Topic: You Nice Guys Out There.... | |
Those two will be too busy either reading a book, or writing about picking up women to actually recognise they are amongst women. You know Jistme, I have made no generalizations towards you or any of your posts. I have not pointed out the fact that you are a 44 year old man looking for a woman on the Internet. Nor did I point out, that if you are at this stage in your life and searching on the internet for "the one", that you're hopeless and must be seriously desperate, since all the women you know are not interested in you. so with saying that. Please Go Die. Thank You ![]() |
oy! its gettin hot in this one
Again. Sarcasm has failed.
Again. Sarcasm has failed. Learn what sarcasm is before you make febble attempts at it. |
Edited by
Mon 12/10/07 05:34 PM
Awh, sponge bob angry pants, don't open up a conversation like you did, with the horrid temperment, and then get mad because people draw conclusions about you. Your 19 on the internet, that's sadder, you should be able to walk out your front door and find a single woman... Jist if you lived closer I would be on you like white on rice. edukated, your attitude is all wrong. Well as my profile states I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm only here for networking. So Sorry to burst your Bubble. |
Again. Sarcasm has failed. uh...there was nothing sarcastic at all in that. I think you should quit while your...well...i cant really say ahead...cause you dug yourselve a nice hole here. So maybe just quit...maybe even appologize...and try to not make "sarcastic" posts that make you come across as a complete jack@$$. Just a thought. |
uh...there was nothing sarcastic at all in that. I think you should quit while your...well...i cant really say ahead...cause you dug yourselve a nice hole here. So maybe just quit...maybe even appologize...and try to not make "sarcastic" posts that make you come across as a complete jack@$$. Just a thought. Well from my humor standpoint it was sarcasm. For Christ Sake doesn't anyone have a Really Dry Sense of Humor. I guess its te Canadian in me cuz jeez. |
uh...there was nothing sarcastic at all in that. I think you should quit while your...well...i cant really say ahead...cause you dug yourselve a nice hole here. So maybe just quit...maybe even appologize...and try to not make "sarcastic" posts that make you come across as a complete jack@$$. Just a thought. Well from my humor standpoint it was sarcasm. For Christ Sake doesn't anyone have a Really Dry Sense of Humor. I guess its te Canadian in me cuz jeez. If thats truly the case, then next time, i would stop...and re-read what your "sarcastic" responses might be. But when you read it...pretend its going online...and that tons of people will read it, that...cant hear a tone in your voice...or sense the sarcasm...because its being typed, not spoken. All we see are the words. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor...but i still dont see the sarcasm in that post. But to each their own. Not trying to attack you here, i just think you need to remember its hard to get sarcasm across properly through a post...apparently VERY hard with....your sense of...humor. |
uh...there was nothing sarcastic at all in that. I think you should quit while your...well...i cant really say ahead...cause you dug yourselve a nice hole here. So maybe just quit...maybe even appologize...and try to not make "sarcastic" posts that make you come across as a complete jack@$$. Just a thought. Well from my humor standpoint it was sarcasm. For Christ Sake doesn't anyone have a Really Dry Sense of Humor. I guess its te Canadian in me cuz jeez. Well your humor is lost on everyone but you, what you said was vicious not funny, learn the difference between sarcasm and just being mean. I have a dry sense of humor, and what you said was not humerous. what are you networking? that PUA crap, go peddle that on the street like a cheap crack whore. That's about the only place it will be received well. |
Edited by
Mon 12/10/07 06:09 PM
You know Jistme, I have made no generalizations towards you or any of your posts. I have not pointed out the fact that you are a 44 year old man looking for a woman on the Internet. Nor did I point out, that if you are at this stage in your life and searching on the internet for "the one", that you're hopeless and must be seriously desperate, since all the women you know are not interested in you.
Oh my.. I've been dissed by the kid! What to do, what to do... I think I'll go sit in a corner and eat a can of with saying that. Please Go Die. ![]() In case ya missed it..that was sarcasm. I have no cans of worms. If I did.. I'd have to be hungry as he11 to eat em.. Besides. I'm not all that upset you think I'm some sort of worn out needy old man. I don't much care what anybody thinks of me. It is none of my business. So knock yourself out. Also.. my banter with lily.. and hers with me, at yours and chiefs expense was sarcasm. To some extent anyway. Yet.. it did seem to get under your skin though! I love it when a perfectly unplanned event works out! As a side note...If you compare our profiles.. Mine is a bunch of words that say absolutely nothing. Soliciting for nothing. Yours talks of hopeless romance, life of the party...etc.. Who between us is trying to sell something? I find it ironic that in my not trying, not looking.... and being 2 days older then I am. I'm probably having better luck then the youthful edumakated. |
Jist does this mean you are not taking me up on my offer? Maybe i should use the PUA way I wish I knew it, or someone who does, they could teach me. a day late and a dollar short all the time. DAMN
I'll tell you what I do. I tell her straight up and my words exactly. "I aint your *****." <<< That right there sets the tone. now dont say it all grouchy and ****, but show her you got Balls and your not going to give them to her whenever she calls. There is a HUGE difference between having a backbone and just being a d!ckhead... if a man said that to me, when I simply asked him to pass me a napkin, he'd have that napkin dispenser up side his head. I'm a very polite person with like "0" tolerance for rudeness... |
So.. an appropriate response would be:
'Here, take the f%ckin napkin, please!' While ducking behind the table... |
Jist does this mean you are not taking me up on my offer? Offer? I got an offer? Sorry..I tend to be kind of obtuse in these matters. A few women have been known to slap me upside the head to get my attention, in the past.
You really should have your license to use sarcasm revoked. I really wouldn't care much, but I say in my profile that I have a sarcastic sense of humor and your use of it is simply making me look bad. On behalf of all the sarcastic smart @sses out there please stop describing your quips as sarcastic.
As for the PUA stuff some of it I'm not a big fan of, some of it does make sense. The general point of this topic I somewhat agree with. I hear it all the time, oh nice guys can't get girls. I also hear all the time "where are the nice guys". Why is this? It is a question that's worth looking at without simply dismissing it. Why do women end up with jerks a lot of the time? Why do nice guys who would do anything for a women end up alone on a weekend? An ebook I've been reading, and yes it was suggested by chief describes it as 3 divisions. Nice guys, Jerks, and alpha males. A major problem with so called "nice guys" is that they have approach anxiety, they have low self esteem due to whatever factors they might have had in their life, and so they try to "nice" a girl into liking them. They put girls on pedastals and don't look at them like equal partners in a relationship. They view themselves as lucky just to be with this person and thus they can become needy, and sycophantic, they can become jealous and passive aggressive feeling that I do this and that for a girl so she should like me. Desperation is just not a very attractive trait. The jerks at least approach women and are ballsy enough to ask them out. But in the end they are jerks, define their masculinity through the number of girls they bed or the attention they receive. The alpha is secure in himself, he knows he has something to offer the right lady in his life, he feels like he controls his fate, he draws attention to himself simply by being confident and enjoyable to be around. He doesn't need to be arrogant because arrogance is an outward show with its seeds in insecurity. Secure people don't care what other people think of them, arrogant folk feel a need to prove themselves. The "inner game" from the PUAs is really about building self esteem. Perceiving the world in a way that builds confidence and also forces a person to take responsibility for their lives and the choices they make. The other stuff, well, I don't pay so much attention to. I'm not trying to attract/seduce girls, I'm trying to just be myself around them and be able to find the ones who are going to be attracted to me because of my personality, intellect, wit etc. I hear that all the time, be yourself. Being yourself means that you treat girls like you'd treat your friends. You're not trying to make them like you just because you're doing nice things for them. You're not trying to buy their affections with gifts. I'll admit a lot of the PUA stuff makes me uneasy, but a lot of it also makes sense. In terms of my personal ethos some of it makes me down right sick but I'm smart enough to take the parts that I see merit in and neither dismiss all of it nor accept all of it. |
Jist does this mean you are not taking me up on my offer? Offer? I got an offer? Sorry..I tend to be kind of obtuse in these matters. A few women have been known to slap me upside the head to get my attention, in the past.
To be my cabanna boy with benefits. You forgot already. I really need PUA. |
So.. an appropriate response would be: 'Here, take the f%ckin napkin, please!' While ducking behind the table..., if ur a rude pr!ck, yeah. I'm the "Would you be so kind as to pass me a napkin?" kind of person. My asking would most likely just be to avoid reaching over his plate for it... |
To be my cabanna boy with benefits. You forgot already. I really need PUA.
Oh..that. Nope I didn't forget. I just have an aversion to any career move that requires wearing speedo's. Chief.. maybe I did take some out of context. However... all along through reading your posts, I'm left feeling wanting for an element of consistancy not present. are consistant on the surface. As an observant individual though... I look further. It's kind of like listening to a piece of classical music, that on paper makes sense, both mathmatically and musically. Yet when played by someone who doesn't really feel it, really believe it, who is not as familier as they could be.. it seems just a bit out of tune, out of rythme, dull and unemotional. |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And YEARS of experience taught you this?? ![]() ![]() |