Topic: What do women think of single dads? | |
Singledad1976- C'mon the hoops! Roll on Barcelona in the Champions League next tuesday. You going m8?
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I think single dads are hawt as hell....
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Its not easy Leigh, but there was no way I was going to see my son in care, so he came to stay with me. It meant putting certain aspects of my life on hold, but it was worth it. He works away in London, now and its a wee bit of me time now.
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Well, a single dad whose really taking care of her child as much as a m0m can are so amazing and wonderfuL..
A dad and childs b0nding are really cool. To all those responsible and caring single dads all over the GLOBE i SALUTE YOU ALL.. Muahs. Keep it up and prove to everybody that a child who grews with their dad are really worth.. |
Im a single faher of two girls which i have full custody of they are my life!
If he is me..than everything is just fine...
But men with young kids still at home? NO WAY I am done with the kiddie thing! ![]() |
I think it's wonderful to see single dads out there. It's nice to see a man show patients and understanding to an upset little one. It's very refreshing to know there are dads out there that WANT to spend time with their kids. To me it not only speaks volumes to the type of man he is, but how he was raised.. Well that's my opinion *smile*.. Wishing everyone a great weekend!
I would have nothing against a single dad at all...If he is the right man for me and i am the right woman for him (and this is the precondition) I would welcome his children as long as he and they can really make space for me, i.e. accept me as an equal member of the familiy.... ![]() Not as a rule, but I often find single dads more interesting than single men with no obligations -- probably because I think it's more likely they have more sense of responsibility (though i may be wrong?)...+ I like children... My feeling is almost the same than 456tessa... as i love children i always find fascinate when a man is taking care of a children |
Im a single dad my son and I are doing thing tuff. But we make do my son is 8 with adhd this are hard,not knowing how his day is to be. As we grow together we are going well. So in my reply I take my hat of to single mums as well.
It's amazing that so many women are single father haters. The bias against single dads in our society is a joke. There are many great single dads out there and just as many bad mothers as bad fathers.
Many fathers as well as mothers try to save their marriage to keep their family whole and sometimes just for their kids well being. When it doesn't work out women are no longer equal to men both in our society and in the courts, they suddenly are not as capable as men, weaker emotionally and totally reliant on a man. The man finds out the hard way that he has little rights as a father and 90% of the time the kids are in the mothers custody even if she is junky! I am a proud member of the 10% who fought their *** off and had to spend 10s of thousands of dollars in legal fees to protect our rights as fathers and have custody of their kids. I did for well being of my sons. My X sees my boys 2 hours a month for lunch and that's it having moved 120 miles away to start her life over and abandon her kids! A dead beat mom and there are many! There is no difference between single moms and dads in the dating scene! It's much harder to find a lasting relationship. I prefer to date single moms because being in the same boat there is better understanding of responsibilities involved in raising kids. I tip my hat to all the single moms out there, I feel your pain its not easy! To all the single father haters I feel sorry for you! You don't know what your missing. I am damn proud to be a single dad with kids at home. My sons will always come first before anyone or anything on this planet. They are my best friends and great young men! Now we have room in our life for a special lady who is worthy. We are a package deal, we are the real catch, real MEN! ok done venting lol. |
its not about being a single Dad or Mom...its about being a single Parent. Any person who is willing to embrace a child whole heartedly without regret, knows what another parent has sacrificed to ensure that child or children is brought up to be the best person they hope for.
We as a collective (single parents) know exactly what is involved and respect those who have chosen to take on that role. but I also know single people who respect single parents they just have know idea how much of ourselves we dedicate to our children. |
its not about being a single Dad or Mom...its about being a single Parent. Any person who is willing to embrace a child whole heartedly without regret, knows what another parent has sacrificed to ensure that child or children is brought up to be the best person they hope for. We as a collective (single parents) know exactly what is involved and respect those who have chosen to take on that role. but I also know single people who respect single parents they just have know idea how much of ourselves we dedicate to our children. amen! very well said |
Simple. Single dads are hot as f***
Speaking as a mom I know the sacrifice it takes. Yes my daughters dad is involved but to raise a child it takes sacrifice. Whether single or co parenting it's hard. Life is hard. But being a parent is the single most amazing blessing ever. ![]() ![]() |
You guys and gals are only talking about divorced parents. What about those of us who lost our wives due to a death. Ya I'm a widowed man with two young children ages 7 and 10 I'm not in any hurry to hook up with anyone but I do need some companionship my kids want me to remarry amd they are wanting brothers and sisters which I would love to give them but it will take a while to find that special someone to treat me and my kids right. I was a loyal husband and father as well as my wifes caregiver. So what do you ladies think of me and guys like me. I'm as healthy as an ox. I may be rougj around the edges but I can provide for my family. No one will ever get in the way of that.
love dads..salute!
Being recently a single dad of a few weeks now. I find that this statment is completely true...
I like this post too. I wish I had the time to tell you that being a single dad rocks. Right now. I have to be insensitive to the fact that i am going to have to go through a custody battle
I believe single dad's are a rare breed & brave for doing so. Much respect for them I give.
Hey there 31aylissa I can't send any messages from your page but would like to talk to you I spent about 4 years in your town after getting out of the Army send me a message at
Anybody else is welcome to send me a message as well. I will respond to all of them