Topic: when your done blaming bush for the war, | |
Hi Harry
![]() Sorry, but I'm off to bed now. |
not every business deal is financed with your tax dollars... sorryaboutit. you seem to think that only the USA gOVT funds large building projects, but there is a whole world out there that functions without our govt checkbook, believe it or not.
im required (ususally) to work under a company that is from the country in question. its a paperwork detail. theres no insurance, ect. sometimes i need to be bonded, however, depending on who is financing the project. |
If America would mind it's own business it wouldn't have to fear terrorists.
Spider, is that so hard to understand? If asked, why not send weapons and money instead of wasting American lives. But you won't trust your allies with your weapons, would you. And it's so easy to call for this and that war, sitting warm, dry and safe at home, while other people lose husbands, sons, brothers, nephews and uncles. It's disgusting. |
My nephew just got back from Iraq. One of my best friends is in Iraq. My two oldest sons both say they are going to enlist at 18. I bought a book called "How to prepare for Basic Training" and I have been trying to get healthy enough to enlist. So why don't you stick to what you know, because you simply don't know me and never will.
"If America would mind it's own business it wouldn't have to fear terrorists." Your world view is so simple, that I have to wonder how much thought you have actually given your beliefs or if you just read them somewhere and are parroting what you read. Lebanon was a Christian country for over a thousand years. They were never a Muslim country until they were taken over by Muslim invaders in the 1970's. What did they do to deserve that? Behruit was called "The Paris of the Middle East" and was a very popular vacation spot, now it's a hell hole. The Islamofacists hate our way of life and want to subject all humanity to Islamic law, that is obvious to anyone who has paid attention to history over the past 100 years. |
I don't need to read my thoughts anywhere, they are my own.
And from my point of view you are still sitting there, warm and dry, enjoying the videos of the dead, and the more blood the better, as long as it is spilled by people that are not Christian. Please yourself on that, but don't expect others to enjoy the same pleasures as you do. |
And no, it's not anger, it's pure disgust.
Oh, and I'm quite serious about fighting terrorism at it's root, which would be America sticking it's nose in businesses that are not it's own, instead of fighting the bloom of it.
Hi Andrea
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Hi Harry
![]() ![]() Glad to see that you are not overworking. ![]() ![]() |
For me there's no such thing as overworking. It's just a matter of things need to get done and making it happen.
![]() How are things on the Emerald Isle? ![]() |
I don't need to read my thoughts anywhere, they are my own.
And from my point of view you are still sitting there, warm and dry, enjoying the videos of the dead, and the more blood the better, as long as it is spilled by people that are not Christian. Please yourself on that, but don't expect others to enjoy the same pleasures as you do. ============================================================== This is a perfect example of the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. To the Liberal mind, if you support the war against terrorism, you take pleasure in death and bloodshed. To the Conservative mind, if you oppose the war, you are wrong and should be persauded to see the error in your ways. To Andrea, I am some sort of terrible ghoulish creature who takes pleasure in the thought of death and misery and only cares about people who look and think like me. It's truely a sad way to live, thinking that those who disagree with you are monsters without redeeming qualities. ============================================================== Oh, and I'm quite serious about fighting terrorism at it's root, which would be America sticking it's nose in businesses that are not it's own, instead of fighting the bloom of it. ============================================================== What does America have to do with Lebanon being overrun by violent Jihadists in the 1970s? Nothing at all. Therefore your logic is critically flawed, because Jihad was going on before the US existed and it would be happening even if the US wasn't involved in politics outside of our borders. |
so you are telling me that America never supported Israel, and that all of the terrorism that's hitting America stems from that?
Oh spider, you might take a lesson in history, or maybe two? I'm not talking about Lebanon, I'm talking about Vietnam, Korea and Iraq. How much nosesticking do you want to take the blame for? Oh, and not to forget Afghanistan, were lately British soldiers were killed by American fire. Stop defending the undefendable. America should mind it's own business, then the owners of the munition factories wouldn't have to go look for earnings from foreign wars. |
HA HA HA!! love the headline!!!
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It always comes back to Israel. Israel exists. Legally. They have done many good things. You only care about the bad they have done and ignore the wrongs that have been done to them. Once again, you suggest the indefensable. You suggest that if our allies are attacked, we should allow them to be overrun and destroyed. You also suggest that because accidents might happen, we shouldn't retaliate for terrorist attacks. You value peace over life and freedom. Slaves can live in peace with their masters, but I would rather fight and die to remain free and ensure the freedom my children deserve. |
freedom is not external.
Israel, with the borders as they are, is not legal, a lot of it was taken by an offensive war, don't you get it?
If the Israelis had stuck with what was given to them, there wouldn't be a problem. As to letting allies down, who was asking for American lives? They were asking for help, and that could have been easily given with money, advise and weapons. But yet again, America wouldn't trust it's own allies with its weapons. It's sad, but true. And there is no use of posting yet another bloody video to me to support your mindset. A lot of the Vietnamese people wouldn't have died if they had not have collaborated with the Americans, or rather, would not have had to collaborate. You can see your world the way you like, it will not change the truth. |
bl8ant said...
freedom is not external. ============================================================== It most certainly is. There is freedom of thought, which is internal, but freedom of action is external. Billions of people are currently denied the freedoms that are taken for granted in western countries. I thought you of all posters here would know that. |
invisible said...
Israel, with the borders as they are, is not legal, a lot of it was taken by an offensive war, don't you get it ============================================================= Actually, it was a defensive war. By international law, the only way one country can legally take land from another is through defensive war. |
Israel took land by an offensive war, and the truth is, if they hadn't been jews, they would have been punished for it. But since America is running around, defending the "poor" jews, that are acting like nazis, there was no punishment.
And if America would let things run it's own course, freedom would come eventually. But sticking the nose in other peoples businesses does fire back. |
You once again reveal yourself. The "poor" Jews are Nazis. Where are you originally from? The reason I ask is that I find your position on the Jews so interesting. A blond with blue eyes who hates novel! "Israel took land by an offensive war" What war was that? "And if America would let things run it's own course, freedom would come eventually. But sticking the nose in other peoples businesses does fire back. " That's not how it works, surely you know that. Has freedom come to China? Freedom almost made it to Russia, but now it's being crushed. Freedom isn't on the shelfs in Vietnam or North Korea. Last time I checked, freedom isn't anywhere in the Muslim world (Ironically, labia are also rarely available since they are cut off at an early age). Yeah, you really don't think too much about what the world is really like, but you have the whole finger pointing thing down pat. Please get back to me on where you are from, because there is something about a Jew hating blond with blue eyes that sounds somewhat familiar.... |