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Topic: Gun Control
Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 09:32 AM
The 2nd amendment is outdated and since amendments can be amended

True but at a point the original contract become insignificant if it is overly adjusted.
You end up with a declaration/laws that have less significance because they can be and have been changed at will.
Might as well tear up the original and redo it all from scratch.

Since the United States is based on the original documents, to change those intents, invalidates the United States as a nation.
The nation becomes something else. It happens little by little as amendments are adopted.
This is exactly what the forefathers warned us about and why they proclaimed a constitution and bill of rights in the first place. To preserve the Free State for All Citizens.

They didn't know there would be weapons with automatic repeating fire.
They had no idea society would go insane.
They could not foresee world communication and civil unrest.

We are no longer the United States of America, that is why our founding values don't fit today's conditions. The practicality of those ideals no longer fit the reality of the people.

The only practical solution is to write and adopt a new declaration and form a new nation. One thing that should be considered tho is if all the states will join this new nation, will we still be united?

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 10:48 AM

As a northern neighbor to the most armed country on the planet, let me chime in.

The 2nd amendment is outdated and since amendments can be amended ohwell it should include an annex that forbids the possession of weapons in common spaces, I have no problem with people owning bazookas to defend their property, to protect family against governmental tyranny at home, fine. Your armed citizens aren't stopping F..All in gun crimes, no reason Granma dynamite to be carrying oozies Yo!

The only citizens that should be permitted to carry weapons in common areas(public) are police officers, private security guards, military folks, firemen and maybe a few other choice civil servants. You'd be shocked at how many of these people exist in the US, all having strict firearms training and quarterly psychological assessments.

Vote for me and nobody gets hurt smokin

Well Justin Trudeau's cuz

The problem with your thinking is, criminals have guns, the mentally unstable have guns.

Gun free zones invite all sorts of unsavoury characters, what the media hasnt told you is the areas with the most gun crime violence are low income areas where gangs thrive.

Just like I used to read about the Mafia in your province particularly Montreal had mafia gang shootings including a boss if I'm not mistaken, you have bike gang turf wars, but this gang stuff doesn't happen much in Quebec city? but we generally know your country is safe.

Mass shooting is a small percentage compared to the gun deaths from hand guns from criminals and the drug trade.

that is something the media wont point out.

Sup Boss...

The underworld always had structure, those scores to settle were always done away from the general public, till a 12 yr old kid died being too close in a jeep bombing. Gloves came off on organized crime, now we have unorganized crime by rogue gangs. Still, our citizens have no reason to carry weapons around.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 11:00 AM
The only practical solution is to write and adopt a new declaration and form a new nation. One thing that should be considered tho is if all the states will join this new nation, will we still be united?

Hey Tom,

That's like throwing out the baby with the bathwater, I don't agree that your whole constitution needs to be trashed because of outdated gun rights, you're right, your FF never dreamed of the crystal meth, bath salts and opioid crises either, things change and a nations needs to be flexible and adapt to ever changing threats.

Let's just call it the way it is, Ya'll love your guns, that's it that's all.

They don't make you safer, they don't make you better, you just love em

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 11:15 AM

As a northern neighbor to the most armed country on the planet, let me chime in.

The 2nd amendment is outdated and since amendments can be amended ohwell it should include an annex that forbids the possession of weapons in common spaces, I have no problem with people owning bazookas to defend their property, to protect family against governmental tyranny at home, fine. Your armed citizens aren't stopping F..All in gun crimes, no reason Granma dynamite to be carrying oozies Yo!

The only citizens that should be permitted to carry weapons in common areas(public) are police officers, private security guards, military folks, firemen and maybe a few other choice civil servants. You'd be shocked at how many of these people exist in the US, all having strict firearms training and quarterly psychological assessments.

Vote for me and nobody gets hurt smokin

Well Justin Trudeau's cuz

The problem with your thinking is, criminals have guns, the mentally unstable have guns.

Gun free zones invite all sorts of unsavoury characters, what the media hasnt told you is the areas with the most gun crime violence are low income areas where gangs thrive.

Just like I used to read about the Mafia in your province particularly Montreal had mafia gang shootings including a boss if I'm not mistaken, you have bike gang turf wars, but this gang stuff doesn't happen much in Quebec city? but we generally know your country is safe.

Mass shooting is a small percentage compared to the gun deaths from hand guns from criminals and the drug trade.

that is something the media wont point out.

How likely is it that someone will commit a gun crime if they know everyone is carrying a gun?
Can't recall if it was Naked Gun or Loaded Weapon that showed this action.
While it was funny, it was also pretty accurate.

There will still be insane people attempting mass killings but anyone, even a criminal in their right mind is going to think twice before pulling a gun where he could be shot from any angle immediately.

It may not be a viable, practical solution but it would be effective in diminishing gun related crimes.

The great threat of guns is that only few of many have them. Reducing the number of people that have them, increases the threat because the few will still be able to find them.
The only way to eliminate the threat is to destroy all guns everywhere so nobody can ever possess one. Then the problem will turn to something else as the threat. There is no possible way to control every single gun that exists. There is no way to control every mind that might possess a gun.

We can make an attempt to control gun ownership but that is merely a stop=gap exercise that hides the real problem. People do crazy things.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 11:22 AM
Let's just call it the way it is, Ya'll love your guns, that's it that's all.

Personally, I am not loving my guns. They are tools only.

The constitution is obsolete for more reasons than just the 2nd amendment.
It didn't work, that is evident in our society and has been evident for a long time.
If it did work, there would not be a power elite in government.
That, however, is another topic.
As is our federal budget and spending habits, the election and nomination process and a whole slew of other things that interrupt or jeopardize our free state.

Frankly, I'm surprised we call ourselves The UNITED States of America anymore. We certainly are NOT UNITED.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 11:27 AM

Sup Boss...

The underworld always had structure, those scores to settle were always done away from the general public, till a 12 yr old kid died being too close in a jeep bombing. Gloves came off on organized crime, now we have unorganized crime by rogue gangs. Still, our citizens have no reason to carry weapons around.

dont I know It, I grew up in an area where la cosa was particularly the Genovese and Lucchese family members lived.

So I do know the culture, but you are right about the gloves coming off and the unorganized gangs, but remember Canada doenst have the same gun culture as it is here.

Your gun culture is folks getting together on the range to shoot, or go hunting, and criminals with the guns tend to target other criminals except when they try and rob banks.

Here it is different, some criminals car jack, or house invasions with weapons having a weapon to fend them off until the police gets there makes sense.

Im going to assume most burglars break into homes up there because most of you folks dont carry weapons.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:03 PM
How likely is it that someone will commit a gun crime if they know everyone is carrying a gun?

Tom, See this is what I've been saying for years. How likely is someone to break into a home when.

1) everyone is armed
2) they can shoot you dead on their property, no questions.

Yet it happens, break ins happen a lot considering the risk involved getting your arse shot up in the US, your thieving criminals are retards really.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:05 PM

How likely is it that someone will commit a gun crime if they know everyone is carrying a gun?

Tom, See this is what I've been saying for years. How likely is someone to break into a home when.

1) everyone is armed
2) they can shoot you dead on their property, no questions.

Yet it happens, break ins happen a lot considering the risk involved getting your arse shot up in the US, your thieving criminals are retards really.

It just means the crooks will go tooled up more!

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:16 PM
Im going to assume most burglars break into homes up there because most of you folks dont carry weapons.

This is funny to me.

Canadians are unarmed but anyone of us Canadians can snipe you from 100yrds out.LOL

Yea we get chit stolen, it happens...

down there you have gun culture.

up here, we have insurance culture.

It's only material and can easily be replaced... that's our culture, not that I like it or anything, I'd love to bust a cap in some mofo that steals my chit from my home, I think we can all agree on that.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:21 PM

How likely is it that someone will commit a gun crime if they know everyone is carrying a gun?

Tom, See this is what I've been saying for years. How likely is someone to break into a home when.

1) everyone is armed
2) they can shoot you dead on their property, no questions.

Yet it happens, break ins happen a lot considering the risk involved getting your arse shot up in the US, your thieving criminals are retards really.

It just means the crooks will go tooled up more!

In the states? Well chit, they'll need to break in with rocket launchers, flame throwers and sub machine guns laugh

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:23 PM

How likely is it that someone will commit a gun crime if they know everyone is carrying a gun?

Tom, See this is what I've been saying for years. How likely is someone to break into a home when.

1) everyone is armed
2) they can shoot you dead on their property, no questions.

Yet it happens, break ins happen a lot considering the risk involved getting your arse shot up in the US, your thieving criminals are retards really.

It just means the crooks will go tooled up more!

No problem, if they tell the government that a dictator lives there they'll supply them with anything they want, but of course, they'll deny it rofl

In the states? Well chit, they'll need to break in with rocket launchers, flame throwers and sub machine guns laugh

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:30 PM

This is funny to me.

Canadians are unarmed but anyone of us Canadians can snipe you from 100yrds out.LOL

Yea we get chit stolen, it happens...

down there you have gun culture.

up here, we have insurance culture.

It's only material and can easily be replaced... that's our culture, not that I like it or anything, I'd love to bust a cap in some mofo that steals my chit from my home, I think we can all agree on that.

except if a motherless phuck breaks into our house We can blow is azz away
that part is good.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:34 PM

This is funny to me.
Canadians are unarmed but anyone of us Canadians can snipe you from 100yrds out.LOL
Yea we get chit stolen, it happens...
down there you have gun culture.
up here, we have insurance culture.
It's only material and can easily be replaced... that's our culture, not that I like it or anything, I'd love to bust a cap in some mofo that steals my chit from my home, I think we can all agree on that.

except if a motherless phuck breaks into our house We can blow is azz away
that part is good.

Not if they take away your right to own a gun.

Tell me, in Canada or the UK for that matter.
Can you own a gun if you want to?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:36 PM
In other words, does every person in Canda or the UK that owns a gun, a criminal?

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:38 PM
I'd say apart from gun or rifle clubs tom yes!
Oh, and farmers but usually only shot gun's.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:38 PM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Thu 05/24/18 12:41 PM

This is funny to me.
Canadians are unarmed but anyone of us Canadians can snipe you from 100yrds out.LOL
Yea we get chit stolen, it happens...
down there you have gun culture.
up here, we have insurance culture.
It's only material and can easily be replaced... that's our culture, not that I like it or anything, I'd love to bust a cap in some mofo that steals my chit from my home, I think we can all agree on that.

except if a motherless phuck breaks into our house We can blow is azz away
that part is good.

Not if they take away your right to own a gun.

Tell me, in Canada or the UK for that matter.
Can you own a gun if you want to?

Yes but don't get caught with it on the street, they don't mess around with that, I own a half dozen

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:40 PM

This is funny to me.
Canadians are unarmed but anyone of us Canadians can snipe you from 100yrds out.LOL
Yea we get chit stolen, it happens...
down there you have gun culture.
up here, we have insurance culture.
It's only material and can easily be replaced... that's our culture, not that I like it or anything, I'd love to bust a cap in some mofo that steals my chit from my home, I think we can all agree on that.

except if a motherless phuck breaks into our house We can blow is azz away
that part is good.

Not if they take away your right to own a gun.

Tell me, in Canada or the UK for that matter.
Can you own a gun if you want to?

You have to be licensed tom, strict rules and regular checking.
If it's used, where it's stored etc. They have to be in a locked cabinet.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:43 PM
I used to think Americans having guns was crazy. Until someone pointed out to me that 1 of the reasons we can't have them in Britain is that it would make a revolution harder to achieve. Now I don't know the answer but I do think youngsters will always bash horns occasionally and this may result in bit of fisticuffs, generally no ones seriously hurt. But now it seems for whatever reason, be it glorification in films, , t.v. music or just availability guns and knives are used more often, resulting in tragedy. I think this has a lot to do with ego, finding your identity and wanting to be cool. cool was a massive thing for me growing up, and its strange what is or isn't deemed cool. No one wants to be seen as soft and who didn't want to be Bruce Lee or rocky for a while, it just seems to be one step further and more accessible. As regards criminals having guns, well I consider law enforcement to be the biggest criminals, and let's face it theres just no profit in peace is there

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:45 PM
So, for the most part, the same as in the States then, yes?
The difference being open and concealed carry laws.

Do your police forces (Bobbies & Mounties) carry sidearms or do they have ready access to them?

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 12:47 PM
We can't carry at all!
On a whole are general police are not armed, although we have rapid reaction armed officers.
Tazers are carried by many.

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