Topic: Fake Skeptics & The "Conspiracy Theorist" Slur
HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 04:39 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 01/27/13 04:40 AM
It's probably too late for BIS to fix his post. So let's see if we can get this onto the next page.

That might work.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 04:46 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 01/27/13 05:35 AM
Building 7 was demolished on purpose. Videos clearly show a line of explosives going off just below the collapse and it was certainly not a towering inferno. There was very little fire.

How's that 'proof' coming along? Is there any chance you might post it in the near future? I mean, I don't want to badger you, but it would be great to read a paper with some real data that supports your position. I've seen all the videos over and over again, and to be frank, they're not really all that convincing. Anyway, I'm getting a little tired of watching long videos with a narrative that could be read in 10 mins. So, if you have anything that could be considered scientific on the WTC7 collapse, I'd be appreciative if you would kindly share it.

I suppose you also need proof that the sun comes up every day.

No, and there is no need for such a snide response. Please, let's keep this adult if you don't mind.

I don't need "proof" because the video alone is glaringly obviously a controlled demolition.

Well, for normal people, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. And no, it's not 'obviously a controlled demolition'. I've seen a controlled demolition. I've read the papers produced by scientists in both camps and the peer review process always exposes flaws in the truther hypotheses.

When compared with other controlled demolitions
they look pretty much exactly the same.

Yes, when buildings collapse they usually collapse in a downward direction.

You can see in the video, the explosions all in a row going off
before the collapse.

Seen the supposed video and experts have shown they are not explosions. Some videos have been doctored. Please post the video in question and I'll compare it to those on file at JREF. Truthers have been know to 'doctor' videos uploaded to you tube.

There are witnesses who were there and who were INJURED BY EXPLOSIVES
before hand.

I take it you haven't read the 109 page examination I posted?

It is common sense.

Of course it is. Like this is all 'COMMON SENSE':

If 'the government' was really going to use explosives to take down the WTC, why not do so and blame it on the Al Qaeda anyhow? Why introduce aircraft hijackings, 'dancing Jews', WTC7 et cetera?

If they were going to make it look like Iraq had WMD, why didn't they plant them and pretend to find the same?

If they really had vaccines that could cause autism, why not use it on their enemies over seas?

If they really were able disperse Chemtrails why not use it on the enemy population like they supposedly do the American people?

And on and on.

Yep. CT's are 'just common sense'.

For building 7 to have fallen the way it did, according to experts I have read, is impossible.

No, it would be 'impossible' if it fell upwards. Just who are these experts? You could be making this stuff up.

You can look for your own proof if you are interested.
I am not interested in convincing you or anyone else. I don't care
what other people want to believe. It is not my job
to prove anything to anyone.

'Experts' you've read but won't post to support this insane notion? You demand evidence of everyone else and then don't read it, then rant all day on here without a scrap of evidence, and you expect those of us capable of reasoned thought to take you seriously?

I've looked for your 'proof' and I know it doesn't exist, only lies and silly stories. Lies like the FBI planted the passport (why bother as it wasn't necessary?) and silly stories like Judy Woods' fantasies about HAARP and dustification. Sorry, I just can't take these notions seriously as they are just too insane.

Not much critical thinking being employed by those that produce this stuff and even less by those who believe it. So, the video in the OP is just more nonsense posted on youtube in an effort to give insanity some form of credibility, by inexpertly dressing it up as 'skepticism'.

Reposted for clarity

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 04:51 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 01/27/13 04:53 AM

How dumb can people really be at this point.

I can't answer that because it would be breaking the rules. I hope you're not suggesting that anyone who doesn't agree with you is 'dumb'?

One can speculate that the Pentagon has an incredibly sophisticated surveillance system and could if t hey chose show the plane that hit it in slow motion from a dozen different angles, we got nothing. You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this baby out.

Witnesses saw the plane and there is CCTV footage. Where have you been for the last five years? I think you'll find what you're looking for in the links I posted for you. When you get time to peruse them, of course.

America you have been had on a massive scale, tricked into wars ha your freedoms hacked away and bankrupted. Its that damn simple.

I disagree, it's the CT's that are 'simple'.

Logic 101:

If 'the government' was really going to use explosives to take down the WTC, why not do so and blame it on the Al Qaeda anyhow? Why introduce aircraft hijackings, 'dancing Jews', WTC7 et cetera? All these complications merely serve to introduce factors that could go wrong, and the most expedient method is the simplest.

If they were going to make it look like Iraq had WMD, why didn't they plant them and pretend to find the same?

If they really had vaccines that could cause autism, why not use it on their enemies over seas?

If they really were able disperse Chemtrails why not use it on the enemy population like they supposedly do the American people?

And on and on.

Logic is not all that difficult.

Again, reposted for clarity

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/27/13 05:34 AM

How dumb can people really be at this point.

I can't answer that because it would be breaking the rules. I hope you're not suggesting that anyone who doesn't agree with you is 'dumb'?

One can speculate that the Pentagon has an incredibly sophisticated surveillance system and could if t hey chose show the plane that hit it in slow motion from a dozen different angles, we got nothing. You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this baby out.

Witnesses saw the plane and there is CCTV footage. Where have you been for the last five years? I think you'll find what you're looking for in the links I posted for you. When you get time to peruse them, of course.

America you have been had on a massive scale, tricked into wars ha your freedoms hacked away and bankrupted. Its that damn simple.

I disagree, it's the CT's that are 'simple'.

Logic 101:

If 'the government' was really going to use explosives to take down the WTC, why not do so and blame it on the Al Qaeda anyhow? Why introduce aircraft hijackings, 'dancing Jews', WTC7 et cetera? All these complications merely serve to introduce factors that could go wrong, and the most expedient method is the simplest.

If they were going to make it look like Iraq had WMD, why didn't they plant them and pretend to find the same?

If they really had vaccines that could cause autism, why not use it on their enemies over seas?

If they really were able disperse Chemtrails why not use it on the enemy population like they supposedly do the American people?

And on and on.

Logic is not all that difficult.

Again, reposted for clarity

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/27/13 05:40 AM
There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

InvictusV's photo
Sun 01/27/13 07:24 AM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

this post is a perfect example of why the video in the OP does not apply to these types of arguments.

there are several pictures widely available of aircraft debris on the lawn in front of the pentagon.

you can look at evidence of other plane crashes where you have little or no identifiable parts of an airplane or intact bodies.

this is a picture of the debris field of the ATR crash at Roselawn, Indiana. the ATR crashed due to icing conditions that caused a stall. this plane crashed as it was flying in a holding pattern and was not flying at 400 mph when it hit the ground. the tail section is about all you can identify as coming from a plane.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/27/13 07:38 AM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

you still need to tell me about those non-cookingoff Explosives at WTC!laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Sun 01/27/13 07:51 AM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.

no photo
Sun 01/27/13 01:11 PM
Metalwing said:
You have been given all the tools to understand that there was no possibility of the use of explosives and you have proven to be incapable of understanding any of it. You constantly make false claims as fact when, in fact, your claims contain no truth at all.

No, You are incapable of understanding it. I am referring to building number 7 in particular. How can you say 'there was no possibility of the use of explosives' when there were witnesses who were injured by them before the collapse of building 7? How can anyone say that a fire took down building 7 when you can't even see such a fire? How can damage from falling debris on one side of the building suddenly cause it to collaspe evenly and all at once into its own footprint like a perfect controlled demolition? How can you say that when you can clearly see explosives going off all in a row down the right side of the building just before and right below the collapse? How can you say that when the investigators admitted that they DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK FOR EVIDENCE OF EXPLOSIVES? Why wouldn't they? How can you say that when demolition experts who watch the video from all over the world say that it was a controlled demolition.

You claim that you have provided proof that explosives could not have been used, but you have not. You claim that the reason I don't buy that story is because I am too uneducated to understand the math. Hey, I may not understand mathematical formulas but I am certainly not stupid. Everything points to a conspiracy and a controlled demolition of building 7 including witnesses who were injured in the explosions. These witnesses were not allowed to testify before the 9-11 commission. Evidence for explosives were not found BECAUSE THEY DID NOT BOTHER TO LOOK FOR THEM. THAT IS STUPID.

No one with any knowledge of demolition said they were used on Building 7.

Demolition experts from other countries have seen the videos and said that building 7 had to have been a controlled demolition. No fire has ever caused any building to collapse into its footprint like that ever.

People like you who don't know anything "claim" they see what doesn't exist.

People like me? noway I am just a person with COMMON SENSE. You on the other hand think you know everything about everything and you think everyone else is stupid if they don't agree with you. That is your argument. You always always say that other people are just not educated or intelligent enough to understand your ridiculous explanations in support of the NIST report, which by the way, you yourself do not even understand.

The light and sound of explosives leave classic evidence that would be recognized by real experts but you can't seem to grasp that simple fact.

And I have seen videos of controlled demolitions that look and sound exactly like the one of building 7. It seems very clear to me.

Anybody that believes anything you say is incredibly gullible. You never have any backup for your silly theories. You add blatant lies to almost every post.

I have tons and tons of 'backup' for what I believe and I have posted tons and tons of actual evidence and links on this club which because of potty mouthed detractors caused my entire threads to be deleted and all of that work was lost, much to their delight. I am not going to go over all of that and do any more work on the subject just because you make the lame claim that I never back up my statements.

People can sit on their high horse and believe what ever government cover-up propaganda story they want I really don't mind. They have planted their flags in the ground and they are not willing to move from that spot because of egos.

The investigation into 9-11 was a piss poor excuse for a cover-up and if they didn't even bother to look for evidence of explosives after countless witnesses heard them and witnessed them and were injured by them, then they are either stupid, or covering up the truth.

The dustification theory is idiotic. Why not slime creatures from another dimension? Would that need proof to disprove too?

I don't know the details about the dustification theory, but clearly there was not enough debris to account for the twin towers, and there was dust everywhere, and up into the higher atmosphere. There was also video of steel beams turning to dust and blowing away in the wind.

And for your ignorant remark about slime creatures from another dimension, don't talk about things you know nothing about.


Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/27/13 01:45 PM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.
Really? Video tape is classified laugh rofl rofl

metalwing's photo
Sun 01/27/13 02:10 PM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.
Really? Video tape is classified laugh rofl rofl

The video cameras at the Pentagon belong to the Pentagon. They don't have to show anything to the general public.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/27/13 02:36 PM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit? Anyhow why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Again repeated for the slow of mind. If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.
Really? Video tape is classified laugh rofl rofl

The video cameras at the Pentagon belong to the Pentagon. They don't have to show anything to the general public.
No of course not we amricans have no right to know.

I am no rocket scientist eh but I do know the Pentagon has 9 foot thick steel reinforced walls. shall we say at the very least blast resistant? I wonder what planes are made of, let me think oh yes aluminum! I cant help but wonder why that plane didn't just splat against the pentagon like a bug in a windshield.

Troubled's photo
Sun 01/27/13 04:06 PM
Edited by Troubled on Sun 01/27/13 04:15 PM

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.

If it was terrorists that did this, anyone with common sense would deduce that the terrorists all ready have a pretty good idea on how to damage the pentagon and Tall buildings don"t you think?

This is probably where I should insert some caustic comment about intelligence but the voices tell me not to.

metalwing's photo
Sun 01/27/13 04:37 PM

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.

If it was terrorists that did this, anyone with common sense would deduce that the terrorists all ready have a pretty good idea on how to damage the pentagon and Tall buildings don"t you think?

This is probably where I should insert some caustic comment about intelligence but the voices tell me not to.

The damage done to the Pentagon was minimal and it doesn't change their security decisions to not release the video.

Troubled's photo
Sun 01/27/13 04:39 PM

The Pentagon does not want terrorists (or anyone else) to know how to damage the Pentagon. They therefore classified all their video as anyone with any common sense should know. They do not care if you like it or not. It is not a conspiracy. It is called national security. Only the very slow of mind would think that the Pentagon is going to provide assistance to the next attacker to do a better job.

If it was terrorists that did this, anyone with common sense would deduce that the terrorists all ready have a pretty good idea on how to damage the pentagon and Tall buildings don"t you think?

This is probably where I should insert some caustic comment about intelligence but the voices tell me not to.

The damage done to the Pentagon was minimal and it doesn't change their security decisions to not release the video.

Okey Dokey, if you say so.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 01/27/13 05:04 PM

Blowing up the pentagon was a pretty good ploy to hide the $2Trillion dollars missing that Rumsfeld had announced 2 days before.

Funny that it was the accounting wing that had just been remodeled and reinforced (where the 126 employees that were killed were working on finding the missing money) that got hit by a plane supposedly making an impossible turn, rather than the side Rumsfelds office and the intel branches were.... that would have been a straight fly in without a turn....

Go figure

Troubled's photo
Sun 01/27/13 05:08 PM

Blowing up the pentagon was a pretty good ploy to hide the $2Trillion dollars missing that Rumsfeld had announced 2 days before.

Funny that it was the accounting wing that had just been remodeled and reinforced (where the 126 employees that were killed were working on finding the missing money) that got hit by a plane supposedly making an impossible turn, rather than the side Rumsfelds office and the intel branches were.... that would have been a straight fly in without a turn....

Go figure

Just a coincidence........Right?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 01/27/13 05:23 PM

Blowing up the pentagon was a pretty good ploy to hide the $2Trillion dollars missing that Rumsfeld had announced 2 days before.

Funny that it was the accounting wing that had just been remodeled and reinforced (where the 126 employees that were killed were working on finding the missing money) that got hit by a plane supposedly making an impossible turn, rather than the side Rumsfelds office and the intel branches were.... that would have been a straight fly in without a turn....

Go figure

Just a coincidence........Right?

Of course..... just like the truck loaded with gold bars that was found trapped under debris of the collapsed North Tower

no photo
Sun 01/27/13 05:55 PM
Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 06:07 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Sun 01/27/13 06:07 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?
