut the cord, it would do nothing? It's full nutrition and oxygen doesn't come from the mothers intake? Tell that to a pregnant woman who can't walk, or breath or eat enough in her last few months of pregnancy. "Oh it's not attached to you, it's a seperate entitiy, you're just being silly" So if a woman has an eptopic pregnancy, she should just let it be? She should let it kill her, because it is a fetus. A woman who has complications should carry a baby to term, what if she has 3 other children to take care of, and carring that one would kill her? You would let 3 children grow up without a mother so that both the mother and possibly the baby could die? Anti-choice people don't have all the facts, they go strictly on their own morals, which is simply ridiculous. Not everyone reads the bible or are christians, and I have never seen in the bible where it says tho shalt not have an abortion, or where it says, when a man and woman do the nasty a child is conceived. |
I'm sorry, some people are gonna be angery about this. My belief is that the 'baby' is alive at the moment of conception. Abortion should only be allowed if the mother is going to die if the pregancy is carried out to full term. If the mother AND the father does not want the child it should be placed for adoption. Personal note: My wife and I wanted to adopt a child because she was not able to have one. One of those aborted fetusus could have been our child. You have the right to feel how you do, just do not force it on others. As a woman, if another woman choses to bring the child into the world with all that entails then good for her, but if she choses not to bring the child into the world, she has a right to chose that also. Noone should tell a woman whether or not to have or not have an abortion. If you have a problem with it go to the abortion clinic and offer to take the child off her hands and pay her hospital bills and care she needs while pregnant and then adopt the child from her. Then you have saved one of these lives you go on about. If you are not willing to care for the child for the rest of it's life then stay out of it. Also another thing this woman does decide not to have an abortion and gets on assistance and all these (except lex)men on here will be screaming about the welfare and how their tax dollars are raising all these welfare kids, mom's just keep having more kids, etc........LOL it is crazy. Don't want em aborted but don't want em pinching your taxes either. LOL Just stupid it is, no offense of course. Isn't it sad that our society doesn't considered the murder of a child "everyone's" business? Isn't it sad that adoption agencys and couples already agree to take care of the mother's medical bills, but some pretend that isn't the case? Isn't it sad that so many couples must adopt from foreign countries to get healthy newborns, when so many children are murdered in the USA every year? Right and most of these families are very particular about what they want, as the cost incurred come directly from their pocket when done in this manner, so they want white anglo saxon children, or even go so far as to say what they do and do not want the biological parents educational history to be. Again, until you have all your facts straight, don't talk about things you don't know about. |
Once again someone has enlightened me, it's not about abortion it's about choice. So glad you cleared that up Silly me what was I thinking anyway. ![]() Women have a choice, they chose to engage in sex even though the obvious consequence of that act could be pregnancy. They chose not to practice restraint or birth control or insist that their partner does. In the heat of passion they forgot to take adequae precautions, but they chose not to use "morning after" pill in the cold light of dawn. Why is it that the only time they are able to exercise their choice is when it involved the termination of that pregnancy which more than likely would not have occurred if they had availed themselves of the choices they had prior to the conception? I know that there are many who will want to jump in here with tales of instances where bith control methods didn't work save it, you can't use the exception to justify the rule. Some people think the morning after pill is murder.I recall wal mart wouldnt sell it. That's a joke, they won't sell music that is rated R, but they will sell guns and amo, explain that one? |
It was just an honest question! I keep hearing in the news about that marine who killed that woman who was pregnant and how he will be charged with double murder. Scott Peterson got it as well. Logic doesn't add up. There is no logic here????...........Lacy Peterson was about to have the baby, Connor was his name....would have lived outside of his mother's womb.........That is why it was double murder... Well, the baby was not born yet and thus not a living human being. As long as the baby has not been born, in an abortionist standpoint, it is not a living human being. There are other pregnant women who have either been beaten or killed, very early in term, and the men were charged with murder/double murder as well. How can an abortionist honestly say that the men should be charged with double murder when the child, in their eyes, isn't a living human being yet? |
the romans tried to kill all the malechilds also. We say in disgust OH MY GOD WHAT BARBARIANS... on our way to the abortion mill. hmmmmmm
Once again someone has enlightened me, it's not about abortion it's about choice. So glad you cleared that up Silly me what was I thinking anyway. ![]() Women have a choice, they chose to engage in sex even though the obvious consequence of that act could be pregnancy. They chose not to practice restraint or birth control or insist that their partner does. In the heat of passion they forgot to take adequae precautions, but they chose not to use "morning after" pill in the cold light of dawn. Why is it that the only time they are able to exercise their choice is when it involved the termination of that pregnancy which more than likely would not have occurred if they had availed themselves of the choices they had prior to the conception? I know that there are many who will want to jump in here with tales of instances where bith control methods didn't work save it, you can't use the exception to justify the rule. Some people think the morning after pill is murder.I recall wal mart wouldnt sell it. That's a joke, they won't sell music that is rated R, but they will sell guns and amo, explain that one? i'm for the morning after pill but having worked for Walmart they very much preach the judeo-christian ethic even though they don't always practice it. |