Topic: What do women think of single dads? | |
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I want to apologize about my previous post I was venting. I am still having troubles with my loss. I am a truely nice guy. I do know what I want out of life. So I would like to talk to you single ladies.
Well, a single dad whose really taking care of her child as much as a m0m can are so amazing and wonderfuL.. A dad and childs b0nding are really cool. To all those responsible and caring single dads all over the GLOBE i SALUTE YOU ALL.. Muahs. Keep it up and prove to everybody that a child who grews with their dad are really worth.. |
[quote You should be horse whipped for that comment..
I think single dad's are hardworking, they didn't put in much effort in their relationship with their ex wife, lonely, second hand, not as young, wiser, insensitive to emotions, immune to crap. But he's a good man if he takes care of his kids. Maybe I didn't want a relationship with a woman who decided to throw her life away on drugs instead of helping me raise the kids??? ![]() ![]() |
I think it is great when a man steps up to the plate and is responsible enough to take on a difficult task such as a single parent. I have a friend who is a single dad and he is a wonderful dad! I am a single mom and I think a single dad is attractive. Single dads seem to understand what being a parent and juggling life and dating is like. They "get it". I commend you single dads!
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Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and theres a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. |
I salute the single dads out there,kudos.being a single mum,i know the effort it takes
Believe me, there's nothing more heart-warming than a man who takes care of his children. It always looks so cute. I remember watching 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' thinking "That single dad is really making an effort in life". That film is proof that single dad's can "own it". You may not be in a relationship, but children make all the difference.
It takes a lot of responsibilities, patience and hard work to be able to raise a kid alone.(coming from a single mom's POV) Knowing a man has the courage, enough to fill in the responsibilities of being not just a dad but a mom to his kid is admirable and inspiring. Not all has the balls to do that.
Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and theres a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. ![]() ![]() |
Its ok if a man is taking care of d chold
like me to say this yeah i credit the single dads in the world but as based on my african culture i credit the single mums 100%
cause have been with ma mum for over 26 years without a man in her life after the death of my dad she has catered for all of us three kids medical,shelter,clothing, education all the both basic and necessities including the demand of the teen age now all of us have grown up to be women finished university and working now i have diploma in human resource management, sis 1 nurse and sis no 2 a teacher she sucrifised alot for us but if it was my dad i dont think at all, he would marry again a woman who would nt mind at all and add in alot of witch craft, maybe we would not have seen all that we need in life without my mum so im thankful for my mum now shes getting married after us have grown up and can take care of our selves having a son with this guy they are happy im really great full for the single dads but the mums more |
I am wondering why it has to be weather a it is a Single Dad or Single Mom regardless of the reason or who has custody.
It should have to do if they are a good person AND a good parent AND a good Partner. That is a tall order. What I see so often is Single parents trail off when it comes to being a Good Partner. If all you are looking for is a bed buddy, nanny, tenant, or counselor to give you sympathy and meet none of the person you dates needs as a Partner starting with them being first a Person you are going to fail in an epic way. What I find amazing is the number of Single parents who should have learned from their experiences just keep repeating the same mistakes that made their lives so miserable. I can say that because I am a single parent, even though now and empty nester, and I had a few bumps finding the balance. But if you do I guarantee you that there are good potential partners out there for you regardless of how you are a single parent custodial or other wise. |
Yet again, I agree with what PacificStar said. It shouldn't matter what gender the parent is. As long as the parent tries their damnedest at giving their child/children a sustainable life, then that matters first and foremost. I would absolutely kick myself if I ever had a child but let them down. I will try to do my best. I want my child to have a happy time with me. I never want to make her angry or sad. It's amazing that some parents are more into fighting with their ex, than checking how their children are feeling. And, my mum may have given me a good headstart in life, but in other aspects I'd have been better off living with my dad. I don't love one parent more than the other.
I dont feel particularly special or heroic about being a single dad. There many many single moms out there who don't get any praise at all for single handedly raising their children. It is not an easy thing to do, and for women I imagine it is even more difficult. Relationships in general are complicated under the best circumstances, you add children from previous relationships into the mix, and it adds a whole new level of complexity.
thats pretty harsh, somewhat true, but harsh. should we go there?
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I tell my little one this. I do it all, and I do it because I want to, not because I have to. Male or female, if you do it alone, I salute you!!
Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and theres a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. |
i am to old for little ones...
older ones...ok ![]() |
I do not know what women think of it, but I think it would be nice to have a woman that does not mind it. I was with a woman for about 8 months before I got my kids full time and she expected me to be like dad to hers but couldn't help me with mine at all. But more so I dont really expect the woman to play mom as much as I am looking for something for myself, however eventually the two would have to combine for anything long term.
applause to any single parent actually working to balance the financial/emotional/and spiritual support of their child(ren)
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