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Topic: Simple Abortion Question
MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:01 PM

It is still a woman's body regardless to your wanting to make it more. She has the choice. Once children can be carried and birthed by men then they to will know the joy and pain involved. Until then, a woman has a right to chose to bring a life into the world or not. Men have all these grandiose ideas, not all men, lex, but some men and you don't know what the hell you are talking about but steady passing judgement. I sure hope you wrap that bad boy up and make dam sure you are not making unwanted children who then have to live a life of hell, no dad, sometimes no mom, foster care, abuse, etc..... all because some man thought he was not responsible if she got pregnant and made the child and the woman chose to bring it here and then the child goes through life unwanted and uncared for. You cannot justify your judgement. You have a fairy tale view of reality, WAKE UP! See the real world.

As for your mom, bless her poor heart. She made a choice and has regretted it. Alot of women have this same problem. They forget afterwards what drove them to do it in the first place. Choices are hard to deal with in life that is the reality of choices. No one is exempt from the folly of a bad choice. She learned and you are here because of that lesson. Be glad of that. Instead of claiming some larger than life understanding of the issue of abortion. You still will never see it from a womans perspective.

Ah, you want me to see the real world? Sure. Here goes...

Baby boomers aging. America's in debt, not only the government but individuals as well. We're aborting our future workforce and putting the economy's future very much in jeopardy. But "economy" is a detached-sounding term. What I mean is that we put the safety and comfort of younger generations at risk.

As for the man's imperfect perception of the problem? Well, just about every woman I know, some who have had abortions, some who haven't, insist there's no excuse. Coming from women, many of them very wise, I'm inclined to believe them.

But, the thing is..."pro-choicers" are busily aborting children who, given the opportunity to live, would be taught that set of values. While we over here on the right are quite comfy and making babies like there's no tomorrow, then raising them with our own values and beliefs. Don't think it'll make a difference? Statistically, "left-wingers" currently have a negative birth-to-death ratio, while "right-wingers" have a consistently positive birth-to-death ratio, with the highest rate in the nation by far belonging to "mainstream Christians".

I have no delusions of grandeur, my friend. I prefer to look at things from a practical standpoint.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:07 PM

I'm sorry, some people are gonna be angery about this. My belief is that the 'baby' is alive at the moment of conception. Abortion should only be allowed if the mother is going to die if the pregancy is carried out to full term. If the mother AND the father does not want the child it should be placed for adoption. Personal note: My wife and I wanted to adopt a child because she was not able to have one. One of those aborted fetusus could have been our child.

You have the right to feel how you do, just do not force it on others. As a woman, if another woman choses to bring the child into the world with all that entails then good for her, but if she choses not to bring the child into the world, she has a right to chose that also. Noone should tell a woman whether or not to have or not have an abortion. If you have a problem with it go to the abortion clinic and offer to take the child off her hands and pay her hospital bills and care she needs while pregnant and then adopt the child from her. Then you have saved one of these lives you go on about. If you are not willing to care for the child for the rest of it's life then stay out of it.

Also another thing this woman does decide not to have an abortion and gets on assistance and all these (except lex)men on here will be screaming about the welfare and how their tax dollars are raising all these welfare kids, mom's just keep having more kids, etc........LOL it is crazy. Don't want em aborted but don't want em pinching your taxes either. LOL Just stupid it is, no offense of course.

Isn't it sad that our society doesn't considered the murder of a child "everyone's" business?

Isn't it sad that adoption agencys and couples already agree to take care of the mother's medical bills, but some pretend that isn't the case?

Isn't it sad that so many couples must adopt from foreign countries to get healthy newborns, when so many children are murdered in the USA every year?

Not sad, reality. Reality is not always the prettiest picture to behold but it is reality. Those that are adopting from other areas of the world are those who are being very selective about their choice of a child. There are millions of children, not newborns, that have no home. If you are caring about children all children should apply. You just want to wallow when the truth could be that people could adopt more and have less children of their own, or like I said go to the abortion clinic and offer to take care of the mother and child until birth and adopt, or men could take the responsibility of their fellow brothers on this earth and teach them to wrap it or not have sex until ready to be a father, etc......

Wallowing in this alledge sadness will not change the fact that abortion is a necessary evil until people start being responsible about sex. I know from experience as I got pregnant through every form of birth control I used. No men were offering to take it upon themselves to control whether "we" got pregnant or not. They sure weren't "ready" to be fathers when the pregnancy happened. I had the choice of havihg the child or not. I made choices. The men are not holding themselves responsible for this at any level and yet want to wallow in the "sadness" of the situation. If more guys held themselves responsible the problem would be less, right? Women don't get themselves pregnant, I do know that for sure.

itsmetina's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:08 PM
makes sense to me to woman chose to keep the baby therefore if murdered the baby was murdered to abortion in the legal world is not considered murder and i know people disagree

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:15 PM
Once again someone has enlightened me, it's not about abortion it's about choice. So glad you cleared that up Silly me what was I thinking anyway. laugh

Women have a choice, they chose to engage in sex even though the obvious consequence of that act could be pregnancy. They chose not to practice restraint or birth control or insist that their partner does. In the heat of passion they forgot to take adequae precautions, but they chose not to use "morning after" pill in the cold light of dawn. Why is it that the only time they are able to exercise their choice is when it involved the termination of that pregnancy which more than likely would not have occurred if they had availed themselves of the choices they had prior to the conception?

I know that there are many who will want to jump in here with tales of instances where bith control methods didn't work save it, you can't use the exception to justify the rule.

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:17 PM
I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:20 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 01/22/08 01:37 PM

It is still a woman's body regardless to your wanting to make it more. She has the choice. Once children can be carried and birthed by men then they to will know the joy and pain involved. Until then, a woman has a right to chose to bring a life into the world or not. Men have all these grandiose ideas, not all men, lex, but some men and you don't know what the hell you are talking about but steady passing judgement. I sure hope you wrap that bad boy up and make dam sure you are not making unwanted children who then have to live a life of hell, no dad, sometimes no mom, foster care, abuse, etc..... all because some man thought he was not responsible if she got pregnant and made the child and the woman chose to bring it here and then the child goes through life unwanted and uncared for. You cannot justify your judgement. You have a fairy tale view of reality, WAKE UP! See the real world.

As for your mom, bless her poor heart. She made a choice and has regretted it. Alot of women have this same problem. They forget afterwards what drove them to do it in the first place. Choices are hard to deal with in life that is the reality of choices. No one is exempt from the folly of a bad choice. She learned and you are here because of that lesson. Be glad of that. Instead of claiming some larger than life understanding of the issue of abortion. You still will never see it from a womans perspective.

Ah, you want me to see the real world? Sure. Here goes...

Baby boomers aging. America's in debt, not only the government but individuals as well. We're aborting our future workforce and putting the economy's future very much in jeopardy. But "economy" is a detached-sounding term. What I mean is that we put the safety and comfort of younger generations at risk.

As for the man's imperfect perception of the problem? Well, just about every woman I know, some who have had abortions, some who haven't, insist there's no excuse. Coming from women, many of them very wise, I'm inclined to believe them.

But, the thing is..."pro-choicers" are busily aborting children who, given the opportunity to live, would be taught that set of values. While we over here on the right are quite comfy and making babies like there's no tomorrow, then raising them with our own values and beliefs. Don't think it'll make a difference? Statistically, "left-wingers" currently have a negative birth-to-death ratio, while "right-wingers" have a consistently positive birth-to-death ratio, with the highest rate in the nation by far belonging to "mainstream Christians".

I have no delusions of grandeur, my friend. I prefer to look at things from a practical standpoint.

Well, you do amuse me, anyway. Practicality, I guess in this discussion is selective. I believe you are saying that you are a right winger and that they are out breeding "us" left wingers, although I don't call myself either of those, in the "birthing war". That is so funny cause from your description you left out all those dam "welfare moms just popping out babies to get more welfare", or the racists of our country b*tching about all the minorities "breeding and voting". Somehow, I don't think they fit into the picture you painted but okay. So here we are the rightwingers have "outbred" the left wingers and the world swings to a right winger out look, so we go back about a hundred or so years in our views, outlooks and politics. There is one thing that is definite, the cycle will repeat, we moved forward from that way of life for a reason. There were big mistakes made then too. So here we are, the rightwingers children have become the next left winger generation and we are back to abortion as an issue. So now what?

nuenjins's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:20 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

Your' existance is no less important than the child you allowed to be killed. Maybe watching how these procedures are done and how this 'big business' has even infiltrated our school system would wake you up. Most are too sel absorbed to care though.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:23 PM

Statement of Brenda Pratt Shafer, R.N.

Before the Subcommittee on the Constitution
Committee on the Judiciary
U.S. House of Representatives

Hearing on The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (HR 1833)

March 21, 1996

The mother was six months pregnant (26 1/2 weeks). A doctor told her that the baby had Down Syndrome and she decided to have an abortion. She came in the first two days to have the laminaria inserted and changed, and she cried the whole time. On the third day she came in to receive the partial-birth procedure.

Dr. Haskell brought the ultrasound in and hooked it up so that he could see the baby. On the ultrasound screen, I could see the heart beating. As Dr. Haskell watched the baby on the ultrasound screen, the baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen.

Dr. Haskell went in with forceps and grabbed the baby's legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby's body and the arms-- everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby's head just inside the uterus.

The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall.

The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. I was really completely unprepared for what I was seeing. I almost threw up as I watched the doctor do these things.

Mr. Chairman, I read in the paper that President Clinton says that he is going to veto this bill. If President Clinton had been standing where I was standing at that moment, he would not veto this bill.

Dr. Haskell delivered the baby's head. He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw that baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he'd used. I saw the baby move in the pan. I asked another nurse and she said it was just "reflexes."

I have been a nurse for a long time and I have seen a lot of death-- people maimed in auto accidents, gunshot wounds, you name it. I have seen surgical procedures of every sort. But in all my professional years, I had never witnessed anything like this.

The woman wanted to see her baby, so they cleaned up the baby and put it in a blanket and handed the baby to her. She cried the whole time, and she kept saying, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" I was crying too. I couldn't take it. That baby boy had the most perfect angelic face I have ever seen.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:26 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure?

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:30 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure?

Maybe you choose poorly? I'm in my kids lives everyday and I'm not married to or dating their mother. Generalizations are generally false.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:32 PM


Statement of Brenda Pratt Shafer, R.N.

Before the Subcommittee on the Constitution
Committee on the Judiciary
U.S. House of Representatives

Hearing on The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (HR 1833)

March 21, 1996

The mother was six months pregnant (26 1/2 weeks). A doctor told her that the baby had Down Syndrome and she decided to have an abortion. She came in the first two days to have the laminaria inserted and changed, and she cried the whole time. On the third day she came in to receive the partial-birth procedure.

Dr. Haskell brought the ultrasound in and hooked it up so that he could see the baby. On the ultrasound screen, I could see the heart beating. As Dr. Haskell watched the baby on the ultrasound screen, the baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen.

Dr. Haskell went in with forceps and grabbed the baby's legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby's body and the arms-- everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby's head just inside the uterus.

The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall.

The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. I was really completely unprepared for what I was seeing. I almost threw up as I watched the doctor do these things.

Mr. Chairman, I read in the paper that President Clinton says that he is going to veto this bill. If President Clinton had been standing where I was standing at that moment, he would not veto this bill.

Dr. Haskell delivered the baby's head. He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw that baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he'd used. I saw the baby move in the pan. I asked another nurse and she said it was just "reflexes."

I have been a nurse for a long time and I have seen a lot of death-- people maimed in auto accidents, gunshot wounds, you name it. I have seen surgical procedures of every sort. But in all my professional years, I had never witnessed anything like this.

The woman wanted to see her baby, so they cleaned up the baby and put it in a blanket and handed the baby to her. She cried the whole time, and she kept saying, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" I was crying too. I couldn't take it. That baby boy had the most perfect angelic face I have ever seen.

They always try to use this crap here in the prolifers arena. Partial birth abortions are so rare that if this person saw one it was a chance in a million. Partial birth abortions are used only for cases where the mothers life is in danger. S

So you can keep the propaganda bull crap.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:33 PM

I love the especially brital pratice of sucking the babies brainds out and then crushing it's skull to make it easier to exume.devil

Any woman willing to allow this is not a woman at all. your're too selfish to love a baby but you'll feed your sick labido for a moment of pleasure. So much for loving and nurturing.sick

This rule applies to men also, if you stuck it in there without protection and a baby results, you are then life long responsible for the child. But somehow they find a way to bail on that one every dam time, who would figure?

Maybe you choose poorly? I'm in my kids lives everyday and I'm not married to or dating their mother. Generalizations are generally false.

You are right, generalization are generally false so stop making them for potential mothers who decide not to have a baby.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:39 PM

It is still a woman's body regardless to your wanting to make it more. She has the choice. Once children can be carried and birthed by men then they to will know the joy and pain involved. Until then, a woman has a right to chose to bring a life into the world or not. Men have all these grandiose ideas, not all men, lex, but some men and you don't know what the hell you are talking about but steady passing judgement. I sure hope you wrap that bad boy up and make dam sure you are not making unwanted children who then have to live a life of hell, no dad, sometimes no mom, foster care, abuse, etc..... all because some man thought he was not responsible if she got pregnant and made the child and the woman chose to bring it here and then the child goes through life unwanted and uncared for. You cannot justify your judgement. You have a fairy tale view of reality, WAKE UP! See the real world.

As for your mom, bless her poor heart. She made a choice and has regretted it. Alot of women have this same problem. They forget afterwards what drove them to do it in the first place. Choices are hard to deal with in life that is the reality of choices. No one is exempt from the folly of a bad choice. She learned and you are here because of that lesson. Be glad of that. Instead of claiming some larger than life understanding of the issue of abortion. You still will never see it from a womans perspective.

Ah, you want me to see the real world? Sure. Here goes...

Baby boomers aging. America's in debt, not only the government but individuals as well. We're aborting our future workforce and putting the economy's future very much in jeopardy. But "economy" is a detached-sounding term. What I mean is that we put the safety and comfort of younger generations at risk.

As for the man's imperfect perception of the problem? Well, just about every woman I know, some who have had abortions, some who haven't, insist there's no excuse. Coming from women, many of them very wise, I'm inclined to believe them.

But, the thing is..."pro-choicers" are busily aborting children who, given the opportunity to live, would be taught that set of values. While we over here on the right are quite comfy and making babies like there's no tomorrow, then raising them with our own values and beliefs. Don't think it'll make a difference? Statistically, "left-wingers" currently have a negative birth-to-death ratio, while "right-wingers" have a consistently positive birth-to-death ratio, with the highest rate in the nation by far belonging to "mainstream Christians".

I have no delusions of grandeur, my friend. I prefer to look at things from a practical standpoint.

please, we grow kids in test tubes and have women having 6 or more babes at a time due to fertility drugs.unless you want to foot the bill to feed,clothe and educate these unwanted children.Not all kids are adopted and foster care is a joke.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:43 PM

Once again someone has enlightened me, it's not about abortion it's about choice. So glad you cleared that up Silly me what was I thinking anyway. laugh

Women have a choice, they chose to engage in sex even though the obvious consequence of that act could be pregnancy. They chose not to practice restraint or birth control or insist that their partner does. In the heat of passion they forgot to take adequae precautions, but they chose not to use "morning after" pill in the cold light of dawn. Why is it that the only time they are able to exercise their choice is when it involved the termination of that pregnancy which more than likely would not have occurred if they had availed themselves of the choices they had prior to the conception?

I know that there are many who will want to jump in here with tales of instances where bith control methods didn't work save it, you can't use the exception to justify the rule.

Some people think the morning after pill is murder.I recall wal mart wouldnt sell it.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:46 PM

They always try to use this crap here in the prolifers arena. Partial birth abortions are so rare that if this person saw one it was a chance in a million. Partial birth abortions are used only for cases where the mothers life is in danger. S

So you can keep the propaganda bull crap.

About 3,000 D&X (partial birth abortions) are performed a year. I have looked and never found a doctor say that there is any medical reason to perform a D&X. In fact, why not just take the kid out and put it in NICU? If the baby is already delivered, why does it need to be killed? How much safer is the mother after the scissors have been inserted into her child's brain? Sounds like a mafia hit, not a medical procedure.

And the fact that it happens means that it isn't propaganda.

A committee of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) thoroughly studied D&X procedures in 1996. They reported:

"A select panel convened by ACOG could identify no circumstances under which this procedure...would be the only option to save the life or preserve the health of the woman." They also determined that "an intact D&X, however, may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman, and only the doctor, in consultation with the patient, based upon the woman's particular circumstances can make this decision."

Their statement was approved by the ACOG executive board on 1997-JAN-12

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:52 PM
some ignorant individuals call the fetus a parasite.
it's just repugnant and nauseating to see some people who are "pro-choice". I call it "pro-death" and all of those who are in favor of it are complices of murder, and they should be judge as second degree murderers

itsmetina's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:55 PM
the man could use a condom thats his choice

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:58 PM

the man could use a condom thats his choice


Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/22/08 02:01 PM

some ignorant individuals call the fetus a parasite.
it's just repugnant and nauseating to see some people who are "pro-choice". I call it "pro-death" and all of those who are in favor of it are complices of murder, and they should be judge as second degree murderers

Some people those people, I sure hope to hell you, all god and judgement, have used condoms each and every time you have entered a vagina and if born to you all your children are scurrying around your feet cause if not, you are a hypocrit my friend and should keep it to yourself.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Tue 01/22/08 02:01 PM

Well, you do amuse me, anyway. Practicality, I guess in this discussion is selective. I believe you are saying that you are a right winger and that they are out breeding "us" left wingers, although I don't call myself either of those, in the "birthing war". That is so funny cause from your description you left out all those dam "welfare moms just popping out babies to get more welfare", or the racists of our country b*tching about all the minorities "breeding and voting". Somehow, I don't think they fit into the picture you painted but okay. So here we are the rightwingers have "outbred" the left wingers and the world swings to a right winger out look, so we go back about a hundred or so years in our views, outlooks and politics. There is one thing that is definite, the cycle will repeat, we moved forward from that way of life for a reason. There were big mistakes made then too. So here we are, the rightwingers children have become the next left winger generation and we are back to abortion as an issue. So now what?

*Shrug* Suit yourself. As far as I'm concerned, potential is what defines human life, not is-it-or-isn't-it-alive-and-when. I think it all really boils down to a war of worldviews. On one end, humans are no more than clever animals (or animals no less than simple humans); on the other end, humanity an infinite God's most prized creation.

Anyway, I'm done arguing. This thread is hardly going to change anything; at the end of the day I'm pretty certain we'll all have the same views we woke up with.

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