Topic: Why are dating sites deppresing? | |
Crystal........I found that site was horrible. I went fishing for my man. Hi JBH! I'm still wondering... is you partner the one from the Soulmate card or not? Yes Crystal, Itβs been wonderful, 4 months now. We are still finding out things we have in common. Some of it is really freaky like the fact that many years ago, we had the same doctor. We may have actually seen each other before. Who knows? I tried several dating sites. The only one where I actually met anyone in person was the one where you catch them with your hook. ![]() Nice! I am glad cos if I remember correctly you were about to break with him and the card made you have another look or something. If so, then truly grateful the Romance Angels helped you! Must've been destined, hihi. It always stuck with me as I wasn't sure it was this man or not and I was thinking at the time, OMG I gave her the wrong message! She's going back to the wrong man! Clearly the cards never lie! I know that, but in some cases I doubt myself, hihi. Anywho, lots of happiness! ![]() |
Depends on what "dating" site you Visit ! Absolutely true! you got to find one that suits you, meaning has the men that you like. If there's possibility to browse photos before membership, that's great. Then you quickly find out. Unfortunately most better sites are paid for and shield photos and profiles from non-members. A good thing really, but it means you got to become a member to find out. That's how I ended up on the wrong dating site. Been there before, hoped it had changed. It has not. Mostly depressing men on there. Either they are or they make me feel depressed, haha. The overload of wrong men for me is too much, lol. Needless to say I will not extent membership and never become a member there again. Tinder seems very promising. I've seen more quality men on there than any other dating site. What's funny about that is..I used to do exactly that... Peruse a site, within my search parameters (distance, etc..) indofar as it would let me.. Saw 3-4 ionterewdting profiles, so, i signed up. Went beck to do the same search i had just done as an unpaid person...aaaand....those interesting profiles were not there.. A total of maybe 10 mintues had elapsed, so..I'm not buying that all 3-4 decided suddenly to delete their profile.. I suspect some have "bait" profiles to lure people in to thinking there's people they want to meet on there.. (some way of using your location or prefernces to show you faux profiles) This hapoened on 3 diferemt pay, i don't use them anymore. |
I agree with you op dating sites can be depressing... sitting hoping waiting somebody messages you..looks your way..
Are sends back a reply to your messages... Day after day..nothing comes your way.. But thank God this place exist..not just a dating site but a chat site as well... I wish there were more sites like this one.. .. |
I know I need more photos, and that I have to prove I'm not bald. And there's nobody to message in the first place. As for the name, if that puts them off, screw them. I love r2d2, always have, always will. It was his mission to save the princess, remember?
My real name is Scooby D2. As in Scooby doo is rhyming slang for clue. So I ain't got a clue, but my intentions are good. But the site wouldn't let me use that. And really? You get so many hi beautifuls, I like your smile, that you instantly pass that by, in favour of, yeah so I totally find crotcheting and crosswords a blast, they keep me active, you know, and you should see my sock collection omg. I mean what is wrong with that? You think somebody is attractive and like their smile, so you pay them a sincere compliment. Frankly if they've dissapeared so far up their own backside, that they find that horrendously borish, and would prefer a comment on the state of agriculture in Lithuania, then I don't think they're the 1 for me anyway And frankly, the fact I don't have a job, own a home, or a car, and have an incurable brain disease of a mental illness that doesn't even exist, is far more likely to put anybody off than a flatcap. But hey, people say they like the truth, but most of the time, they're lieing. Anyway, sorry if that came off sounding vindictive, and thanks for the advice |
I know I need more photos, and that I have to prove I'm not bald. And there's nobody to message in the first place. As for the name, if that puts them off, screw them. I love r2d2, always have, always will. It was his mission to save the princess, remember? My real name is Scooby D2. As in Scooby doo is rhyming slang for clue. So I ain't got a clue, but my intentions are good. But the site wouldn't let me use that. And really? You get so many hi beautifuls, I like your smile, that you instantly pass that by, in favour of, yeah so I totally find crotcheting and crosswords a blast, they keep me active, you know, and you should see my sock collection omg. I mean what is wrong with that? You think somebody is attractive and like their smile, so you pay them a sincere compliment. Frankly if they've dissapeared so far up their own backside, that they find that horrendously borish, and would prefer a comment on the state of agriculture in Lithuania, then I don't think they're the 1 for me anyway And frankly, the fact I don't have a job, own a home, or a car, and have an incurable brain disease of a mental illness that doesn't even exist, is far more likely to put anybody off than a flatcap. But hey, people say they like the truth, but most of the time, they're lieing. Anyway, sorry if that came off sounding vindictive, and thanks for the advice See, *that's* the thing that I don't get... The same people that tell you to change stuff are probably the same people that complain that people don't represen their true selves/ are fake on the internet/ dating sites.. ![]() (And, who cares if you are bald? Anyone who would is a shallow person, and, while everyone is entitled to their prefernces...if finding out you are bald is a deal you want to be around them anyway? Then, *this* comment of yours: "nd really? You get so many hi beautifuls, I like your smile, that you instantly pass that by" I do not get "tons" of messages, but the ones I do get that start that way are always, always a scammer... (plus, I am not smiling in my pictures..LOL) Someone 700+ miles away..nothing on their profile..they are always widowed.... I do a reverse image serch...and find that the pictures they have are on several other sites, and have been reported as a scammer. Plus, scammers seem to think flattery will get them in a woman's good graces, which is why they do that.. Of the very, very few spontaneous message I have recieved on this or any of the sites..the ones from real legit guys do not start that way..they either say "hi", or something bout my profile. Just my experience. Then, you said: " But hey, people say they like the truth, but most of the time, they're lieing." See my very first comment. I refuse tyo be fake, coy, engage in subterfuge to "attratc" someone, because that is not being truthful and sincere... And I;d rather someone like me for the authentic me...not some fake image I'd put out there.. I had 2 wonderful ling terms, and am now a widow, so..guys that dig *me* are out there...just harder to find.. And I am OK with that.. I don't want to have to change/ do complete makeover to "get" someone...anbd I certainly wouldn;t want a *guy* to do that to attract me.. Because our real selves will come out eventually, and better to start of with honesty than a lie. |
Edited by
The Wrong Alice
Wed 03/27/19 12:03 PM
Bluegrass, I totally dig that
But the fact remains, the majority of people, do not want somebody who is bald. Neither do they themselves, wish to be bald. Yes, I agree, I guess it is kind of shallow, in a way. But hey, the heart wants, what the heart wants BTW, that's 1 good looking rooster, what a set of feathers, phwoar, I bet he drives the hens wild ![]() ![]() |
So, you get 1 of these new Star Trek phones, that allow you to look at pictures of naked people, as well as make phone calls
I haven't had a flip phone in at least a decade Now that's depressing ![]() |
I haven't had a flip phone in at least a decade Now that's depressing ![]() Pfft...I currently have a flip phone..probably 10-11 years old.. Lives in the car, used only for emergencies... (I think I have like 200 minutes on it I have never used...LOL I have a house phone for *real* phone calls, and a computer for the internet... ![]() ![]() |
Dating sites can be depressing. Some join because they work so much and never get out to meet people. Some join because they are really shy and difficult talking with people. Some are older and and not meeting someone that is close in age. Some getting that feeling of desperation and think a dating site is the last resort. I've seen that all from dating sites.
Dating sites can be depressing. Some join because they work so much and never get out to meet people. Some join because they are really shy and difficult talking with people. Some are older and and not meeting someone that is close in age. Some getting that feeling of desperation and think a dating site is the last resort. I've seen that all from dating sites. ![]() |
I'm not saying that being on a dating site is depressing. There are different people on here and I see a lot that happens.
Bluegrass, I totally dig that But the fact remains, the majority of people, do not want somebody who is bald. Neither do they themselves, wish to be bald. Yes, I agree, I guess it is kind of shallow, in a way. But hey, the heart wants, what the heart wants BTW, that's 1 good looking rooster, what a set of feathers, phwoar, I bet he drives the hens wild ![]() ![]() The majority of people... How do you know? Have you spoken the majority of people? You're making assumptions and filling in things based on your own belief system. I didn't mean 'without cap' because of hair/no hair but because then people can see your face properly. Personally I don't care about bald or not. My last love was partially bald. I never even saw it, not even the first time I looked at his picture. What I DID see was his positive attitude in both his profile AND his message to me. His profile pic was clear, a smile, in bright daylight. People need to be able to see your face. I didn't even read the rest as I'm not interested in someone throwing their anger and disappointment at me. I answered to your posting, was kind and trying to help. If that's you're attitude towards kind people... sorry to say, but no wonder you have no luck. |
Edited by
Wed 03/27/19 04:23 PM
I'm not saying that being on a dating site is depressing. There are different people on here and I see a lot that happens. I was "thumbs upping" because of the reasons you cited as to why people are on those sites... People think only "losers" are on those sites....never mind that the people that say that are they *themselves* on those site... ![]() But,'s *different* for *them*....LOL I have had a couple guys write me and say "well, i see you are still on must be pretty bad if no one wants you.." Sent to me by someone who *themselves* is on there, and apparently has for a as long as *I*, what's his point.. ![]() |
Thanks bluegrass!
Don't look at it as depressing, look at it as amusing! Very amusing!!! And think positive, the triple P can do wonders. And I wouldn't worry about the bald thing, just do what huge amounts of trend following conformists these days do and shave your head if you still have hair! No personal offense intended if you already have |
If dating sites did not exist . And you were single seeking a mate .. how would you feel emotionally ???
What would you do differently ??? The dating process can seem brutal and human egos can certainly be fragile . ..especially when it comes to our attractivess to others and how we see ourselves . If you want to find love .. you will . That may mean embracing change .. evaluating your expectations and barriers towards finding love ....growing your self confidence ![]() |
Edited by
The Wrong Alice
Thu 03/28/19 10:34 AM
Clearly I haven't spoken to the majority of people. But based on the majority of people I have spoken to. Then it's true. I did thank you for your advice, and apologized if it came off as vindictive.
I'm all for positivity. But I think that thinking the power of positive thought can change everything, is a drippy, Polly anna, unrealistic attitude. I'm a realist, that's all. I wasn't having a pop at you. Nor am I looking for sympathy. But nor am I going to confuse being sensitive to others feelings, with treading on egg shells, and ignore the elephant in the room. I don't have much chance of finding a date, and I'm aware of why. Such is life Blondey, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. I'd feel deppresed about it. And then I'd have some vampire charlatan of a doctor trying to get me to take anti depressants. Totally ignoring why I felt deppresed in the first place, and simply wanting to blind me with chemicals and b.s. |
No1phd - just a hint, I have seen the majority of your posts since you joined and have NEVER seen anything optimistic in your viewpoint. It's time to lighten up a bit. and R2D2 - keep the name, you are intriquing, young enough to be my son... but i loved R2D2 the moment the film came out You could use 1 photo with a bit more light.