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Topic: Finding your soulmate
MrRhandie's photo
Thu 10/06/22 03:11 AM
Is there any chance to find someone whom you will settle with for the rest of your life?

no photo
Thu 10/06/22 06:28 AM
Maybe or maybe not... if found, you might loose your remaining hairs too...:laughing::laughing:

Good Luck :thumbsup:

MrRhandie's photo
Thu 10/06/22 09:14 AM

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 10/08/22 12:47 AM

It's not easy, try joining a few dating sites, maybe think about going to an evening class on a subject of interest, or joining a club, where you are likely to meet people with similar interests to your own. The more you socialise on and off line the better your chances of meeting the one for you. Good luck in your search.

bobtail76's photo
Sat 10/08/22 08:26 AM
No such thing as a soulmate. It's not romantic, but is the reality. There's just people out there that would be worth the time and effort to put in the work to make a relationship last.

If there were a such thing as a soulmate, what would make you think that he or she would be in your area? We've only had the last 25- 30 years that we are able to reach all over the world. Does that mean that all the generations before gen-x to the beginning of man were doomed because their soulmate was in small village in China with no way to find them?


no photo
Sat 10/08/22 09:53 AM
:point_up: You are taking the meaning of a soulmate to an extreme.

bobtail76's photo
Sat 10/08/22 10:17 AM
I'm sorry Basel, perhaps you can define soulmate to this dullard

no photo
Sat 10/08/22 03:33 PM
I've never heard a good definition of soulmate.

no photo
Sat 10/08/22 04:25 PM
I agree with Duttoneer. As a widow I have to do the same thing and put myself into the real world. I started volunteering, joined a few social groups that do outings together and I want to take a few classes at the YMCA. If I meet someone great, but I'm not doing it for that.

I would like to hear someone else's perspective on twin flame and soulmate connection. I do believe in it.

It's okay to have a different perspective and beliefs then another person, doesn't mean it's silly.
I had this same discussion with my adult son for telling me that I shouldn't be teaching my autistic son about planets, astrology, dimensions, energy, etc

no photo
Sat 10/08/22 04:37 PM
Still not a soulmate.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Mon 10/10/22 12:25 PM
Never settle

Morticia's photo
Mon 10/10/22 01:19 PM
No such thing as a soulmate

no photo
Mon 10/10/22 01:41 PM
No such thing as soul unless it means mind.

no photo
Mon 10/10/22 02:13 PM
This is my belief, but I'm grieving what do I know. I was lucky to have it for 33 years. It's just a deeper connection. Mine was my first love, I was his last. I think people are sick of me and my views. Lol

What Is a Soulmate
According to Dr. Michael Tobin, a soulmate is someone who you feel deeply connected to, but not in a dependent or needy way. The guiding principle in a relationship between soulmates is that needs are equally met because a soulmate relationship should challenge you to move from selfishness to giving.

“It’s the realization that this person who shares your life is a part of yourself,” says family and marital psychologist Dr. Michael Tobin. “A soulmate is an individual that has a lasting impact on your life. Your soulmate is your fellow traveler on the journey of life—you need one another to grow beyond the limitations of your individual selves.”

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/10/22 02:48 PM

This is my belief, but I'm grieving what do I know. I was lucky to have it for 33 years. It's just a deeper connection. Mine was my first love, I was his last. I think people are sick of me and my views. Lol

What Is a Soulmate
According to Dr. Michael Tobin, a soulmate is someone who you feel deeply connected to, but not in a dependent or needy way. The guiding principle in a relationship between soulmates is that needs are equally met because a soulmate relationship should challenge you to move from selfishness to giving.

“It’s the realization that this person who shares your life is a part of yourself,” says family and marital psychologist Dr. Michael Tobin. “A soulmate is an individual that has a lasting impact on your life. Your soulmate is your fellow traveler on the journey of life—you need one another to grow beyond the limitations of your individual selves.”

A Soulmate... in essence we are all one, all part of the Divine, or if you're religious, children of god.
So in a way one large family, just that some are distant family members, others very distant, some close, and also very close.

A Soulmate is one that is closer 'family' in that sense. There are various types, depending on close, closer, very close 'family'.
We have many Soulmates, as in thousands. Basically your physical family, friends, partners tend to all be Soulmates.
Sometimes you meet someone that gives you this feeling of "I know you!" while you've never met that person before in your life. This is a closer Soulmate.

Twin Flames... Let's start higher up now....
You have a Monad, which is the closest to God/the Divine. Each Monad has 144 souls.
You Soul also splits in 2 halves as it descends, so further a way from the Divine, a tier down. One half is masculine, the other feminine.
The Twin Flame is the highest possible connection you can have while incarnated on Earth. There is an even higher one, the Twin Ray, which is the true other half of your Soul. But these do not incarnate (together) yet as we aren't ready for such a high vibrational relationship.
Most aren't even close to being ready for a Twin Flame relationship as this requires you to have dealt with most your issues. It's a 100% interdependent relationship, two equals standing next to one another, complementing each other perfectly.

So this is a much higher connection that soul mate, although there are also higher soul mate connections, let's say the closest 'family' members without being a TF.

Biggest difference:
- You have thousands of soul mates and most aren't your love interest, although your love interest usually are one.
Generally speaking soul mate relationships teach you to get ready for higher vibrational relationships. This can be with either another, higher tier soul mate or eventually your Twin Flame.

- You only have one Twin Flame incarnated with you, provided this is meant for you in this life. That happens more often these days, but still not as often as many want to believe.
This is not an automatic guarantee you will get together with them. If you make different choices, still got a lot of issues etc. etc. you won't. Or it won't last.

bobtail76's photo
Mon 10/10/22 02:52 PM
Interesting perspective, Crystal. But then why is it commonly recognized as soulmate and not soulmates?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/10/22 03:06 PM

Interesting perspective, Crystal. But then why is it commonly recognized as soulmate and not soulmates?

Because many people don't understand, and/or (mis)use the term to mean their one true love.
Like in the past many people said "aspirin" to indicate any and all painkillers while it was actually a specific brand.

bobtail76's photo
Mon 10/10/22 03:24 PM
So then if they are using the wrong terminology.... what would be proper terminology in which they are referring to - and does that exist?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 10/11/22 02:05 AM

So then if they are using the wrong terminology.... what would be proper terminology in which they are referring to - and does that exist?

Proper terminology could be, the right lover/partner for me (right now).
Or, the perfect lover/partner for me (right now).

They could also say soul mate provided they then meant the above and not "The one and only perfect lover in existence for me this lifetime."
There is no "one great love this lifetime", and most of us who have been in several relationships should know this. Someone could be a lasting partner, the love we stay happily in relationship with for the rest of our life, but we all know there is no guarantee.
I do feel we should have the intention that it's going to be a lasting relationship as you then enter it with a different, healthy mindset.

But if it doesn't work out... Even after a lover that was once great there are always chances of a new great love, and another, and another.
There isn't this "only one perfect match for me" that many seem to be focused on and looking for.

And that's great news as it means we can always find love. Even if we'd be moving to China, Russia, the other side of the country, or stay where we are.

What you generally see is that the ones looking for this 'one great love this lifetime' are desperate, in fear, not standing solidly on their own two feet, lack self-esteem etc. so they latch on to some external idea that they think will solve all their problems and make them feel better.
Confident and stable people know that is a flawed premise and they wouldn't work nor think that way.

no photo
Tue 10/11/22 03:04 PM
I love Crystal's posts. :heart:

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