Topic: Three black teens beat white boy on bus
Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:35 PM

I wonder why anyone would care what group I may or may not have interest in

there are hundreds out there,,,must we take interest in them all, or cant we choose what we connect with?

To choose, you first have to know something about what your choosing. How can you connect if you know nothing about it?
very interesting your logic

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:36 PM

I can certainly complain about INSTITUTIONAL Racism without getting into a semantic and futile debate about the general 'morality' of racism in its VERY BROAD definition

How can institutional racism be wrong and other forms of racism not be wrong?

Was it wrong for Al Sharpton to use racist commentary to encourage blacks in Harlem and Brooklyn to engage in racist activities that resulted in people dying?

Was it wrong for Congressman Rangel to recently use a racial slur against whites?

well, first things first,,

Im not concerned with discussing 'right/wrong',, IM concerned with rights and justice,,,,

the question seems kind of cliché and silly, as in,,
how can shooting someone in anger be wrong if shooting someone isn't ALWAYS wrong?

circumstances and details can make a lot of difference in such broad topics as violence or racism

second, I don't know what you are referring to in regards to Sharpton, nor what 'racist commentary' you refer to,, I could better give an opinion if I did

third, it was not 'helpful' for Rangel to use the term 'cracker',, whether it was 'wrong' is not something Im going to address as I obviously view it in a context differently than you do,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:37 PM

I wonder why anyone would care what group I may or may not have interest in

there are hundreds out there,,,must we take interest in them all, or cant we choose what we connect with?

To choose, you first have to know something about what your choosing. How can you connect if you know nothing about it?
very interesting your logic

exactly, what I do know about it amounts to they want to take America 'back', they want fewer taxes, and smaller government

I don't feel a connection in their interests,, and I don't have an interest or desire to try to FIND something there to connect with by looking further,

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:42 PM
Institutional racism....hmmmmm...would that include the Black Caucus...wonder the outrage if there was an all white Caucus in the Senate?..How about BET...wonder the outrage if there was an WET(All White Entertainment) Nahhhh thats not racism...racism only exists white on black.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:42 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 08/08/13 06:50 PM

I can certainly complain about INSTITUTIONAL Racism without getting into a semantic and futile debate about the general 'morality' of racism in its VERY BROAD definition

How can institutional racism be wrong and other forms of racism not be wrong?

Was it wrong for Al Sharpton to use racist commentary to encourage blacks in Harlem and Brooklyn to engage in racist activities that resulted in people dying?

Was it wrong for Congressman Rangel to recently use a racial slur against whites?

well, first things first,,

Im not concerned with discussing 'right/wrong',, IM concerned with rights and justice,,,,

the question seems kind of cliché and silly, as in,,
how can shooting someone in anger be wrong if shooting someone isn't ALWAYS wrong?

circumstances and details can make a lot of difference in such broad topics as violence or racism

second, I don't know what you are referring to in regards to Sharpton, nor what 'racist commentary' you refer to,, I could better give an opinion if I did

third, it was not 'helpful' for Rangel to use the term 'cracker',, whether it was 'wrong' is not something Im going to address as I obviously view it in a context differently than you do,,,

Aren't our beliefs about rights and justice based on our ideas about right and wrong?

Are we to give different forms of racism a pass if they don't personally bother us?

MoonsDragonLionWolf's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:54 PM

Three black teens beat a white boy on a Florida bus. The police investigation said no racial motive was involved. The bus driver is now being criticized for not stopping the fight sooner. Supposedly the fight was payback for the boy telling school authorities one of the teens tried to sell him drugs. Although all this could be true my question is whether if the roles were reversed and three white boys beat a black teen on the bus would Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the whole race bating crowd accept this also, or would they make it into another racially motivated crime like they did with Trayvon Martin? My guess is they would jump all over this to feed their wallets.

Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson only see racism when it works in their favor in an attempt to create racial divide, even when a case is proven to have no racial motive.
They'd do just the same with this case if it was white on black.
However they don't tend to speak out when it's black on white.
In truth, the real racists are the ones who try to spin everything into being about race even when there's no such evidence, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
No one takes those two fools seriously.
The few who do are the racists themselves.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:56 PM

Institutional racism....hmmmmm...would that include the Black Caucus...wonder the outrage if there was an all white Caucus in the Senate?..How about BET...wonder the outrage if there was an WET(All White Entertainment) Nahhhh thats not racism...racism only exists white on black.


there was an all white caucus for decades, it was called the SENATE,,lol

and there is also a WET,,,the entire television SPECTRUM Before the advent of BET was the WET,,,

and its a response to racism,,,,just like self defense is a response to violence

a reaction to an action ,,,,,but the action comes first and CREATES the latter,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 06:58 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/08/13 07:01 PM

I can certainly complain about INSTITUTIONAL Racism without getting into a semantic and futile debate about the general 'morality' of racism in its VERY BROAD definition

How can institutional racism be wrong and other forms of racism not be wrong?

Was it wrong for Al Sharpton to use racist commentary to encourage blacks in Harlem and Brooklyn to engage in racist activities that resulted in people dying?

Was it wrong for Congressman Rangel to recently use a racial slur against whites?

well, first things first,,

Im not concerned with discussing 'right/wrong',, IM concerned with rights and justice,,,,

the question seems kind of cliché and silly, as in,,
how can shooting someone in anger be wrong if shooting someone isn't ALWAYS wrong?

circumstances and details can make a lot of difference in such broad topics as violence or racism

second, I don't know what you are referring to in regards to Sharpton, nor what 'racist commentary' you refer to,, I could better give an opinion if I did

third, it was not 'helpful' for Rangel to use the term 'cracker',, whether it was 'wrong' is not something Im going to address as I obviously view it in a context differently than you do,,,

Aren't our beliefs about rights and justice based on our ideas about right and wrong?

Are we to give different forms of racism a pass if they don't personally bother us?

no, I believe its wrong to tell a lie, I don't believe anyone deserves to be shot down or jailed for a lie though

I believe its wrong for spouses to sleep with others, I don't believe there should be legislation against their CONSENTING to having an open marriage though

the manifestation and implementation of laws are not centered around some exclusive 'morality',,,it is a different issue than

'justice' or 'rights'

and yes, I choose not to concern myself with peoples PERSONAL struggles when they don't impact others,,,,although I may have an opinion about them

they don't rank high in my priorities,, no

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:03 PM


there was an all white caucus for decades, it was called the SENATE,,lol

and there is also a WET,,,the entire television SPECTRUM Before the advent of BET was the WET,,,

and its a response to racism,,,,just like self defense is a response to violence

a reaction to an action ,,,,,but the action comes first and CREATES the latter,,,

How sad you believe that...It can't possibly be because we live in a democracy and Blacks only make up 13% of the population now, and much less back 40 years it just had to be all about racism. Well even if your contention had any merit, why the need to keep the Black Caucus when it represents a larger portion of blacks then are in the general population?

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:07 PM


there was an all white caucus for decades, it was called the SENATE,,lol

and there is also a WET,,,the entire television SPECTRUM Before the advent of BET was the WET,,,

and its a response to racism,,,,just like self defense is a response to violence

a reaction to an action ,,,,,but the action comes first and CREATES the latter,,,

How sad you believe that...It can't possibly be because we live in a democracy and Blacks only make up 13% of the population now, and much less back 40 years it just had to be all about racism. Well even if your contention had any merit, why the need to keep the Black Caucus when it represents a larger portion of blacks then are in the general population?

perhaps because of the idea that a smaller number of people validates an inferior representation of their interests,,,:wink:

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:10 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 08/08/13 07:11 PM

Aren't our beliefs about rights and justice based on our ideas about right and wrong?

Are we to give different forms of racism a pass if they don't personally bother us?

no, I believe its wrong to tell a lie, I don't believe anyone deserves to be shot down or jailed for a lie though

I believe its wrong for spouses to sleep with others, I don't believe there should be legislation against their CONSENTING to having an open marriage though

the manifestation and implementation of laws are not centered around some exclusive 'morality',,,it is a different issue than

'justice' or 'rights'

and yes, I choose not to concern myself with peoples PERSONAL struggles when they don't impact others,,,,although I may have an opinion about them

they don't rank high in my priorities,, no

So, are you saying that you only oppose racism that directly affects you or someone you know?

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:16 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/08/13 07:17 PM

Aren't our beliefs about rights and justice based on our ideas about right and wrong?

Are we to give different forms of racism a pass if they don't personally bother us?

no, I believe its wrong to tell a lie, I don't believe anyone deserves to be shot down or jailed for a lie though

I believe its wrong for spouses to sleep with others, I don't believe there should be legislation against their CONSENTING to having an open marriage though

the manifestation and implementation of laws are not centered around some exclusive 'morality',,,it is a different issue than

'justice' or 'rights'

and yes, I choose not to concern myself with peoples PERSONAL struggles when they don't impact others,,,,although I may have an opinion about them

they don't rank high in my priorities,, no

So, are you saying that you only oppose racism that directly affects you or someone you know?

no I said 'impacts others',, not 'affects me or someone I know'

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:19 PM

Aren't our beliefs about rights and justice based on our ideas about right and wrong?

Are we to give different forms of racism a pass if they don't personally bother us?

no, I believe its wrong to tell a lie, I don't believe anyone deserves to be shot down or jailed for a lie though

I believe its wrong for spouses to sleep with others, I don't believe there should be legislation against their CONSENTING to having an open marriage though

the manifestation and implementation of laws are not centered around some exclusive 'morality',,,it is a different issue than

'justice' or 'rights'

and yes, I choose not to concern myself with peoples PERSONAL struggles when they don't impact others,,,,although I may have an opinion about them

they don't rank high in my priorities,, no

So, are you saying that you only oppose racism that directly affects you or someone you know?

no I said 'impacts others',, not 'affects me or someone I know'

So, what stops you from saying that racism is absolutely wrong?
What forms of racism are acceptable to you?

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:20 PM

Aren't our beliefs about rights and justice based on our ideas about right and wrong?

Are we to give different forms of racism a pass if they don't personally bother us?

no, I believe its wrong to tell a lie, I don't believe anyone deserves to be shot down or jailed for a lie though

I believe its wrong for spouses to sleep with others, I don't believe there should be legislation against their CONSENTING to having an open marriage though

the manifestation and implementation of laws are not centered around some exclusive 'morality',,,it is a different issue than

'justice' or 'rights'

and yes, I choose not to concern myself with peoples PERSONAL struggles when they don't impact others,,,,although I may have an opinion about them

they don't rank high in my priorities,, no

So, are you saying that you only oppose racism that directly affects you or someone you know?

no I said 'impacts others',, not 'affects me or someone I know'

So, what stops you from saying that racism is absolutely wrong?
What forms of racism are acceptable to you?

those which don't have an impact upon others life or livelihood

asked and answered about a dozen times now,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:24 PM

So, what stops you from saying that racism is absolutely wrong?
What forms of racism are acceptable to you?

those which don't have an impact upon others life or livelihood

It seems to me that it is an act of racism to consider any form of racism to be acceptable.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:25 PM

This will be handled as just a common crime and not a hate crime because its black on white. The liberal media, Jesse Jackass, Al not so Sharpton, NAACP and hollywood all went ape **** over the Martin case but so far no one is saying **** about this one. Hypocrisy at its finest.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:27 PM

So, what stops you from saying that racism is absolutely wrong?
What forms of racism are acceptable to you?

those which don't have an impact upon others life or livelihood

It seems to me that it is an act of racism to consider any form of racism to be acceptable.

that is certainly your prerogative,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:29 PM

This will be handled as just a common crime and not a hate crime because its black on white. The liberal media, Jesse Jackass, Al not so Sharpton, NAACP and hollywood all went ape **** over the Martin case but so far no one is saying **** about this one. Hypocrisy at its finest.

come on yall , is this INTENTIONAL IGNORANCE? Seriously

the ape*** reaction was to no one being held accountable, an armed adult not being held accountable for shooting an unarmed minor

this case is kids attacking kids and being held IMMEDIATELY accountable,,,

nothing to go ape**** over,,,

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:33 PM
Msharmony..I wasn't going to go here because it may be TMI...but many years ago, probably before you were born, I dated my first black girlfriend. It was the late 70's and many years before it became "acceptable" to society. Everywhere we went, whether it was dinner,movie etc, we got the looks, the sneers and the ugly comments from both sides I might add. Honestly we got more grief from the black side and I had my life threatened on more than one occasion for "stealing our black women".I know first hand what racism is all about. Fast forward to my last girlfriend(4 years ago before my son became ill)who was also a beautiful black woman. We had a very close and intimate relationship. The contrast between then and now is not even close. There are no similarities at all. I have traveled all over the world and if you think REAL racism is a problem here, then I know you have not traveled outside this country very much.
This isn't to say racism does not exist, there are just as many racists in the black community as in the white community,like the black panthers akin to the neo-nazi's and so on and so on. But these are small numbers of irrelevant idiots. The only REAL racists are the ones spouting the garbage to give a perception of rampant racism to push their own agenda. I don't say this to hurt or disparage you, but I would take a good look inside because I think unknowingly you have some racist tendencies you may not be aware of...flowerforyou flowerforyou

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:34 PM

This will be handled as just a common crime and not a hate crime because its black on white. The liberal media, Jesse Jackass, Al not so Sharpton, NAACP and hollywood all went ape **** over the Martin case but so far no one is saying **** about this one. Hypocrisy at its finest.

come on yall , is this INTENTIONAL IGNORANCE? Seriously

the ape*** reaction was to no one being held accountable, an armed adult not being held accountable for shooting an unarmed minor

this case is kids attacking kids and being held IMMEDIATELY accountable,,,

nothing to go ape**** over,,,

Are you really so ignorant to try and convince me that if 3 white teens severely beat up a younger black teen that the media, sharpton, jackass, naacp and hollywood wouldn't be up in arms over it calling for marches and boycotts?