Topic: Three black teens beat white boy on bus
msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:24 PM

sorry I forgot we are suppose to see Trayvon as just an "innocent child" LOL I don't think age has anything to do with Sharpton stuffing his wallet with money. remember the Brawly(spelling?)case in NYC? She was a minor too.

I don't know what to tell you, its apparently just not gonna be clear the difference

YEP in the case of the lying child,, she was a MINOR but her assailants were ADULTS

it was also not a case of an event that occurred BETWEEN CHILDREN

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:25 PM

sorry I forgot we are suppose to see Trayvon as just an "innocent child" LOL I don't think age has anything to do with Sharpton stuffing his wallet with money. remember the Brawly(spelling?)case in NYC? She was a minor too.

It's funny..just looked up her name and found that she has finally started to pay the man she falsely accused over 26 years ago..Justice finally!

I agree,, IM equally disappointed when lies ruin peoples lives, cause them to be incarcerated, or allow them to walk free,,,

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:32 PM
This video reminds me of my son. He was a blackbelt by the time he reached high school and would always protect the younger kids on the bus from the older bullies. He was an incredible young man. Love and miss you son!

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:35 PM
sorry for your loss

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:40 PM
Thx words can describe itsad

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:40 PM

willing2's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:45 PM
A fitting punishment for the little animals, accepting they are on the path to becoming career ferals, duct tape guns to their hands and drop them off in front of the cop shop during rush hour.

I love how some see the three on one assault as harmless kids play.

Sick and twisted.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:47 PM says a lot about our society and although it took over a minute into the beating for the driver to do anything. I can't blame him, it is policy not to touch a student in any way or face law suits and/or firing from your job. Maybe if we disciplined like the old days and got rid of the frivolous law suits we can restore some respect and discipline in our schools.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:52 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/08/13 12:53 PM says a lot about our society and although it took over a minute into the beating for the driver to do anything. I can't blame him, it is policy not to touch a student in any way or face law suits and/or firing from your job. Maybe if we disciplined like the old days and got rid of the frivolous law suits we can restore some respect and discipline in our schools.

I agree, children are still children,, and we throw them away so easily,, both before and AFTER they turn to crimes

they do need more examples of sound morals at home, in their neighborhoods, in their schools and in the media,,,

their does need to be a return to the elder/child respect expectation

and a return to real discipline and consequence and CONSISTENCY at home

too many are being left to chance and letting their childlike ego and lusts to lead them down dangerous paths,, for themselves and others,,,

there are so many things we, as adults in society , could improve upon for the sake of our kids

and that motive would do so much to turn things around and maybe have some real discussions and solutions,,,

no photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:00 PM
What a damned shame that crimes like these have got to be about "Black and white"
BS !
The point i see is that three boys beat the **** out of one boy
Which is CRIMINAL and should be punished accordingly !
Not about their color ...
Victims are victims regardless of race,creed or color
And criminals the same...

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:02 PM

I agree, children are still children,, and we throw them away so easily,, both before and AFTER they turn to crimes

they do need more examples of sound morals at home, in their neighborhoods, in their schools and in the media,,,

their does need to be a return to the elder/child respect expectation

and a return to real discipline and consequence and CONSISTENCY at home

too many are being left to chance and letting their childlike ego and lusts to lead them down dangerous paths,, for themselves and others,,,

there are so many things we, as adults in society , could improve upon for the sake of our kids

and that motive would do so much to turn things around and maybe have some real discussions and solutions,,,

Agreed but because in this economy where most parents have to work to get by or the child is raised in single parent household, I think schools should be able to dish out punishment without worrying about PC police or lawsuits.
When I was in school(many many moons ago) the nuns would whack you in the back of the head with a ruler or pointer and very hard I may add. Maybe they would put your hands out on the desk and slam them with a ruler or pull your ear to the extent it felt like you would lose your ear LOL. You wouldn't dare tell your parents, they would just punish or ground you for misbehaving! This may seem too much in this day and age..but it worked, you'd have to be an idiot to talk, carry-on or disrespect a teacher in class after that.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:03 PM

What a damned shame that crimes like these have got to be about "Black and white"
BS !
The point i see is that three boys beat the **** out of one boy
Which is CRIMINAL and should be punished accordingly !
Not about their color ...
Victims are victims regardless of race,creed or color
And criminals the same...

I agree as far as victims go

the debate comes in about how the JUSTICE SYSTEM deals with victims/offenders according to things like poverty(ability to afford decent representation) and race

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:04 PM

I agree, children are still children,, and we throw them away so easily,, both before and AFTER they turn to crimes

they do need more examples of sound morals at home, in their neighborhoods, in their schools and in the media,,,

their does need to be a return to the elder/child respect expectation

and a return to real discipline and consequence and CONSISTENCY at home

too many are being left to chance and letting their childlike ego and lusts to lead them down dangerous paths,, for themselves and others,,,

there are so many things we, as adults in society , could improve upon for the sake of our kids

and that motive would do so much to turn things around and maybe have some real discussions and solutions,,,

Agreed but because in this economy where most parents have to work to get by or the child is raised in single parent household, I think schools should be able to dish out punishment without worrying about PC police or lawsuits.
When I was in school(many many moons ago) the nuns would whack you in the back of the head with a ruler or pointer and very hard I may add. Maybe they would put your hands out on the desk and slam them with a ruler or pull your ear to the extent it felt like you would lose your ear LOL. You wouldn't dare tell your parents, they would just punish or ground you for misbehaving! This may seem too much in this day and age..but it worked, you'd have to be an idiot to talk, carry-on or disrespect a teacher in class after that.

I second that emotion,,,,,

mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:04 PM says a lot about our society and although it took over a minute into the beating for the driver to do anything. I can't blame him, it is policy not to touch a student in any way or face law suits and/or firing from your job. Maybe if we disciplined like the old days and got rid of the frivolous law suits we can restore some respect and discipline in our schools.

that's what feral animals do.. attack in numbers, always using the best situation at hand... they knew the system and used it... little thugs are going to prison now, where they can learn to be bigger and better gangsters... it's probably what they wanted in the first place...

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:11 PM

that's what feral animals do.. attack in numbers, always using the best situation at hand... they knew the system and used it... little thugs are going to prison now, where they can learn to be bigger and better gangsters... it's probably what they wanted in the first place...

I doubt they'll go to prison, hopefully after juvy they'll have to pay damages for a long time to come so the victim gets some payback.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:19 PM

that's what feral animals do.. attack in numbers, always using the best situation at hand... they knew the system and used it... little thugs are going to prison now, where they can learn to be bigger and better gangsters... it's probably what they wanted in the first place...

I doubt they'll go to prison, hopefully after juvy they'll have to pay damages for a long time to come so the victim gets some payback.


oh, the parents (or most likely 'parent' as Im laying odds they are from single parent homes,, its HARD for one to do the work of two)
will definitely have to step up and take accountability to that beaten child and their parents

too bad we don't have 'rehabs' for addiction to violence,,

willing2's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:21 PM
Juvenile corrections till they are 18 and, force the parents to pay any injuries order emotional damage their lil basterds did to the child.

They don't pay, send their low-life a$$es to jail for a few years.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:30 PM

oh, the parents (or most likely 'parent' as Im laying odds they are from single parent homes,, its HARD for one to do the work of two)
will definitely have to step up and take accountability to that beaten child and their parents

too bad we don't have 'rehabs' for addiction to violence,,

Yes we should have "rehabs", beat the living hell out of them everyday so they know what its like LOL.

Also, I might be the exception but I'm sure there are many single parents like me that have raised wonderful, caring and loving children that didn't resort to drugs or violence.JMO :)

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:32 PM

oh, the parents (or most likely 'parent' as Im laying odds they are from single parent homes,, its HARD for one to do the work of two)
will definitely have to step up and take accountability to that beaten child and their parents

too bad we don't have 'rehabs' for addiction to violence,,

Yes we should have "rehabs", beat the living hell out of them everyday so they know what its like LOL.

Also, I might be the exception but I'm sure there are many single parents like me that have raised wonderful, caring and loving children that didn't resort to drugs or violence.JMO :)

well the truth is, MOST kids don't resort to drugs or violence

but when they DO,, they are more likely to have come from single parent homes than nuclear families

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:47 PM

well the truth is, MOST kids don't resort to drugs or violence

but when they DO,, they are more likely to have come from single parent homes than nuclear families

Well I agree with the violence part...but not sure if MOST kids never try or experiment with some form of drug or alcohol. I would say Most do but the majority don't stay on them or let them control their lives.