Topic: Is Religion homophobic? | |
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Wed 12/18/19 04:46 PM
Nowhere does it say God 'hates' sinners. If that were so, we would not all have the gift of repentance. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 Jesus sacrifice would not happen if God 'hated' sinners. {Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. thou hatest ALL workers of INIQUITY. Isn't it not the same thing? We don't ALL have the gift of repentance because Christ did NOT die for the whole world neither is God, the God of the whole world neither was the bible written for and to the whole world. {Joel 2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the lord YOUR God, and NONE ELSE}. {Psalm 96:5} The Gods of the Nations are Idols.. meaning that they are man made Gods and don't exist. {Matthew 15:24} But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is Christ answering a woman of another nation, who was begging Christ to help her daughter who was vexed with Evil spirits. Christ showed mercy, after he called the woman and her nations DOGS. 99% of the people who read the bible don't understand what the bible is about, and therefore don't know the TRUTH. My words and writings mean nothing, unless I can back it up with the bible and biblical history. We can't make a liar of Christ by giving our vain thoughts and opinions. You quote a lot from the Old Testament. The new covenant is Jesus in the New Testament. If you knew your Bible you would know that Jesus was sent to His own people first. They rejected Him and God opened "The Abrahamic Covenant" to include the gentiles or pagans. They were now free to accept Him as their Saviour. That happened almost 2000 years ago. We are still in this proof now. One day the door will close and God will call Israel back to himself. He wants EVERYONE to be saved. Adding or the taking away of God's Word is forbidden in the last words of Revelation. I am always quoting from the Holy bible (both old and new), and the gentiles believe that they can be grafted in but God doesn't change. {Malachi 3:9} For I am the Lord, I change not .... The Nations are not included in the covenant which he made with Jacob, which follows that of Abraham. After all, you have not told me what the bible is about. Also, show me in the bible were it says that God is the God of everyone. Further more, Jesus is in both the old and the covenant. {Hebrews 10:7} Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book. It is written of me to do thy will, O God. My goal is to discuss the truth of the bible and cast down imaginations, and nothing more or less. Then get right with God. Obviously in your very own Theory, you can't be saved or are you Jewish? I won't argue with you... The Jewish people are ISRAELI not ISRAELITES and one can't convert from a NATIONALITY to a RELIGION. When it comes to the TRUTH people often get mad, because they don't understand or can't produce their cause. We have all been brainwashed. {Gal. 4:16} Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's name escapes me ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
These 12 tribes peeps are often pretty hardcore cabalistic God Squad
With only their interpretation of things being correct They can't really answer questions But they can condescend to tell us we're wrong, and they're right And spew various biblical verses at us And at the end of the day, what difference does it make? They're descended from the bloodline And there's only enough room on the spaceship for them Because, they are superior to us Which is why it's okay to treat us like ****. |
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Thu 12/19/19 11:44 AM
These 12 tribes peeps are often pretty hardcore cabalistic God Squad With only their interpretation of things being correct They can't really answer questions But they can condescend to tell us we're wrong, and they're right And spew various biblical verses at us And at the end of the day, what difference does it make? They're descended from the bloodline And there's only enough room on the spaceship for them Because, they are superior to us Which is why it's okay to treat us like ****. Some say certain people are antagonistic, but they would argue with that. ![]() ![]() I hope you are not meaning me. I like your posts, they are hilarious ![]() ![]() |
It depends on the person. I've known several quite devout christians who are lovely people, and intelligent, wise and strive to do good.
As for the bloodline . Have you actually read an old bible? The adam and eve thing reads like a genetic experiment gone wrong. 1 of 2 having psycopathic tendancies. Killed his own brother. did you know that homo sapiens shared the world with at least 6 other homonids some of whome had been around for a long long time, hundreds of thousands of years. And then suddenly 8-10 thousand years ago there was only us. We wiped them out. they were labeled as devils i suspect. and all that had anything to do with them were labeled as evil. Ruthless genocide in a nut shell. But we don't like to think about that. The book has been rewritten so many times and with so many interpretations, and conflicting ideas that it is tatomount to gambeling with truth to believe any factual basis. The wisdom contained in the writings does however have merit. Such as the commandments or the idea of tax and the advice about dry rot is spot on. Also the idea of a hierarchical or pyramidical structure of authority. With supposedly God sat at the top. Insisting on plenty of gold. These ideas enabled us to live in much larger groups, with less strife. The pyramidical structure is still in use today. some things don't change. Read the thing. older the better. You can learn some things about human nature. I rant on.. |
I prefer the Jungle Book
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Thu 12/19/19 06:23 PM
These 12 tribes peeps are often pretty hardcore cabalistic God Squad With only their interpretation of things being correct They can't really answer questions But they can condescend to tell us we're wrong, and they're right And spew various biblical verses at us And at the end of the day, what difference does it make? They're descended from the bloodline And there's only enough room on the spaceship for them Because, they are superior to us Which is why it's okay to treat us like ****. I'll bypass on this one, hahaha. The truth hurts but it does matter, ALWAYS! {Hebrew 4:12} For the word of God is quick and Powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (mind). He didn't kill only the 1st born of the Egyptians, but MEN, WOMEN, CHILD en BEASTS! That's how hardcore the lord is;). |
A religion which embraced the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, would not be homophobic, but may include health information, and disease and infection control as part of its teachings.
Not fiery death and eternal damnation. Most usual religions list most sexual activity not resulting in pregnancies as undesirable. Churches were governments, and often at war somewhere, and requiring soldiers and followers, so an endless supply of fighting men is needed. And the 'my religion is bigger than yours' race requires more bums on pews. Just recently, middle east terrorist religious freaks declared that it is good to marry your brother or sister to have children for the 'cause'. Because they need more fighters. Forget what weirdo believers in magical invisible friends say. Be nice to people, and in privacy, if it feels good and hurts no one, do it. |
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Thu 12/19/19 08:45 PM
A religion which embraced the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, would not be homophobic, but may include health information, and disease and infection control as part of its teachings. Not fiery death and eternal damnation. Most usual religions list most sexual activity not resulting in pregnancies as undesirable. Churches were governments, and often at war somewhere, and requiring soldiers and followers, so an endless supply of fighting men is needed. And the 'my religion is bigger than yours' race requires more bums on pews. Just recently, middle east terrorist religious freaks declared that it is good to marry your brother or sister to have children for the 'cause'. Because they need more fighters. Forget what weirdo believers in magical invisible friends say. Be nice to people, and in privacy, if it feels good and hurts no one, do it. Ha! I would marry my gay brother tomorrow if the laws allowed. He is Amazing. Of course their would be no sex. |
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Thu 12/19/19 11:45 PM
where you have more than one person, they will agree on some things and not others
when you have a number of people who agree on certain values, standards, etc, they call that a community, a culture, a 'religion'. IT is part of being a human being. It is more acceptable to embrace 'culture' than 'religion' these days, but it's all really semantics for the same basic human reality. I feel phobic implies fear, where actually it is often only disagreement. But modern 'culture' has agreed that disagreeing with anything other than murder, violence, theft, and sometimes illegal immigration, is not acceptable. Christianity, to my understanding, does teach that the purpose for sex is between a man and woman in marriage. It is as homo'phobic' as it is adultero 'phobic', beasitalo 'phobic', or incesto'phobic'. |
I like you MsHarmony and I'm not sure, if you intended that to come across, the way I feel it has Yes, I know what phobic means, but let's face it, in this instance, it does not have to mean fear. It is simply the term most commonly used, to describe somebody who is prejudice towards somebody who is homosexual So hopefully back on track, and still crossing my fingers, you didn't mean what you wrote to come across that way ( and here's a giant hint, it comes across as incredibly prejudice, and below the belt ) |
Phobic means not attracted to, or is repelled by.
Philic means attracted to, or is not repelled by. Like, hydrophobic doesn't mix with water. Hydrophilic will mix with water. There is no hate or animosity or need to change/convert, just pure chemistry. I'm not gay phobic, but I don't necessarily want to mix with, or avoid them. Having no interest isn't phobic, just inertness I suppose. |
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Sat 12/21/19 09:38 AM
Ouch I like you MsHarmony and I'm not sure, if you intended that to come across, the way I feel it has Yes, I know what phobic means, but let's face it, in this instance, it does not have to mean fear. It is simply the term most commonly used, to describe somebody who is prejudice towards somebody who is homosexual So hopefully back on track, and still crossing my fingers, you didn't mean what you wrote to come across that way ( and here's a giant hint, it comes across as incredibly prejudice, and below the belt ) Truly, my point was that is 'overused' to the point where the actual original meaning is lost, as in: phobic: having or involving an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. I meant nothing below the belt, I meant only to share my perception of how our modern cultural 'values' manifest. Also, I was trying to suggest that disagreeing with another's choices is not necessarily the same as having prejudice against them as a person, precisely because we are human and complex, and rarely agree with EVERYTHING another person(even loved ones) might say or do. If disagreement is prejudice, we probably are 'prejudiced' against even those we love. The Bible (and indeed man's own laws) have a whole plethora of things that are not acceptable (or legal) or whatever. We do not however add the suffix 'phobic' to those activities. We just accept that, within some culture or community, they are deterred, or at least not promoted. For example, I personally do not like swearing, smoking, drinking or lying. I prefer not to do it and I do not encourage others to. However, I no doubt know and love people who have done these things. It is not about disliking the who, only the what. And people being people, at the risk of being repetitive, will all have things about them that we are not exactly gaga about, even when we love them, which is why not being gaga about something, or even flat out disagreeing with it, is not the same as being hateful or prejudice or 'phobic' about someone. |
So, do you disagree with same sex relationships?
Is it something you do not like? |
So, do you disagree with same sex relationships? Is it something you do not like? I do. It is. I do like many people in such relationships however, because their relationship does not impact me and does not define them (in my eyes). |
And does your dislike of their sexuality, stem from the bible and / or religion?
And does your dislike of their sexuality, stem from the bible and / or religion? no more than my dislike of lying or theft or murder, I cannot remember a time before or AFTER reading a Bible that I felt any of these things were the 'right' thing. |
It is really not that big of a deal. Homosexuals are even considered cool nowadays. I like them, but am not like them.
Gay dudes do not think like me. I don’t understand them, and the way they think freaks me out. On the other hand, I do understand the way lesbians think. When they communicate they connect on a deeper and entirely nonsexual level, different from the kind of connection with straight women. It is very unusual but I like it. It is not a problem for me if it’s not a problem for them. |
It is really not that big of a deal. Homosexuals are even considered cool nowadays. I like them, but am not like them. Gay dudes do not think like me. I don’t understand them, and the way they think freaks me out. On the other hand, I do understand the way lesbians think. When they communicate they connect on a deeper and entirely nonsexual level, different from the kind of connection with straight women. It is very unusual but I like it. It is not a problem for me if it’s not a problem for them. I can relate. I do have an 'understanding' of the human need to feel loved, and to feel a sense of belonging, and the tendency for sex and sexual attraction to be intertwined in all of those things. |
Whilst you are of course, entitled to your opinion
It totally smacks of a cop out, and a veiled prejudice Read what you wrote, when you mention incest and such Imagine replacing homosexuality with a different prejudice in that line, 1 that perhaps you do not agree with, like, black people, or Hispanics or Muslims, or something like that I suspect you might be more than a little outraged, at such a sentence I've always said, that veiled prejudice is the worst kind Its bad enough when for instance, somebody comes out and says ' I'm rascist' But at least they own that prejudice, and are straightforward and honest about it I always find it far worse, when for instance somebody when asked, will say ' no, I'm not rascist' , but you don't have to dig too deep, to find out, that actually, they are |