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Topic: I have a very big question and some may not believe in it
lizardking19's photo
Sat 10/27/07 08:55 PM
hey heres another odd question about judaio/christian mythology
feral said "Another question might be why didn't God just kill satan and be done with him?"
If satan died wouldnt he just go back to heaven? i got the idea from that movie dogma

Totage's photo
Sat 10/27/07 08:58 PM
I do beleive that if Satan were to confess to God and ask for forgivenesss, God would forgive. However, that will never happen because Satan has too much pride to admit his sins.

Satan would have to submit to God, something Satan will never do willingly.

Totage's photo
Sat 10/27/07 09:01 PM
Satan exists to show Gods love and mercy. If satan were to die, he would not go back to heaven, he was banned from heaven. Satan would go to the lake of fire.

pdx_guy1's photo
Sat 10/27/07 09:28 PM
nice thread :)

yes Lucifer still exists to be an example to many worlds and beings as satan, but his end of probation began when he was thrown to earth along with the 1/3 of the stars (angels who are now demons)

God is all seeing, He knew before hand that Lucifer would introduce sin and also our probational choice, in all things created there is good, just as there is love of the Father for all of His creation if only they repent of their sin and trust Jesus

at one time all will bow to Jesus, but the rewards will have been only given to those who surrendered their will for God's grace before probation (this life) ends

shalom too, brother

DkAngel1346's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:15 PM
One thing I did not find in anyone's argument is the fact that God is omnipotent. Therefore, He knew Lucifer would betray Him as Jesus knew Judas would. It is not a matter of forgiveness...Lucifer was set to this task to be in direct opposition to God. Wherein comes "free will." God wants us to choose to worship Him not force us to. The same can be said for Lucifer. As a creation of God, he has free will to ally himself with the Creator or to defy Him. Either way...only God knows if forgiveness is extended to Lucifer and his rebel angels.

Eljay's photo
Mon 10/29/07 12:17 AM

Please tell me that you are not getting your idea of theology from Hollywood.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 10/29/07 01:42 AM
DkAngel wrote:
“God wants us to choose to worship Him not force us to.”

This does seem to be the major theme. And this is what I don’t understand at all.

It appears that the Biblical God is obsessed with being worshiped.

He starts out with the very first commanded, “Thou shalt have no other God but ME!”

He even says that this is because he is a jealous God. So here’s a God who has the human frailty of being jealous, and he’s obsessed with having people worship him.

The bottom line seems to be that he seems to be saying, “Either worship me or go to hell!”

And then goes on to say that heaven is all about serving God and glorifying him (Worshiping him).

Why would a God be obsessed with having people worship him constantly?

I mean, if you take this picture at face value then all heaven would be about is the continued worshiping and glorifying God! That just doesn’t sound like something that would be fun to do for the rest of eternity. Why would any human being genuinely be interested in spending eternity worshiping and glorifying a God? I can’t imagine anyone seriously wanting to do that for their own sake. Their only motivation would be to do it just so they don’t have to go to hell.

I mean, seriously, if I had THREE choices, Heaven, Hell, or just Ceasing to Exist. I’d choose to cease to exist. That would be my choice because to be perfectly honest about it, Heaven just doesn’t sound all that inviting to me. Of course, if I’m stuff with only two choices, Heaven or Hell, then I guess I’m doomed no matter which one I chose because neither situation sounds very good to me.

Now from a pantheistic view I would love nothing more than to Worship and Glorify god for all of eternity.

Why the difference?

Because in the pantheistic view god IS LIFE. God is this universe. So to worship and glorify god simply means to worship and glorify life. There is no jealous egotistical central godhead to grovel before. God simply isn’t like that at all. God is everywhere all the time, omnipresent. To worship god means to love and have reverence for life itself. It doesn’t mean to bow and grovel before an individual person-like judgmental ego.

Period Amen.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 10/29/07 04:27 AM
!st of all consider Yahshua. He came willingly for us. He said he did nothing except it be told him of his father. So why is this important? because he showed us what Yahweh is really like.When he put Adam and Eve in the garden did he demand worship? No.. In the very end Yahweh himself comes to earth with the New Jerusalem. The tree of life is thier. What for? The healing of the nations. What else does Yahweh say will happen? Their will be no more tears. This does not sound like a ruthless Elohim. The Dogma you have been exposed to is not scripture. Abraham freely went to sacrafice his only son by promice ( Sarah was barren) trusting that Yahweh can take life and he also can take it away. Think of Yahweh as your parents. They choose what is best for you and they also demand respect from you. Why? For your own good. That you will be a kind and respectful person to others not being selfish. Selfishness is what Satan/Helel did. And still does he wants worship. Yet he is not the giver of life. As you respect your parents who gave you life. Yahweh's commands are for children when we realize that they are just and true then we emulate our true parent Yahweh of Hosts and live those commands as our life. We have grown up. A grown man does not need law because laws are for the lawbreaker. For him to know right from wrong the same as the rules you give your children. Eventually most children will teach those same rules to thier children and so on. So see Yahweh is not a foriegn concept, no it is life and when the time comes he will take us in his arms and comport us and heal us of all the abuse this world has taught us.. Blessings of Shalom... Miles

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