Topic: draft?? | |
i don't know if it's true but i was watching a show on the history of
illegal drugs and they said that japaneese and german soldiers use to take a drug similar to methamphetamines. they said that is why they acted so ruthless but i have heard that the military is kinda like prisons on the drug front. they aren't suppose to be there and everyone denies it but there is a steady supply of whatever you want if you are willing to pay. |
Like I said earlier. The only thing I know about for sure in American
forces is what came out abot the fighter pilots. I've out of the C.A.F. for a while so I don't know about there. |
Maybe Steroids would do the same thing as meth. At least you don't get
addicted to steroids I don't think. |
oh hey, btw Karma, those four Canadian soldiers that were killed by that
pilot were in Afghanistan. I believe the pilot was ANG. Anyway, the Canadian troops were on training manouevers for an upcoming mission. The pilot DID call in the fire he saw, but instead of waiting for a response, he thot that for some reason, the small weapons flashes he saw were bigger and aimed at his aircraft so he let loose. Then he got a response that it was the Canadians on manouevers. The whole thing took less than a minute and obviously not a single shot was fired at his aircraft. |
Yeah Public I remembered that they were on a training exercise and that
the pilot had called it in. But just the same the guy was on something to 'keep him sharp'. That pilots were given this 'medication' came out during subsequent investigation. Don't blame the pilot they're trained to react fast because of speeds of air combat but but being on something to to stay sharp doesn't necessarily help as this experience showed. Ghost I'm not sure about steroids being addictive or not. Suppose I'll look it up. |
I see you have your mind full karma!
And ppl wander how Bush got reelected! |
i don't think steroids have a physical addiction but there is definitely
a psychological addiction when they try to get off of them. then of course you have the roid rage that goes with the prolonged use. |
it is not acceptable but friendly fire happens more than people think,
especially with all of the laser guided stuff and computer programmed weaponry that we have now. that is how pat tillman was killed. his unit was fired on by another unit that they were trying to help. |
you got that right KB. I remember seeing cockpit footage after the 1st
Gulf War from an Apache helicopter whose crew had destroyed several American vehicles and killed their crews. As a matter of fact, more US troops were killed by friendly fire in that war than were killed by the enemy |
who was it that was famous for calling friendly fire in on their own
position? |
i,m from hungary where at 18 or after high school u must serve in army
This 'war' is meaningless. As would be reinstating the draft. No
reason our kids should die for nothing. |
It would be fair but i see alot of people just saying no and sending
thier kids to canada |
i,m not sure about the draft but kids today need to at least go to boot
camp maybe then they could learn some respect |
I like my beer on draft. Make mine in an ice cold mug.
I noticed than when they had the draft lots of people joined to make a choice of the type of service they would serve. So they got the double whammy enlistment benefit. It also served the secondary purpose of forcing men into college that otherwise would have simply laid around the shack till the mail train came back. Does anybody remember that college was an alternative to almost automatic draft? I would like to have a little less war. Can we all just GET ALONG!!! I guess not. Nice thought though. |
yes, this way all the draft dodgers will move to Canada.
i,m not sure about draft. but way theses kids are now adays. i would be
for two years of basic training. maybe then they could learn some respect. |
mysteryMan ... what is it with you and Canada? Why do you always wanna
send somebody over here? The other day it was Hillary you wanted to ship over here. ![]() |
maybe we can ship mysterious man to iraq .he seems like he likes war .i
will buy you a one way ticket enjoy |
well greyhound, why do you think that you or anyother canadain have a
right to say who our leader should be. I have noticed that candians have said that the U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world. The reason for that is the people of this country have not given up a right that other countries have. Their leaders then took control of them. Then the U.S. has to go in and fight for them. do you know which right I'm talking about? It's one that your people have given up, and it's one that the Clintons want to take from us......As for you gary, I've held the weapon since you were about 10 years old. If you think you cen do anything to make me go over there you better pick up that weapon as well and stand next to me. I can give you a war you can't win |