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Topic: Do looks matter
Randy503's photo
Fri 06/08/18 07:44 AM
Let's face it we are all visual people. We form our initial impressions with what we see
So how important are Look in a relationship? If you find the other person attractive are you more willing to overlook their faults that would otherwise drive you crazy?
Then face it we all get old and we do not grow old gracefully but by then we should be able to see their inner beauty so can you overlook their appearence if they become less attractive?

no photo
Fri 06/08/18 07:50 AM
Most will say looks matter. I don't think they do but that's me I'm attracted to more what's inside then out. Everyone ages it's life and looks fade but our hearts stay young. If you were with someone and they were in an accident that affected how they looked would you not love them anymore?

Larsi666 😽's photo
Fri 06/08/18 07:52 AM
Rule number one for me is, eyes and smile and the voice, are much more important than flashing boobies and other body parts ... the latter then only leads to my friend, the 'Block User' button :smile:

Randy503's photo
Fri 06/08/18 08:16 AM

Most will say looks matter. I don't think they do but that's me I'm attracted to more what's inside then out. Everyone ages it's life and looks fade but our hearts stay young. If you were with someone and they were in an accident that affected how they looked would you not love them anymore?

I agree we all like to think its the inner beauty that matters. But as we grow old and our beauty fades so do we change in the inside. Our views and beliefs change and if you are in a relationship you can grow apart. I think it is impossible to expect both people to follow the same path in life.

I also agree our hearts stay young as we age. And weather it is an accident or just age. Would you still love them if you had to give up your life's dreams because the other person could not share them with you?

What is love if it is not sharing mutual dreams?

Larsi666 😽's photo
Fri 06/08/18 08:22 AM

Most will say looks matter. I don't think they do but that's me I'm attracted to more what's inside then out. Everyone ages it's life and looks fade but our hearts stay young. If you were with someone and they were in an accident that affected how they looked would you not love them anymore?

I agree we all like to think its the inner beauty that matters. But as we grow old and our beauty fades so do we change in the inside. Our views and beliefs change and if you are in a relationship you can grow apart. I think it is impossible to expect both people to follow the same path in life.

I also agree our hearts stay young as we age. And weather it is an accident or just age. Would you still love them if you had to give up your life's dreams because the other person could not share them with you?

What is love if it is not sharing mutual dreams?

Mutual trust, support, acceptance and understanding as well. If only one of them is one sided, there might be a problem.

MK2's photo
Fri 06/08/18 08:38 AM
Looks definitely matter special in the beginning of relationship..
Thanks God, I'm so handsome :wink:

no photo
Fri 06/08/18 09:14 AM
Looks matter in the beginning for about 30 seconds, because we cant help who we are attracted to.

But having said that, after that 30 seconds and if their personality sucks when then looks dont matter.

How many average looking people out their that has super attractive spouses/partners?

I hear people say as you get older your looks fade blah blah blah, I dont think that is the case, there are a ton of older people that still "looks" good , its just a matter of their attitude and personality.

Our tastes in looks change as we age

Betty White in her 90's but she is adorable and not your typical Grandmother looking, I wouldn't date her at my age but If I was 70 or older I would .

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 06/09/18 12:59 AM

Let's face it we are all visual people. We form our initial impressions with what we see
So how important are Look in a relationship? If you find the other person attractive are you more willing to overlook their faults that would otherwise drive you crazy?
Then face it we all get old and we do not grow old gracefully but by then we should be able to see their inner beauty so can you overlook their appearence if they become less attractive?

I agree, that most of us must find someone attractive in appearance before we date them, but after that first date, it is more a balance of their character, attributes, appearance, their all round personality which cause us to fall in love in my opinion, and not just their looks.

What happens years down the road depends on the two people involved, and most divorces today are the result of financial problems within the marriage, but that could be caused by the costs of all the, hairdressing, manicures, pedicures, sun bed treatment, boob job, tummy tuck, face lift, and other beauty treatments some women seem to want, when all they need to do is let their inner beauty shine through to keep a smile on their guy's face. :smile: happy

notbeold's photo
Sat 06/09/18 06:39 AM
Make up industry; fashion industry; surgical augmentation industry; hair dressers; seen any toothless homeless people going out with models lately ?

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sat 06/09/18 06:46 AM

Make up industry; fashion industry; surgical augmentation industry; hair dressers; seen any toothless homeless people going out with models lately ?

You can add casting shows, super skinny models and peer pressure to that list.

no photo
Sat 06/09/18 06:54 AM
Not to the blind.

no photo
Sat 06/09/18 07:05 AM
Of course they matter. How many beautiful women do you see walking round with some skanky looking guy?

no photo
Sat 06/09/18 07:27 AM
Yeah unfortunately society has conditioned us to believe if we don't look a certain way we aren't good enough.

no photo
Sat 06/09/18 09:19 AM

Yeah unfortunately society has conditioned us to believe if we don't look a certain way we aren't good enough.

I disagree, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder or if you're out drinking on a Saturday night beauty is in they eye of the BEER holder.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sat 06/09/18 09:28 AM

Yeah unfortunately society has conditioned us to believe if we don't look a certain way we aren't good enough.

As I said, peer pressure. If you don't follow a certain trend, you are branded an outcast, and many can't deal with that.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sat 06/09/18 09:29 AM

Yeah unfortunately society has conditioned us to believe if we don't look a certain way we aren't good enough.

I disagree, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder or if you're out drinking on a Saturday night beauty is in they eye of the BEER holder.

The beerholders might have a rude awakening the next morning bigsmile

no photo
Sat 06/09/18 09:51 AM
Of course looks is important if you want a partner.

Just hit and miss! Maybe not for Men!

I don't care how handsome a man Is, I am not overlooking his faults!
My 2nd Ex was handsome! :smile:

Online Men look at PHOTOS first! laugh

I have an active Nice activity man friend, he so nice makes him attractive.
He never been married.

no photo
Sat 06/09/18 10:55 AM

Looks definitely matter special in the beginning of relationship..
Thanks God, I'm so handsome :wink:

laugh At least. You are Truthful !!

soufiehere's photo
Sat 06/09/18 11:05 AM

Do looks matter

Yes..if you have no personality or charm whatsoever.

Up2youandme's photo
Sat 06/09/18 11:15 AM

Yeah unfortunately society has conditioned us to believe if we don't look a certain way we aren't good enough.

Unfortunately you can roll manure in sugar but it ain't no jelly donut

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