Topic: Unsettling Thought... | |
Edited by
Thu 05/30/24 03:28 PM
The ultimate appeal will be November 5. When the voters in this country elect him for president of the U.S.A.. I think with this not surprising conviction by a bias group of lawyers and DA and the judge and ultimately the jury because the prosecution and judge would not allow the trial to be held in a fairer venue.. this judge should have recused him self because he has donated to joe Biden and his daughter makes money on Trump hatred stories.. purely biased and conflicted.. This conviction will start a fire under the Trump base and watch independents jump on the Trump train.. nothing worse than turning our justice system in to lawfare and kangaroo courts like third world country’s..Just heard Trump donation site has crashed because is so many people donating to Trumps campaign. As admiral Hirohito said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,; I feel we have woken a sleeping giant..
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Thu 05/30/24 06:36 PM
The ultimate appeal will be November 5. When the voters in this country elect him for president of the U.S.A.. I think with this not surprising conviction by a bias group of lawyers and DA and the judge and ultimately the jury because the prosecution and judge would not allow the trial to be held in a fairer venue.. this judge should have recused him self because he has donated to joe Biden and his daughter makes money on Trump hatred stories.. purely biased and conflicted.. This conviction will start a fire under the Trump base and watch independents jump on the Trump train.. nothing worse than turning our justice system in to lawfare and kangaroo courts like third world country’s..Just heard Trump donation site has crashed because is so many people donating to Trumps campaign. As admiral Hirohito said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,; I feel we have woken a sleeping giant..
The judge is clearly not biased. He's been practically bending over backwards to keep Trump out of jail, despite TEN violations of the gag order. Any other defendant than Trump would've been jailed for contempt of court at that point. Even if Judge Merchan sentences Trump to serious jail time in July--like several months in prison, there might be an argument that he's liberal, but more likely it's just be the horrible way Trump behaved in court, taunting the judge and witnesses. I'm hoping Trump gets some jail time, but not counting on it. |
The ultimate appeal will be November 5. When the voters in this country elect him for president of the U.S.A.. I think with this not surprising conviction by a bias group of lawyers and DA and the judge and ultimately the jury because the prosecution and judge would not allow the trial to be held in a fairer venue.. this judge should have recused him self because he has donated to joe Biden and his daughter makes money on Trump hatred stories.. purely biased and conflicted.. This conviction will start a fire under the Trump base and watch independents jump on the Trump train.. nothing worse than turning our justice system in to lawfare and kangaroo courts like third world country’s..Just heard Trump donation site has crashed because is so many people donating to Trumps campaign. As admiral Hirohito said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,; I feel we have woken a sleeping giant..
The judge is clearly not biased. He's been practically bending over backwards to keep Trump out of jail, despite TEN violations of the gag order. Any other defendant than Trump would've been jailed for contempt of court at that point. Even if Judge Merchan sentences Trump to serious jail time in July--like several months in prison, there might be an argument that he's liberal, but more likely it's just be the horrible way Trump behaved in court, taunting the judge and witnesses. I'm hoping Trump gets some jail time, but not counting on it. Man , it wouldn’t surprise me if he did sentence him to jail time just to keep him off the campaign trail. I really think it is a cooked up plot to keep him pinned down. From George Soros to Alvin Bragg to judge merchin, starting with orders from Biden team…. This judge has no credibility or integrity. ‘ Let’s stop Trump , no matter what we got to do.’ I think like all the rest of the democrat false allegations against Trump this to will pass. Once a court of real justice gets this appeals case not another bitter Trump hater judging others…I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise. |
The ultimate appeal will be November 5. When the voters in this country elect him for president of the U.S.A.. I think with this not surprising conviction by a bias group of lawyers and DA and the judge and ultimately the jury because the prosecution and judge would not allow the trial to be held in a fairer venue.. this judge should have recused him self because he has donated to joe Biden and his daughter makes money on Trump hatred stories.. purely biased and conflicted.. This conviction will start a fire under the Trump base and watch independents jump on the Trump train.. nothing worse than turning our justice system in to lawfare and kangaroo courts like third world country’s..Just heard Trump donation site has crashed because is so many people donating to Trumps campaign. As admiral Hirohito said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,; I feel we have woken a sleeping giant..
The judge is clearly not biased. He's been practically bending over backwards to keep Trump out of jail, despite TEN violations of the gag order. Any other defendant than Trump would've been jailed for contempt of court at that point. Even if Judge Merchan sentences Trump to serious jail time in July--like several months in prison, there might be an argument that he's liberal, but more likely it's just be the horrible way Trump behaved in court, taunting the judge and witnesses. I'm hoping Trump gets some jail time, but not counting on it. Man , it wouldn’t surprise me if he did sentence him to jail time just to keep him off the campaign trail. I really think it is a cooked up plot to keep him pinned down. From George Soros to Alvin Bragg to judge merchin, starting with orders from Biden team…. This judge has no credibility or integrity. ‘ Let’s stop Trump , no matter what we got to do.’ I think like all the rest of the democrat false allegations against Trump this to will pass. Once a court of real justice gets this appeals case not another bitter Trump hater judging others…I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise. |
Trumps campaign funds have gotten 50.5 million dollars in 24 hours. More than Biden in the past month. That giant has awakened.. The dems have bit off more than they can chew.
Trumps campaign funds have gotten 50.5 million dollars in 24 hours. More than Biden in the past month. That giant has awakened.. The dems have bit off more than they can chew.
Neat. Another $30 million and Trump will have enough to pay the interest on his penalty for business fraud. That seems to be where the money is going. You don't realize that Trump's legal problems aren't the Democrats' fault. Trump committed those crimes and independent prosecutors conducted their own investigations from criminal complaints and culminating with grand juries and indictments. The NYC records case started before Biden was even in office. Now we see some more how DJT is just a whiney diaper baby. |
Edited by
Sat 06/01/24 05:36 AM
Trumps campaign funds have gotten 50.5 million dollars in 24 hours. More than Biden in the past month. That giant has awakened.. The dems have bit off more than they can chew.
Neat. Another $30 million and Trump will have enough to pay the interest on his penalty for business fraud. That seems to be where the money is going. You don't realize that Trump's legal problems aren't the Democrats' fault. Trump committed those crimes and independent prosecutors conducted their own investigations from criminal complaints and culminating with grand juries and indictments. The NYC records case started before Biden was even in office. Now we see some more how DJT is just a whiney diaper baby. What I and most everyone else that isn’t blinded by Trump deraingment sees is it’s only politically motivated . No one was even going to attempt to prosecute this case until Trump announced his candidacy. That’s when the Biden administration and his justice system decided to go after him with some Frankenstein case . Misdemeanor morphed into some felony that no one can say what that law he broke was.. totally rigged court and it will be overturned because of the judicial rights every citizen has but was denied from Trumps defense. You democrats are the one that don’t realize america is seeing the destruction of our justice dept. at your pleasure just to gain more power for democrats. Be careful what you ask for because it might be you democrats on the receiving end of your own weaponization of justice. And it would be a very deserving justice in the end. |
The trial was a sham in the NYC. The appeal will take place soon. During the upcoming election the Marxists leaders will do all they can to keep their little Puppet man, Biden in office of POTUS.
The trial was a sham in the NYC. The appeal will take place soon. During the upcoming election the Marxists leaders will do all they can to keep their little Puppet man, Biden in office of POTUS. That was not a sham trial. The judge ran everything "by the book" and did everything he could to give Trump's team a fair shot. It's not their fault Trump hired such incompetent lawyers and then ignored their advice. Trump did this to himself, and he's got no good way to appeal. All he can do is stall for time. |
The trial was a sham in the NYC. The appeal will take place soon. During the upcoming election the Marxists leaders will do all they can to keep their little Puppet man, Biden in office of POTUS. That was not a sham trial. The judge ran everything "by the book" and did everything he could to give Trump's team a fair shot. It's not their fault Trump hired such incompetent lawyers and then ignored their advice. Trump did this to himself, and he's got no good way to appeal. All he can do is stall for time. LMAO… from the jury selection to the closing arguments , plenty of discrepancies by the judge to have a successful appeal, if there is still such a thing as a fair judicial system in NY city.. |
What I and most everyone else that isn’t blinded by Trump deraingment sees is it’s only politically motivated . No one was even going to attempt to prosecute this case until Trump announced his candidacy. That’s when the Biden administration and his justice system decided to go after him with some Frankenstein case . Misdemeanor morphed into some felony that no one can say what that law he broke was.. totally rigged court and it will be overturned because of the judicial rights every citizen has but was denied from Trumps defense. You democrats are the one that don’t realize america is seeing the destruction of our justice dept. at your pleasure just to gain more power for democrats. Be careful what you ask for because it might be you democrats on the receiving end of your own weaponization of justice. And it would be a very deserving justice in the end.
Must be your Trump "deraingment" that makes you forget that Trump's mishandling classified documents started before Biden even won the election, and Trump taking the documents home on leaving office, it became a crime, but the investigations and prosecution started when Trump ignored requests and subpoenas, and then lied to the FBI about them. The crimes he's charged with were in the works well before he announced his candidacy for President this round. It was years before the indictment came out that NARA was asking Trump for the missing classified docs. Even the New York case--which is a state trial, and has nothing to do with the Feds or Biden, came up because a criminal complaint and was also being investigated since before Biden got into office. Trump's crime isn't new. He submitted fraudulent campaign reports to hide the porn star hush money, and file false reports to the FEC. Former Senator John Edwards was indicted for that same federal crime, and while Alvin Bragg didn't charge Trump with the federal crime, the document fraud went from a misdemeanor to a felony because of it. |
Blah, blah , blah,, you see it from a get Trump with any subverted rule of law point of view , the statute of limitations was already past but let’s dig it up and pump life into it, kind of like Cadaver Joe… believe me if the Supreme Court gets it it will be overturned.. it seems TDS has infected all facets of law and order in this country…
| exactly a sham :) |
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Sat 06/01/24 12:52 PM
All the Marxists leaders' continuous attempts to make Trump the bad guy has become More noticeable. |
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Sat 06/01/24 01:18 PM
Increasing under the J Biden administration with him and his Marxists leaders at the forefront. |
Like him or not , but Trump is going to districts that politicians have ignored for years. He’s talking with folks of all races and these people are listening, but all we hear from the democrat politicians and their media is how dare Trump go see these people to hear their concerns. and let them know things will get better for all.. CNN and msnbc mouthpieces called the people there “ clowns” .. while Biden speaks at Morehouse telling them they have to work 10 times harder to get ahead in the country that hates them. What kind of message is that for these graduates?..
Biden wasn't telling those graduates that they had to work ten times harder. His actual line was "What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?" [...] "Instead of forcing you to prove you’re 10 times better, we’re breaking down doors so you have 100 times more opportunities: good-paying jobs you can raise a family on in your neighborhood — (applause); capital to start small business and loans to buy homes; health insurance, prescriptions drugs, housing that’s more affordable and accessible." So...the party of the Blacks (and the minority) for the last 50 years was not breaking down doors so that Blacks could have 100 times more opportunities: good-paying raise a family on in your neighborhood — (applause); capital to start small business and loans to buy homes; health insurance, prescriptions drugs, housing that’s more affordable and accessible? ![]() |
Like him or not , but Trump is going to districts that politicians have ignored for years. He’s talking with folks of all races and these people are listening, but all we hear from the democrat politicians and their media is how dare Trump go see these people to hear their concerns. and let them know things will get better for all.. CNN and msnbc mouthpieces called the people there “ clowns” .. while Biden speaks at Morehouse telling them they have to work 10 times harder to get ahead in the country that hates them. What kind of message is that for these graduates?..
Biden wasn't telling those graduates that they had to work ten times harder. His actual line was "What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?" [...] "Instead of forcing you to prove you’re 10 times better, we’re breaking down doors so you have 100 times more opportunities: good-paying jobs you can raise a family on in your neighborhood — (applause); capital to start small business and loans to buy homes; health insurance, prescriptions drugs, housing that’s more affordable and accessible." So it’s near the election, I guess Joe thinks it’s time to pander to the Blacks and promise something he will not follow thru with, like the promise of U.S. tax payers to pay for loans for college graduates.. just for votes..not sure the justices will let him keep skirting their rule. The Blacks have broken down those doors long ago, in case Joe forgot , again, we have had a black man for President… but Joes words are far more accepting these day of the black man than they were 50 years ago when he said he didn’t want his kids to attend a urban jungle and voted against busing minorities to white schools.. Joe is the reason housing is out of reach for a lot of folks of all races.. but now he’s going to blow smoke up their (a##) and tell them of all these great things he is going to do for them … to little to late and they aren’t falling for the same old bluster and promises, than nothing after the election. President Trumps policies created more jobs for the working class and poor of all races.. Blacks, Latinos, and Caucasian’s.. but Joe thinks they are dependent on his government to make them equal. He is so prehistoric in his way of thinking.. |
unsettling thought for me is Canada is also going downhill , just like US and a hundred other countries .. Sure we always follow the US , but do we have to follow the downhill spiral ... When are Canadians gonna wake up ?? As a God rejecting lost world continues it's descent into spiritual darkness the worse of humanity will come to the fore. Canada now mandates tampons and sanitary pads in men bathrooms. This on top of seizing children from parents who opposed transitioning, legalising of sex with animals, legalising euthanasia by medical personnel/care givers for those who wish to die and arresting Christians. Not forgetting the mass arrests of truckers who opposed Trudeau vaccine mandates, had their accounts frozen and anyone else who came to their aid. |
The ultimate appeal will be November 5. When the voters in this country elect him for president of the U.S.A.. I think with this not surprising conviction by a bias group of lawyers and DA and the judge and ultimately the jury because the prosecution and judge would not allow the trial to be held in a fairer venue.. this judge should have recused him self because he has donated to joe Biden and his daughter makes money on Trump hatred stories.. purely biased and conflicted.. This conviction will start a fire under the Trump base and watch independents jump on the Trump train.. nothing worse than turning our justice system in to lawfare and kangaroo courts like third world country’s..Just heard Trump donation site has crashed because is so many people donating to Trumps campaign. As admiral Hirohito said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,; I feel we have woken a sleeping giant..
The judge is clearly not biased. He's been practically bending over backwards to keep Trump out of jail, despite TEN violations of the gag order. Any other defendant than Trump would've been jailed for contempt of court at that point. Even if Judge Merchan sentences Trump to serious jail time in July--like several months in prison, there might be an argument that he's liberal, but more likely it's just be the horrible way Trump behaved in court, taunting the judge and witnesses. I'm hoping Trump gets some jail time, but not counting on it. How will you put an ex-President with Secret Service agents, in prison? |
Man , it wouldn’t surprise me if he did sentence him to jail time just to keep him off the campaign trail. I really think it is a cooked up plot to keep him pinned down. From George Soros to Alvin Bragg to judge merchin, starting with orders from Biden team…. This judge has no credibility or integrity. ‘ Let’s stop Trump , no matter what we got to do.’ I think like all the rest of the democrat false allegations against Trump this to will pass. Once a court of real justice gets this appeals case not another bitter Trump hater judging others…I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise.
Before you start posting threats against a federal judge, I'll remind you that even if the judge gives Trump the full four years in prison, Trump won't report prison before his appeals have been exhausted, which won't happen this year, and that's even considering that Trump has almost nothing to appeal on. Judge Merchan knew he'd be carefully scrutinized so handled the case about as well as anybody could. Trump's the dope who misdirected his attorneys and made his situation worse by threatening the judge. Nobody to blame but himself. |