God does tell us what to do and what not to do. It is a good thing to obey Him. Sins are not judged after death but in the next life.
Does God sits on His throne?
We look at the book that God had written for His people to understand who He is and what His plans are for the future and present and were in the past. That's all we need!
When we die we live again. Our souls blend with the cosmos and because it has developed a personality during its existence on earth, we will live again.
From a biblical perspective, it is a sin because boyfriend and girlfriend relations are not supported and God will judge whoremongers and adulterers. Thusly, being in a relationship without marriage is whoremongering and having been married and having intercourse with several partners is also a sin.
[Hebrews 13:4] Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Note: the bed undefiled means that whatever sex is practiced in the bedroom is lawful. Venereal diseases are part of that judgment. |
No one sees God
I see God in my every day life ... In people performing random acts of kindness In people reaching out to the homeless In front line workers performing the difficult tasks ... etc etc Oh yeah !!! God is all around us ..we just tend to be blind at times .... and that's a real pity ... God had set his plans for the past, present, and future and if you are really interested in God, you should read the Holy Bible. |
Due to health and Covid restrictions , I attend the Mass online .... does that count .... ??? It counts, but you must remember that Covid-19 is an agenda for 2031, where the world is reset to point zero and a new start is made to establish a New World Order. These are events we can't escape from. |
Some times we forget god has a plan for each of us. The question is to follow god or not. Time is short and hope pray for all of us God indeed Has a plan for all of us but He is not the God of all of us. You will have to do some research and make up your mind where you stand in life. Joel [2:27] And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. |
thank you all for coming into this thread,im learning from u too Thanks, Apple Love, I appreciate your kindness although my words were not as kind as you may have expected ;). This of course has nothing to do with you personally. We are living in the last days and the Churches are under heavy pressure, although they have always been. I will not elaborate on the wrongdoing of the Churches. History speaks for itself and one who visited these churches has really learned nothing. but fairy tales. Hence I am not a fan but just keep on with your good work. God bless! |
In honour of the precious blood of Jesus his death, resurrection and ascension. Which lead to everlasting life; true as Jesus was born on Christmas Day; true as Jesus was crucified on Good Friday; true as Joseph and Nicodemus, took Jesus down from the cross and burried him; true as Jesus ascended into heaven, May he preserve me from my enemies visible and invisible forever. Oh, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. Mary and Joseph, pray for me. Lord Jesus Christ though your suffering on the Cross give me strength to bear the cross without fear of dread and give me the grace that may follow you. AMEN ![]() ![]() ![]() We don't have everlasting life as yet. It will come when the world ends and God's Kingdom will be on earth. |
No one sees God
"Philip said, 'Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.' Jesus answered: 'Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.'" - John 14:8-9 Granted, after Messiah Jesus was crucified, died, buried, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, nobody alive now has seen him in his glorified body. I have given up trying to talk to some. It is by revelation we are called and saved. Just keep praying ![]() Jesus appeared in His Glorified body after the resurrection to his disciples. That's why they did have problems recognizing him. |
No one sees God
The Bible teaches that God is spirit. A spirit, by definition, is invisible. It does not have any physical form. God, therefore, has no physical form. This is one of the reasons that the Lord did not allow idols of him to be made. How God can exist as a spirit without any sort of body is a divine mystery. Spirit and Holy Spirit have nothing to do with the body but rather with the mind. If we don't sin then we are Holy and Blameless. Daniel tells us that God does have a body because He did sit Daniel[7:9]. The one flesh is not the other so His makings and His body can be different. The fact that we can't see God doesn't mean that He has no body and only that His body is not physical. To have a physical body one must have parents. |
No one sees God
In the year 621 AD, God sent His Prophet Muhammad on a single Night Journey, on the back of the winged steed called Buraq with Gabriel from the Holy Mosque in Mecca, to the farthest mosque in Jerusalem. Then the Prophet moved from Jerusalem on a heavenly journey accompanied by Gabriel on Al-Buraq and reached heaven as far as possible and returned after that on the same night. God gave Muhammad instructions to take back to the faithful regarding the details of prayer. The Quran say: Glory to (God) Who did take His servant (Muhammad) for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He alone is the All Hearing, the All Seeing. The Prophet was asked: Have you seen your Lord? He said: I saw Him with my heart and did not see Him with my eyes Muhammad and his followers are NOT in the Holy Bible. Christ told his disciples that he looked like his father. If we know what Christ looked like then we will have a valid description of the father. The book of Revelation gives a description of Christ. |
The Lord's day is on Saturday starting Friday at 6 PM till Saturday at 6 PM Sundown. See [Exodus 20:8]. Else it's not from God.
There is nothing positive to be learned in church. One item of the Covid-19 agenda is to deal with Christ and ban his presence and meaning from the church.
Edited by
Fri 12/03/21 01:28 AM
The battle between Good and Evil is fought in our minds and registered in our Souls.
If we do wrong through the mind then the judgment thereof is registered in our soul and since we can't pay all our debts in one life, our soul lives out the judgment of our current life in the next. Hence we have the opportunity and are on a journey to become better people. |
The Bible has nothing to do with Religion. The word Christianity is NOT in the Bible. Christianity used the word to deceive the masses and it did work!
See Exodus 20:8.
Types of sins
I know that you don't like to discuss with me :). But it's not right to go on writing about lies as if they were the truth. I like to bring people like you to the front, so your readers can understand your writings, and where you come from.
I am not asking you to learm from me, because you shouldn't. But I do ask to disproof what I write and reveal your sources. My source is clearly the greatest book on earth namely the Holy Bible and not the Koran or Book of the Death and the such. If you think that the prophets of God are death and will remain so forever, then you are very wrong. You are now living out the judgment of your past live and it's of the utmost essence, to do your best. Make sure you understand life and what it has to offer, especially to you. Zacharias a just man of God knew the meaning of Salvation and when he had an encounter with the Apostle Luke, he discussed the matter with him. This is what Zacharias said: Luke[1, 68-71] Blessed be the Lord God of Israel (He is only the God of Jacob, who became Israel); for He hath visited and redeemed his people (the Israelites, when they were under Pharaoh), and hath raised up an horn of salvation (Christ) for us (the Israelites) in the house of His servant David (David was an ancestor of Christ); as he spake by the mouth of his Holy prophets, which have been since the world began; that we (the Israelites) should be saved (redeemed) from our ENEMIES, and from the hand of all that hate us (Israelites). I tried to break it down, so you know what SALVATION is and for WHO it is. Yes, God has enemies and you better be on the right side: Proverbs[8:36] But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me love death. Remember, God made you, and your soul is His. He does with it, what He wants to do. It's your job to please God. |
Types of sins
God sent every prophet, to save his people. The first of them was Adam, then Noah, Hood, Saleh and Abraham, Ishmael. Joseph, son of Jacob, to the people of Egypt. Lot, to a people lived in near the Dead Sea. Children of Israel came from the descendants of the Prophet Isaac. God sent to the Children of Israel, Jacob, Moses, and his brother Aaron. Then, David, Solomon, Zakaria, and his son Yahya. Yahya was slaughtered by the Children of Israel. Then Jesus, was sent to the Children of Israel. The last prophet was Muhammad sent to all humanity. All prophets have the same message that is to do good deeds. God says in the Quran: "Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." Every human being, on the Day of Judgment, is dependent on his actions, good, or bad. God says in the Quran: "That day every soul comes. Everyone contends against their own soul (as they see their life film respecting to what degrees they have earned and what degrees they have lost) and every soul is paid in full for what it has done and they are not wronged (negative degrees are not written down for them unjustly)." "Surely those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers are condemned by God, the angels, and all of humanity. They will abide in it (under the curse) forever, their torment will neither be lightened nor will they be looked at." If we were "saved" then we could close the bible. Also, there would be no need to be born again. Everybody would be in his or her place! What is the meaning of save? Saved from what or who? And are you saved? What are the good deeds? Can you proof that those deeds were for the whole world? Why do you think Christ is coming back? Can you proof that Mohammed was a phrophet? You have NO understanding of the bible. Only your thoughts and opinions seems to matter. |
Types of sins
God sent every prophet, to save his people. The first of them was Adam, then Noah, Hood, Saleh and Abraham, Ishmael. Joseph, son of Jacob, to the people of Egypt. Lot, to a people lived in near the Dead Sea. Children of Israel came from the descendants of the Prophet Isaac. God sent to the Children of Israel, Jacob, Moses, and his brother Aaron. Then, David, Solomon, Zakaria, and his son Yahya. Yahya was slaughtered by the Children of Israel. Then Jesus, was sent to the Children of Israel. The last prophet was Muhammad sent to all humanity. All prophets have the same message that is to do good deeds. God says in the Quran: "Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." Every human being, on the Day of Judgment, is dependent on his actions, good, or bad. God says in the Quran: "That day every soul comes. Everyone contends against their own soul (as they see their life film respecting to what degrees they have earned and what degrees they have lost) and every soul is paid in full for what it has done and they are not wronged (negative degrees are not written down for them unjustly)." "Surely those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers are condemned by God, the angels, and all of humanity. They will abide in it (under the curse) forever, their torment will neither be lightened nor will they be looked at." What is the meaning of save? Saved from what or who? And are you saved? You have no understanding of the bible. |