Topic: Is Religion homophobic? | |
Is Religion homophobic?
Back on topic... Some are some are not. Religion is not a universal belief system. Its not so much as the religions are its how the people who follow it think and if everyone who follows one did like the books say then the wars would stop and they would all get along take Islam the book says if you kill an unarmed person you won't go to the holy land but then people blow them self's up in groups of people in the name of god well how does that work. And don't think I'm Muslim bashing cause the Jews and Christians and even the Buddhist are doing the same I mean come on wtf Buddhists killing people yeah madness. |
Thinking to myself..."this won't be popular Mike but......."
I hope so, I am. Sorry but I'm not comfortable around homos. I'm more honest than I am PC. I do think you're born with that in you, just like child molesters are born with that in them > . < |
Its not so much as the religions are its how the people who follow it think
That's a valid point. Each ... 'sect' ... follows a doctrine according to that sect. The doctrine dictates how the people in that sect believe with the actual religion only as a guideline. Then you have the person and how they understand the doctrine of their sect. The religion gets changed so the person can believe it. Then the person convinces others in their sect to also believe the same and you have hate groups and cleansers. They twist the original idea of the religion and behave according to their own beliefs of what that religion means to them. Kill the infidels. Hate the heathens. Religion tries to unify all people but unity can't happen because 'believers' won't follow the religion. If religion's unity were working, there would only be one religion and all would be at peace. This can't happen as long as individuals have free will. Religion is just vague enough to allow a person to misinterpret it. |
Thinking to myself..."this won't be popular Mike but......." I hope so, I am. Sorry but I'm not comfortable around homos. I'm more honest than I am PC. I do think you're born with that in you, just like child molesters are born with that in them > . < The latest on the "Gay Gene:" 'There is no gay gene': Oct 26, 2018 - “There is no gay gene,” Ganna said, “but rather non-heterosexuality ... But that doesn't mean that genes control sexual behavior or orientation. |
Well, in Islam, homosexual are killed, are usually thrown off the highest building or cliff in the town.
Do you find that homophobic enough? |
Well, in Islam, homosexual are killed, are usually thrown off the highest building or cliff in the town. Do you find that homophobic enough? It's evil. |
Was God homophobic?
He did create Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. |
Not all the religions.Religions of the east never discriminate amongst straight and gay
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Absolutely no God is not homophobic. God is all knowing. God is love. God knows that on earth we are in sin. He gave us laws to keep us healthy and closer to him so we may not need astray by the one who rules the world. When we disobey there are consequences. Even when we don't listen to God he still loves us.
Religion is a construct. It cannot be homophobic or sexist. People can be 'sexist' and 'homophobic'.
If we label any separation or definition of man and woman and standards expected from them as sexist, doctrine can support 'sexist' belief. If we label any expectation regarding people's sexual behaviors 'phobic', doctrine can support 'phobic' beliefs as well. Personally, I feel both terms are overused and cliche. |
{John 14:15} If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my fathers commandments, and abide in his love.
{Proverb 7:2} Keep my commandments and LIVE, and my law as the apple of thine eye. This is the royal road to the Kingdom of Heaven at Christ 2nd return. In contrary to what is been taught .... God hates, both the sin and the sinner. {Matthew 5:19} Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the LEAST in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called GREAT in the Kingdom of Heaven. We experience misery, become ill and die, because of our sins. (the fall of men). Homosexuality is a sin with God, no matter our vain thoughts, opinions or fealings. God says in the bible that he made men upright, and therefore Homosexuality is an invention of men, and not of God. The judgement for Homosexuality are infectious Diseases and even death. |
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance.
But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. |
Edited by
Tue 12/17/19 06:10 PM
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. {Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. thou hatest ALL workers of INIQUITY. Isn't it not the same thing? We don't ALL have the gift of repentance because Christ did NOT die for the whole world neither is God, the God of the whole world neither was the bible written for and to the whole world. {Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the lord YOUR God, and NONE ELSE}. {Psalm 96:5} The Gods of the Nations are Idols.. meaning that they are man made Gods and don't exist. {Matthew 15:24} But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is Christ answering a woman of another nation, who was begging Christ to help her daughter who was vexed with Evil spirits. Christ showed mercy, after he called the woman and her nations DOGS. 99% of the people who read the bible don't understand what the bible is about, and therefore don't know the TRUTH. My words and writings mean nothing, unless I can back it up with the bible and biblical history. We can't make a liar of Christ by giving our vain thoughts and opinions. |
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. This is what you must FIRST understand. The churches have their places in the book of LIFE. There are many nominations, which are all man made and not of God, and ALL will teach for a prey to play their roles in the larger life. When a child is old enough and can read and write, the parents will send their child to a school of their nomination, or else the church will find a way to catch that child for a prey.They will indoctrinate that child for many years in a row. If you tell a lie consistently for a prolonged period of time, it will be believed. Such children are you and I and the masses. Now here is the catch, if I preach a different Gospel to you, you will instantly reject my doctrine, because your doctrine has been embedded in your brain and believe system, for almost your whole live, whereas I can't compare my authority with that of your church. Our parents didn't know what was going on and neither do or did we. It is therefore logical that we believe too have the truth and will defend our false believes and those who have taught us. Here is what the Holy Bible says: (Isaiah 28:9) Whom shall h He teach knowledge and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast. The next verse contains the key, how we must read the bible for the complete understanding. Clearly, the true Gospel has not been told in the earth to the masses, why I can't explain further. But if you want to be weaned from the milk meaning be reborn again AND FINALLY ENTER INTO LIFE, then you must forget what you have learned, PUT ASIDE YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEVE SYSTEM, and your first question must be, as you would do, with any other book... WHAT IS THE THEME OR TOPIC OF THE HOLY BIBLE? WHAT IS IT REALLY ABOUT??? {John 8:32} AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE (THIS IS CHRIST SPEAKING). |
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My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours Damn right it's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, it's better than yours Damn right it's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge |
Edited by
Wed 12/18/19 12:34 AM
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. {Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. thou hatest ALL workers of INIQUITY. Isn't it not the same thing? We don't ALL have the gift of repentance because Christ did NOT die for the whole world neither is God, the God of the whole world neither was the bible written for and to the whole world. {Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the lord YOUR God, and NONE ELSE}. {Psalm 96:5} The Gods of the Nations are Idols.. meaning that they are man made Gods and don't exist. {Matthew 15:24} But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is Christ answering a woman of another nation, who was begging Christ to help her daughter who was vexed with Evil spirits. Christ showed mercy, after he called the woman and her nations DOGS. 99% of the people who read the bible don't understand what the bible is about, and therefore don't know the TRUTH. My words and writings mean nothing, unless I can back it up with the bible and biblical history. We can't make a liar of Christ by giving our vain thoughts and opinions. You quote a lot from the Old Testament. The new covenant is Jesus in the New Testament. If you knew your Bible you would know that Jesus was sent to His own people first. They rejected Him and God opened "The Abrahamic Covenant" to include the gentiles or pagans. They were now free to accept Him as their Saviour. That happened almost 2000 years ago. We are still in this proof now. One day the door will close and God will call Israel back to himself. He wants EVERYONE to be saved. Adding or the taking away of God's Word is forbidden in the last words of Revelation. |
Edited by
Wed 12/18/19 11:55 AM
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. {Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. thou hatest ALL workers of INIQUITY. Isn't it not the same thing? We don't ALL have the gift of repentance because Christ did NOT die for the whole world neither is God, the God of the whole world neither was the bible written for and to the whole world. {Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the lord YOUR God, and NONE ELSE}. {Psalm 96:5} The Gods of the Nations are Idols.. meaning that they are man made Gods and don't exist. {Matthew 15:24} But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is Christ answering a woman of another nation, who was begging Christ to help her daughter who was vexed with Evil spirits. Christ showed mercy, after he called the woman and her nations DOGS. 99% of the people who read the bible don't understand what the bible is about, and therefore don't know the TRUTH. My words and writings mean nothing, unless I can back it up with the bible and biblical history. We can't make a liar of Christ by giving our vain thoughts and opinions. You quote a lot from the Old Testament. The new covenant is Jesus in the New Testament. If you knew your Bible you would know that Jesus was sent to His own people first. They rejected Him and God opened "The Abrahamic Covenant" to include the gentiles or pagans. They were now free to accept Him as their Saviour. That happened almost 2000 years ago. We are still in this proof now. One day the door will close and God will call Israel back to himself. He wants EVERYONE to be saved. Adding or the taking away of God's Word is forbidden in the last words of Revelation. I am always quoting from the Holy bible (both old and new), and the gentiles believe that they can be grafted in but God doesn't change. {Malachi 3:9} For I am the Lord, I change not .... The Nations are not included in the covenant which he made with Jacob, which follows that of Abraham. After all, you have not told me what the bible is about. Also, show me in the bible were it says that God is the God of everyone. Further more, Jesus is in both the old and the covenant. {Hebrews 10:7} Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book. It is written of me to do thy will, O God. My goal is to discuss the truth of the bible and cast down imaginations, and nothing more or less. |
Brian ![]() 🤫🤫 OP 🤣🤣 |
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. {Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. thou hatest ALL workers of INIQUITY. Isn't it not the same thing? We don't ALL have the gift of repentance because Christ did NOT die for the whole world neither is God, the God of the whole world neither was the bible written for and to the whole world. {Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the lord YOUR God, and NONE ELSE}. {Psalm 96:5} The Gods of the Nations are Idols.. meaning that they are man made Gods and don't exist. {Matthew 15:24} But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is Christ answering a woman of another nation, who was begging Christ to help her daughter who was vexed with Evil spirits. Christ showed mercy, after he called the woman and her nations DOGS. 99% of the people who read the bible don't understand what the bible is about, and therefore don't know the TRUTH. My words and writings mean nothing, unless I can back it up with the bible and biblical history. We can't make a liar of Christ by giving our vain thoughts and opinions. You quote a lot from the Old Testament. The new covenant is Jesus in the New Testament. If you knew your Bible you would know that Jesus was sent to His own people first. They rejected Him and God opened "The Abrahamic Covenant" to include the gentiles or pagans. They were now free to accept Him as their Saviour. That happened almost 2000 years ago. We are still in this proof now. One day the door will close and God will call Israel back to himself. He wants EVERYONE to be saved. Adding or the taking away of God's Word is forbidden in the last words of Revelation. I am always quoting from the Holy bible (both old and new), and the gentiles believe that they can be grafted in but God doesn't change. {Malachi 3:9} For I am the Lord, I change not .... The Nations are not included in the covenant which he made with Jacob, which follows that of Abraham. After all, you have not told me what the bible is about. Also, show me in the bible were it says that God is the God of everyone. Further more, Jesus is in both the old and the covenant. {Hebrews 10:7} Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book. It is written of me to do thy will, O God. My goal is to discuss the truth of the bible and cast down imaginations, and nothing more or less. Then get right with God. Obviously in your very own Theory, you can't be saved or are you Jewish? I won't argue with you... |