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Topic: Rarely Meet Men Wish To Marry
CrazyCreative's photo
Fri 11/15/24 04:59 PM
I am 52, I had a, "Practice Marriage" of 3.5 yrs 16 years ago. I want tobe married happily for the rest of my natural life. How do I find the marrying type now?

JulieABush's photo
Sun 11/17/24 05:04 PM
To me there’s no such thing as a “practice marriage” but a “practice relationship” yes I can understand. I’m 52 as well and been single for long time and probably will be until I die. Don’t rush into anything especially marriage otherwise you’ll find yourself just like you did the first time. Best of luck:thumbsup: !

Michael's photo
Wed 11/20/24 12:50 PM
It’s best to know for sure before you jump into marriage. Sometimes dating for year is needed, talk to him. Ask question. But don’t marry because you’re desperate to need s companion or sex or anything marry him if you love him, but make sure he loves you back and not just marrying for something else.

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 11/20/24 01:09 PM
I am surprised that marriage is still considered a ""thing"?? What with the poor rate and also the failure rate ...consider a LATitude... it may surprise ya !!!!

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 11/20/24 06:57 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Wed 11/20/24 07:10 PM
It's not your fault. Marriage is a horrible bet for a man, period. Sorry, not sorry. When one side is REWARDED for leaving the marriage by getting the kids, 1/2 the mans pension, 1/2 his assets, and in some states even continued spousal maintenance (wtf is THAT all about?!) and the other side is PENALIZED and most likely is denied custody of his children AND half his assets, AND his pension is cut in half, its so blatantly one-sided in favor of women that I'm surprised ANY man would get married, let alone the numbers of them that do (for a short time most likely, statistically).

Guarantee if the rolls were reversed and women didn't get the kids, AND had to give up half THEIR stuff, you'd find marriage rates plummet even higher.

Marriage/divorce inequality is one of those open "secrets" women never talk about because it's so blatantly in their favor, why bring it up? Pretty good gig if you can get it and you are on the right side of the marriage gamble.

no photo
Wed 11/20/24 08:19 PM
Well, we know what Good Guy is thinking.

JulieABush's photo
Thu 11/21/24 03:55 AM

Well, we know what Good Guy is thinking.

Yeah, that he doesn’t want to get married and that’s his right.

JulieABush's photo
Thu 11/21/24 12:28 PM
Let me put the Aretha Franklin song “Who’s zooming who” into different words and translate it into “who’s screwing who”. For a never married man how would you know such things unless you’ve gone through it yourself or know someone who has. You know there’s such a thing as a prenuptial agreement if you want to be on the safe agreeable side.

bobtail76's photo
Sat 11/23/24 08:20 AM

Well, we know what Good Guy is thinking.

He's not wrong...

I think that the age is also a supporting factor. I think marriage is a young people's game. I feel that it's about building a life and a great foundation for making children.

At 52, there's not much left to build, and with having children, that door has been pretty much closed and locked. So what is left to marriage that a regular "shacking up" doesn't have?

And what does that leave men's purpose/reasoning for marriage, when all the truisms of Goodguy's explanation exists?

JulieABush's photo
Sat 11/23/24 12:46 PM
There are older people who get married and do it for one reason they love each other. Remember the saying “first comes love then comes marriage” and leave out the baby part. If marriage scares you then you have every right to stay single.

no photo
Sat 11/23/24 01:27 PM
I'd be happy to tell you over coffee or lunch.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 11/23/24 01:45 PM

I know Many couples that made it work and still are making it work.

Online is not the Best place to meet a spouse I never had the internet anyway back then. haha

Marriage is the ONLY way to know and Trust any Man completely. Then you know if he is a Real worthy Man of Your Resect. IMO

Never listen to any one that says Marriage is out Dated, it maybe be for Themselves. And that is a their Personal Choice.
Many people have No morals and keep screwing around all their Lives oftentimes Some with Strangers.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 11/23/24 01:47 PM

Let me put the Aretha Franklin song “Who’s zooming who” into different words and translate it into “who’s screwing who”. For a never married man how would you know such things unless you’ve gone through it yourself or know someone who has. You know there’s such a thing as a prenuptial agreement if you want to be on the safe agreeable side.


Great Advice!

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 11/23/24 01:55 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 11/23/24 01:57 PM
There are Many Women for Yrs. who have much More Cash wealth and material Possessions than many Men.

First thing in Marriage should be about Love.

no photo
Sat 11/23/24 04:57 PM
Go out, do things, meet different people.

bobtail76's photo
Sat 11/23/24 05:41 PM

There are Many Women for Yrs. who have much More Cash wealth and material Possessions than many Men.

First thing in Marriage should be about Love.

Nine of the 10 richest women inherited their fortunes, either from fathers, husbands or in one case, mother.

This is on a big end of the scale - if you think that these women are doing on their own, you're delusional.

The fact that you brought this up, solidifies one of Goodguy's point on why men are reluctant to marry

JulieABush's photo
Sun 11/24/24 03:43 AM
Believe me when I say I truly believe that a woman should have a steady job and earn her own paycheck (I do and have for 30 plus years). All I care about is a man with a steady job too so none of us are totally dependent on the other and we take care of the bills together. On this closing note think of the Hall and Oates song “Rich Girl”. Yes the richest woman inherited their wealth but that’s because they were in the persons will which is legal by all states. You, the father, mother or husband, can make changes to it and take out who you want and name someone else as your beneficiary .

bobtail76's photo
Sun 11/24/24 06:48 AM
Edited by bobtail76 on Sun 11/24/24 06:53 AM
I wasn't suggesting that a woman shouldn't work...

I was suggesting that it's a man's job to provide and protect - and in her case there would be resentment on both side, because if the man is not acting a man... there will be inevitable resentment because if he's honest with himself, he sees himself as inadequate and she may be wearing the pants, making him feel less of a man.

And for her, her good friends and family should be pointing that out for her - and when she comes to her senses, she will realize he is no man at all.

She's gone now, so it made no difference!

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 11/24/24 01:42 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sun 11/24/24 01:45 PM

There are Many Women for Yrs. who have much More Cash wealth and material Possessions than many Men.

First thing in Marriage should be about Love.

Nine of the 10 richest women inherited their fortunes, either from fathers, husbands or in one case, mother.

This is on a big end of the scale - if you think that these women are doing on their own, you're delusional.

The fact that you brought this up, solidifies one of Goodguy's point on why men are reluctant to marry

Marriage is a Choice for many .
I did not say Rich by the way.

Many Professional educated Women Out there With good positions. I know Some and You are the delusional putting Most or all Women in Your little Idea Box.

Many Women are not defendant on a Man for financial wealth.

JulieABush's photo
Sun 11/24/24 02:28 PM

Let me put the Aretha Franklin song “Who’s zooming who” into different words and translate it into “who’s screwing who”. For a never married man how would you know such things unless you’ve gone through it yourself or know someone who has. You know there’s such a thing as a prenuptial agreement if you want to be on the safe agreeable side.


Great Advice!

Thank you. I have a knack of taking songs and adding a twist to them. Like at work when someone buys Lucky Charms cereal I take the Madonna song “lucky star” and say “you must be my lucky charm” or when someone buys barbacoa I just take the Heart song “barracuda” and say “oh barbacoa”.

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