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Thu 01/17/19 06:32 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 01/17/19 07:00 AM

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

so firstly, she prequalified that she was being 'grossly generalistic'.
secondly, she defined what she meant by the word (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic)

thirdly, she did not say it about more than half the country
as explained before, the US has 325.7 million people
less than half the 'country' voted ( roughly 129 million)
of that number MORE than half of those people voted for Hilary (roughly 66 million)
and of the roughly 63 million that voted for Trump, half would make about 32 million, or MAYBE 10 percent of the 'country'

... just clarifying the 'gross' exaggerations and TRUTHFUL HYPERBOLE about what she actually said.

compare the short list of 'offensive' comments under Hilary to the long list under Trump, and I doubt people truly give a darn about offensiveness in a candidate, do you?

She knows what she meant and people who don't have their head in the sand know as well.
She's a liar and a criminal and the only reason she's not in prison is because she belongs to a club you and I aren't allowed in.

The reason she isn't in jail is that She isn't the dirty one. They have nothing on her ZERO.

Just in case you weren't keeping track . . . Hillary Clinton Benghazi "Investigation" 4 years 0 indictments 0 convictions Hillary Clinton Email "Investigation" 2 years 0 indictments 0 convictions.

Trump-Russia Investigation 15 months 32 Indictments/Charges (Individuals) (and counting) 3 Indictments/Charges (Companies) 5 GUILTY pleas (and counting) 4 CONVICTIONS (and counting) Indicted: Paul Manafort Indicted: Rick Gates Indicted: George Papadopoulos Indicted: Michael Flynn Indicted: Richard Pinedo Indicted: Alex van der Zwaan Indicted: Konstantin Kilimnik Indicted: 12 Russian GRU officers Indicted: Yevgeny Prigozhin Indicted: Mikhail Burchik Indicted: Aleksandra Krylova Indicted: Anna Bogacheva Indicted: Sergey Polozov Indicted: Maria Bovda Indicted: Dzheykhun Aslanov Indicted: Vadim Podkopaev Indicted: Irina Kaverzina Indicted: Gleb Vasilchenko Indicted: Internet Research Agency Indicted: Concord Management Guilty Plea: Michael Flynn Guilty Plea: George Papadopolous Guilty Plea: Richard Pinedo Guilty Plea: Alex van der Zwaan Guilty Plea: Rick Gates Over 191 Criminal Charges (and counting): Conspiracy against the USA (2 counts) Conspiracy to launder money (2 counts) Bank fraud (8 counts) Bank fraud conspiracy (10 counts) Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts) Making false statements (6 counts) Failure to file reports of foreign bank accounts (14 counts) Unregistered agent of a foreign principal (2 counts) False FARA statements (2 counts) Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts) Assisting in preparation of false tax documents (5 counts) Conspiracy to defraud the United States (13 counts) Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud (2 counts) Aggravated identity theft (24 counts)

Trump and his big mouth.

Graham says Trump's statements have emboldened ISIS in Syria]

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a top ally of President Donald Trump, expressed concerns on Wednesday that Trump's comments about withdrawing troops from Syria have emboldened terrorist groups like ISIS, and that he hopes Trump thinks "long and hard" about his next moves when it comes to withdrawing troops from the war torn country".


msharmony's photo
Thu 01/17/19 12:03 PM

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

so firstly, she prequalified that she was being 'grossly generalistic'.
secondly, she defined what she meant by the word (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic)

thirdly, she did not say it about more than half the country
as explained before, the US has 325.7 million people
less than half the 'country' voted ( roughly 129 million)
of that number MORE than half of those people voted for Hilary (roughly 66 million)
and of the roughly 63 million that voted for Trump, half would make about 32 million, or MAYBE 10 percent of the 'country'

... just clarifying the 'gross' exaggerations and TRUTHFUL HYPERBOLE about what she actually said.

compare the short list of 'offensive' comments under Hilary to the long list under Trump, and I doubt people truly give a darn about offensiveness in a candidate, do you?

She knows what she meant and people who don't have their head in the sand know as well.
She's a liar and a criminal and the only reason she's not in prison is because she belongs to a club you and I aren't allowed in.

people that understand English know what she meant too

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

pretty straightforward English with straightforward explanation ... actually.

no photo
Thu 01/17/19 04:56 PM
House Democrats vows to vote for a border barrier because that's what her constituents want

"Are there any signs other Democrats will break from the establishment line? Congresswoman Katie Hill explains her reasons for supporting Trump's physical border barrier".


Donald Trump Tweets: Walls Are All The Rage

"The morning after President Donald Trump’s chief adviser Ann Coulter told HBO’s Vice News that the border wall building/government shutdown is an act of “self preservation because he is dead in the water if he doesn’t build that wall. Dead, dead, dead,” Trump snapped to, with vigorous wall-tweeting".


Fact Check: Trump’s Tweet on Border Walls in Europe

"President Trump said that border walls were going up around the world and that European walls built since 2015 were considered “close to 100% successful."


Rooster35's photo
Fri 01/18/19 01:23 AM

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

so firstly, she prequalified that she was being 'grossly generalistic'.
secondly, she defined what she meant by the word (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic)

thirdly, she did not say it about more than half the country
as explained before, the US has 325.7 million people
less than half the 'country' voted ( roughly 129 million)
of that number MORE than half of those people voted for Hilary (roughly 66 million)
and of the roughly 63 million that voted for Trump, half would make about 32 million, or MAYBE 10 percent of the 'country'

... just clarifying the 'gross' exaggerations and TRUTHFUL HYPERBOLE about what she actually said.

compare the short list of 'offensive' comments under Hilary to the long list under Trump, and I doubt people truly give a darn about offensiveness in a candidate, do you?

She knows what she meant and people who don't have their head in the sand know as well.
She's a liar and a criminal and the only reason she's not in prison is because she belongs to a club you and I aren't allowed in.

people that understand English know what she meant too

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

pretty straightforward English with straightforward explanation ... actually.

An "explaination" from a liar does not constitute clarification.
Seems you're used to believing liars or you're willing to close your eyes on their treacherous plots just as long as their name isn't 'Trump'.
Trump wasn't secretary of state and he didn't lie to cover up the mess in Bengazi, among many other illegal things like receiving money for favors from government and on and on... The Democratic party is a party of criminals.

So they want impeach Trump, lol... They have about zero chance in hell :joy:

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/18/19 01:45 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 01/18/19 01:47 AM

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

so firstly, she prequalified that she was being 'grossly generalistic'.
secondly, she defined what she meant by the word (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic)

thirdly, she did not say it about more than half the country
as explained before, the US has 325.7 million people
less than half the 'country' voted ( roughly 129 million)
of that number MORE than half of those people voted for Hilary (roughly 66 million)
and of the roughly 63 million that voted for Trump, half would make about 32 million, or MAYBE 10 percent of the 'country'

... just clarifying the 'gross' exaggerations and TRUTHFUL HYPERBOLE about what she actually said.

compare the short list of 'offensive' comments under Hilary to the long list under Trump, and I doubt people truly give a darn about offensiveness in a candidate, do you?

She knows what she meant and people who don't have their head in the sand know as well.
She's a liar and a criminal and the only reason she's not in prison is because she belongs to a club you and I aren't allowed in.

people that understand English know what she meant too

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

pretty straightforward English with straightforward explanation ... actually.

An "explaination" from a liar does not constitute clarification.
Seems you're used to believing liars or you're willing to close your eyes on their treacherous plots just as long as their name isn't 'Trump'.
Trump wasn't secretary of state and he didn't lie to cover up the mess in Bengazi, among many other illegal things like receiving money for favors from government and on and on... The Democratic party is a party of criminals.

So they want impeach Trump, lol... They have about zero chance in hell :joy:


Hilary wasnt a 'businessman' cheating workers out of money and discrimating against blacks and paying prostitutes and having affairs on her spouse .... et cetera. .. et cetera ...

or a president asking his lawyer to lie for him

or a presidential nominee having his lawyer pay people to keep his secrets...

what has that to do with the claim that she called half of our citizens a name, when she stated clearly the terms 'trump supporters, racists, sexists, and homophobes' ?

I dont care about Trump impeachment, Im just counting down the days where I dont have to hear his voice and 'truthful hyperbole' anymore....

no photo
Fri 01/18/19 04:18 AM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 01/18/19 04:57 AM

Well you're right Ms.H ..Hillary wasn't a businessman cheating people who have worked for her ..she is a politician screwing EVERYONE selling out her country traitorous B***H that she is..She doesn't pay lawyers to pay off prostitutes to keep their secrets..she has the people who know her secrets KILLED..as far as not being racists..so I guess when the interviewer got Eric Holder and Cory Booker confused and she commented " They ALL look alike"..that's not a racist remark..it was merely a joke and as long as you laugh abut it..it's o.k..I wonder what would have happened if Trump said it? Don't bother to answer that one ..We know ALL HELL would have broke loose..

The clock is running out on the Deep State..it's all just a matter of time now..tic toc..


As for you Charles check these stats:
By the end of his second and final term on January 20, 2017, United States President Barack Obama had exercised his constitutional power to grant executive clemency—that is, "pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve"—to 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes...spock
All the crimes you listed ..NOT TRUMP lol..I thought they were investigating Trump they are still serving up a nothing burger..As far as Hillary's investigation ..for all those who can't or won't see the extent of her crimes is either blind or ignorant or both..MAJOR COVER UP..she was investigated by those within her corrupt sick clique and you expect what... indictments?

The crimes of pedophilia child trafficking money laundering drug trafficking and gun running are so egregious on the part of the Clinton cartel you wont believe it..and they still haven't gone through all her email ..not to mention all there is still to go over on A.Weiner's lap top

You think Pizza gate or pedo gate is not real..might want to see what the NYPD has to say about that.. DO THE RESEARCH..I wonder why EPSTEIN got off so lightly?

still think Q is a LARP..think again..spock


no photo
Fri 01/18/19 07:18 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 01/18/19 08:06 AM
The shyt just keeps getting deeper. This is your Republican party. Aren't you proud?

Trump told to ‘resign or be impeached’ if reports he instructed attorney Cohen to lie to Congress are proven

" Donald Trump is facing calls to “resign or be impeached”, if reports he instructed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about talks to build a Trump Tower in Moscow can be verified.


Cohen says he rigged polls for Trump


Trump ordered lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to congress over Moscow tower deal, explosive report says

"Trump reportedly ordered his personal lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to congress about his plans for a Trump Tower in Moscow".


President Trump Directed His Attorney Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

"President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter".


Michael Cohen does not dispute report that he paid tech firm to rig polls for Trump


Michael Cohen says he rigged polls for President Donald Trump

"Michael Cohen, U.S. President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, said on Thursday he paid a firm to manipulate online polling data “at the direction of and for the sole benefit of” Trump".


Democrats vow to probe BuzzFeed report Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress


Rooster35's photo
Fri 01/18/19 08:22 AM

The shyt just keeps getting deeper. This is your Republican party. Aren't you proud?

Trump told to ‘resign or be impeached’ if reports he instructed attorney Cohen to lie to Congress are proven

" Donald Trump is facing calls to “resign or be impeached”, if reports he instructed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about talks to build a Trump Tower in Moscow can be verified.


Cohen says he rigged polls for Trump


Trump ordered lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to congress over Moscow tower deal, explosive report says

"Trump reportedly ordered his personal lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to congress about his plans for a Trump Tower in Moscow".


President Trump Directed His Attorney Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

"President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter".


Michael Cohen does not dispute report that he paid tech firm to rig polls for Trump


Michael Cohen says he rigged polls for President Donald Trump

"Michael Cohen, U.S. President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, said on Thursday he paid a firm to manipulate online polling data “at the direction of and for the sole benefit of” Trump".


Democrats vow to probe BuzzFeed report Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress


"Trump told to ‘resign or be impeached’ if..."
IF ! whoa
With 'if' I put Paris in a bottle as we say in France.

Hillary won't go to prison... IF laugh

no photo
Fri 01/18/19 08:54 AM

Trump's still doing a good job . He will be POTUS for .a while yet !

Rooster35's photo
Fri 01/18/19 09:42 AM


Trump's still doing a good job . He will be POTUS for .a while yet !

All those investigations and yells of 'collusion' are nothing but lies and a smokescreen to beat up a president in public opinion because they have NOTHING remotely illagal on him.
What are they going to impeach him on, talking to Putin?? laugh That's what presidents do, they talk to each other, thank God.
Even his "...grab 'em by the p***y" couldn't prevent him from getting elected and livid with rage and foaming at the mouth that a tall strong manly man is in the White House instead of that decrepid can-barely-stand liar Hillary who would've immediately started a war against Russia because she cannot stand a manly man like Putin.

Trump will win the 2020 elections and we'll have a repeat of Nov. 2016 with all the crying and yelling about "moving out the country".

How many of those stars actually moved out of the U.S because of Trump?
They're all talk and no action, just like their "leaders" on the left: liars and opportunists.

no photo
Fri 01/18/19 11:53 AM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 01/18/19 11:59 AM

Proud of the Republicans as compared to the Dems..you bet I am..as opposed to the CROOKED Dems trying to get TRAITOR Hillary elected..You know I find it amusing watching Dems bash Trump when a lot of their political party members are TRAITORS who would rather support illegals than protect their citizens.If one were to DO THE RESEARCH they would see exactly what is coming towards our border..but let's face it the CIA mockingbird media will never release that info..

I mean you can't write this **** ..they want to impeach a president for paying a prostitute but elect a traitor..So let's see we have gone from collusion to paying a prostitute to rigging an election..and still a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER but yet do nothing about Hillary and the crimes WE KNOW she has committed..that makes sense?

..They want Trump out so bad they have tried to have him assassinated..do you think they bad mouth him so bad because he's that bad or the fact is THEY KNOW if they don't get him out they will be hanged for TREASON..but keep on listening to that mockingbird media because they will tell you the facts..LOL..some people NEVER learn..so what's next..let me guess Trump farted and it was actually a coded message for Putin..

..and just FYI and off topic ..a nurse who works in Cali has only see 4 or 5 cases of measles in 25 years and has now seen 120 cases this year alone ..not to mention drug resistant TB and Hepatitis A from the illegal immigrants..NOTHING like a good old epidemic before people will wake up and realize we need border security and not the immigration laws that TRAITOR OBAMA implemented..can't wait til they hang his AZZ along with Hillary and many others..they're democrats aren't they..LOL

If they get trump out understand this OUR country will be ruined by Soros and the UN because they will surely put some idiot TRAITOR in his place that will sign the UN migration Pact..and your country will become a **** hole controlled by the UN..while they implement agenda 21..want an idea of what that would look like..LOOK no further than Cali..but why you're at it France, Italy Germany as well..

And we won't even begin on the DEPOPULATION agenda these sickos have planned for us..WAKE UP and DO THE RESEARCH..




no photo
Fri 01/18/19 11:55 AM
White House Spokesman Refuses To Deny That Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie

"The morning after an explosive BuzzFeed report that President Donald Trump directed his personal attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, a White House spokesman repeatedly refused to deny the allegations on Fox News".


Report: President Donald Trump Had Lawyer Cover Up Business With Russia | Morning Joe | MSNBC


msharmony's photo
Fri 01/18/19 12:21 PM
But wait UNIL all the stuff on crooked Hilary and Obama come out..... lol

THAT stuff will be the truth, all this stuff is just no big deal and not to be believed ...


no photo
Fri 01/18/19 12:47 PM

..SOooo let me get this if the CROOKED media don't report it and the CROOKED alphabet agencies don't investigate it..than it never happened..I mean it's not like we can't see for ourselves ..2 funny..and FYI prayer rugs are being found on Texas ranches..not to worry they're all fine people from S.America..spock

Rooster35's photo
Fri 01/18/19 01:21 PM

White House Spokesman Refuses To Deny That Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie

"The morning after an explosive BuzzFeed report that President Donald Trump directed his personal attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, a White House spokesman repeatedly refused to deny the allegations on Fox News".


Report: President Donald Trump Had Lawyer Cover Up Business With Russia | Morning Joe | MSNBC


MSNBC laugh
Morning Joe rofl

hardBNhard's photo
Fri 01/18/19 01:27 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Fri 01/18/19 01:28 PM
Since your theory's have become so ridiculous and laughable . And no reason to even debate you on the regurgitated topics you speak of tomb ! I only have one question for ya .
With the moron dingbat donalds complexion ! How do you think he will look in a orange jumpsuit ?rofl
And how will ivanka and don jr. Look in those suits ? bigsmile
OH Shyts getting good now . Thank you buzzfeed you made my weekend .
And 75% of the countries as well . Lol . Bring on my man Mueller !
WWMD-NEXT laugh explode

hardBNhard's photo
Fri 01/18/19 01:34 PM


Trump's still doing a good job . He will be POTUS for .a while yet !

Will they let him be POTASS from prison ? rofl oops POTUS

hardBNhard's photo
Fri 01/18/19 01:37 PM

White House Spokesman Refuses To Deny That Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie

"The morning after an explosive BuzzFeed report that President Donald Trump directed his personal attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, a White House spokesman repeatedly refused to deny the allegations on Fox News".


Report: President Donald Trump Had Lawyer Cover Up Business With Russia | Morning Joe | MSNBC


MSNBC laugh
Morning Joe rofl

FAUX NEWS drinks rofl or is it crazy like at fox. Lol

no photo
Fri 01/18/19 02:06 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 01/18/19 02:17 PM

Mueller as well is a TRAITOR ..thanks for proving what I've been saying HBH..LOL
Your man.. the traitor ..spock


hardBNhard's photo
Fri 01/18/19 02:14 PM

Mueller as well is a TRAITOR ..thanks for proving what I've been saying HBH..LOL


Prove it ? laugh

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