Topic: What do women think of single dads? | |
Being a single parent is tough enough but fathers have it harder in my opinion. Not because the work is harder or because it is more difficult for them to raise children but because society doesn't give them the benefit of a doubt.
I am currently separated from my wife and I have fought fiercely to protect my son from the lifestyle choices that my wife has made and the people she associates with. Being a product of divorced parents myself, I know what it is like to be the child and I tell you it sucks. I have had to spend thousands of dollars to defend my character against my ex due to her attempting to use the system to gain the upper hand. This of course back fired on her because it is much harder to prove a lie then it is the truth. But the fact that I had to defend myself just because she said bad things about me sucks. I am a good father to an awesome 5 year old son and I want only for his happiness. While his mother is attempting to take him from me completely, I have had to be the "better" person and insist on 50/50 time share. Not for her sake mind you because she has proven time and again that she comes first before her family or anyone else. But for our sons sake. It is unfair to him that his mother and father are splitting. He will have to live with the choices we make for the rest of his life. Whether his mother knows it or not, she would pay for taking me out of his life and I will not make that mistake. He deserves to have his mother and father in his life and I will do everything I can to make that happen. Good luck to all the single parents out there. It isn't an easy road, but the rewards are immeasurable in worldly value. |
not all fathers are the reason for parents splitting up.i works both ways.
Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and theres a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. It doesn't matter what other people think. |
I have respect for single dads because I am a single mother and I know how hard it can be especially to have a social life. I don't understand some of the manhating comments but if you're a great dad and take care of business Im cool with it. Some women are intmidated by the ex so thats why they prefer not to date a single father but I prefer a single father because I don't want anymore kids and at least he already have kids of his own.
They lie about when they have their kids when infact they hardly have them atall. Just increasing the pimp game time.
i say well done! single parenting is d toughest job in d world and only a single parent knows that...dnt listen 2 that stupid idiot obviously never came across any hardship! keep up d gud work ur amazing!
They lie about when they have their kids when infact they hardly have them atall. Just increasing the pimp game time. What a wild claim that is. Care to back it up with evidence? |
I am a single dad because my son's mother died.
They lie about when they have their kids when infact they hardly have them atall. Just increasing the pimp game time. Where do all these bitter females meet the father's? Do you really know the guys that you sleep with? You are suppose to really know them before you make a baby, but yet so many of the females say they all lie. I guess I got lucky and me and my ex are actually very good friends and we just couldn't live together. It is strange, since the boys are grown we still get together with them and do the Christmas stuff and birthdays...I guess I am lucky that I have a great father for my boys! I JUST WONDER IF THE MEN FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT THE WOMEN??? |
Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and theres a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. If you sit there and worry about what other people think? Then you don't stand a chance. |
Everyone's situation is different and should be taken as a case by case basis. Yes Single dad get a bad rap b/c the number of single moms that are with the kids most of the time highly outnumber the dads in that situation. That being said there are a lot of crummy single moms as there are singe dads.
You cannot just judge someone so quickly.. no wonder so many of these bitter people are still single! |
Everyone's situation is different and should be taken as a case by case basis. Yes Single dad get a bad rap b/c the number of single moms that are with the kids most of the time highly outnumber the dads in that situation. That being said there are a lot of crummy single moms as there are singe dads. You cannot just judge someone so quickly.. no wonder so many of these bitter people are still single! EXACTLY!!!! |
As a single dad I would say it was the gretest experience I've ever had. I feel more for single moms as I think they have a harder time, due to discrimination in women's wages. My ex took to the drug life, instead of the family life. So I got all the hugs, kisses and sugars from my little ones. I did not try to date while they were growing up, I concentrated on their needs.
Both single dads and moms have it rough at times. I pray for all of them. |
in my opinion the word "single" should just be removed from the equation. You can be a good parent despite your marital status.
However, adding "single" to the realm of parenting makes it's 10x harder on the parent, and those that are willing to take on that endeavor despite all the odds against them deserve a big pat on the back. That applies to both moms and dads out there. Relationships fail - but that doesn't change who anyone is as a parent. It only clarifies their ability to be one. |
Single dad and mum are both same .they,re love they children too much .
I think single dad's are hardworking, they didn't put in much effort in their relationship with their ex wife, lonely, second hand, not as young, wiser, insensitive to emotions, immune to crap. But he's a good man if he takes care of his kids. Thank God you didn't marry this one, eh? |
Most of the single dads I've met are really terrific. You can tell a lot about a single parent by how they treat their kids. I love to observe a man interacting with his kids. At the park, pool, or being involved at school, it is so sweet. Many people think that a dad is going to bail after a breakup, but I don't see it that way. A breakup can make you more thankful for what went right in the relationship (kids), and let go of the bad. Once a couple splits, the focus has to be on the kids. Playing the blame game with my ex only brought out the worst in both of us. Gotta let it go and be happy in order for the kids to be healthy and happy too.
Single Dads well that's a tough one, sorry in advance but it is my honest opinion and if you read carefully you'll understand what I mean in the end...
Firstly, as a girl who should be considered a woman (I'm nearing 24 years old) but because of my size always considered too young for most guys my age - go figure! Secondly, I would not want to have to bring up a child on my own. That's what I classify as a dead-beat Dad (I said I was going to be straightforward about this! see apology up). If I'm having a child with a man I love and who loves me, I would under no circumstance abandon the child or the man, some of us wants to marry for love and for life and having a family - not dreaming the impossible dream I am proof along with my brother that it is possible just looking at our parents and we know! Thirdly, how did he lose the woman who gave birth to this child? He may love his children but he didn't love the woman who brought them to life huh sorry but that's strange to me! If the mother who gave birth to those children has died and it was a woman he loved, then this is very very sad and if he is a good provider for them, then the more the better! Finally, the woman who will get involve must love children to start with and wait a long time before making a commitment with this father. It is a difficult situation many factors enter into this, romantic notions of everything's going to work out, yes, sometimes it does, but sometime it doesn't - and does he want more children? The woman he hooks up with may want some of her own with this man. Lots of factors to consider - me, I want a fresh guy and hope for the best just now, but I say good on you if you are taking care of what you've created. Here Here! |
Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and theres a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. How other people see you isn't as important as how you see yourself. |
Single Dads well that's a tough one, sorry in advance but it is my honest opinion and if you read carefully you'll understand what I mean in the end... Firstly, as a girl who should be considered a woman (I'm nearing 24 years old) but because of my size always considered too young for most guys my age - go figure! Secondly, I would not want to have to bring up a child on my own. That's what I classify as a dead-beat Dad (I said I was going to be straightforward about this! see apology up). If I'm having a child with a man I love and who loves me, I would under no circumstance abandon the child or the man, some of us wants to marry for love and for life and having a family - not dreaming the impossible dream I am proof along with my brother that it is possible just looking at our parents and we know! Thirdly, how did he lose the woman who gave birth to this child? He may love his children but he didn't love the woman who brought them to life huh sorry but that's strange to me! If the mother who gave birth to those children has died and it was a woman he loved, then this is very very sad and if he is a good provider for them, then the more the better! Finally, the woman who will get involve must love children to start with and wait a long time before making a commitment with this father. It is a difficult situation many factors enter into this, romantic notions of everything's going to work out, yes, sometimes it does, but sometime it doesn't - and does he want more children? The woman he hooks up with may want some of her own with this man. Lots of factors to consider - me, I want a fresh guy and hope for the best just now, but I say good on you if you are taking care of what you've created. Here Here! right fresh is better.... ![]() as long as there is no baby mama drama and the kids are a little older I'm OK w/ it. personally don;t see a man w/ children different than any other. At my age I'd tend more to wondr about him if he didn't have a family |