Topic: Surrounded by Bad News, Hope for Obama?
no photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:31 AM

I hear ya, ill stick with Obama, Romney I just dont trust. But I respect all voters, many say the same thing as you regarding Obama being un American, although I recognize that un American is merely code word for he is to darkskined.

Lol totally untrue. You know I see Obama supporters bringing color into it more than nonsupporters. Obviously if you don't support Obama then you are racist. You can't disagree with his policies. Even a white person with his policies would very called a socialist and many people consider socialism unamerican. He doesn't put his hand over his heart for the pledge. Many consider that unamerican. It's not unrealistic to see Why people may think this even if you don't agree.

Never has there been a president so socialist or Unamerican. They only understand racism. They think it works in any situation.
In 2007 while still a Senetor, Obama recieved so many death threats that he became the first ever canidate to recieve Secret Service protection due to several plots to murder him. So that socialist unamerican crap is just that, crap, mindless racist crap. The unamericans are those crackpots who dress in bed sheets and those wh o realize that the hooded cone shaped hats had to go so as to hide better. In 2007 socialist was not being used yet. The backlash caused by these death threats and plots forced the dumb racists to use more coded rhetoric to disquise what they really are racists with new ways to express it. Socialist, what a joke.

Was he a Senetor and a canidate or a Senator and a candidate?
Better stick to Spanish. :wink:
actually I speak several languages, lol. Im a lousy speller, especially while on a cell phone. However, dispite the misspellings, I manage to get my point across, but I never critique those who misspell, to common.

Just messin with ya.winking

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:32 AM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.
OK,we have heard all that all over the places,now state your Reasons!

Chazster's photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:33 AM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

no photo
Tue 10/16/12 11:38 AM
Edited by alleoops on Tue 10/16/12 11:39 AM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.
OK,we have heard all that all over the places,now state your Reasons!

Well, the number one reason for me is that he is white. America should never have another white president.:smile:

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:03 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 10/16/12 12:03 PM
Reasons I wouldnt Vote Mitt

He changes his position so REGULARLY about nearly everything,,,

HE seems out of touch with what struggling means

He seems out of touch with womens issues

He seems out of touch with the issues faced by lower income and middle income families

He seems to write off people from different demographics too easily(not worried about poor, not worried about 47 percent on federal assistance,,,etc)

in a nutshell, he doesnt seem to me to be cognizant enough to represent anyone besides those who have had similar circumstances to his own,,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:05 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 10/16/12 12:07 PM
O or R....SSDD! 2 puppets, same masters....welfare or warfare, the banks are the only winners, as well as their biggest finacial backers!

They both support the same policies, banks, bailouts, NDAA, Patriot Act, executive privilege, signing statements, crony capitalism, regulation written by special interest groups (ins, banking, pharma, etc),...there is NO difference other than skin color and the speed at which they will destroy our nation.... R is definately the speed demon in that regard, while O and this admin perfers the boiling frog technique (slip it in slowly without informing anyone till it's too late to do anything about it) much for the promised 5 days for congress and the American people to consider his actions and bills!

I'll stick with Ron Paul or vote Gary least I'll be able to live with myself and not feel like I assisted in destroying my country!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:08 PM

Reasons I wouldnt Vote Mitt

He changes his position so REGULARLY about nearly everything,,,

HE seems out of touch with what struggling means

He seems out of touch with womens issues

He seems out of touch with the issues faced by lower income and middle income families

He seems to write off people from different demographics too easily(not worried about poor, not worried about 47 percent on federal assistance,,,etc)

in a nutshell, he doesnt seem to me to be cognizant enough to represent anyone besides those who have had similar circumstances to his own,,,,

O or R....only worry about themselves and their banker backers!

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:16 PM

Reasons I wouldnt Vote Mitt

He changes his position so REGULARLY about nearly everything,,,

HE seems out of touch with what struggling means

He seems out of touch with womens issues

He seems out of touch with the issues faced by lower income and middle income families

He seems to write off people from different demographics too easily(not worried about poor, not worried about 47 percent on federal assistance,,,etc)

in a nutshell, he doesnt seem to me to be cognizant enough to represent anyone besides those who have had similar circumstances to his own,,,,

O or R....only worry about themselves and their banker backers!

I dont believe that to be true, I believe they both have groups that are important to them, they are both backed by much more than just bankers

I just believe Romneys list of important groups is much shorter than Obamas,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:17 PM

Think term limits for house and senate, salaries based on average American family incomes, repel of benefits set to the same guidelines, repel the law making corporations people too thereby removing crony capitalism and influence peddling.....and let's see how they squirm and how many vie for those positions, and how much money they are willing to throw at their campaigns.... and how their voting on issues changes!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:18 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 10/16/12 12:21 PM

Reasons I wouldnt Vote Mitt

He changes his position so REGULARLY about nearly everything,,,

HE seems out of touch with what struggling means

He seems out of touch with womens issues

He seems out of touch with the issues faced by lower income and middle income families

He seems to write off people from different demographics too easily(not worried about poor, not worried about 47 percent on federal assistance,,,etc)

in a nutshell, he doesnt seem to me to be cognizant enough to represent anyone besides those who have had similar circumstances to his own,,,,

O or R....only worry about themselves and their banker backers!

I dont believe that to be true, I believe they both have groups that are important to them, they are both backed by much more than just bankers

I just believe Romneys list of important groups is much shorter than Obamas,,,

same side of the fence, either brown or spotted difference!

I'll post it again....look at the stances on the issues!

willowdraga's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:20 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:23 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.

A real leader and voice of the people could get action from congress!

Neither of our chosen choices WANT anything to change!

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:28 PM

Think term limits for house and senate, salaries based on average American family incomes, repel of benefits set to the same guidelines, repel the law making corporations people too thereby removing crony capitalism and influence peddling.....and let's see how they squirm and how many vie for those positions, and how much money they are willing to throw at their campaigns.... and how their voting on issues changes!

I say make the congress reflect the country

when the budget isnt balanced, they get no pay

when more than five percent of americans need assistance just to eat, let half that difference come from their collective pockets

see how much harder they try to compromise with each other then,,,,

to keep the country fiscally sound and the opportunities more abundant and equal,,,

willowdraga's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:31 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.

A real leader and voice of the people could get action from congress!

Neither of our chosen choices WANT anything to change!

That is too funny. You did forget that(some members of congress) their pact on inauguration day was to make sure that he failed at anything he tried to do, right? To the complete detriment to the American people. Which is technically treason.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:41 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.

A real leader and voice of the people could get action from congress!

Neither of our chosen choices WANT anything to change!

That is too funny. You did forget that(some members of congress) their pact on inauguration day was to make sure that he failed at anything he tried to do, right? To the complete detriment to the American people. Which is technically treason.

A true leader, a capable leader, would be just that, and laugh in the face of such assinine threats, unite instead of devide the people, and making his case to the public, force congress to act!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:50 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.
so,it is OK with you that he governs by Decree like any old Despot?

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/12 12:58 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.
so,it is OK with you that he governs by Decree like any old Despot?

The president isnt the head of congress, he is the head of executive branch

his only legislative role is vetoing or passing bills presented by congress,,,

vetoing at the risk of still being out voted by a two thirds majority and causing only wasted time,,,

of which he has vetoed few,

so the legislative jams can be placed much more squarely upon the congress who points fingers at the president, than the president himself,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/16/12 01:05 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 10/16/12 01:08 PM
None of that has stopped him before!

If he doesn't like it, he threatens veto, if it doesn't give him the power he wants he does the same, if he still doesn't get what he wants, he uses executive orders.

He's told Congress, SCOTUS and everybody else to kiss his a$$, he doesn't need them, and bullied rather than led for 4 years!

It's no wonder he can't get anything accomplished....most of it is unconstitutional!

Chazster's photo
Tue 10/16/12 01:12 PM

President Obama is still the better choice to what we are being offered.

No way in hell should Mitt be allowed anywhere close to the white house unless he is the guest entertainment for the president.

Based on what exactly?

Although President Obama is not perfect by a long shot. He is the president who really cares for all of American people not just 53 percent. (which technically equates to the top 1 percent but I will give Mitt the rest for free). He is the only recent president to ever push hard enough to get some kind of health care reform passed. He is the one who knows how to not push religion on others. He truly cares about women's health issues and their access to care. He has reduced the torture at Gitmo by a third, not what I hoped for but better than nothing. He has used his executive powers for the betterment of all of us when congress was acting stupid. He has improved our standing in the world some not well enough but some. He represents us well. He passed control on wall street. He passed control on credit card companies. He has pushed for more jobs with a do nothing congress. He has tried to get the banks to extend the credit to small businesses for them to continue their business. And that is just off the top of my head without looking it up.

That is a lot with a do nothing congress.

He improved our standing in the world how? By lowering our credit score? I used to live in Japan and even had Japanese people tell me he made America look weak. Their words not mine. I don't think healthcare was successful. Pass it so we know What's in it? Good use of executive powers like when he denied the courts evidence that would incriminate government officials on fast and furious? Yes Romney is so against everyone yet his state has a more successful healthcare system? Obama never made congeessecen though his party has the magority? Mitt was an effective governor, in fact he was pretry left leaning as one, but you dont support him because of a statement taken out of context? Imo america has only gotten worse under Obama . I am voting not Obama and he may not be my first choice but i feel Romney is the better choice.

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/12 01:14 PM

None of that has stopped him before!

If he doesn't like it, he threatens veto, if it doesn't give him the power he wants he does the same, if he still doesn't get what he wants, he uses executive orders.

He's told Congress, SCOTUS and everybody else to kiss his a$$, he doesn't need them, and bullied rather than led for 4 years!

It's no wonder he can't get anything accomplished....most of it is unconstitutional!

why would his threats deter the congress, or should they be weaker than he is expected to be?

he has vetoed exactly TWICE,,,the power has remained with congress