Community > Posts By > pdx_guy1

pdx_guy1's photo
Sat 10/27/07 09:28 PM
nice thread :)

yes Lucifer still exists to be an example to many worlds and beings as satan, but his end of probation began when he was thrown to earth along with the 1/3 of the stars (angels who are now demons)

God is all seeing, He knew before hand that Lucifer would introduce sin and also our probational choice, in all things created there is good, just as there is love of the Father for all of His creation if only they repent of their sin and trust Jesus

at one time all will bow to Jesus, but the rewards will have been only given to those who surrendered their will for God's grace before probation (this life) ends

shalom too, brother

pdx_guy1's photo
Sat 10/27/07 02:37 PM
Satan has never asked to be forgiven, he still tries to exalt himself above God to this very day. I am sure that when the "war" in heaven was "fought", if satan had asked for forgiveness at that time, he would have been granted salvation from his emity towards God. There is a close of probation for all of us. We are to make the choice on whether we would rather serve our own interests or God before we die, or before Jesus comes again. Amazing what self-pride will do to a creation, eh?

This was an easy one, can you stump me? I have one for you. Give me even one verse in the Bible where God transfers the holiness of the seventh day Sabbath to Sunday. My church partners are willing to pay $1,000,000.00 if you can find even one verse. :) Clue: there is no such verse! My prayer for all who read this is that you come to know Jesus better, and to know the true Sabbath. Even the power that changed Sabbath worship for Sunday worship readily admits that it is the "Mark of Authority" of the anti-christ beast.