Topic: the change from sabbath to Sunday biblical or not? | |
I do not think the day of the week is the point of Sabbath, honestly I just feel we are to work six days and work the seventh during biblical times their culture worked six days and rested on the seventh, it is the pattern that makes it Sabbath, not the name of the day in our times, our general first day of work is monday, making our seventh day Sunday but even if one worked, tuesday through sunday and rested monday, they would be living by the commandment to rest on the seventh day I doubt God is hung up on mans calendar, or the names of our days ... ********************************************* No doubt. That can work too, as long as we rest for one day. ![]() On the 7th day, whatever day may be for some. The purpose of it is deeper and should clear many doubts, and/or help heal the minds, especially humans, of stress as example. ![]() For some, REST can heal bodies, souls or minds ![]() But look at it from a different view. No 7 has also a deeper multiple meaning from god's point of desire for humans & purpose. Take Agricultural for example. Good farming land is the one who is cultivated for 6 years, and given a rest for one year. That makes 7 years. Peace. 7 is a huge deal ![]() |
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Good night to one and all God is an unchangeable God. He will never change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
Good night to one and all God is an unchangeable God. He will never change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
Comes running into the room holding a donation jar... for the mingles popcorn fund..
I heard somebody was giving out change.. Lol.. |
This is why religion is soo screwed up. One subject.. 20 people.. 20 different versions.
times that by every verse in every holy book.. and bingo... confusion. |
So, what day did God pick to be the day of worship..I don't know..Why don't you ask him... ![]() |
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Mon 11/13/17 04:23 PM
i didn't even get past page 2 and this like almost everything that is told to us has been twisted or changed to the point no one knows anymore what is true and what is not . almost everything in this world is open for debate . big foot is real no he isn't , aliens are real no they're not , man went to the moon no we didn't it was done in an airplane hangar . Oswold killed JFK no he didn't it was the CIA it was the MAFIA . Terrorists took down the twin towers no it was the govt. itself . there's a million and one conspiracys . the church had the power to change the sabbath from saturday to sunday wow . the catholic church has come up with a new list of sins for our new millennium even . really i thought that was GOD'S job to decide what is a sin . i give up . i wasn't there so i guess i'll never really know . human's have lied 2000 years ago , for their own agenda and humans still lie to this day for the same reasons . power and control . but it's o.k. it's for your own good lol. how about food one day something is bad for us then they say it's good for us . oh i forget -- power , control and money . live and let live . you want to pray on saturday go ahead , you want to pray on sunday go ahead . judge not or be judged yourself . but then again maybe that was even put in or twisted by men of 2000 years ago . i guess we'll have to find someone that's over 2000 years old to tell us . there's a prayer to god why would he allow the false prophets to be able to mix everything up like this . one word but 20 or more different religions . he does work in mysterious ways for sure . i guess he has his reasons . then again when a man has an army behind him and he tells you all you will follow this word most out of fear for their lives will obey . and if you try to convince people not to listen they have you killed . i don't know . even video's can be faked . i can't even trust my eyes . a magician can cut a woman in half and one half literally crawls away lol. my eyes see it but it didn't really happen . lol.
Why do we believe in gods? Religious belief 'not linked to intuition or rational thinking'
The study challenges a growing trend that has attempted to show that believing in the supernatural is something that comes to us 'naturally' or intuitively Date: November 8, 2017 Source: Coventry University Summary: Religious beliefs are not linked to intuition or rational thinking, according to a new study. Previous studies have suggested people who hold strong religious beliefs are more intuitive and less analytical, and when they think more analytically their religious beliefs decrease. But new research suggests that is not the case, and that people are not 'born believers'. Instead, the academics conclude that other factors, such as upbringing and socio-cultural processes, are more likely to play a greater role in religious beliefs. The study -- published in Scientific Reports -- was the first to challenge a growing trend among cognitive psychologists over the past 20 years that has attempted to show that believing in the supernatural is something that comes to us 'naturally' or intuitively. Instead, they say their research supports a theory that religion is a nurture-based process and develops because of socio-cultural processes, including upbringing and education. "Religious belief is most likely rooted in culture rather than in some primitive gut intuition." |
So basically, do whatever your neighbor tells you.
If your culture wants biblical sunday have biblical sunday. If they want sabbath, have sabbath. |
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Mon 11/13/17 07:38 PM
So basically, do whatever your neighbor tells you. If your culture wants biblical sunday have biblical sunday. If they want sabbath, have sabbath. There is a great gulf between being religious and being spiritual- the former follow ancient and mundane man-made or demon inspired rules and regulations(creed) while the later is later is lead by the person of the Holy Spirit of God and his inspired word as interpreted by him. Importantly, we can only percieve the leading of the Person Holy Spirit through intuition(the teaching from within)-not from external factor such as man made ,scientific or demon inspired culture. John 4 v23- 24, '' ....but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in the truth V24 ''God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Therefore,all true acts of worship must not be mere mental accent but deep inward spiritual reality-only accessed via the intuition. |
In addition,the person of the Holy Spirit can only indwell those who have embraced Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour-they believe that he died for all thier sins and rose again for thier justification.
John gospel 4 v 16, 'For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten so that who so believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life' |
Sabbath day means worship day right? As long as we are reserving 1 day to go to churh it's ok... and as long as we're following Christ's teaching everyday i think there's no problem with that
on the seventh day, he rested Sabbath is the seventh day, whichever day that is in one's culture/community in america the FIRST day (when we BEGIN our work) is most often a Monday, making our Sabbath on Sunday Man cannot arbitrarily assign numbers to the days of the week and thus make Sunday the 7th day. That would be circumventing the Word of God. Initially, the days of the week did not have names. They were just numbered: the first day, the second day, the third day, etc. (Even Genesis 1 has this.) Later, people came up with the idea of naming the days of the week, usually named after the gods in their pantheon. To honour the sun-god they worshiped, they named the first day of the week Sunday. The sabbath has always been the 7th day, regardless of what other name that day goes by, but even now in many languages the name of the 7th day is some variant of sabbath. So, initially the days were numbered: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Then they were given names: (using the english names here) Sunday (1) Monday (2) Tuesday (3) Wednesday (4) Thursday (5) Friday (6) Saturday (7) And now, according to your theory MsHarmony, people have moved the beginning of the work week to Monday, thus making that the first day, meaning that Sunday is now the 7th day, and that therefore the sabbath now falls on Sunday: 1. Monday (2) 2. Tuesday (3) 3. Wednesday (4) 4. Thursday (5) 5. Friday (6) 6. Saturday (7) 7. Sunday (1) But man's shenanigans with calendars can never make void the law of God. We can re-define the days of the week as much as we like, but the sabbath day is still the 7th day of each cycle of 7 days unbroken from the foundation of the world. There have been times in the past when changes have been made to the calendar. One instance, for example, required an adjustment of about 10 days to the date. Now I can't recall the exact details, but when the adjustment was made the date went (for example) from Monday October 10 to Tuesday October 20. This was to correct some error in the date but notice how they cycle of weekly days was not affected by the change. The weekly cycle has always continued as it has from the first day of creation. |
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Fri 01/12/18 05:04 PM
Since the law of God regarding monday through sunday is not existent, the whole point is moot really.
culture has dictated what is the first day, The bible dictated to work six days and rest the seventh. But even that was a gift to us to reserve a day to make it about God. or else we could also condemn people who work on either Saturday or Sunday, yet even the Lord and his disciples did some 'work' on sabbath, so long as it was Holy work. our culture makes Sunday about God, I doubt He is fuming over the weekday name we gave it, as long as it is consistent with being OUR 7th day, and as long as we have set a day aside consistently. And we do. |
Sabbath day means worship day right? As long as we are reserving 1 day to go to churh it's ok... and as long as we're following Christ's teaching everyday i think there's no problem with that The bible doesn't agree with your sentiment though. It relates the story of a man who was found gathering firewood on the Sabbath day. (Numbers 15:32) He too probably thought it was ok if he rested on another day to compensate. But this man was stoned for breaking the Sabbath day commandment. Another example is the manna from heaven. That appeared on the ground in the morning for the first 6 days of the week, but never on the 7th day. God didn't want people to work on that 7th day gathering food, so he caused enough manna to appear on the 6th day and the people were commanded to gather twice as much on that day. The manna miraculously also didn't spoil if it was kept over for the sabbath day, unlike on the other days where it would spoil if any of it was kept overnight. If God wanted us to keep our "own" 7th day, picking whatever day suited us best, he would surely have granted manna to the Israelites 7 days a week, and allowed them to gather on any 6 out of the 7 days. But he didn't. The whole Israelite community was to rest on the same 7th day. |
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Fri 01/12/18 05:21 PM
Sabbath day means worship day right? As long as we are reserving 1 day to go to churh it's ok... and as long as we're following Christ's teaching everyday i think there's no problem with that The bible doesn't agree with your sentiment though. It relates the story of a man who was found gathering firewood on the Sabbath day. (Numbers 15:32) He too probably thought it was ok if he rested on another day to compensate. But this man was stoned for breaking the Sabbath day commandment. Another example is the manna from heaven. That appeared on the ground in the morning for the first 6 days of the week, but never on the 7th day. God didn't want people to work on that 7th day gathering food, so he caused enough manna to appear on the 6th day and the people were commanded to gather twice as much on that day. The manna miraculously also didn't spoil if it was kept over for the sabbath day, unlike on the other days where it would spoil if any of it was kept overnight. If God wanted us to keep our "own" 7th day, picking whatever day suited us best, he would surely have granted manna to the Israelites 7 days a week, and allowed them to gather on any 6 out of the 7 days. But he didn't. The whole Israelite community was to rest on the same 7th day. false logic, the Israelites had a culture that had a first day as well. So they were expected to keep with the SEVENTH day, whatever that was in their culture. and they even called out Jesus for working on the 'sabbath' though noone stoned him. The sabbath is to be observed on the SEVENTH day. IT does not specify the weekday name. |
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Fri 01/12/18 05:59 PM
The 4th commandment regarding the Sabbath is not just for Jews either, as people sometimes claim:
* The Sabbath was sanctified (set apart) and made holy on the first occurrence of the 7th day when God finished his creative work. (Gen 2:3) * The Israelites were told to keep the Sabbath even before the law was given on mount Sinai. (See Exo 16:23 for an example) * The 10 commandments, of which the Sabbath is mentioned in the 4th commandment (Exo 20:8-11), are obviously meant for all mankind, to regulate their relationship with God the Creator and with their fellow man. If it weren't so, we'd have to conclude that murder and theft and adultery is not sinful for non-jewish people. * The Sabbath was kept by Jesus himself. (Luke 4:16) * The Sabbath will be kept even after Judgment day and after God has destroyed this Earth by fire and created a new Earth. (Isaiah 66:22-23) |
culture has dictated what is the first day Therein lies the problem. The culture has no right to overturn the Word of God, and yet they attempt to do so by reassigning different numbers to the days to circumvent God's law and keep the 1st day as their rest day. Maybe I didn't make the point clearly enough in my previous post to you, but what I was getting at is that the culture has re-numbered the days of the week, with the effect that now they can claim that they're keeping the 7th day sabbath (on Sunday) because the re-numbering has made Sunday the 7th day. BUt this only by man's fallible reckoning. In the cycle of 7 day weeks from the foundation of the world, Sunday still falls on the first day of each cycle. God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light on the earth and to serve as signs to marks seasons and days and years. (See Gen 1:14) So we have to reckon time by the movement of the heavenly bodies in relation to our vantage point on Earth. Each sunset and sunrise marks a day, and each group of seven of those (starting from Genesis' day 1) marks a week, with the days numbered according to their position from the beginning of that week. It is unscriptural to arbitrarily assign different numbers to the days of the week. They must be reckoned according to the signs in the sky (sun, moon, stars) that God created for that purpose. For this same reason, we can also see that Joshua's long day did not shift the sabbath over to another day, because that longer day was still reckoned as one day by the setting and the rising of the sun. We get confused about this because these days we reckon the passage of time by looking at our watch or at our phone screen. On Joshua's long day, if we had a watch, it would have told us that another day had passed, because it measures time arbitrarily according to its own internal clock, without reference to an external source like the sun. But, while Joshua's long day may have been many hours longer to enable him to complete his battle, it was nonetheless still a single day according to the signs in the sky (the sun) God had given for the purpose of reckoning the passage of days. |