Topic: Three black teens beat white boy on bus | |
so wait, because you got sneers and jeers from blacks for being with a black woman in a time when blacks were being persecuted and segregated and discriminated against by whites in authority and you no longer experience those jeers now,,, you are convinced racism is no longer an institutional problem? ok well, we can continue to agree to disagree I think perhaps you have some blinders on that YOu aren't aware of,, ![]() Just to set the record straight ..this was up in the north where blacks were never segregated even before the civil war...and if you excuse racism for any reason at all then I guess all the posts you make are meaningless... wow,, ok blacks were never segregated in the north? interesting perhaps I could find a way to dismiss the topic by declaring such unawareness as proof of your posts being 'meaningless',,, but I wont,,, |
so wait, because you got sneers and jeers from blacks for being with a black woman in a time when blacks were being persecuted and segregated and discriminated against by whites in authority and you no longer experience those jeers now,,, you are convinced racism is no longer an institutional problem? ok well, we can continue to agree to disagree I think perhaps you have some blinders on that YOu aren't aware of,, ![]() Just to set the record straight ..this was up in the north where blacks were never segregated even before the civil war...and if you excuse racism for any reason at all then I guess all the posts you make are meaningless... wow,, ok blacks were never segregated in the north? interesting perhaps I could find a way to dismiss the topic by declaring such unawareness as proof of your posts being 'meaningless',,, but I wont,,, ![]() it was necessary because the hoods had so much segregation it has over 40 years evolved somewhat ...but there is still a certain amount of segregation even in the poorer neighborhoods |
OK sorry I thought you were questioning my credibility...when I haven't said that any type of racism is acceptable so I was totally feeling like WHAT ![]() thnak you for the explanation ![]() Oh I thought he was saying how incredible you are ![]() ![]() I'll take that home and smoke it - thanks :) ![]() |
Msharmony..I wasn't going to go here because it may be TMI...but many years ago, probably before you were born, I dated my first black girlfriend. It was the late 70's and many years before it became "acceptable" to society. Everywhere we went, whether it was dinner,movie etc, we got the looks, the sneers and the ugly comments from both sides I might add. Honestly we got more grief from the black side and I had my life threatened on more than one occasion for "stealing our black women".I know first hand what racism is all about. Fast forward to my last girlfriend(4 years ago before my son became ill)who was also a beautiful black woman. We had a very close and intimate relationship. The contrast between then and now is not even close. There are no similarities at all. I have traveled all over the world and if you think REAL racism is a problem here, then I know you have not traveled outside this country very much. This isn't to say racism does not exist, there are just as many racists in the black community as in the white community,like the black panthers akin to the neo-nazi's and so on and so on. But these are small numbers of irrelevant idiots. The only REAL racists are the ones spouting the garbage to give a perception of rampant racism to push their own agenda. I don't say this to hurt or disparage you, but I would take a good look inside because I think unknowingly you have some racist tendencies you may not be aware of... ![]() ![]() so wait, because you got sneers and jeers from blacks for being with a black woman in a time when blacks were being persecuted and segregated and discriminated against by whites in authority and you no longer experience those jeers now,,, you are convinced racism is no longer an institutional problem? ok well, we can continue to agree to disagree I think perhaps you have some blinders on that YOu aren't aware of,, ![]() to be honest here, I think you hurt your credibilty to dismiss him so quickly with what looks like a refusal to acknowledge that racism can come from any skin color....maybe you're just tired yes I've read msot of it, thank you. I still find what he says thoughtful and credible and would not dismiss because it doesn't fit my own archetype or prejudice. Jeers from blacks because he dates a black woman at ANY time are not excusable - nor are stares and comments from the "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" fashion whatever happened to that actress? Katherine Ross? I was impressed with her |
Edited by
Thu 08/08/13 09:25 PM
no, jeers are not acceptable
nor are they relevant to the topic of INSTITUTIONAL racism or evidence that its less of a problem now than it was,,,,let alone that its not a problem at all lets be clear, some areas have seen improvement but others still need work and others are even going backwards,,, |
Your institutional card is no longer valid.
It's as worn out as the race card. Okra Winferd got it right. Negros who live in the victim zone choose to be there. They allow race to be an excuse to wallow in the past. A past many have never lived. Denounce the SPECIAL status and be like the rest of us. Ordinary. |
wow,, ok blacks were never segregated in the north? interesting perhaps I could find a way to dismiss the topic by declaring such unawareness as proof of your posts being 'meaningless',,, but I wont,,, Yes, what I mean by segregation is in the south blacks could not use the same water fountains, bathrooms etc. This was not the case in the north. As far as "desegregation" in the north, they took kids from predominately black neighborhoods and bused them to predominately white schools. There was no law keeping blacks from going to any particular school in the north. |
Not trying to get all into the Trayvon Martin case... The world will forever be divided.
Accept it and move on This bus thing is also, a moot point. The 3 boys were charged. The motivation was retailiation, these boys got what they deserved! And the victim was able to recover and go back to his family. Just like Trayvon... oh wait.. NO, Trayvon is dead. He will never tell his side. So you see how unsimilar these cases are. I'm not ever going to mention anything else on this. WE are a divided nation... and will continue to be as long as : WE CAN NEVER SEE THE OTHER SIDE OF EVENTS. |
As far as Institutaional racism, it seems some African Americans have this crazy notion that they should have a 50-50 share or equal say in government and it's institutions. This is the kind of false rhetoric the race baiters spew from there racist lips. It shows the lack of education and knowledge about what a representative democracy is.
Since blacks make up 13% of the general population, technically they should only have a 13% say in its institutions. I would argue that because of the anti-discrimination laws(which were needed at the time) and the concerted effort to bring blacks into the main stream they have surpassed by far their demographic representation in government and its institutions. Blacks out represent Chinese, Japanese and Hispanics combined. The argument for institutional racism is false and actually the opposite is true. But I guess its like the people who see Jesus on a piece of burnt toast, if you really believe there is rampant racism, you'll find it everywhere you look! |
Edited by
Fri 08/09/13 06:09 AM
wow,, ok blacks were never segregated in the north? interesting perhaps I could find a way to dismiss the topic by declaring such unawareness as proof of your posts being 'meaningless',,, but I wont,,, Yes, what I mean by segregation is in the south blacks could not use the same water fountains, bathrooms etc. This was not the case in the north. As far as "desegregation" in the north, they took kids from predominately black neighborhoods and bused them to predominately white schools. There was no law keeping blacks from going to any particular school in the north. so you are referring to jim crow. no there was no jim crow in the north, and the underground RR was in the north. many of us yanks have ancestors who were railroaders adn hid escaped slaves. back east where I come from some of the older homes still have the passages and hiding places as I grew up in an area of quakers but that does not mean that northern whites felt blacks were "equal." It just meant that quakers and some others felt from the heart that slavery was inherently the devil's tool. And I tend to agree. The equality issues broiled in the 60s long overdue IMO but of course, for equality issues to come to a head they had to be building with Rosa Parks and that school in Arkansas. My feeling is that some , like the quakers, always believed blacks to be equal, but certainly not all northern whites did. What is interesting to me, is that the struggle for equal emloyment and northern migrations of black americans fueled a resistance by blue collar whites similar to the backlash against (primarily) hispanics that we see now in that working class whites were afraid the blacks would take their jobs at places like GE and Scott Paper (in Phila. where i lived) back ON topic. my feeling about this bus ride is that the driver is partly responsible and it was probably gang violence....been there so that's my insight |
so you are referring to jim crow. no there was no jim crow in the north, and the underground RR was in the north. many of us yanks have ancestors who were railroaders adn hid escaped slaves. back east where I come from some of the older homes still have the passages and hiding places a I grew up in an area of quakers but that does not mean that northern whites felt blacks were "equal." It just meant that quakers and some others felt from the heart that slavery was inherently the devil's tool. And I tend to agree. The equality issues broiled in the 60s long overdue IMO No, I never said they were "equal" in the north but neither were the Chinese that worked on the railroads, or the Irish that came from the potato famine or any other ethnic group that immigrated at the time. |
Edited by
Fri 08/09/13 06:27 AM
back ON topic. my feeling about this bus ride is that the driver is partly responsible and it was probably gang violence....been there so that's my insight The problem is this country has become to burdened with the PC police. I'm sure if this incident happened 20 years ago that bus driver would have thrown those boys off the bus. But because they are trained and REQUIRED to never touch or lay a hand on a student or face lawsuits and disciplinary actions he hesitated much too long. Its easy to sit back and say he should have, could have but the reality is he probably wanted to stop a lot of things going on over the years and couldn't because of the PC police. |
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Fri 08/09/13 06:32 AM
so you are referring to jim crow. no there was no jim crow in the north, and the underground RR was in the north. many of us yanks have ancestors who were railroaders adn hid escaped slaves. back east where I come from some of the older homes still have the passages and hiding places a I grew up in an area of quakers but that does not mean that northern whites felt blacks were "equal." It just meant that quakers and some others felt from the heart that slavery was inherently the devil's tool. And I tend to agree. The equality issues broiled in the 60s long overdue IMO No, I never said they were "equal" in the north but neither were the Chinese that worked on the railroads, or the Irish that came from the potato famine or any other ethnic group that immigrated at the time. I was pointing out the equal factor for the sake of discussion. I wish people on here weren't so self centered. I really wasn't saying that you had or had not said anything. anyway, yes other ethnic groups experienced prejudices but they also came with prejudices...we still run guns to the IRA, for example. (I DK if u are american). Most Africans did not come to the Islands or the continent by choice whereas others, at least in part, came by choice. but not all. and here is where it's important that african american history be interpreted in a lerger context and the self centeredness we may find there will I think grow into a larger understanding. Many whites also came to this country as indentured servants or slaves as debtors from prisons in europe, and other ethnic groups came as slaves and / or the working conditions were so poor that may have as well been the Vietnamese in Russia at this time (there is nothing new under the sun, my friend, and no one is alone in their pain) lol ![]() ![]() just kidding ![]() |
back ON topic. my feeling about this bus ride is that the driver is partly responsible and it was probably gang violence....been there so that's my insight The problem is this country has become to burdened with the PC police. I'm sure if this incident happened 20 years ago that bus driver would have thrown those boys off the bus. But because they are trained and REQUIRED to never touch or lay a hand on a student or face lawsuits and disciplinary actions he hesitated much too long. Its easy to sit back and say he should have, could have but the reality is he probably wanted to stop a lot of things going on over the years and couldn't because of the PC police. There are those that comment about once he yelled at the boys, they stopped the beating and if he had done it sooner they would have stopped sooner. I'm not sure I buy that argument. I think by the time the driver yelled at the boys they were worn out and already winding down there attack. |
back ON topic. my feeling about this bus ride is that the driver is partly responsible and it was probably gang violence....been there so that's my insight The problem is this country has become to burdened with the PC police. I'm sure if this incident happened 20 years ago that bus driver would have thrown those boys off the bus. But because they are trained and REQUIRED to never touch or lay a hand on a student or face lawsuits and disciplinary actions he hesitated much too long. Its easy to sit back and say he should have, could have but the reality is he probably wanted to stop a lot of things going on over the years and couldn't because of the PC police. There are those that comment about once he yelled at the boys, they stopped the beating and if he had done it sooner they would have stopped sooner. I'm not sure I buy that argument. I think by the time the driver yelled at the boys they were worn out and already winding down there attack. there is also the point that the driver's first responsibility is to drvie safely. and there numerous issues that this insight can touch ... as to whether the bus should have even been moving once the attack started? no, it should have been on the side of the road with parents and police called. but maybe we are becoming immune...we used to be a society of justice and intervention now we are a society of social climbers and justice blindfolded...tears my heart |
Edited by
Fri 08/09/13 07:32 AM
Your institutional card is no longer valid. It's as worn out as the race card. Okra Winferd got it right. Negros who live in the victim zone choose to be there. They allow race to be an excuse to wallow in the past. A past many have never lived. Denounce the SPECIAL status and be like the rest of us. Ordinary. MYTH ALERT! MYTH ALERT! MYTH ALERT! acknowledging a problem is NOT equal to being a 'victim' acknowledging a problem is NOT equal to being a 'victim' if anyone should ever try to silence you by implying your willingness to discuss something controversial or 'uncomfortable' to them makes you a victim,,, please softly roll your eyes and carry on with the conversation ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Not trying to get all into the Trayvon Martin case... The world will forever be divided. Accept it and move on This bus thing is also, a moot point. The 3 boys were charged. The motivation was retailiation, these boys got what they deserved! And the victim was able to recover and go back to his family. Just like Trayvon... oh wait.. NO, Trayvon is dead. He will never tell his side. So you see how unsimilar these cases are. I'm not ever going to mention anything else on this. WE are a divided nation... and will continue to be as long as : WE CAN NEVER SEE THE OTHER SIDE OF EVENTS. well said,,,or posted |
Edited by
Fri 08/09/13 08:25 AM
As far as Institutaional racism, it seems some African Americans have this crazy notion that they should have a 50-50 share or equal say in government and it's institutions. This is the kind of false rhetoric the race baiters spew from there racist lips. It shows the lack of education and knowledge about what a representative democracy is. Since blacks make up 13% of the general population, technically they should only have a 13% say in its institutions. I would argue that because of the anti-discrimination laws(which were needed at the time) and the concerted effort to bring blacks into the main stream they have surpassed by far their demographic representation in government and its institutions. Blacks out represent Chinese, Japanese and Hispanics combined. The argument for institutional racism is false and actually the opposite is true. But I guess its like the people who see Jesus on a piece of burnt toast, if you really believe there is rampant racism, you'll find it everywhere you look! yes, it serves us so well to pretend to see racism,, black folks who continue to discuss this issue are either just insane, delusional , or stupid,,, lol so even though black folks consistently hold unemployment rates nearly twice that of their white counterparts, it CANT BE RACISM we must just be lazier and even though blacks have about 5 percent the wealth of whites (on average), it CANT BE RACISM or the prolonged effect of INSTITUTIONAL RACISM of the past we must just be uninterested in acquiring wealth and even though students in communities with higher incomes score higher on their standardized tests than their impoverished counterparts it CANT BE RACISM/CLASSISM or UNEQUAL education those students must just be lazier and dumber and even though blacks are less likely to be using illicit drugs, they are more likely to be in jail for it, even though they are less likely to be found with drugs, they are more likely to be stopped and searched,,,, but that CANT BE RACISM that's just because,, well,,,,hmmm,,,,,, because Im a 'victim' with a 'race card',,,,,,yeah,, THATS IT ![]() ![]() |
Perhaps some of it is environment and perception, for example one of the women I date is black. I took her to a little artist town and she said she was uncomfortable because she was the only black person she saw- I told her to turn around as the table behind us in the restaurant was a large black family. Later we were in Chinatown in Philly and she said she was uncomfortable because all the black guys were staring and whistling at her, I was the only white guy in area and I actually thought they were staring at me (afterall I am better looking than her). Actually I just wrote it off as people checking out something different in their environment. People need to comfortable in their own skin first.