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Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 2
hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/26/19 06:59 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Tue 03/26/19 07:02 PM

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:01 PM

Barr Didn’t Answer These 16 Questions. Mueller’s Report Could

"(Bloomberg) -- Attorney General William Barr’s four-page letter to Congress made clear that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigation into Russian election interference was exhaustive -- generating 500 search warrants, more than 2,800 subpoenas and interviews of 500 witnesses. Barr delivered a verdict on it in 48 hours, leaving many questions unanswered.

Many of those could be revealed when Barr releases a more detailed accounting of Mueller’s probe in a matter of weeks, not months, a Justice Department official said. Democrats are pushing for the release of Mueller’s entire report. In the meantime, here are some of the most pressing".


On Obstruction, Mueller Abdicates

"The most telling revelation in Attorney General William Barr’s letter about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s much-anticipated final report is that Mueller has punted on the main question he pursued for nearly two years of investigation: Did President Trump commit an obstruction offense?"


The Watergate Report was facts only just like the Mueller Report. Except the Watergate report went straight to Congress for review and action. Trump and the GOP will fight to keep the Mueller report from Congress and the public. Trump will continue to look guilty as long as he fights to keep the Mueller report from Congress. It's Congress' legal right to see the Mueller report and to make a determination. No wonder Trump has trotted out his Enemies' List - he's taking the offensive to bury the Mueller report.

When, If Ever, Will We Read the Full Mueller Report?

"On Sunday, Attorney General William Barr delivered a brief, narrow summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s nearly two-year investigation into the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia. The president and his allies responded by declaring the matter settled while doing all they can to convince Americans that Barr’s assessment exonerates Trump of any wrongdoing. The president’s surrogates are, as Trump might say, “working overtime” on cable news to press the issue. Trump, himself, is fighting for the cause on Twitter. On Tuesday morning, he tried to leverage Barr’s conclusion to bolster his argument that the mainstream media is the Enemy of the People".

"As many have argued, a four-page summary of a massive investigation written by someone who has demonstrated a bias against said investigation should not be considered a definitive assessment. Regardless of what the White House says, Mueller’s findings cannot be truly understood until the complete report is released. Unfortunately, it’s up to Barr to determine how much of it will see the light of day, as Trump makes sure to note whenever reporters ask him whether he thinks the public should see the report. “It’s up to the attorney general but it wouldn’t bother me at all,” the president said on Monday. "


We the American people are dumb little sheep to these people. We are just supposed to take their word no matter how one-sided it is.

Trump’s Attorney General Pick Really Isn’t Fan of the Mueller Probe

"It wasn’t hard to understand why President Trump nominated William Barr to be the next attorney general. Barr is a big fan of executive privilege, sought to fire a special counsel while serving under George H.W. Bush and, more recently, has criticized the Justice Department for looking into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia instead of investigating Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Barr’s misgivings about the Mueller probe go deeper than the stray quotes he’s given to news outlets. According to the paper, Barr wrote an “unsolicited” 20-page memo to the Justice Department earlier this year in which he argued that the probe arose out of a “fatally misconceived” theory. He told Trump about it, too".


This is why you can't trust the Republican party. They aren't the same anymore. They lie and try to hide things from the American people.

Well, What I am curious about is how someone who openly reveals his incompetence to the law and bias against the investigation, by writing he thinks it is illegal, suddenly become appointed to be the one who reviews said investigation?

no photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:13 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 03/26/19 07:14 PM

Dems not giving up on Russia probe; Trump visits Republicans

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump took a victory lap on Capitol Hill Tuesday, emboldened by the end of the government's Russia probe even as Democrats demanded the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's full report and intensified their focus on policy issues.

The Affordable Care Act took center stage for the Democrats after a season of congressional business that's been mostly about Trump, including the investigations and, earlier, the government shutdown. Radiating a sense of vindication, Trump walked into the Senate flanked by Republican leaders".


Americans (those of us who are sane and still check facts) do not buy the four-page summary of a political hack, William Barr, saying nothing to see here when he wasn't involved from the beginning, had sent out a 17 page memo about how Trump should not be under investigation by Mueller prior to becoming AG, and even with his heavy corrupt GOP slant of a summary cannot exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice. We the People demand the whole report is released and the Mueller testifies to the oversight committee since the GOP thinks it is fine to keep their corruption going!

The report must say quite a few negative, perhaps even game-changing, things about Trump. After all, there were 34 indictments of close associates and some are going to jail. If Trump supporters REALLY believe he is exonerated, why would they want the doubt to remain and be an issue for Democrats? RELEASE THE REPORT and let the voters decide.

the full report on Benghazi was made available. The impeachment of Clinton was televised. It does make me wonder what there is to hide. But like his brilliant school career that he doesnt want released, the shadiness of Trump and his circle has come to be expected. I wonder if its his mob ties that make them so devoted to 'protecting' him all the time or if there is something else.

O.k., M.S. and EXACTLY what mob ties does TRUMP have? Please enlighten all to some facts. not rumors, as you are throwing out there right now... but .. fact. no his father.. or some other family member...him.. what do you have ( other then baseless rumors)?

Are you talking about his construction projects in N.Y.C?... well, guess what, if you are pouring concrete, moving dirt, demolishing anything and hauling off trash from any job site.. anywhere in the 5 NYC boroughs of NYC ( AND North Jersey) you are dealing with mob run companies... I don't care who you are, be it I.B.M, Merrill Lynch or the City of New York.
So how about doing a little research on " the reality of building in the Northeast U.S." before throwing mob ties out there.

Doesn't matter which companies you choose.. they own the industries.. have forever...

And BTW... I do know.. been buying concrete, dirt and services from them for 35 years. Fact.. good quality concrete at a good price.. and they always deliver.. just make sure to pay them ;)

I agree. It has been nearly two decades since absolute connection to the mob, by his own words in 2004. But people do question people's connections to others by even slighter standards, like Obama being tied to Ayers because he WORKED on the same board as him and had events with him YEARS After he had been charged with crimes.

Its not a judgement call. Just a theory, like all those floating around about the ties between people's deaths and the Clintons. Or like how is some exceptional business man NOW, based on what he was accomplishing back then.

Trumps own words admit connection with mobsters, for whatever reason.

"“I don’t want to have cameras all over my office, dealing with contractors, politicians, mobsters and everyone else I have to deal with in my business,” he told a 2004 panel at the Museum of Television and Radio in L.A. “You know, mobsters don’t like, as they are talking to me, having cameras all over the room. It would play well on television, but it doesn’t play well with them.”


I don't know what his deal is. I do honestly wonder what connections or sources of intimidation he might be able to use on people, besides tweeting.

Donald Trump's Mafia Connections: Decades Later, Is He Still Linked to the Mob?

"On a rainy day in the spring of 1976, FBI Special Agent Myron Fuller took the New York subway to Brooklyn to interview Donald Trump. The future tycoon, about 30, was just getting his real estate career off the ground, aided by secret payments from his father. Fuller found Trump working out of a temporary office in a double-wide trailer on a muddy construction site. “There were boards covering wet dirt, in lieu of cement walkways,” Fuller recalls to Newsweek. He knocked on the door and went in. “His secretary sat there by the entrance, and Trump was a door away from there.” Ushered in, he found Trump sitting behind his desk".


Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?

"In his signature book, The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump boasted that when he wanted to build a casino in Atlantic City, he persuaded the state attorney general to limit the investigation of his background to six months. Most potential owners were scrutinized for more than a year. Trump argued that he was “clean as a whistle”—young enough that he hadn’t had time to get into any sort of trouble. He got the sped-up background check, and eventually got the casino license".


As a matter of fact, there is a book published on that very subject for those inclined to read it.




no photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:41 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 03/26/19 07:42 PM
Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob

"Donald Trump "seems terrified to release his taxes" because they may reveal his true net worth, his donations to liberal causes, or something even seedier, Sen. Ted Cruz suggested on Meet the Press.

"There have been multiple media reports about Donald's business dealings with the mob, with the mafia," Cruz said Feb. 28. "Maybe his taxes show those business dealings are a lot more extensive than has been reported".


He's a crook. And his base is blind and ignorant to it.

no photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:44 PM

Barr Didn’t Answer These 16 Questions. Mueller’s Report Could

"(Bloomberg) -- Attorney General William Barr’s four-page letter to Congress made clear that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigation into Russian election interference was exhaustive -- generating 500 search warrants, more than 2,800 subpoenas and interviews of 500 witnesses. Barr delivered a verdict on it in 48 hours, leaving many questions unanswered.

Many of those could be revealed when Barr releases a more detailed accounting of Mueller’s probe in a matter of weeks, not months, a Justice Department official said. Democrats are pushing for the release of Mueller’s entire report. In the meantime, here are some of the most pressing".


On Obstruction, Mueller Abdicates

"The most telling revelation in Attorney General William Barr’s letter about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s much-anticipated final report is that Mueller has punted on the main question he pursued for nearly two years of investigation: Did President Trump commit an obstruction offense?"


The Watergate Report was facts only just like the Mueller Report. Except the Watergate report went straight to Congress for review and action. Trump and the GOP will fight to keep the Mueller report from Congress and the public. Trump will continue to look guilty as long as he fights to keep the Mueller report from Congress. It's Congress' legal right to see the Mueller report and to make a determination. No wonder Trump has trotted out his Enemies' List - he's taking the offensive to bury the Mueller report.

When, If Ever, Will We Read the Full Mueller Report?

"On Sunday, Attorney General William Barr delivered a brief, narrow summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s nearly two-year investigation into the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia. The president and his allies responded by declaring the matter settled while doing all they can to convince Americans that Barr’s assessment exonerates Trump of any wrongdoing. The president’s surrogates are, as Trump might say, “working overtime” on cable news to press the issue. Trump, himself, is fighting for the cause on Twitter. On Tuesday morning, he tried to leverage Barr’s conclusion to bolster his argument that the mainstream media is the Enemy of the People".

"As many have argued, a four-page summary of a massive investigation written by someone who has demonstrated a bias against said investigation should not be considered a definitive assessment. Regardless of what the White House says, Mueller’s findings cannot be truly understood until the complete report is released. Unfortunately, it’s up to Barr to determine how much of it will see the light of day, as Trump makes sure to note whenever reporters ask him whether he thinks the public should see the report. “It’s up to the attorney general but it wouldn’t bother me at all,” the president said on Monday. "


We the American people are dumb little sheep to these people. We are just supposed to take their word no matter how one-sided it is.

Trump’s Attorney General Pick Really Isn’t Fan of the Mueller Probe

"It wasn’t hard to understand why President Trump nominated William Barr to be the next attorney general. Barr is a big fan of executive privilege, sought to fire a special counsel while serving under George H.W. Bush and, more recently, has criticized the Justice Department for looking into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia instead of investigating Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Barr’s misgivings about the Mueller probe go deeper than the stray quotes he’s given to news outlets. According to the paper, Barr wrote an “unsolicited” 20-page memo to the Justice Department earlier this year in which he argued that the probe arose out of a “fatally misconceived” theory. He told Trump about it, too".


This is why you can't trust the Republican party. They aren't the same anymore. They lie and try to hide things from the American people.

Well, What I am curious about is how someone who openly reveals his incompetence to the law and bias against the investigation, by writing he thinks it is illegal, suddenly become appointed to be the one who reviews said investigation?

Trump. By hook or crook.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:53 PM

Today in Trump land was another good day for America because any day that proves to show how dispicable and delusional the democrats are is a good day for a victory for Trump in 2020


msharmony's photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:56 PM
The us vs them politics at work again. Trump did know his base.

no photo
Tue 03/26/19 08:31 PM

The us vs them politics at work again. Trump did know his base.

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

"Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base.

"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking."

"The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans. So the base is more solid than it was, but there's fewer of them," he said.

The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed party registration last week and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans across 31 states and the District of Columbia.

The analysis also found that 40 percent of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, while only 29 percent are Republicans".


This is an old article. But it still speaks volumes. Trump's base is turning against him. A little at a time. The more he runs his mouth. The more he keeps trying to hide things the more guilty he looks. More thinking people will pull away. All he will have left is his puppets that follow blindly.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 03/26/19 09:14 PM

The us vs them politics at work again. Trump did know his base.

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

"Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base.

"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking."

"The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans. So the base is more solid than it was, but there's fewer of them," he said.

The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed party registration last week and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans across 31 states and the District of Columbia.

The analysis also found that 40 percent of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, while only 29 percent are Republicans".


This is an old article. But it still speaks volumes. Trump's base is turning against him. A little at a time. The more he runs his mouth. The more he keeps trying to hide things the more guilty he looks. More thinking people will pull away. All he will have left is his puppets that follow blindly.

Key words: IN PARTY REGISTRATION STATES Most of the states that do not require party registration are in the midwest and south which are much stronger Republican. I would guess most of those excess registered democrats are in the northeast and west coast which we already know are predominately democrats.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/26/19 09:23 PM

The us vs them politics at work again. Trump did know his base.

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

"Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base.

"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking."

"The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans. So the base is more solid than it was, but there's fewer of them," he said.

The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed party registration last week and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans across 31 states and the District of Columbia.

The analysis also found that 40 percent of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, while only 29 percent are Republicans".


This is an old article. But it still speaks volumes. Trump's base is turning against him. A little at a time. The more he runs his mouth. The more he keeps trying to hide things the more guilty he looks. More thinking people will pull away. All he will have left is his puppets that follow blindly.

Key words: IN PARTY REGISTRATION STATES Most of the states that do not require party registration are in the midwest and south which are much stronger Republican. I would guess most of those excess registered democrats are in the northeast and west coast which we already know are predominately democrats.

And of the 73,000 votes he won by in the electoral college
How many do you think are still loyal to dingbat donald ?
You better hope they dont have pre-existing conditions !spock
Didnt the liar say he would protect them over and over again ?whoa

indianadave4's photo
Tue 03/26/19 09:35 PM
Donald Trump, GOP look to settle score with Democrats, media over Mueller investigation

Russiagate was purely political. Even when it's revealed there are no facts democrat's want to keep the "IMAGE" on going until the 2020 election. I said 18 months ago that if the democrat's and their media buddies keep pushing this there will come a point where the truth will come out and it will back fire on them.

That point is fast approaching. Liberal leaders are so caught up in their own lies that they now believe it and can't/won't give it up. They have to keep up the act because if they don't the opposition will run them into the ground.

They buttered their bed now they will have to sleep in it.

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/26/19 09:43 PM
I don't think a bed with 34 indictments and 7 convictions so FAR is too difficult to sleep in.

(remember, the indictments that are ALREADY in progress are still being done, there will just be no NEW ones)

that many convicted liars around someone does not give much confidence in their ability to choose their circles ... just saying.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/26/19 09:50 PM

Donald Trump, GOP look to settle score with Democrats, media over Mueller investigation

Russiagate was purely political. Even when it's revealed there are no facts democrat's want to keep the "IMAGE" on going until the 2020 election. I said 18 months ago that if the democrat's and their media buddies keep pushing this there will come a point where the truth will come out and it will back fire on them.

That point is fast approaching. Liberal leaders are so caught up in their own lies that they now believe it and can't/won't give it up. They have to keep up the act because if they don't the opposition will run them into the ground.

They buttered their bed now they will have to sleep in it.

So you have read the whole Mueller report ?

Rock's photo
Tue 03/26/19 10:15 PM
Senate votes down Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's #GreenPlan Deal 57-0 ��


It's a beautiful day in TrumpLand.

indianadave4's photo
Tue 03/26/19 10:18 PM

Donald Trump, GOP look to settle score with Democrats, media over Mueller investigation

Russiagate was purely political. Even when it's revealed there are no facts democrat's want to keep the "IMAGE" on going until the 2020 election. I said 18 months ago that if the democrat's and their media buddies keep pushing this there will come a point where the truth will come out and it will back fire on them.

That point is fast approaching. Liberal leaders are so caught up in their own lies that they now believe it and can't/won't give it up. They have to keep up the act because if they don't the opposition will run them into the ground.

They buttered their bed now they will have to sleep in it.

So you have read the whole Mueller report ?


"The absolute bare minimum that Mr. Obama owes this country is an explanantion of the actions of his government in spying on a presidentual campaign."

James Freeman
March 25,2019


The media abandonment of the left seems to have already begun.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/26/19 10:22 PM
Doesnt answer my question ! Just more deflection laugh

no photo
Wed 03/27/19 01:08 AM
The Troubling Reason the Electoral College Exists

"As Americans await the quadrennial running of the presidential obstacle course now known as the Electoral College, it’s worth remembering why we have this odd political contraption in the first place. After all, state governors in all 50 states are elected by popular vote; why not do the same for the governor of all states, a.k.a. the president? The quirks of the Electoral College system were exposed this week when Donald Trump secured the presidency with an Electoral College majority, even as Hillary Clinton took a narrow lead in the popular vote".


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives failed on Tuesday to override President Donald Trump's first veto, leaving in place the national emergency he declared last month to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall that Congress has not funded.

Democrats who control the House did not attract enough Republican support to reach the two-thirds majority vote needed for an override. With the 248-181 vote, Trump can continue scouring federal accounts for money he wants redirected to wall construction projects.

Meanwhile, the battle over the president's emergency declaration is now focused on the courts, with various legal challenges already underway.


He is clearly violating the Constitution and the Republicans refuse to stop him. One step closer to communism.

Republican operatives fear putting fundraising data in Trump's hands

"WASHINGTON — The Republican Party’s efforts to build a small-dollar donation machine to keep up with the Democrats has hit a wall: a deep mistrust of President Trump and his campaign among Republican operatives.

Republican brass are crafting a new online fundraising tool to match the Democrats’ small-dollar fundraising juggernaut that helped carry them to victory in the 2018 midterm elections. But some GOP operatives who would be the ones to purchase the tool don’t want Trump and his family raiding their campaign lists for their own benefit, said campaign consultants reached by Yahoo News.

“They’re scared of adopting it. Imagine Trump owning our data — handing everything over to that guy, the guy who f****s with everybody, who has destroyed our party,” said a senior consultant for a conservative political group with national clients".


House Armed Services chairman denies $1 billion transfer for Trump wall

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee on Tuesday denied the Pentagon's plan to shift $1 billion to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, a move that while largely symbolic, highlights the concern lawmakers have about using the defense budget to pay for the wall".


Yes, let's allocate more resources for a nonexistent problem while other real problems now lose funding. What could go wrong?

Donald Trump takes a victory lap over Mueller result. Will it help him in 2020?

"WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump scored a huge political victory after special counsel Robert Mueller absolved him of conspiring with Russia to swing the 2016 election. The big question is whether the president can use the special counsel's finding to boost his re-election prospects.

Trump is already harvesting early fruits of his victory. The outcome of the nearly two-year investigation removes a cloud hanging over his 2020 race and frees up time for him to focus on his policy agenda. Congressional Republicans may be less likely to distance themselves from him. Congressional Democrats have to rethink how hard to go after Trump in their own investigations".


Give him a week or two. he will say or do something stupid and right back to the bottom, he will go. Crooked liers like him can't help it.

no photo
Wed 03/27/19 03:55 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 03/27/19 04:20 AM

Heeere's Johnny!

But besides that..we have an element within our government assisted by the UN who are trying to destroy this nation ..and the reason there is such a push to get Trump out is because he stands in the way..DO THE RESEARCH..

We should ALL be concerned..


Seakolony's photo
Wed 03/27/19 04:09 AM
No it's not us Vs them and who.is us and who the crap are them anyways. No the problem isn't us Vs them. The problem is everyone who look past their we egotistical bs in order to do what's right Instead follow their own hate to exclude even looking at an middle ground at all. The fact the Congress and the house have given their power over and can no longer have the powers they conceded. They did it to themselves and have no recourse. Destroying them is the only way to rebuild. From the ashes of the Pheonix comes new life and breath

no photo
Wed 03/27/19 04:26 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 03/27/19 05:10 AM

I have to disagree it is the US vs.Them..there's the us and then there's the Deep State..the shadow government..but that's what people aren't getting..they want a NEW WORLD ORDER..a one world government..along with Agenda 21..DO THE RESEARCH..if you think I'm wrong..


They pit us against each other so they can go unnoticed operating in the shadows...Divide and Conquer


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