Topic: Gay/Bi/Lesbian Choice?
msharmony's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:24 PM

seeing examples of homosexual relations has no said benefit,,,

it's beneficial if it helps get me off.

getting off doesnt equate to being beneficial

people 'get off' on alot of things and some of them are unhealthy, illegal, or immoral

a temporary 'benefit' to the flesh wasnt the benefit I was referring to exactly,,,lol

How can you decide what is and is not beneficial to everyone?

Who are you to say there is no benefit from a homosexual relationship? Just because it doesn't benefit you, why would you think it doesn't benefit those in the relationship?

thats it

I can decide as far as my own opinion, which is what I am expressing.

and society, when there is a consensus on opinion, often decides as well what they accept 'culuturally'

why do we decide that a child with an adult is not beneficial EVEN in cases when the child 'appears' and insists that they are involved because they love said person ?

we could have this debate about ANY behavior, legal or illegal, and some people will point out benefits and some people will not think there are any.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:27 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Well; that being said; do you really think its appropriate for a hetrosexual couple showing public affection either? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

I think public affaction (to a degree) between unrelated heterosexuals is healthy, being as heterosexual affection is necessary for any of us to be here in the first place

to see examples of how we 'start', has a benefit

seeing examples of homosexual relations has no said benefit,,,

as to the 'public' element, the heterosexual makes it my business when they engage in public acts too

but I feel , since its a necessary part of me existing, its not offensive to have to look at heterosexuals 'loving' each other

To me; it doesn't matter if the loving couple homosexual or hetrosexual; it wouldn't be offensive. I would rather see a gay couple holding hands than a hetro couple fighting. No one seems to mind some guy bashing his girlfriend in public. Wonder what kind of example that sets for us. Not everything people do has to benefit society. For all we know; maybe its time that we stop procreating and let the earth die. Afterall; we are killing the earth anyways.

yes, Id 'rather' see alot of things than other things

but that still doesnt make me want to see them specifically

ID rather see any couple holding hands than beating each other

but ID rather see a man holding a womans hand romantically (Which is likely to happen when creating the very life I am blessed to live), than see a man holding a mans hand romantically, which I can see no beauty in at all

no photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:28 PM

seeing examples of homosexual relations has no said benefit,,,

it's beneficial if it helps get me off.

getting off doesnt equate to being beneficial

people 'get off' on alot of things and some of them are unhealthy, illegal, or immoral

a temporary 'benefit' to the flesh wasnt the benefit I was referring to exactly,,,lol

How can you decide what is and is not beneficial to everyone?

Who are you to say there is no benefit from a homosexual relationship? Just because it doesn't benefit you, why would you think it doesn't benefit those in the relationship?

thats it

I can decide as far as my own opinion, which is what I am expressing.

and society, when there is a consensus on opinion, often decides as well what they accept 'culuturally'

why do we decide that a child with an adult is not beneficial EVEN in cases when the child 'appears' and insists that they are involved because they love said person ?

we could have this debate about ANY behavior, legal or illegal, and some people will point out benefits and some people will not think there are any.

You went from saying you were talking about your own opinion to society having a consensus on opinion. Which is it? Are you speaking for yourself or society? Which opinion are you saying society has a consensus on?

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:28 PM

if she is bi thats her personal business. all i am saying is shes not on this post telling everone about her life shes just commiting and posting i dont think you have the right to tell her business to everyone!

so you don't want me to tell you what we did last night?
and where?
nope its none of my business and i dont want to know anyway but i dont think you two did anything

ur thinking right

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:28 PM
Actually I just don't look at either couple when PDA is going on. I think it is rude, but that is me.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:30 PM

seeing examples of homosexual relations has no said benefit,,,

it's beneficial if it helps get me off.

getting off doesnt equate to being beneficial

people 'get off' on alot of things and some of them are unhealthy, illegal, or immoral

a temporary 'benefit' to the flesh wasnt the benefit I was referring to exactly,,,lol

How can you decide what is and is not beneficial to everyone?

Who are you to say there is no benefit from a homosexual relationship? Just because it doesn't benefit you, why would you think it doesn't benefit those in the relationship?

thats it

I can decide as far as my own opinion, which is what I am expressing.

and society, when there is a consensus on opinion, often decides as well what they accept 'culuturally'

why do we decide that a child with an adult is not beneficial EVEN in cases when the child 'appears' and insists that they are involved because they love said person ?

we could have this debate about ANY behavior, legal or illegal, and some people will point out benefits and some people will not think there are any.

You went from saying you were talking about your own opinion to society having a consensus on opinion. Which is it? Are you speaking for yourself or society? Which opinion are you saying society has a consensus on?


personal opinion and soceital consensus arent mutually exclusive of each other

a consensus comes from a MAJORITY of individuals (or at least the notable majority) agreeing

mine is one opinion,

if it is a part of the MAJORITY opinion it will count more and have more influence over the minority

thats where 'consensus' comes in, and how laws are often made and cultural boundaries are determined,,,

navygirl's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:32 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Well; that being said; do you really think its appropriate for a hetrosexual couple showing public affection either? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

I think public affaction (to a degree) between unrelated heterosexuals is healthy, being as heterosexual affection is necessary for any of us to be here in the first place

to see examples of how we 'start', has a benefit

seeing examples of homosexual relations has no said benefit,,,

as to the 'public' element, the heterosexual makes it my business when they engage in public acts too

but I feel , since its a necessary part of me existing, its not offensive to have to look at heterosexuals 'loving' each other

To me; it doesn't matter if the loving couple homosexual or hetrosexual; it wouldn't be offensive. I would rather see a gay couple holding hands than a hetro couple fighting. No one seems to mind some guy bashing his girlfriend in public. Wonder what kind of example that sets for us. Not everything people do has to benefit society. For all we know; maybe its time that we stop procreating and let the earth die. Afterall; we are killing the earth anyways.

yes, Id 'rather' see alot of things than other things

but that still doesnt make me want to see them specifically

ID rather see any couple holding hands than beating each other

but ID rather see a man holding a womans hand romantically (Which is likely to happen when creating the very life I am blessed to live), than see a man holding a mans hand romantically, which I can see no beauty in at all

I guess we just see things differently. I see great beauty in a loving couple whether they are gay or not.

styk's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:35 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Well; that being said; do you really think its appropriate for a hetrosexual couple showing public affection either? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
no its way different, see how people try to justify there wrong. god made adam and eve not adam and steve and god also told adam and eve to go populate the world and god is always the same today,now and forever. we are all taught by god that man and woman are together and it does come from god befor were born. so no gay people should keep thier lifesyle private.

styk's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:39 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Do you get upset when straight people show affection to each other in public? Either way, you can choose to turn away and not see it. A gay couple should not have to keep from holding hands or kissing in public just because some don't want to see that.
well people should be able to smoke anywere but they cant

no photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:40 PM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Fri 08/31/12 01:40 PM
Speaking of PDAs

Anyone see Ray Liotta & Winona Ryder yet? shocked

no photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:44 PM

And I thought it was about beards....

those help too.

navygirl's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:44 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Well; that being said; do you really think its appropriate for a hetrosexual couple showing public affection either? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
no its way different, see how people try to justify there wrong. god made adam and eve not adam and steve and god also told adam and eve to go populate the world and god is always the same today,now and forever. we are all taught by god that man and woman are together and it does come from god befor were born. so no gay people should keep thier lifesyle private.

I don't believe in God and I certainly won't let a book like the bible dictate to me how to live.Doesn't make a lot of sense to me to keep populating the world when we are running out of resources? How many kids have to go hungry merely because we should populate. Some of us do stay single and will never procreate but that doesn't mean we don't have some other purpose here on earth rather than overpopulating. Guess you should stay out of Canada as we even legalized gay marriages.

navygirl's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:46 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Do you get upset when straight people show affection to each other in public? Either way, you can choose to turn away and not see it. A gay couple should not have to keep from holding hands or kissing in public just because some don't want to see that.
well people should be able to smoke anywere but they cant

Well smoke can kill a non smoker, child, or pet. A gay couple holding hands or kissing will not affect my health. frustrated

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:46 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Well; that being said; do you really think its appropriate for a hetrosexual couple showing public affection either? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
As a woman I've sure run into men who tried to push themselves on me. (Starting way back when I went on dates as a teenager.) YUK!

He He. Yeah; I remember those days too. Its amazing what a kick in the groin area will do to stop it.
Exactly!...And let's face reality. Every single heterosexual couple on the planet doesn't just stick with the "missionary position" night after night....After reading some of the posts on this thread I have visions of people turning their bedrooms into "prim and proper" tabernacules. (I think about "puritans" from the past.)...I'm not trying to be mean to anyone. But the religious talk is getting way out there! And as you said in one of your posts it probably belongs in the religious forum. This is more a general topic area.

navygirl's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:48 PM
Edited by navygirl on Fri 08/31/12 01:49 PM

whats harmful to me about homosexuality is nothing as long as the people involved does not push it on me or start showing afection towards each other i pulic. once a person makes it my business telling me or me seeing it i judge their behavor and choose not to be around it. i want to have fun in life and follow god and i dont want my mind blinded by homosexuality. god is suppose to be number 1 not a persons feelings

Well; that being said; do you really think its appropriate for a hetrosexual couple showing public affection either? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
As a woman I've sure run into men who tried to push themselves on me. (Starting way back when I went on dates as a teenager.) YUK!

He He. Yeah; I remember those days too. Its amazing what a kick in the groin area will do to stop it.
Exactly!...And let's face reality. Every single heterosexual couple on the planet doesn't just stick with the "missionary position" night after night....After reading some of the posts on this thread I have visions of people turning their bedrooms into "prim and proper" tabernacules. (I think about "puritans" from the past.)...I'm not trying to be mean to anyone. But the religious talk is getting way out there! And as you said in one of your posts it probably belongs in the religious forum. This is more a general topic area.

Yep but most topics will have someone trying to preach the word of God. Makes me laugh actually. rofl rofl rofl

styk's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:50 PM

I am an 18 year old girl, I have knwon about my being a lesbian since I was small. I have tried to date men, be with them, I cant, just as much as any of you can't be with the same sex. Why would a person chose to be made fun of, have their family turn against them, their friends turn their backs on them and be different? I did not want this for a very long time. I have accepted it, I am who I am, I am a lesbian just like some of you are straight. You can't be with the same sex just as much as I can't be with the oposite.

I agree its not about choice but what the op said you are just born that way. If people don't like it; they can take a flying leap. That's the whole problem with our society that if you don't go with the flow; then you are an outcast. Screw them. Live your life the way you want to. The only happiness that matters is yours. flowerforyou
ok i was trying not to bring god into this disscusion but i must say this. in the bible and in any translation you read no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. we all know god is our creator and the supreme being,right? so if god says no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven then make someone gay so he/she cant enter, that makes no since

religion not allowed here...flowerforyou

more and more people believe in a God that lets them do whatever feels good so long as it does no ACTIVE harm to another and would never deny them into the kingdom just for doing what made them feel good.
people can believe that gods a pushover but in all life we have choices a with those choices comes conciequences and responsibilities. just cause people dont believe it doesnt make it not true. more people need the holy spirit jesuses help for us on earthand protecter and guider

I am thinking less people need to preach to us about religion. Isn't there a religion forum for that?
i am just posting like everyone else but i am not scared to talk about or stand tall for god. its supose to be my right that people are taking away that i can talk about god anywere and anytime.

navygirl's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:51 PM
Edited by navygirl on Fri 08/31/12 01:51 PM

I am an 18 year old girl, I have knwon about my being a lesbian since I was small. I have tried to date men, be with them, I cant, just as much as any of you can't be with the same sex. Why would a person chose to be made fun of, have their family turn against them, their friends turn their backs on them and be different? I did not want this for a very long time. I have accepted it, I am who I am, I am a lesbian just like some of you are straight. You can't be with the same sex just as much as I can't be with the oposite.

I agree its not about choice but what the op said you are just born that way. If people don't like it; they can take a flying leap. That's the whole problem with our society that if you don't go with the flow; then you are an outcast. Screw them. Live your life the way you want to. The only happiness that matters is yours. flowerforyou
ok i was trying not to bring god into this disscusion but i must say this. in the bible and in any translation you read no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. we all know god is our creator and the supreme being,right? so if god says no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven then make someone gay so he/she cant enter, that makes no since

religion not allowed here...flowerforyou

more and more people believe in a God that lets them do whatever feels good so long as it does no ACTIVE harm to another and would never deny them into the kingdom just for doing what made them feel good.
people can believe that gods a pushover but in all life we have choices a with those choices comes conciequences and responsibilities. just cause people dont believe it doesnt make it not true. more people need the holy spirit jesuses help for us on earthand protecter and guider

I am thinking less people need to preach to us about religion. Isn't there a religion forum for that?
i am just posting like everyone else but i am not scared to talk about or stand tall for god. its supose to be my right that people are taking away that i can talk about god anywere and anytime.

offtopic rofl rofl rofl

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:51 PM
Edited by oldhippie1952 on Fri 08/31/12 01:52 PM
I only bring God into it if I have to explain my position. There is no such position to take (to me anyways) if we are talking about choice or birth. But, I will still wait on scientific evidence of a gene and until then I don't honestly know which it is.

EDIT: corrected spelling word.

navygirl's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:53 PM

I only bring God into it if I have to explain my position. There is no such position to take (to me anyways) if we are talking about choice or birth. But, I will still wait on scientific evidence of a gene and until then I don't honestly know which it is.

EDIT: corrected spelling word.

Explaining a position and preaching are two different things. Sounds more like the other guy was preaching to me but I could be wrong and not afraid to admit it if I am.

styk's photo
Fri 08/31/12 01:58 PM

I am an 18 year old girl, I have knwon about my being a lesbian since I was small. I have tried to date men, be with them, I cant, just as much as any of you can't be with the same sex. Why would a person chose to be made fun of, have their family turn against them, their friends turn their backs on them and be different? I did not want this for a very long time. I have accepted it, I am who I am, I am a lesbian just like some of you are straight. You can't be with the same sex just as much as I can't be with the oposite.

I agree its not about choice but what the op said you are just born that way. If people don't like it; they can take a flying leap. That's the whole problem with our society that if you don't go with the flow; then you are an outcast. Screw them. Live your life the way you want to. The only happiness that matters is yours. flowerforyou
ok i was trying not to bring god into this disscusion but i must say this. in the bible and in any translation you read no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. we all know god is our creator and the supreme being,right? so if god says no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven then make someone gay so he/she cant enter, that makes no since

Perhaps to you, but remember that not everyone will have the same religious beliefs you have. Religion is a personal choice. You cannot force anyone to follow the guidelines you follow to get into heaven.
no matter what you or anyone says in the end god is the boss. just cause people dont have my belief does not make it not true. there one way to heaven and one mortal being god. he is perfect and knows whats best for us even if we dont

And just because you say it's true doesn't make it so. Pushing your beliefs on others isn't going to make them agree with you.
im not pushing beliefs. i am saying what god says the one who is everything and only one who can save you. the bible is over 2000 years old and the most read book there is and if the bible was untrue the bible woud not still exist.