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Topic: Gun Control
msharmony's photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:43 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 02/20/18 10:44 AM

Sensible gun laws are coming whether you like it or not
the latest incident in Florida is the last straw..

say goodbye to the sale of assault rifles, bump stocks,
high capacity magazines, loopholes and short waiting periods..

i say good, it's about time.........what say you ???

all comments pro-con are welcome and appreciated...

And after all these "sensible" gun controls laws and the next mass shooting occurs...then what??

The only thing to stop a criminal or a psycho with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Time to arm teachers with training and guns and get rid of the "gun free" zones which are the targets of most of these killers.

i learned to hunt at age 12, my Dad taught me how to shoot...

why settle with just arming the teachers ? why not arm every
kid in the schools...1st period class can be Gun Safety101

of course,... more guns = more safety

guns , even military type designed for maximum carnage, are our right at any cost, but lets get back to those illegal immigrants, they are a 'real problem' ...

our priorities are seriously flawed in this culture

no photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:45 AM

Silly argument..... lets say we ban every thing....what's next? Rocks? Bats? Toothpicks? Toilets seats??
The left has no rational solition, because the problem is not guns....its bad human beings....can you ban those please???
par for the corse, the FBI drops the ball so let's make it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves. I swear the liberal politicians have lost their minds

not alot different than when 'conservatives' hear that people 'slip' through the voting cracks and want to make it more difficult for 'law abiding' citizens to vote, except, we havent had many mass deaths from someone going to a voting booth.

this is only one case of FBI dropping the ball, and that ball is only a part of the problem, too many mass shootings of children and 'law abiding' citizens should give enough of a damn about them to understand better precautions in the system.

its law abiding citizens that are trying to stop these mass shootings by trying to open liberal eyes to the fact that the only way to stop or slow these situations down is to arm teachers w/proper training otherwise your just whistling Dixie

that is not at all the 'only' way ...

all a teacher with a gun can do is decrease the numbers, but someone with a semi is still gonna cause mass damage regardless of how many other bullets are flying.

true this. do you see a change ms.harmony?

no photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:45 AM

Yea I don't know about that idea there Argo..I mean in some cases you would be arming gang members there..nothing like a school full of armed gang members..you see how that might not be such a good idea..just saying..spock

Argo's photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:50 AM
banning certain items with common sense gun laws
would create a "black market" ???

by that logic we should get rid of the DEA...no ?
enforcing the drug laws created the "black market" drug cartels..

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:51 AM

Silly argument..... lets say we ban every thing....what's next? Rocks? Bats? Toothpicks? Toilets seats??
The left has no rational solition, because the problem is not guns....its bad human beings....can you ban those please???
par for the corse, the FBI drops the ball so let's make it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves. I swear the liberal politicians have lost their minds

not alot different than when 'conservatives' hear that people 'slip' through the voting cracks and want to make it more difficult for 'law abiding' citizens to vote, except, we havent had many mass deaths from someone going to a voting booth.

this is only one case of FBI dropping the ball, and that ball is only a part of the problem, too many mass shootings of children and 'law abiding' citizens should give enough of a damn about them to understand better precautions in the system.

its law abiding citizens that are trying to stop these mass shootings by trying to open liberal eyes to the fact that the only way to stop or slow these situations down is to arm teachers w/proper training otherwise your just whistling Dixie

that is not at all the 'only' way ...

all a teacher with a gun can do is decrease the numbers, but someone with a semi is still gonna cause mass damage regardless of how many other bullets are flying.

true this. do you see a change ms.harmony?

I am hoping so lu. I can only hope. It may have reached enough of a critical mass for middle class people that something will be done. But I can only hope.

There is a trend though.

In our past when drugs reached enough middle and upperclass communities, policies were enacted.

When alcohol abuse impacted enough middle class and upper class communities, rehabs sprung up.

When shootings went from being 'drivebys' in poor communities, to middle and upper class school shootings, people became more concerned.

Perhaps this will be the impactful middle class trauma that encites policy makers to act.

But ... I can only hope.

Rooster35's photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:56 AM
I can kill a man with my fists.
You gonna ban my hands too?

What about rape? It's atrocious!
You gonna ban penises too?

There are very dangerous ideas out there.
You gonna ban brains as well?

Argo's photo
Tue 02/20/18 10:56 AM
an infringement of your 2nd amendment right ?

is that right any more important than my right to
life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness...

my happiness is smoking a bushel basket of marijuana every week..
so why am i sitting in jail ???

no photo
Tue 02/20/18 11:01 AM

Ya know it really isn't the gun that's the problem it's the nut behind it..and the people who didn't do their job as they should have..If someone wants to do harm they're going to..Guns will always be around and if someone wanted to convert a weapon to automatic a few clicks of the mouse and there ya go..into bomb making ..a few clicks and there you go..

While I do agree with arming some teachers ..until a teacher goes nuts and then what..there definitely needs to be more security measures at schools ..cameras,retinal scanners or print scanners security cards and or guards..especially a way where people who have been expel can't get into the school in the first place..

Cameras that can identify people on campus ..there really needs to be ways to ramp up campus security..whether they can afford to fund it in certain areas is the question or whether they will is another...But in my opinion it was the failure of the FBI not doing their job when all the signs were there is the real problem in this situation..not the gun..jmo

Rooster35's photo
Tue 02/20/18 11:12 AM
Edited by Rooster35 on Tue 02/20/18 11:13 AM

Ya know it really isn't the gun that's the problem it's the nut behind it..and the people who didn't do their job as they should have..If someone wants to do harm they're going to..Guns will always be around and if someone wanted to convert a weapon to automatic a few clicks of the mouse and there ya go..into bomb making ..a few clicks and there you go..

While I do agree with arming some teachers ..until a teacher goes nuts and then what..there definitely needs to be more security measures at schools ..cameras,retinal scanners or print scanners security cards and or guards..especially a way where people who have been expel can't get into the school in the first place..

Cameras that can identify people on campus ..there really needs to be ways to ramp up campus security..whether they can afford to fund it in certain areas is the question or whether they will is another...But in my opinion it was the failure of the FBI not doing their job when all the signs were there is the real problem in this situation..not the gun..jmo

Yeah, let's just turn schools into prisons. At least the boys would get training on how to be a convicts before being falsely accused of sexual harassment or rape.

no photo
Tue 02/20/18 11:17 AM

Did anyone say anything about turning schools into prison a big difference in prisons than what I described ..so all government secured buildings or high tech buildings with many levels of security are prisons..seriously..spock

Argo's photo
Tue 02/20/18 11:28 AM
the NRA is going to become an albatross around
the neck of ANY politician who accepts their lobby
money and refuses to acknowledge that common sense
gun control, is at the least, to be brought for up
for hearings by our elected reps in congress...

their latest push is to allow anyone to carry their
weapons into any state they choose without being subject
to that states restrictions...so, you buy a gun in a
state with no restrictions whatsoever and take it
anywhere you please..? why automatically, do they adopt
the position of the least restrictive state and impose
that lack of law on other states which have restrictions
already in place ?...what about those who scream "States Rights"
concerning bathroom laws ??

Argo's photo
Tue 02/20/18 11:28 AM
Edited by Argo on Tue 02/20/18 11:31 AM
hittin that button too hard again...lol

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:00 PM

Silly argument..... lets say we ban every thing....what's next? Rocks? Bats? Toothpicks? Toilets seats??
The left has no rational solition, because the problem is not guns....its bad human beings....can you ban those please???
par for the corse, the FBI drops the ball so let's make it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves. I swear the liberal politicians have lost their minds

not alot different than when 'conservatives' hear that people 'slip' through the voting cracks and want to make it more difficult for 'law abiding' citizens to vote, except, we havent had many mass deaths from someone going to a voting booth.

this is only one case of FBI dropping the ball, and that ball is only a part of the problem, too many mass shootings of children and 'law abiding' citizens should give enough of a damn about them to understand better precautions in the system.

you're right in what you're saying, but I would agree more if they would tackle the real problem here which is 90% of the mass shooters in the last 20 years have all been on prescription meds, anti depressants and or anti phsycotic meds...even the hard core lefties can see a correlation with that...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:03 PM

the NRA is going to become an albatross around
the neck of ANY politician who accepts their lobby
money and refuses to acknowledge that common sense
gun control, is at the least, to be brought for up
for hearings by our elected reps in congress...

their latest push is to allow anyone to carry their
weapons into any state they choose without being subject
to that states restrictions...so, you buy a gun in a
state with no restrictions whatsoever and take it
anywhere you please..? why automatically, do they adopt
the position of the least restrictive state and impose
that lack of law on other states which have restrictions
already in place ?...what about those who scream "States Rights"
concerning bathroom laws ??
and you live in Texas, one of the least gun control states and has an open carry law.... Ironic, huh...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:07 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Tue 02/20/18 12:09 PM

an infringement of your 2nd amendment right ?

is that right any more important than my right to
life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness...

my happiness is smoking a bushel basket of marijuana every week..
so why am i sitting in jail ???
again, liberals think their rights are more important than the Constitution... This is a society, those amendments are there for a reason... George Washington even said the second amendment is just as much to protect ourselves from outside threats, even from our own government... look it up, they are in place to protect ourselves...

Argo's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:09 PM
you cant open carry in texas without previously
obtaining a concealed carry license which requires
classroom and proficiency testing on the gun range..

ironic huh

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:14 PM

you cant open carry in texas without previously
obtaining a concealed carry license which requires
classroom and proficiency testing on the gun range..

ironic huh
what's your point here? Still an open carry law.... You should be happy they did regulate it...

no photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:15 PM
Edited by lu_rosemary on Tue 02/20/18 12:16 PM
i know the law in every State Moe..like i said before Its all about control..this is a long debate and i like
what ms.harmony had to say so far.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:17 PM

i know the law in every State Moe..like i said before Its all about control..this is a long debate and i like
what ms.harmony had to say so far.

ok... Thanks for telling me

Tom's photo
Tue 02/20/18 12:30 PM
#TRUMP2020,#MAGA good luck fighting the #NRA & President Trump

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