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Topic: the change from sabbath to Sunday biblical or not?
Richard Sabbath keeper looking for wife's photo
Fri 11/05/21 10:24 PM
So I am not the only one who doesn't know? Woo hoo!

What if it is really our Monday? I think that might be the point Ladywind might be making?

So who is to say one day or the other is right?

Now I am more confused. I have always observed it on Sunday...but who knows

Hi all.
Well I am not quite the same as you guys. Yeshua or Jesus to you kept reading on the Sabbath or Shabbat day as was his custom.
So please repent and welcome Jesus or Yeshua into your hearts and follow him by reading his word.
if you are saved, shame on you for not reading the Bible.

you can not judge someone for keeping the Sabbath, the feast or eating meat.

also to a Jew, it is proven in history by people torturing us we still do not regard pork as meat.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 11/06/21 01:39 AM
For Muslims God chose Friday to be the greatest day. Friday night is the best night and its day is the best day. God Almighty called it Friday – day of gathering – because at the beginning of man's creation God gathered all mankind and the jinn, and took the covenant from them. According to the verse:
"When thy Lord brings forth their offspring from the loins of the children of Adam, He [thus] calls upon them to bear witness about themselves: "Am I not your Lord?" - to which they answer: "Yea, indeed, we do bear witness thereto!" [Of this We remind you,] lest you say on the Day of Resurrection, "Of this we were never mindful."
Among the reasons for the greatness of Friday:
God created in it the heavens and the earth and what is between them
God created Adam and placed him in Paradise, the angels prostrated to Adam, God gathered Eve to Adam, and Adam’s sin was forgiven.
On Friday, God said to the fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham, God answered Jacob's prayer, and God revealed the affliction on Ayoub (Job).
On Friday was the birth of the Prophet Muhammad
The Day of Resurrection will be on Friday
God made Friday a holiday for Muslims, in which God frees His servants from the Fire and forgives them.
One of the virtues of Friday night is that God responds to the needs of the believers and multiplies the deeds, such as prayer, charity, reading the Qur’an, and supplication.

tdion's photo
Tue 11/09/21 08:07 AM
See Exodus 20:8.

no photo
Tue 11/09/21 09:05 AM
The way we can know which is that Jews have been keeping it on the same day since "written in stone" after leaving Egypt.

Technically, it was given to all of Israel. Jews (house of Judah) are only two of the twelve tribes (with some Levites among them -some among the house of Israel).

The house of Israel "lost ten tribes) lost its self-identity, many religious observances and original language -and were to be sifted through the nations as corn through a sieve with not a grain falling to the ground until they came to their birthright-promised lands -moving northwest from around Jerusalem. (Danmark is where the tribe of Dan largely settled, though they are no longer counted among the tribes [replaced by a half-tribe of Ephraim/Menasseh])

All tribes are to later be united again in the holy land -after the events foretold in prophecy.

tdion's photo
Fri 12/03/21 01:54 AM
The Lord's day is on Saturday starting Friday at 6 PM till Saturday at 6 PM Sundown. See [Exodus 20:8]. Else it's not from God.

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