Topic: Surrounded by Bad News, Hope for Obama?
msharmony's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:26 PM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Lol totally untrue. You know I see Obama supporters bringing color into it more than nonsupporters. Obviously if you don't support Obama then you are racist. You can't disagree with his policies. Even a white person with his policies would very called a socialist and many people consider socialism unamerican. He doesn't put his hand over his heart for the pledge. Many consider that unamerican. It's not unrealistic to see Why people may think this even if you don't agree.

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican. They only understand racism. They think it works in any situation.

which ideas are so much more 'socialist' or unamerican than other persidents of the past?

who is the 'they' that only understands racism

and who is the 'they' who think it 'works'?

Ras427's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:47 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Mon 10/15/12 10:51 PM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Lol totally untrue. You know I see Obama supporters bringing color into it more than nonsupporters. Obviously if you don't support Obama then you are racist. You can't disagree with his policies. Even a white person with his policies would very called a socialist and many people consider socialism unamerican. He doesn't put his hand over his heart for the pledge. Many consider that unamerican. It's not unrealistic to see Why people may think this even if you don't agree.

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican. They only understand racism. They think it works in any situation.
No President has recieved more death threats then President Obama. Most were made while President, now name one President that recieved more, you will not name one, he recieved just as many death tgreats while still a Senetor. If Hank Aaron a baseball player while approaching the tieing of Babe Ruths silly baseball homerun record recieved over 1,000,000 death threats for baseball, imagine the level Obama recieved and continues to, way before being President. Get a clue. Racism is alive and well, where you think it went, on vacation? Obama has recieved more death threats then all the prior Presidents combined, even before he took office, that is a fact, just last week someone shot at a campaign office.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:59 PM



Ras427's photo
Mon 10/15/12 11:07 PM
I hear the racist crap everyday. On these very forums. Many make the most disgusting innuendos and expose the mindless racism as to actually go after the first lady. Iv even heard a politician say they should remove him by any means. What does the first lady do to warrent such disgusting cartoon caricatures, have we forgotten the photos made off the first family made to appear like Africans in a disrespectfull manner? Have people the ability to actually turn their brains off? Yes is the answer, racism and hate is at the geart of the matter. The problem is racist are to stupid to see that the premise used to undermine Obama is indeed an underlying mindset of having a Blackman as President. You can deny it all you want. But racism is as the stench of puppy crap, all who has a nose will smell it, those who deny it simply turn their brain off, all you have to do is read many of these threads. One guy only posts Obama all day long, everyday, not for no other reason but to express not disapointment, but to racebait, and the other mindless gladly fall in line. They enjoy it, the only reason the "N"word is not spewed with regularity is because its not allowed, so they substitute the word with transparent socialist nonsence. Most dont even no what that even entails. Racism is but the result of a recessive mind eager to express itself.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/15/12 11:20 PM

Ras427's photo
Mon 10/15/12 11:27 PM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Lol totally untrue. You know I see Obama supporters bringing color into it more than nonsupporters. Obviously if you don't support Obama then you are racist. You can't disagree with his policies. Even a white person with his policies would very called a socialist and many people consider socialism unamerican. He doesn't put his hand over his heart for the pledge. Many consider that unamerican. It's not unrealistic to see Why people may think this even if you don't agree.

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican. They only understand racism. They think it works in any situation.
In 2007 while still a Senetor, Obama recieved so many death threats that he became the first ever canidate to recieve Secret Service protection due to several plots to murder him. So that socialist unamerican crap is just that, crap, mindless racist crap. The unamericans are those crackpots who dress in bed sheets and those who realize that the hooded cone shaped hats had to go so as to hide better. In 2007 socialist was not being used yet. The backlash caused by these death threats and plots forced the dumb racists to use more coded rhetoric to disquise what they really are racists with new ways to express it. Socialist, what a joke.

Ras427's photo
Mon 10/15/12 11:39 PM
Kyle Counts a Oaklahoma man was threatened by way of death by his dumb racist neighbors for his audacity to have a Obama poster on his own lawn, while most of his neighbors had Romney posters on their lawns. The man also revealed that anyone who had Obama posters up were forced to put them down due to the death threats. The FBI is there investigating. Again for those unable to understand, Socialism is a thinly vieled attempt to express Americas most ugly face, racism, stop dening it, our children are going to curse us for being stupid, cowardly and in great denial, of which they will inherit in one ugly place in the not to distant future. Dummies.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:40 AM

The 2 Rep/Dem candidates are just the same, as are their policies and stances on the issues.

At least O hasn't put us in the passing lane to destruction yet, using the boiling frog technique, but Bobme would put us on a jet sled towards the cliff!
well,even Soros doesn't see any difference between the two!
Wasn't he Barry's Cheerleader at one time?

Don't think he has changed his mind since!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:42 AM

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:09 AM
Some folks just cannot conceal their racist opinions.

Obama is a modern American and he will be relected...

Get used to it guys.......The white house is now inhabited by non whites.....drinker drinker

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:11 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/16/12 04:18 AM

Some folks just cannot conceal their racist opinions.

Obama is a modern American and he will be relected...

Get used to it guys.......The white house is now inhabited by non whites.....drinker drinker
rofl would you kindly point out those "Racist Opinions"?
Calling an Incompetent an incompetent is Racism now?laugh

A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

and Obama definitely doesn't qualify for the Former!

Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:26 AM

actually, with alittle research, a better answer would have been white supremist groups who made the threats along with racist crackpots. Research always prevent irrational responces, only when one is rational of course.

Ras427's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:31 AM

Some folks just cannot conceal their racist opinions.

Obama is a modern American and he will be relected...

Get used to it guys.......The white house is now inhabited by non whites.....drinker drinker
rofl would you kindly point out those "Racist Opinions"?
Calling an Incompetent an incompetent is Racism now?laugh

A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

and Obama definitely doesn't qualify for the Former!
im afraid you definitely qualify for one, unfortunately im afraid genius would not be one of them.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:39 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/16/12 04:45 AM

Some folks just cannot conceal their racist opinions.

Obama is a modern American and he will be relected...

Get used to it guys.......The white house is now inhabited by non whites.....drinker drinker
rofl would you kindly point out those "Racist Opinions"?
Calling an Incompetent an incompetent is Racism now?laugh

A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

and Obama definitely doesn't qualify for the Former!
im afraid you definitely qualify for one, unfortunately im afraid genius would not be one of them.
laugh rofl

But I do love Lou,The Honorable Minister so much,in spite of your ad Hominem!
But I'll let it passpitchfork ,this time!

Really doesn't matter what you think!
Won't lose any sleep over it!

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:50 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Tue 10/16/12 04:51 AM
America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 04:56 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/16/12 05:07 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 10/16/12 05:02 AM

Some folks just cannot conceal their racist opinions.

Yeah, I've noticed that too. bigsmile

willing2's photo
Tue 10/16/12 05:51 AM
Edited by willing2 on Tue 10/16/12 05:53 AM

America gave us George Bush junior and the world couldn't believe what Americans had done. Obama has given the world some hope but the American Racists are showing their true colours again....thankfully they are a minority .

The White House should now be renamed...The Reservation....
yep,the Hope that went down the drain!
And calling People who saw it even beforehand Racist won't change anything!laugh
Actually,you Guys need a different Tack!
Those accusations of Racism anytime one states the Truth is growing really stale!


Come back when you can disprove the facts.

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/12 06:24 AM
let us be clear on it: race is not a card. It determines whom the dealer is, and who gets dealt.-- Tim Wise

willing2's photo
Tue 10/16/12 08:01 AM
Negros screaming racist while hanging onto their own extremist radical racist groups.

Dey needs ta be cleaning dey own side da skreet fo hollern' bout how dirty is da other side. Cunning-linguist jeanius willing2.