Topic: Three black teens beat white boy on bus | |
do the math again 1,000,000/5800= 172 exactly..I was kidding about the were saying there were only 30,000 doctors...if there was only 30000 doctors and 5800 hospitals that only leaves 5 per hospital..there are a lot more than 30000 doctors...also in private practice...don't know where you came up with 30,000 number 30000 black doctors and medical students,,,,I imagine the number of 'successful' ones would be even lower,,,, |
lol, how many occupations do you have to include to come up with 'millions of successful...'? and again, how has that have ANYTHING to do with ANY of the topics I pointed out? OMG..are you saying there are not millions of successful black business men and women? And it is very relevant to this conversation because if there was systemic ,rampant institutional racism then there would not be as many successful black folk and certainly not a black president!!!! |
lol, how many occupations do you have to include to come up with 'millions of successful...'? and again, how has that have ANYTHING to do with ANY of the topics I pointed out? OMG..are you saying there are not millions of successful black business men and women? And it is very relevant to this conversation because if there was systemic ,rampant institutional racism then there would not be as many successful black folk and certainly not a black president!!!! rampant was not a word I used I pretty clearly spelled out where there appears to be institutional racism there are currently about 15 million black people EMPLOYED period,,,I guess its up to you and your perception how many of those are 'successful black folks',,,, and up to you and your perception to decide that has something to do with why blacks are stopped and frisked so often, or sentenced so much more harshly, or only 1/20th as wealthy as whites,,,,, ![]() |
I consider it odd that anyone would immediately blame institutional racism for certain unpleasant statistics when other possible causes for those statistics have not been explored.
For example, when it comes to the unemployment rate among black Americans, I take into consideration the places where unemployed black Americans live. Consider the following two maps: ![]() ![]() Now, you might ask yourself, "Which came first?" Would the rate of unemployment among black Americans be as high as it is if the population of black Americans were evenly distributed across the USA? I also take into consideration the effect that minimum-wage laws have had on black employment in the USA. American economist Thomas Sowell writes, "Liberals try to show their concern for the poor by raising the level of minimum wage laws. Yet they show no interest in hard evidence that minimum wage laws create disastrous levels of unemployment among young blacks in this country, as such laws created high unemployment rates among young people in general in European countries." (Quote Source) |
rampant was not a word I used I pretty clearly spelled out where there appears to be institutional racism there are currently about 15 million black people EMPLOYED period,,,I guess its up to you and your perception how many of those are 'successful black folks',,,, and up to you and your perception to decide that has something to do with why blacks are stopped and frisked so often, or sentenced so much more harshly, or only 1/20th as wealthy as whites,,,,, ![]() I like to see where you get the statistics that say blacks are frisked more then whites...and if so could it be that a higher percentage of blacks live in higher crime areas and have nothing to do with racism? And I think its just common sense that wealthy people (black or white) are not going to commit as many crimes as poorer black or white people. And as we discussed the income level and crime has a lot more to do with family units then racism. As for your numbers...if 15 million are don't think that at least 10% or 20% of them are considered successful? I think you belittle the the resourcefulness of people in the black community. ![]() ![]() |
So. You saying Miss Okra Winferd is full of bull feces?
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ok dodo, so lets disregard the average and look more closely shall we
a totally on the spot research assignment Im willing to undergo lets first look at three states with over 30 percent black population and three with less than 5 percent black population miss Louisiana Georgia Arizona Washington wv now lets compare the unemployment rates white v black in those states 2010 MISSISSIPPI 6.9 amongst whites 18.5 amongst blacks LOUISIANA 6.2 amongst whites 12.2 amongst blacks GEORGIA 8.0 amongst whites 16.4 amongst blacks ARIZONA 9.9 amongst whites 10.2 amongst blacks WASHINGTON 9.7 amongst whites 21.7 amongst blacks WV 8.5 amongst whites 18.5 amongst blacks so it seems , we could try to dismiss it as an issue of the details and where blacks live,, but the numbers don't really adequately change the disparity to back up that theory,,,, |
rampant was not a word I used I pretty clearly spelled out where there appears to be institutional racism there are currently about 15 million black people EMPLOYED period,,,I guess its up to you and your perception how many of those are 'successful black folks',,,, and up to you and your perception to decide that has something to do with why blacks are stopped and frisked so often, or sentenced so much more harshly, or only 1/20th as wealthy as whites,,,,, ![]() I like to see where you get the statistics that say blacks are frisked more then whites...and if so could it be that a higher percentage of blacks live in higher crime areas and have nothing to do with racism? And I think its just common sense that wealthy people (black or white) are not going to commit as many crimes as poorer black or white people. And as we discussed the income level and crime has a lot more to do with family units then racism. As for your numbers...if 15 million are don't think that at least 10% or 20% of them are considered successful? I think you belittle the the resourcefulness of people in the black community. ![]() ![]() no matter, I see determination here to explain away any information I give with the 'anything but racism' rationale for it,,,, |
Racism does play a role. When I recommended my friend for a high level job, they asked me if I was sure because he was black (I assume that is why they asked me). But he proved me right as I knew he would.
Edited by
Fri 08/09/13 01:07 PM
Racism does play a role. When I recommended my friend for a high level job, they asked me if I was sure because he was black (I assume that is why they asked me). But he proved me right as I knew he would. ty, OF COURSE racism plays a role,, there was no magic wand that some one came and waved over America after decades of slavery and segregation to change the mentality of those who implemented and supported it or to prevent them from continuing their legacy through their children and grandchildren and their power and their acquired wealth,, or biased laws or biased policies,,, and black folks DO absolutely achieve IN SPITE OF,,, after all, we wouldn't assume middle eastern territories eliminated sexism because there are women in heads of state positions,,,, achieving IN SPITE of things that are unjust doesn't mean turning a blind eye to them maybe others can afford the 'I got mine so you get yours mentality', ,but I don't think we can,,, |
The real problem isn't race or racism, IT'S GOVERNMENT! Silverspooned elites trying to mandate morality, lining their pockets with 30 pieces of silver by selling out the American people, ALL people, to corporations, banks and a military industrial complex that has bankrupted our economy, destroyed our rights and our constitution, militarized our police forces, and indebted our childrens , childrens children for generations to come to a corrupt monetary system and those who profit from it.... and putting the blame on the American people thru divisive talking heads, the media, and illgotten info from illegal spying to make it all work. We're all just dumbed down idiots letting it continue, and fighting amongst ourselves.... or CTers as the lamest of the bunch wish to call activists who are tired of it and fight that system. |
there is no such thing as 'the real problem'
there are enough separate problems to keep places like this open for a very long time,,,lol |
I've heard tell that ignorance is bliss..... |
Ive heard that obsession can be dangerous,,,
Ive heard that obsession can be dangerous,,, I see someone is looking in the mirror, no? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ive heard that obsession can be dangerous,,, I see someone is looking in the mirror, no? ![]() ![]() ![]() look again at who starts these threads so how is my responding the same as being obsessed? try to address the accusation to the correct parties |
What about the effect that minimum-wage laws have had on black employment in the USA?
American economist Thomas Sowell writes, "Liberals try to show their concern for the poor by raising the level of minimum wage laws. Yet they show no interest in hard evidence that minimum wage laws create disastrous levels of unemployment among young blacks in this country, as such laws created high unemployment rates among young people in general in European countries." (Quote Source) Now what political institution keeps demanding that the federal minimum wage be raised? Then there is the high rate of out-of-wedlock births among black Americans. That rate is significantly higher than it was prior to the civil rights era. A child born out of wedlock is more likely to grow up in poverty than a child born into a family in which the child's parents are married. So is alleged "institutional racism" making single black women become pregnant? Answer: No. As a member of the baby-boom generation, I compare how well black Americans of my generation have done with their lives in comparison to how well black Americans of newer generations are doing with their lives. Blacks of the baby-boom generation faced more racial obstacles than young black adults do now. So, are young black adults doing better or worse than their baby-boom elders? From PBS: ![]() From the Washington Post: ![]() |
there are a lot of disconnected thoughts there
but I will try my best 1. the idea that raising minimum wage creates unemployment for blacks has little to back it up,,,,looking at two charts from the census and department of labor regarding black unemployment and minimum wage rates seems as minimum wage has increased, black unemployment has decreased,, ,however I doubt that related issues of black wealth or poverty correlate as consistently,,, 2.Im not sure what 'political institution' is demanding an increase or demands increases historically, I know those trying to provide off of minimum wage probably come from acrss the political arena and probably support the idea 3. No. The issue of being a single black parent is not as simple as institutional racism. As single parent status can occur at any stage from birth of the child on, and parent partnerships don't just occur in marriage. Single and married black women have always become pregnant, but if married black women have started having fewer babies that raises the percentage of all black births that then are out of wedlock. Im sure there are multiple reasons women find themselves married, with and without support. 4. whether baby boomers faced 'more obstacles' is a subjective question with little proof to validate the answer as is the question of whether young adults are doing 'better or worse' now, some questions for you do adults, by nature of being born from unwed parents send out some 'bastard child' signal to cause the police to stop and frisk them more often or to cause them to be more harshly punished in the justice system or to cause them to be pulled over more often by police or to cause them to be in a public school that doesn't have quality teachers or staff or equipment or to cause them to be consistently more unemployed than their white counterparts? I would be glad to discuss out of wedlock birth in the black community, because I do consider it something to be addressed I just fail to see how its relevant to the issues of how OTHERS perceive and treat blacks INSTITUTIONALLY,,, |
Back on track.
Any update on the three animals that attacked the poor white child? |
I guess Jesse Jackson is to busy out cheating on his wife again and Al Sharpton is to busy race baiting to take notice.............
Hipocracy. |