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Topic: 200K new jobs created in Aug.
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Sat 09/08/18 06:32 AM
According to the N.Y. Daily News headlines of this morning

201,000 New jobs were created in Aug.
The unemployment rate is the lowest in 49 years
The average pay is at record highs

Not too shabby ;)

hardBNhard's photo
Sat 09/08/18 07:22 AM
Since its been trending in that direction since 2014 you shoul be saying THANKS OBAMA ! :thumbsup: explode

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 09/08/18 07:27 AM
But, are they *good* jobs, with benefits...and a wage that a person can live off without needing a second (and in some cases a third) job?

If not...then, they're not helping people to better themselves.

hardBNhard's photo
Sat 09/08/18 07:38 AM
Excellent point "Bluegrass". And dont forget to mention the fact that trump is dismantling safety measures that protect workers

petenh's photo
Sat 09/08/18 07:48 AM
Hey, everything here is good news and positive introspection. Great to see that the economy continues to improve.

I also hope that these are good, well-paying jobs. We need taxpayers if we are ever going to solve this debt crisis.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/08/18 08:08 AM

Since its been trending in that direction since 2014 you shoul be saying THANKS OBAMA ! :thumbsup: explode
whoa don't drink the liberal Kool aid....

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/08/18 08:09 AM

Excellent point "Bluegrass". And dont forget to mention the fact that trump is dismantling safety measures that protect workers
good, if someone gets hurt or dies, a new job just opened up..that's a win win no matter how you look at it...

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/08/18 08:21 AM

Not 4 years, but 8.
Hopefully this upward trend in job growth will eventually lead to increased wages, but so far, not so much.

In addition, it seems that not enough of us are qualified for the jobs that are becoming available. That leads me to wonder about how accessible education is for everyone, since IT is continuing to be important.

Obama actually did a good job, kinda with education...anyone could get a student loan, with grants that didn't need to be paid back...but it did bite back, the company that did the loans had to be bailed out,because lots weren't paying back the loans...

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/08/18 08:27 AM

From what Ive read, the lower income workers are a large part of that increase since the minimum wage increase was mandated. For the middle, not much going on there.

Growth is growth and Im hoping that even the little increases will make a difference without inflation snapping at our heels.

Hopefully, we will have more transparency in the healthcare industry so that competition will create a functional marketplace.
healthcare is out a control... They need to revamp the whole system, from the greedy doctors to the big pharma..

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 08:56 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 09/08/18 09:12 AM
Trump's doing a good job with the Economy and job growth in this Country!!
Obama gave away money, taxpayers dollars. He did nothing to help the economy.

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 10:50 AM

If you cant be responsible enough to provide a link for people to respond to, they will pay you back by responding with their own reflections, as you have done.

I would love to send the link but I am on my cell. But

Just pull up the New York Daily News. Front page .
The article spells out all of the positive things in

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 11:06 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 09/08/18 11:17 AM

If you can't be responsible enough to provide a link for people to respond to, they will pay you back by responding with their own reflections, as you have done.

From the best I can find these jobs are mostly in construction, mining, and logging.

whats liberal kool aid?
Is there conservative kool aid?
Im liberal and I usually just drink coffee or green tea. Is one of those liberal kool aid?
why do you care what anyone drinks?
Wouldnt it be more effective to respond to the point made?
Is the kool aid comment code for not knowing how to respond?

I'm sure you already know this, It's a way of insulting another person intelligence when you really have nothing intelligent to say yourself. For some, it's easier to insult than it is to actually research and add something to a thread that everyone can use.

Article found here.

Most pay raises have been wiped out by inflation. Cost of living high.

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 11:29 AM
construction, mining and logging are good paying jobs and many other industries have added jobs . Factories. White collar, blue collar, device, ect ect

There are a lot of long term capital improvement construction projects going on up here. Highways. Bridges. Tunnels, ect ect projects that take years to complete and pay extremely well.
It is certainly good to see soo many people working and the unemployment level soo low :)

Easttowest72's photo
Sat 09/08/18 11:32 AM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Sat 09/08/18 11:33 AM

Excellent point "Bluegrass". And dont forget to mention the fact that trump is dismantling safety measures that protect workers
good, if someone gets hurt or dies, a new job just opened up..that's a win win no matter how you look at it...

I love positive people :grin:

I started my job Aug 13. They started me out $2 higher than the year before. I have great benefits. I'm working in apolstry. I've never sewed before and it's kicking my butt. I need the money. I have a tenant moving.

I saw basically the same info on CNN.

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 12:46 PM
Hmmm, I have a problem with employment numbers

The reality is, those who have been unemployed for over a year, fall off the grid, they don't even show on percentages.

and if they do find a part-time chit job, they qualify as, improving job stats.

The employment numbers are manipulated, don't get too excited

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:01 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 09/08/18 01:13 PM
Its job creation

and after OBama's history making streak of 72 straight months of job growth, I do hope Trump continues the trend.

just as I hope the DOWNWARD TREND of unemployment numbers since 2009 does not reverse too steeply. It will come back up as the economy is set upon a certain percentage being unemployed.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:11 PM
The trend started by Obama, and the numbers as a trend was the same in 2015-2016.
Nothing to do with Trump himself.
Just a development continuing after a man that took over a totally destroyed world but was able to correct it, and get it back on track.

Taking the credit for the upswing made by another genious is just saad.
But isn't that a typical.... Lol.

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:26 PM

these are the top stories my nydn takes me to:
Government photographer cropped photos of Trump's inauguration to make crowd look bigger, records reveal
SEP 7, 2018

President Trump calls on DOJ to investigate anonymous op-ed claiming there's a 'resistance' in the White House
SEP 7, 2018

Internal memo urges Oval Office visitors to not take Trump's 'on-the-fly' decisions seriously: Woodward's book
SEP 7, 2018

John Kelly nearly got into a 'fistfight' in the Oval Office with ICE official invited by President Trump: Woodward
SEP 7, 2018 you'll have to take the lead in providing what you wish to discuss rather than expect other members to find your articles.....or just be vague and allow replies to be vague....thats fine too. just sayin...

I would if I were at my computer. In a heartbeat. But the numbers are not just on the N.Y.Daily news. They are on many other newspapers as well. All over the web to. Actually common knowledge. Meaning . Not hard to find.
As others here surely have :)
But let's just continue to see only bad things
200K New jobs in one month . Unemployment at its lowest in 49 years rates at it's highest..
Bad stuff Lol

Easttowest72's photo
Sat 09/08/18 02:21 PM

Excellent point "Bluegrass". And dont forget to mention the fact that trump is dismantling safety measures that protect workers
good, if someone gets hurt or dies, a new job just opened up..that's a win win no matter how you look at it...

I love positive people :grin:

I started my job Aug 13. They started me out $2 higher than the year before. I have great benefits. I'm working in apolstry. I've never sewed before and it's kicking my butt. I need the money. I have a tenant moving.

I saw basically the same info on CNN.
thats great! and I love your new pic btw.

Thanks. My hair is always up since I'm getting up at 3:30am. :disappointed_relieved:

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 02:49 PM

I would if I were at my computer. In a heartbeat. But the numbers are not just on the N.Y.Daily news. They are on many other newspapers as well. All over the web to. Actually common knowledge. Meaning . Not hard to find.
As others here surely have :)
But let's just continue to see only bad things
200K New jobs in one month . Unemployment at its lowest in 49 years rates at it's highest..
Bad stuff Lol

like i said before, dont expect folks to follow your trail when you dont provide one. Im not looking for 'bad things' just true things. Folks will bring their own links to the table and discuss their own perspectives with their own resources to back up their points. If you cant do that, your opinions wont appear to be as informed as those who do provide resources. I tried to help you out, but what you said was there, simply was not.

I think its great to disagree....unless there is no basis for that disagreement. Then it just looks like people want to argue instead of discuss a point. Thats when it comes to insults n such. When information is no longer important.

Thats also why its great when Charles added some links. I went to them and appreciate them. Having that information makes for better discussion dont you agree?

Well I think I kind of explained why there was no link. My computer is down and I can not copy the link to my phone. I thought that was a valid reason. It's not?
But I do apologise for giving the wrong newspaper. It is actually the New York Post..front page .
And one of my points was that regardless of good news some will still find something wrong with it because they do not like the current chief therefor they can not accept anything positive that happens under his leadership

And I think this was proven in this thread.

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