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Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 2
Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 03/25/19 05:06 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 03/25/19 05:07 PM

Watergate Figure John Dean Suspects Barr May Be Hiding Something 'Fairly Ugly'

"John Dean, former White House counsel to President Richard M. Nixon, warned that Attorney General William Barr may be hiding something “fairly ugly” inside the report filed by special counsel Robert Mueller".


Do not think you can bury the evidence': Democrats demand Mueller report be made public

"WASHINGTON – Members of Congress continued to wait Sunday for Attorney General William Barr to provide a summary of conclusions from a nearly two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Barr told lawmakers on Friday he could release the findings as soon as this weekend".


Democrats demand a lot of things! Fortunately. for US they are lost causes.

no photo
Mon 03/25/19 05:16 PM

Watergate Figure John Dean Suspects Barr May Be Hiding Something 'Fairly Ugly'

"John Dean, former White House counsel to President Richard M. Nixon, warned that Attorney General William Barr may be hiding something “fairly ugly” inside the report filed by special counsel Robert Mueller".


Do not think you can bury the evidence': Democrats demand Mueller report be made public

"WASHINGTON – Members of Congress continued to wait Sunday for Attorney General William Barr to provide a summary of conclusions from a nearly two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Barr told lawmakers on Friday he could release the findings as soon as this weekend".


Its far from over ! Dinbat donald will fall

EXPLAINER -Why an obstruction case against Trump was so difficult

"WASHINGTON, March 24 (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General William Barr's conclusion that President Donald Trump did not obstruct justice, revealed publicly on Sunday in a letter to lawmakers, reflects inherent difficulties in proving such an obstruction case, legal experts said.

Barr sent a four-page letter to congressional leaders summarizing a report by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller handed in on Friday, which remains confidential.

Mueller was appointed to investigate whether Trump's campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election and to probe whether the president later unlawfully sought to obstruct the probe.

Mueller vindicated Trump on the core question of Russian collusion, writing in his report that "the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities," according to Barr's letter.

While Mueller stopped short of determining whether Trump obstructed justice, Barr concluded there was insufficient evidence to bring such a case".


The last account I had there was 2 to 4 thousand pages to the Mueller report. Barr, A Republican appointed by Trump condenses it down to just 4 pages. Where is the rest of the story? Are we witnessing another Republican coverup? With all the lies that have come out of Trump's mouth and the Republican Party in general, It's enough to make one wonder if it's another coverup. The Republicans are good at that.

House Republicans Have a Secret List of Trump Scandals They’re Covering Up

"Axios has obtained a list of Trump administration scandals. The list hints at the overflowing sewer of Trumpian corruption and incompetence, and the refusal of congressional Republicans to investigate any of it. Oddly enough, this list is being circulated by Republicans in Congress. The list, composed of Democratic requests for hearings that Republicans have blocked, is meant to warn of what Congress would look into if Democrats win the midterms. Axios reports that Republican “stomachs are churning” at the mere thought that any of the items on the list could receive a public hearing".


Another thing. Bill Clinton was impeached over getting his knob polished in the oval room. Trump deserves the same thing because he paid hush money to keep people from finding out he was getting his knob polished by two different women.

What the GOP corruption cover-up list looks like for the next Congress

"Chickens are coming home to roost in the House. There is GOP apprehension because of the malevolence and mischief various members have wrought over the years. Polling now indicates some clearer results that should make GOTV no less intensified as election day approaches".


Democrats demand to see Mueller report by April 2nd!

"WASHINGTON — Six Democratic committee chairs in the House sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr Monday requesting that he submit the full report from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation to Congress by next Tuesday, April 2.

In a three-page letter to Barr, they wrote that his summary of the Mueller report “is not sufficient for Congress".


Like the rest of you, I am shocked and deeply puzzled about the four-page summary of the Mueller Report given by Attorney General William “The Fixer” Barr. First, let’s recall a couple of things about Barr. He is notorious for having engineered the pardons given to Iran-Contra criminals.


Source With Knowledge of The Probe - “Mueller was making a case to Congress..."

"In his Cliff Notes (I am being generous here) four-page summary of the still-unknown-how-many-page Mueller Report, AG William Barr, who is busily obstructing justice right before our very eyes, just like his client, includes one telling Mueller quote from the report — presumably included to inoculate Barr from charges of lying to Congress...

“The special counsel states “that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him".


indianadave4's photo
Mon 03/25/19 07:14 PM
Mueller spent $25,000,000, hired 600 investigators, subpoenaed over 2,800 people and interviewed 500 witnesses and not 1 person had evidence of Trump/Russia collusion But the media and the democrat opposition feel like all those witnesses were wrong and they just know somebody somewhere can prove collusion.

There is nothing they won't do to keep negative attention on Trump:

Nothing they wouldn't do to downplay IRS admitting what they did back in 2012 to help the Democrats and paying out millions in settlements

Nothing they will not do to change the subject from what they got caught doing in the 2016 election cycle by those pesky unaltered emails

Nothing they won't do to keep public attention away from Tony Podesta and Obama's WH Counsel being referred to prosecutors by Mueller for working as unregistered agents of Ukraine right along with Manafort

Nothing they won't to do keep the attention off of Comey/McCabe/Strzok/Rice/and the others in the FBI/DOJ caught red handed and got away with it

All democrat's and news media turn a blind eye to the above and spend 2 years and $25 million dollars on a witch hunt. Talk about hiding law breakers and a legal conspiracy. And Celebrities are stunned at the Mueller report findings.

So patriotic.

no photo
Mon 03/25/19 07:42 PM
What is it they are trying so hard to hide?

Republicans block U.S. Senate Democrats' move on making Mueller report public

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell on Monday blocked a second attempt by Democrats to pass a measure aimed at prodding the Justice Department to release to the public Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Earlier this month, the House of Representatives voted 420-0 in favor of making the report public, with no Republican opposition".

On Sunday, Attorney General William Barr informed Congress that Mueller had concluded that President Donald Trump's campaign did not collude with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. But the probe left unresolved the question of whether Trump engaged in obstruction of justice.


This is your Republican Party. The whole lot is crooks with something to hide. What else is in that report that the crooked Republican Party doesn't want to be known?

Why keep protecting Trump? What does Trump have on them that they don't want to be known? This is why Democrats will not let it go. Republican stonewalling and openly trying to hide anything that might hurt Trump really badly. If they want the Democrats to let it go, Republicans need to stop trying to suppress the report.

Here is a hint, Could it be obstruction of justice by Trump AND the Republican-controlled Senate?

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/25/19 07:44 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 03/25/19 07:46 PM

Mueller spent $25,000,000, hired 600 investigators, subpoenaed over 2,800 people and interviewed 500 witnesses and not 1 person had evidence of Trump/Russia collusion But the media and the democrat opposition feel like all those witnesses were wrong and they just know somebody somewhere can prove collusion.

There is nothing they won't do to keep negative attention on Trump:

Nothing they wouldn't do to downplay IRS admitting what they did back in 2012 to help the Democrats and paying out millions in settlements

Nothing they will not do to change the subject from what they got caught doing in the 2016 election cycle by those pesky unaltered emails

Nothing they won't do to keep public attention away from Tony Podesta and Obama's WH Counsel being referred to prosecutors by Mueller for working as unregistered agents of Ukraine right along with Manafort

Nothing they won't to do keep the attention off of Comey/McCabe/Strzok/Rice/and the others in the FBI/DOJ caught red handed and got away with it

All democrat's and news media turn a blind eye to the above and spend 2 years and $25 million dollars on a witch hunt. Talk about hiding law breakers and a legal conspiracy. And Celebrities are stunned at the Mueller report findings.

So patriotic.

Charles has clearly been posting what the investigation has led to, which is plenty, whether it directly implicates Trump or not. so it was far from a waste.

for those who wish to read the timeline, which started in 2017 to look into RUSSIAS interference with the election and TRUMPS obstruction of justice, collusion is not really a legal charge, but a simple word for the public to grasp.


The report is paraphrased as saying that Trump did not 'conspire' with the Russians in what they did. It also says that Trump is not exhonerated of obstruction of justice either.

Now, I have learned there is little use to fighting decisions that are law, whether I agree or not. It made no difference for people who thought OJ was guilty, or people who thought Zimmerman was. A verdict is a verdict is a verdict, or a conclusion is a conclusion.

But it is interesting the CRAP FEST people had over Clinton lying about an affair before, but who are now just dismissing lying in Trump and ALL AROUND TRUMPS circle of appointees and chosen as no big deal.

Perhaps that is why Trump has been able to avoid actually having to say anything UNDER OATH, like Clinton did. That way, if his lawyers lie for him, he has deniability and they can take the consequences.

And then, people can justify the hoopla over Clinton as being only about the illegal lying of perjury.

no photo
Mon 03/25/19 07:49 PM

Mueller spent $25,000,000, hired 600 investigators, subpoenaed over 2,800 people and interviewed 500 witnesses and not 1 person had evidence of Trump/Russia collusion But the media and the democrat opposition feel like all those witnesses were wrong and they just know somebody somewhere can prove collusion.

There is nothing they won't do to keep negative attention on Trump:

Nothing they wouldn't do to downplay IRS admitting what they did back in 2012 to help the Democrats and paying out millions in settlements

Nothing they will not do to change the subject from what they got caught doing in the 2016 election cycle by those pesky unaltered emails

Nothing they won't do to keep public attention away from Tony Podesta and Obama's WH Counsel being referred to prosecutors by Mueller for working as unregistered agents of Ukraine right along with Manafort

Nothing they won't to do keep the attention off of Comey/McCabe/Strzok/Rice/and the others in the FBI/DOJ caught red handed and got away with it

All democrat's and news media turn a blind eye to the above and spend 2 years and $25 million dollars on a witch hunt. Talk about hiding law breakers and a legal conspiracy. And Celebrities are stunned at the Mueller report findings.

So patriotic.

Get your facts right.

Yes, the Mueller investigation is costly. But the millions seized from Manafort have it on track to break even


In other words, Manafort paid for the bulk of the investigation. Not the American tax dollar.

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/25/19 08:07 PM
And since Manafart made those illegal gains from russian dealings
One can almost deduce that RUSSIA PAID FOR IT laugh
Great job Charles ! But the work has just begun . Bring on the facts

no photo
Mon 03/25/19 08:25 PM
Ocasio-Cortez Is Right About the Mueller Report

"So far, what we know about special counsel Robert Mueller's report on his two-year investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election might be disappointing to anyone who actually hoped that this would be the thing that finally sinks Donald Trump in explosive form. It didn't conclude that there was collusion—but it also noted that it "does not exonerate him"—and the special counsel won't be bringing any more indictments beyond the whopping 37 already issued.

The full report still hasn't been released to the public, and right now all we have is a four-page summary with questionable conclusions from newly appointed Trump loyalist Attorney General William Barr. But collusion was always a high bar for a campaign that was characterized by constant dysfunction, and the truth is that Trump is more of a generally corrupt, tax-avoiding real estate developer with a gut instinct for how to whip up racist animus than he is an evil genius. And that shouldn't be comforting to anyone".


no photo
Mon 03/25/19 09:12 PM
Found this.

How much did the Mueller report cost?

"Robert Mueller has concluded his 22-month investigation, and while the special counsel’s full report remains under wraps, some elements of the probe are known to the public – including its cost.

From the day the special counsel was appointed, his office has released statements of expenditures every few months detailing its spendings.

Three such statements are currently available, with a fourth one likely coming soon.

Based on the published statements, plus an estimate of what is to come in the fourth statement, it appears likely that the Mueller investigation itself will have cost around $17m".


Seakolony's photo
Mon 03/25/19 09:28 PM
Donald Teflon Trump.....bwahahaharofl rofl rofl rofl

indianadave4's photo
Mon 03/25/19 09:28 PM
Lindsey Graham Calls For Another Special Counsel To Probe Trump, Clinton Investigations

WASHINGTON ― Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he’s planning to use his authority as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate what he called “disturbing” FBI actions over the Hillary Clinton email probe and the origins of the investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 presidential election.

Graham, one of President Donald Trump’s top allies on Capitol Hill, also said he wants Attorney General William Barr to appoint another special counsel to look into the matter.

“If no one else cares, it seems to be Republicans do,” Graham said at a Monday press conference. “I will be doing oversight to try to put this puzzle together.”



Boy will the democrat's cry foul and the news media will down play if not outright ignore it. America would have look past this but Democrat's brought this on themselves.

Sits back, makes pop corn.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 03/25/19 09:34 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Mon 03/25/19 09:35 PM

Found this.

How much did the Mueller report cost?

"Robert Mueller has concluded his 22-month investigation, and while the special counsel’s full report remains under wraps, some elements of the probe are known to the public – including its cost.

From the day the special counsel was appointed, his office has released statements of expenditures every few months detailing its spendings.

Three such statements are currently available, with a fourth one likely coming soon.

Based on the published statements, plus an estimate of what is to come in the fourth statement, it appears likely that the Mueller investigation itself will have cost around $17m".



Your UK source must be counting in inflated UK Pounds.

Mueller Probe Cost $25 Million So Far



Robert Mueller's Russia investigation cost is now at $25 million and counting



Mueller investigation cost $25 million in first 16 months, report shows



Mueller's Russia probe has cost more than $25 million


Rock's photo
Mon 03/25/19 11:17 PM
Watching liberals' heads explode,
never ceases to amuse.

It's been a great day, in TrumpLand.

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/26/19 12:44 AM

Found this.

How much did the Mueller report cost?

"Robert Mueller has concluded his 22-month investigation, and while the special counsel’s full report remains under wraps, some elements of the probe are known to the public – including its cost.

From the day the special counsel was appointed, his office has released statements of expenditures every few months detailing its spendings.

Three such statements are currently available, with a fourth one likely coming soon.

Based on the published statements, plus an estimate of what is to come in the fourth statement, it appears likely that the Mueller investigation itself will have cost around $17m".


which is less than the investigation into the Clintons throughout the Whitewater/Lewinsky ordeal, which made the POTUS testify 'under oath', where lying is a crime, as opposed to avoiding taking an oath and lying openly and often, which is just #45.

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/26/19 12:48 AM

Found this.

How much did the Mueller report cost?

"Robert Mueller has concluded his 22-month investigation, and while the special counsel’s full report remains under wraps, some elements of the probe are known to the public – including its cost.

From the day the special counsel was appointed, his office has released statements of expenditures every few months detailing its spendings.

Three such statements are currently available, with a fourth one likely coming soon.

Based on the published statements, plus an estimate of what is to come in the fourth statement, it appears likely that the Mueller investigation itself will have cost around $17m".



Your UK source must be counting in inflated UK Pounds.

Mueller Probe Cost $25 Million So Far



Robert Mueller's Russia investigation cost is now at $25 million and counting



Mueller investigation cost $25 million in first 16 months, report shows



Mueller's Russia probe has cost more than $25 million


(For what it’s worth, the Mueller investigation seems to have cost significantly less than other major investigations into U.S. presidents. The probes into the Clintons and Reagan officials in the Iran-Contra scandal cost $70 million and $47.4 million, respectively, which equate to $98 million and $104 million in today’s dollars, after adjusting for inflation.)


no photo
Tue 03/26/19 01:02 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 03/26/19 01:03 AM
We Don't Know What the Mueller Report Says. But We Do Know About How Much It Cost

"Though that is a lot of money, the investigation may have actually paid for itself by uncovering tax evasion and fraud.

Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was sentenced for obstruction of justice and conspiracy in September. Manafort, as part of his plea deal, agreed to forfeit assets valued around $42 million, including about $22 million in real estate property, according to CNBC, though a Justice Department official told NBC News that the money would not go directly to funding the investigation".

But the cost of Mueller’s investigation is much lower than previous ones. The investigation into President Bill Clinton from 1994 to 2002 cost approximately $69 million, and the investigation into Iran-Contra cost approximately $47 million, not adjusted for inflation, according to the Washington Post.


Donald Trump Just Committed a Fully Impeachable Offense

"Trump’s boldest critics will tell you that he has been committing offenses that merit impeachment since he took office on January 20, 2017".


Impeach Donald Trump

"January 20, 2017, Donald Trump stood on the steps of the Capitol, raised his right hand, and solemnly swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He has not kept that promise".

Instead, he has mounted a concerted challenge to the separation of powers, to the rule of law, and to the civil liberties enshrined in our founding documents. He has purposefully inflamed America’s divisions. He has set himself against the American idea, the principle that all of us—of every race, gender, and creed—are created equal.


Even after Mueller, we still don't know what's really going on with Trump and Russia

"Attorney General William Barr’s summary of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report vindicates, without reservation, President Donald Trump's insistence that there was no collusion with the Russians regarding the 2016 campaign.

Clearing the president and his campaign of a provable conspiracy is a matter of law. But as a matter of national security, Barr’s letter does not clear up very much about the relationship between the Trump inner circle and the Russians, or about the behavior of the president himself".


no photo
Tue 03/26/19 01:21 AM

Another thing. Bill Clinton was impeached over getting his knob polished in the oval room. Trump deserves the same thing because he paid hush money to keep people from finding out he was getting his knob polished by two different women.

Considering the above, I completely fail to understand how any woman could vote for dozy donny. Clinton was impeached and for the same reason the current POTUS should also be impeached. That seems only fair to me. His treatment of women is frankly disgusting.

This is of course completely separate from all the other well researched reasons why he should go.

Not that I am biased, I'm English and have never voted in the USA and will never be able to do so. I just read what is written here! happy

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/26/19 01:55 AM

Another thing. Bill Clinton was impeached over getting his knob polished in the oval room. Trump deserves the same thing because he paid hush money to keep people from finding out he was getting his knob polished by two different women.

Considering the above, I completely fail to understand how any woman could vote for dozy donny. Clinton was impeached and for the same reason the current POTUS should also be impeached. That seems only fair to me. His treatment of women is frankly disgusting.

This is of course completely separate from all the other well researched reasons why he should go.

Not that I am biased, I'm English and have never voted in the USA and will never be able to do so. I just read what is written here! happy

That, allegedly, wasnt simply about lying. it was the lying 'under oath' that made it criminal. You may notice, Trump has avoided having to give testimony under oath. whatever lies he may tell are not 'criminal' lies, so it is no biggy.

Rock's photo
Tue 03/26/19 04:34 AM
Ambulance chaser Avenatti, facing a possible
97 years in prison.

Stormy Daniels can't even book a gig at the
Donkey Show in Tijuana.

It's a beautiful day in TrumpLand.

no photo
Tue 03/26/19 04:56 AM
$25 million dollars spent to find.... no collusion... zip...none... the witch hunt failed.

Well Dems , should we now spend another $25 million investigating .. the investigation.

you folk sure like to spend other peoples money

total waste of taxpayer money and energy.

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